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January 31, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

…be i r ,rs , NAIL VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MIH.,Ti G He WNILD & CO. WEARS AN "M" SWEATER Co-edo Are Under Another Reign of Terror - Alico Manwaring '01 Hold Up-Other Cases Ro- Have your full I ported dress suits for _A111ell "r. un rarte 'wcoltl ur- the .juior 1' Hop bll()' i. 1iiagain tii cind iier l i 11t01ro. Since flue 11yterioils mi adle atI t l: C i:' hugger' ( qu i is iitc'ratiuil ill hii icrllieastccii iii iil i e city. clc' iilciitt1...…

January 31, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 95) • Page Image 2

…2 'TI-E UNILVERSITY 01 MICHICIAN DAILYi. tt f + Ij Changas in Anu)est (2nd Sem- lhC NEXT NUMBER Pablished Daily (Madaya laanpted)daiag NEWA TESTAMENT AND GREEK. IN THE. Cllge scar. a Ronn, I and It Corithans, wthhiO-L . t O I R E TEUNIVRSITY OF MICHIGAN t0r<"11in]troductionsO. Open to allA MsANOFICE BANCH FFICE Tt. Thuirs. :i 10oiloik-Raiomi B Agus Bldg, Maa St. 336 S. sae Street.WILB Bth 'Phanes 13. ess Sate 'Phae 182. T'1'. OId K 11 IIIATI...…

January 31, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 95) • Page Image 3

…THE UNJIVERSITY OF MCHIGAN DA1LY 3 * SFor Evening' Dress y Full-Dress Shirts Collars, White Ties, Gloves, Dress Protectors, Waistcoats and all die other necessaries. .. ..... CO H~ IJtIGIXI Alt5i tAft 117 1\AINSTREEI? t!v+ aIt fl~I Just as They Are in Naturl l 1AIli-H n ~ II M ichiganI Centlral -1 I';u tot \\oodistongofi tithe ~i . ane, i igerof T AlarmniClocks $ NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE' oillioIll t.the rr'loo -og ment 0f Ibirs illlit( (1 Sliu i t...…

January 31, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 95) • Page Image 4

… FOSTER BOARwfD Burchfield'sFine T'ailoringTrade.. . SiZE 30x 4) Red 0- reoen it VLO RS Gray Black O)mtsartor;it .i,;' 1 kitallII) Ithe ottin te shale of \lichipai n,ioPCETiNtt NONE, AIRTI5TKILLT 10 FCHAI~CALLT XV'e w it 0 lad lto proveC it lio 1I Tiruiy "onrs S. EURGHFIELD' 106 E. Huron E cr C1 1~zr a'iihpf cooTIIL For that hungry feeling 3-20 S. STATE STREET. Co ktil You can qeta a lTeutscblcr, the jlbotograpber. HOT LU NCLH ~ _.. c ....…

January 30, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

… _ ._. .'._. . ' ^J @ f, ': .- x --- 4 , ., L ,{ +._...r Co r CL K Q W t I- 0l co z- Co '12 z :_ Q- W .-. J 'H C) w L- J F-, Z MC i t t a tV 'y .. ,/> ~- ... FF-7 ' r w .. _ 8f....-. v cA ,;= p is N GJ "= ~" ' :J .:-ice '- i .-" -:-+ " ""r , y " i :' ; v ! ^. _ _ I ;-+ :r ti :' 'l. . _ ~ «- .-, ;,J 1, f. a ( '_' J 1. ~ /1 "J ...r ..r 1. -+ r:.., f-' . ' ""i _ r-. ~ ~ v - ~'J er . ./ _ Fr ~ v _ Y " N J w I r-+. Y _ J C-D 1 r-' j N h I ...…

