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January 08, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

…~Ij t. U.of At 1Al VfoL.. V. ,No.(. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY S. 1895. PlICEtl-TnloEE CENTS. A SUICIDE. r Glee and Banjo Clubs. HE'S ALL RIGHT. N ODS DN A Former Law Student Kills Him- Tirktois are no«- oil ;sal for thc- CIll' Pres. Harper. of Chicago. in Favor self in a Fit of Despondency. 11(1 B1111j0 (-hibs' benefiit. coactri. li of Athletics. Tr'ys tii larn twithoult Xioo1. E'-i -v 1J. loviss, a formlec lass sill- liI r...…

January 08, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 67) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. 21 n Change in Postoffice or uetslru nMyid hones. 5011 a(5 ittl'south 'its.Ieffi-son501, (1(1 Ott IllselI (ily (Sundays t'st'etttt iittitin the ('sllent year, by t'tl.listsnIisio((1 ta, THE U, Of M INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION, siil t,40 their .nail at the «vindow of ((eec;: 'Ti (5(0. buileltieg N. Rint .t.,otpposite carrieNo. 7 (east side oof(fI'ilinstad post ofice. (If att Wind~ow No. 1. a l'l'Ooforll t turipo~tiut( Brice $.5...…

January 08, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 67) • Page Image 3

…[H1E U. 01??X1. DAILY. MIC +LTHIGAN GEI11AL At the GrandOpera House. 1. (OF A. CALEN)DAP. tlf !N L 1tAiE RS 0. 5. . ate's 'Fast Mail" fCo.. which in .. A. corse. MaladE ._.3 0 AI M .-_-.-'843 appears at tho r (dpera Itouse, Fri.:. 1.AbroJns in F)i-- N. Y. Special -..5 15 N. Y. Speil --i--7:; o ltidl eenintig, lJan. 1, his I113)( eciael 'iiiinoiS 9 Q' P IG ,A K Eastern Es --1025 N.S8.Litd_25ectlilCua 1po cistu-HO SP IG AR a A. M. lPaciic Ex. _1...…

January 08, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 67) • Page Image 4

…THIE U. OF M. [DAILY. fl l~r .~LF~ PUND THE-ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK GYM SUITS. floflI Ancel P ft read toilt sap for Ann Arbar, ltikit. Capital Siock, $50,0005. A ' 0 s o 8 1Srl 1000 ___ d/ ]L11 r Ini under the General Iakt an _ _ _ _ 1.~tIN ~of this State. Rteceives deposits, buys aed __sells exchange an the principal cities of the E ash iito S. oadgLiar rlfr!COLGATE'S COLOSSAL TOILET SOAP, sied~ilatem DrSaftdsit xshe o reate. s eevd a pe ln OF...…

January 09, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 68) • Page Image 1

…Ije i i.of 1U4 Wnaila vol'. V. No. 68. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9i, 1895. PRICE,- THREE: CENTS. FRED EMERSON BROOKS. He Comes Highly Recommended. What the Y. SM. C. A.'s Have to Say of Him.---A Short Sketch of His Life.j TII(e fotuili eit :ttliuineal in il(,-ti. 1.. A. (riiliif, will he liven ticcigill iin I nive-irttyIhiliby fir. Fred Eitet'- 4til iBrooki s, lihe-poet-hutmoiirist of Caii- S Nineteenth Annual Bail. Mor...…

January 09, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 68) • Page Image 2

…THE U. 01' MDAILY 31+ p t ai(o bAyvil 1given for Tit_____11_____________j foloUwing g heruticotios:KbAlb I.l nolotesol a t 1 iil(. i meandikt I-s. suht is' It lt h Cn,tYaby1hiodf atly(ud se\etty urn ire." of Otth Ko ColelP1. or S"tood t nttig aeynue ' tsa'T UOf M NEP[NOEKJ EOSUIAIIOO 1nilit sshusoull ntibe less Thaim8B ( it t Tires tol l in-, N M1n to pp i s fil e (t _ i) 01 111010tht ll '1 ii w)I o ls] i yoG IA S ot oflfi £ lb l tolloot lug i...…

January 09, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 68) • Page Image 3

…Til.E U. OF IXI.I)XILY. MJH AN At the Grand Opera House. . O( Ii. CAL END Xi Tme Table (Reised) Nov. 18184 t ' ( l~l iiit111scn S- S1 .1. i1-1 8 l .SL BASHfrt]Emrsoinoks EAST. RWEST. ihatl11liillw at till Metropolinla st1 118 i"I A. ouse. lL If Mail and E -x 3 lib Atalltierillttl eWiS 5511T4is3a. 1. Ldclphil l ii 1111 N. Y. Special. 5 1 N. Y.tapeeoi _7 30 ihellost brilliant an1(1 faslionille eer nr ca('H T P IG , Re:, itA ,r F . 18 2,iN. 8. Li...…

January 09, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 68) • Page Image 4

…r H b,,U OF NI. DAILY. t, , I1% 00 Stogy P OTHE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BAK GYM SU I TS. LdW~I UUIIUII of nicely eperfumddtolet coap tot Anti Arbor, Mich. Caipitat Stock, $0O.. Or'ganized itnder the General BnigLw _______ 1_ _____ .. urlu4enraCENTSg aw -of this State. Receives deposito, buys and -- --- - -- ell s ehange on the principal cities of the l'ierly with George Walir, 19 United Stotes. D~rafts cashed upon proper listIi1 93 asigtnat e doatrs...…

January 10, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 69) • Page Image 1

…je . of ln. - - ----------- Vol, V.r\No. (6l9. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, J ANdUARY: 10, 1895,. Ilc 1.TinaoEiC GlIN TS. A PLEASANT ENTERTAINMENT. iImprovements at the "Gym." THE SUMMER SCHOOL NOG DST ET Mr. Brooks More Than Sustained T 1h(= prn-a'n. capacity of til baths at Has Been Permanently Established. His Reputation in Last Night's th gyv. 14 Ilxbemor'e110Ihillobled to Will Begin July 8th. Li 's to) learnll 1itllitlt [1001s.....…

January 10, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 69) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF 11. DAILY. W+O + . v'*~'~l + si,,iio il 1neto f tahjl lice1Cllegeye'ar',by THE U. Of M. INDEP[ND[NTS MEMIO,. poust1odic'. l,'.. a't S0of1e111, thyStateogillnestlo.alld,1with111" THElck U.m OFtheMar taILYrthnx ca1.o 1t.o,11the it 'Maa-n-Eior3, bsns THE U..O1M.1AILY J.L.rie V. L11.1111 , i 1 11 111g1Editor. 116 . . I::r l.t 1,1Lit.9, Assistant. 15 11. lOLl1UAN i; 9,Assat J. .lfl'113 Ini t.l 96,1 1 . 111 ditor .1. llS ' 1111111.111111...…

January 10, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 69) • Page Image 3

…'IlE LT.OF AM. IAILY. MIHIGAN "'' A At the Grand Opera House. BUSINESSLOCALS Timse lahit (eisedl N i is, 1514 511Mis tda ISIC is litiiilsailtolof 1r-[Notice- olsettil tlolmatIi, t EA . N r ol 1"eicl ill v l itl 11 11 is ls a tineaMid estra hones Ioitl-il ( tby a i Ipjnyat Mailamid E 1350 Mail -_ - --334 1 sit ttt ]I lt. S isly ii NY. 4pecial.. , 15 N Y. Speil--,'0 c t ii I li [1 titlti iin illiel ild i x: ''11 M(50 1 i lsaesteeo Es----1(125 !...…

January 10, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 69) • Page Image 4

…THIE U. OF M. DAIL Y. H.ALF . aPOUn THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK (i.V S IT ,SChaIer S ooo~store, TSurplusdol1t0,0pf0. Fnormnerly with Gleorge Wahr, 19 UJnited States. Drafts cashed upon proper otrcie a E. Washington st. Hteadqunarters for COLGATE'S COLOSSAL TOILET SOAP. identification. Safety deposit boxes to rent. lus eevd aple title thn Stdn nesinteOFFICEnS; Christian1ltack, Pres.; w. 11)1 everythig a SAenLedsi Ste .O iHarrinman, Vicer-Pes.; U...…

January 11, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

…VoL V. No.o. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1895. PRIci,-TiHIEE: CENTS. EXCEPTIONALLY STRONG. viryenesteraining 1and1 aeeeiilali. f COMPETITIVE GYMNASTICS. NO GOOD STUDENT Sagna Evnig ews Te ii~iiDr. Sargent, of Harvard, is O- Thtidhtte rs aso u lneof te 111el).\I'. fimii"iZ all- lii' posed to an Assciation of Ty omciwtotbos Musical Clubs. -Atl hetic Bene- lyt0eanw10ItWos fit Tomorrow Night. ial lie1 b-siowed llnf0 I he .t this Ch...…

January 11, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 70) • Page Image 2

…W1 of3th. Thtailux.' THLT I. OF The January Bulletin. iof Current Thought. 1 ioleo a 1111 1I l )C h11o (Il Thelo~l .1oily~t' S.l~l A ul11)0gil' THE H, OE M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATON, 011111'l 11111 wr1ittenl ariles~ . Wi. I>. lFFICE: 'tbole'. hoililiog \. lsein .1., Ilopoie "liii 0ot. wo 1111 studliedI 111 r lly ('on llih1 .111 (1 11 th i l 1 1' ir o repro11111 11' Oli011.11ill ilcon-1 .1c111110 of 100111 (1111Op iin lillvlil. and11 1...…