January 30, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 94) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERIuTY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Clif) tnioiiicommiisoi ieetm isigRAIN)1RCSHIN U4, Of 1. Jfoi psepeLor allinatioiielities nd e5~ 41I R ~ ltI~ altidre sodlifent.trihge the "00" $300 Shoe is the shoe Publisheid Daiiy (Mnday s ceptesidi n O Cr 0 hetctoS d wear when the weather is uncer (ii ii.ttlevct'ind 0, ritor of the Pigim\ fan A little rain doesnt hurt it THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN chrsiiisid to hi' tue gretet inti whie it affods plenty ...…

January 30, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 94) • Page Image 3

…THE UIMERS1T'Y OF MICUIIGAN DAILY 11! ' ai W tre ichgnCeta NIGRAFLS OT CICR AGSOUE BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON With direct Connections at Chictago tor St Loui, assCity, St.Paul and the west. Eoloftormation and thtroogh tickets tall o or wartte to II. A NHAYESAgent, Ann At-oat ANN ARBOR RAI LROAD TIME TABLE TakingEffet, Suonday, M1ay 21, 159. Trains leaioe Aon Arorttby Ceotral Staod SOUTHl NORITH 'No. 6.- 7:25A Ml'No. 1.- 8:5 A. A. No. .-11:3...…

January 30, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 94) • Page Image 4

…?'. UN '"L: ITY C1 '.:t E - -tGAILY J\IICBIGAiNSUBSCRIPTION EXCHANGE AYor)itch Geneat orsA 'P ST R BO DWnP00Ki AGENCY GASOLINE LAMPS Bricngcn our odones'andlet uscoakecoo an ofter. SIZE StayEnpoie1 The Superior M'f'g Co, 30edy X 40~en 3290S.Macn St.,neactV.Wilams 3 X 40Headqucar tees f r Shadle, Mantles an AGENTS WANTED Chimcnneys. 'OUR COLORS For FneryetIc Red Gra TO HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS Greenr Black IITHlE WABASH RIAILROAD) MOD e and wome...…

January 29, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

…Wbe e f _ r r. ti , " ' ® e; l . VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESLAY,, JANUARY 29, 1901. No 93 Announcement THROUGH THE NECK Phi Delta Phi's Banquet Prof. Herdman as Discovered That l(, legal fraternity. Phi Delta SukpcillneIli.haditi( Sanul liaqet Ou pca ie Diphtheria Germs Can Be Made Saturtay eveing at thetinoelltluse. of foreign and Anti-Toxine By an Electric Detroit. The affair hi year was an domestic fabrics Current elboteil'and( n...…

January 29, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 93) • Page Image 2

…'THE LUN IV E is t'y uk' MICHIGAN DAIL Y. PublisitedfDaiy (Modats ecepteddrng Colego rear, at THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MAI OC BosANcosO tEe Argus Bdg, Maon St. 116 S. Stae Street Both 'Phtones ia, 1 tate' 0000 i 18. MANAWO IEDITOR, 0. H. HANs, '00 BUSINESS MANAGER, ,F. EGELAtD, 101 7, EDITORS ATHLETICS, - G. D. H osisol., 'i E A. H.MCDotuGALL,'Oi . W. A.KNIH, 'OL Mss L.K. SA51115'C Cos. DvooA'Oi H. H. WOODOW,'04 W. P. ttttst,'01iL W. A.BE...…

January 29, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 93) • Page Image 3

…'IJIE LMVEBS1 IY OF MlCI1GA \ DAIL 3 * *Y Ii *Y ii iii ii ii ii ii *Y ii Ii ii ii W ii ii ii ii *k *y FEE EfEFEFFEEEEFEF EE EEFFFEE EEFF EF E EEFEEF FF E FEEEF E EEE E F : E E F EF EEEFFEfE DENT'S GLOVES $2.00 $t 48 $2.25 !1! !1! 4. 4. i1! per pai OODSPEE4. 117 MAI STREE Y4 4:2:1_444444 A:1EAA44444 :iA:1A:' A i a:11:s, as s a 2 1 asss X M m ss a'a s " . ......... - sss s yi3iiii3 33j'33?a:3a~33E:3 fcaaaii-33 *5i:333$ss3!333 !?l Michiga...…