January 11, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 70) • Page Image 3

…'T~lE U. OF i\I. DAILY. C1~HIGAN NTA At the Grand Opera House. UNIVERSITY NOTES. AS k t f~PET .alsR llut a~ l5rcclut'loci.ctrio 1 .C c u H WO"C 03a ~ 3331031 33 33 3-_3. 3 ~i ii flail --~ilai 7 43 Aii'oi cock. yMpca) 51 .1e c i 4I3 f irst; at t ui halfofth furok Az ll i v N ' 500, lwril v Eix ---- 10. 25~i33 is \.. Liied_ 'Ill s ii ivls ill pro'Il} hol HOT SPRINGS, AC]RKl.. ttla" I 511 1 fftll-1ctr'. Iitl l~rla oila.11 vclto l:i o n TEX A S, G...…

January 11, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 70) • Page Image 4

…THE~ U. OF lM. DAILY. . :HA&LF &rPOUND THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Y challef s Bookstore TEN' sTtoadalttsa orStoplusGY110SUITS l~erly-ih--o----li 1 sells exchange' on the principal cities o h COGT CLSA OIE OPSafety dest rsn oret list iuen ied 4a samlple lince 1''\i-.liaton St. Headquarters for CLAT' OLSALTIETSA . oDrafts ca estoprapoert it~c thinlg aStudent needs in the ALSO ~F reimon. V ricees; ).ocarriman, 'l its. Ocaits Crsiansake.:...…

January 12, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

…Vol.. V. No. 7 I. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, URDAY, JANUARY 12, 1895. PRICE--THREE CENTS. SA l ,.,. . , _...r __ , -. - - - ALBERTO JONAS. , Alpha Nu Hall. New Degrees at Oxford NO GOOD STUDflENT A Large Audience Greeted the rhe Alpha tia wi11 soon h~e ((oe Oxford's plan for regulatikng a IUUl- Great Pianist in University Of the most pleasant hlls on telke uc~ed~ stdy and(1 rese(ach'iks il( r's to lern withot hooks0. Hall Last Night. Sm epet...…

January 12, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 71) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. th( Daily to thel( esh 0f 1 city editor ALBERTO JONAS. Ol , W a h r C'ONTINUtEDS FROM F1IRS'TPA( 4,1 i:t~ ~ 11(1111)IOPO.tti;'101 is safe to stiff that Alr. 3Jona1s is t'rthiishcti litly (Sundays estepled) iurnina io ltl tig1's1c's it tetCollegie yiear, by tt'tf the m sit tist~itt'oty artists « THlE O. OfM. INDEPENDENT ASSPIATION. to c~r itu(>r t'rhit ad n- lote teklt tl iAtitscticsal ao ()rFj,:: ine buldig . Min i.,ppoitet...…

January 12, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 71) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DA)tILY. NGHIGAN f l cospivtefjoatncyincludillar enire INTER-COLLEGIATEAl~W i Time Tahle (Revised) No. 18, lS-4, and transportation. 11hy not g? 115 ut I Hawaiiians areInowNUID "- ( EAST. WEST Ic]). th is iate st.Send ninyour ini ot. Yal.A a n x 30Aai _ i rucbgto hc. a"slIr~~ he O NY,.Speciili-Y-peil.--1 Eacer E 1 2, NS tsitc..5 s i ipers Y iii or(1515 f01ilclircre of iill be ligibli to p~ccagin , u ixi ROT SPRINGaS, ARK., A M. IP...…

January 12, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 71) • Page Image 4

…T-HE U. OF M. DAILY. . =&Llr POU~N TE ANN ARBOR SAYINGS BMNSUITmS. o~nl~nc f niceiypecrfunedtoiettsa p for Aee Arbor, Dich.Capital Stoik, $BANK0 GY k' ~ loC Bo stoe I 1 Surplus, Sli. #Tk '~~KNT ~ Organized under the General B=anking Laws _______ I ~ ofatthin State. Ieceiven deposits, hays and i'ss'isii 1sells exchange en the principal cities nf the E'. Washington St. HeadquartersfoI COLGATE'SCOSALTIESAP idnfcao. Safety deposit hos t e t eevdas...…

January 14, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 72) • Page Image 1

…Ijc 1 . of , . tai to VOL.. V. NO. 72. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, JANUARY 14, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. THEY DISCUSSED ATHLETICS. trodnced b y Dr. Snari were Concert a Success. adaptted: Presidents of Six Western Univer- Resolvei, That we call on te ex- The Wie aiilBanjo clubs we en- sities Met in Chicago-Rules let maages of football to so revise tliushsticilly reeieil at their cincert the tles of the game that the liil-i for the ben...…