January 29, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 93) • Page Image 4

…111l1_U N:ELITY 01 2MIIGAN 'Al111- POSTER BOARD Burchf ield's Fine..Taloring -Trade... _E Our sartortial skill is e alttebeti th saeBr SIZE eult h etistusaean 30 x 40 of Moichsigant, EXCEPTINGO NONE. OU OLRARTI15TKCALLT '-NE01MIKALLX Cht Red Gra Wea be glatd to prove it to you, TO rayreen Black Truly Yours, S. BURCHFIELD 106 E. Huron 15c a Sheet AT yserCocktails &CoiCALKINS'Otec Sh & eeha Co For that hungry feeling 320 S. STATE -STREET.FA Yo...…

January 27, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 92) • Page Image 1

…She -Ad { Wi r i i 14 IFA4 VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDiAY, JANUARY 27l, 1901. No 912 Announcement PENSoEA COEN iiitiilh aid i-oitrol of seiiatorill It May Be So, But We Dunt Know niaitills. lie offered( 1 s stii- _____ lileinhmilnision l i etition. I Milw aukee. is.Tal26 XXh rival 4L Our special line Dewey WISs First Honor in a Close Tiscoiltest was all Indaividiual coi-soot hull teams iepraesenting the Uni- Contest-Laws FvellisUs by S...…

January 27, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 92) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY tnt' MICHIGAN "DAILY.,' Published D0il3 (-Mondays: obepted oeriog College ear, a 1THE UNIVERSITY Of NMICHIGAN ArgBld, Main St. 330. tate Street. Boeth 'Phoes 13. 'New State 'Phon:e 13. MIANAGING EDITOR, 0. 11. Ilto, 33 '1 BUSINESS MANAGER, ,r. ENGELHARD::, '01IL EDITORS: 3THLET1ICS, - (0. 11. l11 XUT, '041 I A. H. -McouG00 E. . WA. KNIGHT,'01 L MissL, . SAINF'03 HAS I Os:.:.'01 H5. . 1oo00w04 AV.:13 . C, lIs: '0-'.. ','V A. F...…

January 27, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 92) • Page Image 3

…'IlE LN1VERSI O (i1( thi(4A\ iLAJEX_ 3 isc c c E~e':Fr = ~ .'r .c r . sr srr..r s.. ... ....:, DENT' GLOVES $2.00 at $2.25 Vm Monday, J,, w %I el t * S-E-Z-Fil 48 anu~l per pair G 117; MAIN STREET 7-4- a zzz ---z----Z 2 ° ::tz2S :a d-ZZ:a..Z2A -=-'a :tea S.1 S e o:maS M ichi a n ®$ :3 :i ? + u%'e ' ° + +" ob vtF° +"3 !The J0,9EH l' O AIii~o Mihgn Central 1R1~"(~ieeied >i> > NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE oti tefrr Oilon, 1900. -Nowon he loorat jT...…

January 27, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 92) • Page Image 4

…~Ii N~~ils:Y C 1: 1CllIG N 1 ll. POSTER BOARD SIZE 30 x 40 FOUR Red Green COLORS Giray Black Steady Emiploynienlt AGNTSO ANTE For F ner elic 'A°"S'A ° Men ad Woen ~Over First National Mgr.A 15c a Sheet AT EXHNEYoOiiLiamps For "Ann Arbor" 51latch Generators GASOLINE LAMPS Bring in y our old taco and let to make you an ofer. The Superior PI'f'g. Co., 329 S. Main St., near Williamo. Headquartero tor Shade, SMantleo and TO HOT SPRINGS, ARKAN...…

January 26, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 90) • Page Image 1

…SheN No' at VOL. XI. Announcement I~Our special line of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Winter of 5900 has arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. The ame careful attention is given to the styles and finish of every suit, whether to be used for business purposes or for full dress) occasions. G, H WILD CO., so8 E. Washington St. WLDEWS PRMACY YOU KNOW where to get.. A GOOD LUNCH AND SMOKE R. E. Jolly, 308 S. State Street. NO...…

January 26, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

…She Ref 94 Pail VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURUiAY. JANUARY '26, 1901. No 91 Announcement CHORAL UNION CONCERT ( Broadsword Duel Today AL. Our spca ieTeSpiering Quartette and Prof. Win. Air exhiblitioin o1' broaidswordi fenicing, ut' secial line A. Howland Were Well Received Aivl be giv-en by the (tuilleraucty hrt,- If of foreign and By a Large Audience. thersl it thet U. of AI. Fe'ncing club this domtllestic fabrics afternoon. These ...…

January 26, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 90) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY OF,,MW0HGAN:DAILY. Was Too Quik WithlHisGun. , RAIN ORL SHINE - About 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon $ The "100" $3.00 Shoe is the shoe Published Daily (Madays exeptedduriag there was quite a little stir in the vi- l to wear when the weather is uncer- Collet ver, at iity of the law building, when a pis - tan. A little rin doesn't-hrt it THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN tl sht rang ot from the third story, " whl:t fodspetyo omoto MaOr...…

January 26, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 91) • Page Image 2

…THE UN IVE R3ITY Uii MIOHIGIAN ;DATELXY'. Pu blished lty t~('lona s excepted) during Cttllegea ~r, at IlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MAIN OFFItE BRANCH OFFItE A rgala Bdg, Min St. 336 S. State Street. Bath "Phontes 13. Newa State 'Phate 182. MANAGING EDITOR, ROI NESS MANAGER, ,r. ENGELI ARD, *01 L EDITORS: ATI-TICS, - G.It. HUDrtas, '01 E A. H. MaDeOtOALL,'01 E. W. A. ktetoa, '51 L MstsIL,It. SARINE '03 Cm-ts. DVRAKts*01 H. H. WaOODROW,'OO SW. P....…

January 26, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 90) • Page Image 3

…ITHEM UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN -DAIL 1. 3 ~ E ITII EFE Ef EE .EtTNIVBRSITY F MICH1OAI EFE 4 DAILI. 3 F 63c Shir aeI raeIf you are going to choose from -some of the shirts in dilly-daily. BU Y TODAY. The way these shirts; there won't be many days 'tweed now la id the enid of 117 Main Street GOODSPEED 9S the store. don't are going says tthis sale.. . Main J Street ' 1400p The JOSEPH BOHNIANN MANDOLINS & GUITARS ) 6Received Firet Premium at t...…

January 26, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 91) • Page Image 3

…iTHE UNIVERSITY OF MiCHIGAN DAILY. 3. 4* *li ii ii W W ii ii ii ii ii *Y F:E:E: # :FFFFEEFEEEE:FL EE:EEEEI lF:Etr.EE:E:f EEEE:EE:FiE: ElREF:EE; E ::fr:Efe: : :F: rfE: :E : E:FL FF :fr: : : E e:f i'ri DEiNT'5 GLOVES $2.00 $2.25 at $1I.48 per pf Saturday, January 26, GQO11 333333333i333i3333333333333333333333333333333333333333Ef 333FE3333?3333 MichiganCeta NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE, THE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND B...…

January 26, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 90) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY POSTER-BOARD, SIZE 30 x 40 Red Green COLORS Gray Black MICHIGAN SUBSCRIPTION BOOK< AGENCY Steady Employment1 Far Energetic IAG ENTS WANTED Men and Women L C. Goodrich, Mgr. Over First National Bank I5c a Sheet A - heehan &Co. TT1TA' 320 S. STATE STREET. CALKIuiS F You can get a _________ HOT LUNCH ATetche h TUTTLE'S -- 38 Sou1th Stae Si. Notling .moe asin ii d cici the line of singers cani be heard any L ...…

January 26, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 91) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILYx POSTER BOARD] SIZE 30 x 40 Burchfield's Fine rTailoring Trade. -. Our sartorial skill is equal to the best in the state of Michigai), EXCEPTING NONE. ART15TKCALLT A" NECflAtICALLT We willI be glad to prove it to ,you, Truly Yours, S. BURCHFIELD' 106 E. Huron Red Green COLORS Gray Black EXCHANGE ' m io L~ , Fr An GASOLINE-:LAMPS Bring in 3 om- old oowz- ad let us noke you an offer. I he Superior M'f'g. Co....…

January 24, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

…VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY JANUARY 24, 1901. No 8 An o nc m nt TRACK( TEAM MEN MEET Western College Athletes May Cor- THE MAY FESTIVAL pete at Pa-Amsrican Exposition Our special line A Good Number of Candidates Turn Prof.Stanley Has Completed the List unOut and Listen to Talks by Di- logs 1111rkmvetla ie s of rrate wefit stal of-Artists-Some Old Favorites Of foreign and rector Fitzpatrick, Capt. aaiara'frI'anz' and New Singers Will Be...…

January 24, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 89) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERISITY UY MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Monadays exoeptedlderiag Colee year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MAtIN OFFICE BRANICH OFFIE Argas Hidg, Hale St. 336 S. State Street. Hath 'Phoaes t3. New State 'Phone 183. MANAGING EDITOR, 0. H. HANSt, 01 BUSINESS MANAGEiR, F. EGaELHottt,'0it L EDITORS: ATHLETICS, - G. 5L. llctrs;T, 'Si E A.H.McDeOALL,Ot1E. AZ.A. KNi:;es, 01 L MISS tL, K. SA33INE'03 CAbs. DOoeaK.01 E.H. WSIIIOW,'0 W. P. C...…

January 24, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 89) • Page Image 3

…}THE UNIVERSITT OF MICHIGAN DAILL a iii iY iii iii opi iii iii i iii iii iii W iii iii iii iii iii iii iii >Y iir iii i, iii iii ' .i1 : EFEfEfriE:E:E:f'FE:E:E' E fr: :EEEfr:fr.£ FE : 1E: FF : ir.EE:FEEfr:F E r.E E:IEfEI'rfe:E:E=9E:frtr8r. : rE E :E :Sr9r. :e: F:E : :E:1 W 63c Shi*rt Sale En If you are going to cbose from some of the shirts in the dilly-daily. BUY TODAY. The way these. shirts are g there won't be many days 'tween [low and...…

January 24, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 89) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY PSTE3R BOARD SIZE 30 x 40 Burchf ield's Fine Tailoring Trade.. . Our sartorial skill is equal to the best in the state of Michigan, EXCEPTING NONE. ARTI5TIC LLT A I1 ECflANICALLX We will be glad to prove it to You, Truly Yours, S. BURCHFIELD' 106 E. Huron Red. egreen COLORS Grayw Black EXHNEYour Oil Lamps For "Ann EXHNEArbor" Matoh fGenerators GASOLINE LAMPS Brilug in N our old ones ood let as make you an ...…

January 23, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 88) • Page Image 1

…V~OL. XI. ALIN Ulf> iu. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDN >fb-DAY, JANUARY 23, 1901. No 8 Announcement CHORAL UNION CONCEHI Indoor Football Practice TidCnetothYerTksPae Asonath ndwteexmn-Or special line on Friday Evening - Spiering tions ar-e over, the football team will pCi I of frin ad Quartette of Chicago and leinil indoor sigiial lratice undser the the Of frin ad William A. Howland the direetioii of Keene Fitzatrick. This 73l do etc fbisArtis...…

January 23, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 88) • Page Image 2

…a, ~TR T UNV'ftSTY UE MIli1GAN DAILY. ®aI~1~ i Chemistry Laboratory Notes ( , RAIN OR SHINE ~ 'Arrngements heave been insde in the %,.. The "00' $300 Shoe is the hoe Pubished Daily (Modays ecpted)daeg chemical laboratories to manufacture to wear when the weather iso ucer Collegevarat oxygen, which will be stored ini tasnks , tan. A little rain doesn't hurt t TH NVRIY0'MC~iNant, after being condesed in the while it affords pet of comfort on TH ...…

January 23, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 88) • Page Image 3

…ITHE_ UNIVERSITY OF MICA 1GAI DAILY. 3 3TBE UMVERSI ITY OF 1CII1GAN DAILY. 3 IZ 110 SWASHINGTON VtEAST CC* CC*. V-11P.f. mtvccc MCC CC* CC* Cc* MCC tvc *cc ccs vcs VE:V CCS; MCC PCS EP -'VMS, VPVCCIP *CV. VS-* MCC fife. *. - E VENING CLOTHES We nake clothes to make you look well -_ the fit does it. In this respect we excel especially, and particularly with ovening cloths. A dress suit made by u,; ca be beaten by no one......................…

January 23, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 88) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY POSTER BOARD, s5 Z1 30 x 40 FOUR Red Glreen COLORS Gfray Black Perfect Tailoring===Shape Retaining Is a ituality oftenwanting in T a s Suits, hut our tailors have mastered the secret of imparting this characteristic to the garments made for us. Every - Garment is made ex- presely for the man %vlso boys it andr if it doesn't satisfy thrn !, dest get it. If that's a fair proposition tome up and let us toll yo...…

January 22, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 87) • Page Image 1

…Ibe Ad16-- An -Al .-r T,-T - - - - VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, -MICH., TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1901.. Announcement I DEAN HARRY B. HUTCHINSI A . Our special line The Recipient of Honor From the uw Senior Law Class-Arrangements of foreign and Being Made For Cooley Day. , domestic fabricsE ta meeting of the senior law class,c For the Fall and Winter of 0900 has ld yesterday morning, final action arrived and is arranged for inspec- regarding the class...…

January 22, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 87) • Page Image 2

…z ~TSFE UlMVFYt8 IY OF MIGHLGAN:DAILY. Published Daily (Mandays ecepteddurig College year at ITE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN, MAIN OFFICE BACeH OFIC Argue Bldg Matn t. 36S. State Street. HotI 'Phoes 13. Ne State 'Phoe 12. MANAGING EDITOR . 0H. HANS. '1 BUSINESS MANAGER. ,F. NIELHARD, '1 L EDITORS: ATHEItCS - -- G-1. 1.Huoser, 1 I A. H. MIDOI1ALL,'5l E. W. A. KNIGHT, W1 L Miss L, K. SANE '3 CHAs. DORouut'1 E. H. WIODIOW,'OO W. P. CAsrv'l L W. A. EN...…

January 22, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 87) • Page Image 3

…aTHU KIEISI'lY OF M1CMAGA, N AlLY.3 ' ,& :FEJEE:E:E::F~r:: FEEE::'E~EiE:FEtEEE H -EFI : EfFE"EE irEErE:EE FE°EtE~=EirEr:: l f ress' or ,the "JHop" If you contemplate attending this social event, you must begin preparir The .matter o fia foill h' quit is very important We are prepared fit you out with everything pertaining to evening dress. .. .. . Haberdashers fm *117 Main St' O D P E ng... to 4 4w ! Tailor 110 Washintou E ;;i 33 3 i 3ii i ...…

January 22, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 87) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERMdTY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY STR BA DBurchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade... E SIZE Our sartorial skill is equal to the best in the state a 30y x 40 of ,ichigani, EXCPG aio iON oui~ o1~o~s 1RTf5ICALLT "D MECHANICALLY Redray' selLi hrbe adto 1)1ove it to ou.- T 1re ckTruly 1CcYors, S. BUROHFIELD' 106 E. Huron I5c a Sheet A'f b(1I ' Oyster CocktailsJ Shee a , CO"For that hungry feeling 320 S. STATE STREET. F You can get oalVentschler, the I1Ph...…

January 20, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

…Wbe o 4. at , VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUQ f Announcement I~Our specil line of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Witer of i900 has arrived and is arrangeui for inspec ton. The same careful attention is given to the styles anti finish of every suit.shes hr to e used for business purposes or for full dress) 'wiasons.p 6. H. WILD C., o8 E. Washington St. WI LDER'S PHARMACY YOU KNOW whee o get.. A GOOD LUNCH AND) SMOKE It. E....…

January 20, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 86) • Page Image 2

…x ~~T HE U N I VE I TY O F , M IC Hm G A N:D A LL Y .S H N S jdate and urging them to be present. RAIN 10k ShINTeEcm helttrfrmJug _______________ Doyles partner, announcing that the The "100" $3.00 Shoe is theshoe Pubishd ail (ondyseceptedduring judge had just een called to New towerwhnth eahr sune Pulihd al (MaaYork and would not likey rturn n in. t wAliwhean h eeat hrt itc College 'rearattime for the debate..ta.Alilerndos'hutt THE UNIVERSITY...…

January 20, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 86) • Page Image 3

…_JTBETJMVIERSITY OF M1CBIOMN DI)LY. 3 DON'T DELAY $25 ,here won't he many days 'cween now and the end of our $25 to order suit sale. If you are going to choose from some of the choicest suit patterns in this store at a bargain price, you must do it NOW. See Patterns In Window;.; * 110 r110 ~WASHINGTON G OODSFEEDW71AS1INiGF'1ON y EAST Ta Trs For Young Men E AST g * 339333?3933?3J3d3333!33133B?331.1$ 3?~~r:iFsf.3+il3. il_33333331? 3'#. 1 M ic ...…

January 20, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 86) • Page Image 4

…TH E UNIVERSITY 01 IM CHIC AN DAILY PSTER BOARD SIZE 3o X 40 FOUR COLORS Red 'Gray Green Black 15c a Sheet AT Perfect Tailoring==Shape Retaining Is a quality often wantisg in Mon's Suits, but our tailors have mastered the secret of imparting this characteristic to the garments made for us. Every Garment is made ex- pressly for the man who boys it and if it doesn't satisfy him ne doesn't get it. If that's a fair propositios tome up and let us...…

January 19, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 85) • Page Image 1

…Ihe ~ O(94 Pil- VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICJH., SAT(JRPAY, JANUARY 19, 1901. No 85 Announcement PRES. GOMPERS ON LABORI Foot Bal Game at 0. S U. Probable FACULTY DESERVE THANKS Head of the Fedratioo of Labor Gives I Managr Chas. Baird returned frmSnal Pox Danor Past-But for the AL Our special line Columsus yesterday from a conference uwa Vivid Picture of the Working Maoswiths the athletic authorities of Ohio Preventative 14 ea usies, Many Would of...…

January 19, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 85) • Page Image 2

…TE( F. UNIVERSITY UOF MICHIGAN "AIL Y J iE -t y ss j t i claimed that "The Burgomas- jl'fj J ¢ a 4te"' company announced for Monday, Jan. 21 here, is a veritahle "euty show," fo il addition to Edith Yerr- Published Daily (Mndays exceptddarig ingto, said to e one of the mot Collee eaat. divinely formed women ol th stage, THUNIVERSITFY OF MICHIGAN Ida Hawley, Josehiine Ne-lonan and MAIN OFICE. BoANa OFFIE.e Jnice Lynn, the trio of lovelines tha...…

January 19, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 85) • Page Image 3

…a TlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. W Don'tDea6c uoc iSn S There won't be many days 'tween now and the end of our 63c shirt sale. If you are going to choose from some of the best made shirts and made o fine material, at a bargain prikw you must do it NON. FRit is at these prices it will pay you to lay in 81n extra supply. p 117 G (1S 1(3 le MAINU ST 0U ' S MANS. MAIN ST. read a plater onStant ation ofI- ssiit este[ollrtls. fter a review NIAGA...…

January 19, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 85) • Page Image 4

…THEB UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN D)AILY NEW BOOKS Burchf ield's Fine Tailoring Trade.. . WORTH READrNG- Te Cardina's snufi-hox, Henry Hfarandi Our sartorial skill is equal to the best in the state On the Wing o Octions TeetChandier Hri The hearts highway, Mary E. We~is of Michigan, EXCEPvTNe NONE. The Lane theat had naTurnin , ibrtare rloaeFables acrec OerAee ARTI5TICALLX ,.._ NECfANIALLT .Allcef Old iocenns Mauie ho msne Ia the Palace of the King...…

January 18, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 84) • Page Image 1

…;be Rf? 9~Pail. VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1901. No 8¢ ........_.. _ Announcement I~Our special line of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Winter of i900 has arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. The ame careful attention is given to the styles and finish of every suit, whether to e used for business purposes or for full dressf occasions. . H. WILD GO., sob E. Washington St. WI LDER'S PHARMACY VOU KN...…

January 18, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 84) • Page Image 2

…> THE UNIVE hESITY 01' MICHLOAIN DALY g iP'ograms for Literary Societies RAIN OR SHINE - - The literary and law societies will The "100" $3.00 Shoe is the shoe Published Daily (Mondayseas pted)darig iold their regular meetings this -week. to wear when the weather is uncer- Coil a ear,at The Adephi society wilt also eect tan. A little rain doesn't hurt it THIE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN thi-e fies while it affords plenty of comfort On Mas oSre. The...…

January 18, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 84) • Page Image 3

…TE UMVEBSI Y OF MICRIG A tiDAILY. iii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii * *i W iii ii ii ii ii iii Dont e 63Ik Thiere won't be many days 'tween now and the end of our 63c shirt, sal-, I f' you are going to choose from some of the best made shirts and m ad c. (t finse material, at a bargain price you must do it NOW. Fact is at these prices it will pay you to lay in an extra supply. 4, 4. T. 117 MAIN ST. GOO DSPEED'S l11t MAIN ST. ;w r 'F'F...…

January 18, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 84) • Page Image 4

…THE UYIVEJ~bITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY NEW BOOKS Perfect Tailoring--Shape Retaining ECA WORTH READING The ardnola sslihex, Heny Hsr and Is a quality often wanting in Men's Suits, but our tailors Brine in y The ~ arlna's nuf~box flnryHarand- - an offer. ea the Wngs Otsns Joel Chandler Harris have mastered tie secret of imparting this characteristic Te fearts Highway Mary E. Wiliis to tegret made for us. Every Garment is made ex- 3e2dqSa The Inane t...…

January 17, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…be 'of PI!711 VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR,. MICH..; THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1901. No 83 Announcement Our special line of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Winter of 1900 has arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. The same careful attention is given to the styles and finish of every suit, whether to be used for business purposes or for full dress occasions. u BR . WILD GO., roS E. Washington St. WILDER'S PHARMACY YOU KNOW where to...…

January 17, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 83) • Page Image 2

…TM ~THE UM'YrUISITY (OF M iiCHL43ADAILY . 1e0fo l. P a tt .I What Minnesota Thinks of the D at Among other things the Minesota Putbished Daily (Moday excepted dtring Daily has the following to say about Cetl4"eear at the debate of last week: THE UIVE RSITY Of MICHIGAN .The debate at Anti Arbor, Friday MAtN OFFICE eaNCE OFIC evening, between the Mlihigan and AgsEfMans. 36SSttStet luCtaBth 'Phonet 13. Nte State 'Phne 182. Mtnst representatives ...…

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