January 14, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 72) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF 1I. DAILY. rf f't in 4~ exiserts woulti ~lk'slcluotiia f J j'I IAU. f3 10bo ll it g "'2ir witlbt tl hot 3ear11 __________ Its to t'liminate anIllemen'1t'ftof 111u- l'(11lltsled laity (Sunldays t'xcepte'd)td(n11188 01110 1(1 l't'lll'lii is also8 1 to81w x theCO 0gab year, by 1101(1 11t11alte1ue11d Ili''gllltol8 THE U.Of M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION, t'0118i111'rt'(Avere directed1 lot so(1 111('11 ovjruir: Tiles building N. 181a11:st., ...…

January 14, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 72) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF R. DAIL. GH G R(E T~L The Senior Lit Social. NOTICES. RWIAN LA. ~J HI AN ~ I Stdeits intending to elect lhe Time Table (Revised) Nov. 18, 1894. naertnewt h eir lht thr'wl eli llirt tIc~lgCorse in the Latin texts of the EAST. IVEST. class expressed il lass imeting, tie' of the tDaly oard Satelrday evening IonnL~" 1," . s A A oanLt"(Latin a), are reqesel Mail and Es 1 55 Mail -~ senior' social olniittee ihs decided 1(o at 730 o'clock. ...…

January 14, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 72) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. a1I "okso'! HL OUND THE ANN AROR SVNS AKG M SUITS. of niely ert'ned tilet oap or An Ar r, plas StCapital Stock inSo~w T M E N r - Orgis e derhe ner I Baokis, Laws _______ of this Stte Receives diepsts bys ad ---------sells excang on the picpa cities of the Vi tniiy With G~eoge Wah Ite 15 CotLSSL OLE SA, ntet state'Drfts cashed upon prpe s eevdasml il %, asington st Headqularters for CLAESCLSSLTIE OP identification Safety de...…

January 15, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 73) • Page Image 1

…Ije Il.'i f At . Wiaili. Vol,. V. N o. '113. UIJVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 1 U, 1595. Panc.-ic-TnaE CENTS. i A POPULAR CONCERT. Presbyterian Lecture Course. A GREAT SUCCESS. The ecod Coumban Ogan A series c ofndayetesit's 5 lt'tii The Benefit Concert by the Musical' Recital Will Take Place arratngedibyityhe Presbytcritiii iliiit'h"I'. Clubs Saturday Evening Thursday Evening. A lecture still1 be t-!veil every 'Stin- Was We...…

January 15, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 73) • Page Image 2

…TILE U. OF A1. DAILY. ~1I. ~ ~ (have be(n1allowed Itoiiurchatse'the A new ;ytnasittil gti- ehas been y +7-1J11 --. J l tu.-.+ capo s. s matt or oll' onerail (ns- inventedt by ir. argenut, of IHarvard.C ld ________tointhtlo~lliiot clletges1this s1houl(1The an100 plaiy be jplayed by any ilim- lah~sedlilySudasr5(not((100 e1 105o. yet there- will1ho)solve10dif- ber0of players. the: 1n(re0 lie tbettr. BUY YOM:I the Cllege year, by ficillity expeien...…

January 15, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 73) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. M HIA NTA.Boo ei TEXAS- MEXICO AND CALIFORNIARMALW .EH ^y .EN ELLI tutdnts intendng to elect i Tme Table (Reels d) Nv, 1891041. SitiNGTo TE FRONT't THERWABASH IRAILROAD. 0o0150 in te, L'tin Tetstoof th r sOC 01 " BSorson tveft Marsdeni s the tite In connection wththe St. Lo0i, Romano 1aw" (Latin Sa)'re rqlueted Mai ad Es :31;0 'Mai 8 3 ot 0er interes~tingb1ook 001 hate Ion Mountain & Southern Iailway t giethirisatues itoon0...…

January 15, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 73) • Page Image 4

…&haIlIs Bostr !H 1 ' o POUNID THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BNKG MSU IT'S.o fncl o AnAbr lc ai tc,$000 ofniriorrasdeod oIp o AnSAbrh.pitalStoc,1$5,00000. ____ 'T" NJ Organized under the General Banking Laws_______ v1 L , C of tkis State. Ieceives deposits, buys and Formrly ithCxeU'ge alll 19seils exchange on the principal cities of the Fomry wt erg ai, United Stateo. Drafts cashed upon proper Tus E. Washington st. Headquarters for COLGATE'S...…

January 16, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

…IjC. U.of Al'. Wa1l. VOL. V. No. 74. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 189 5. PRICE-THREE CENTS. NEW 'ATHLETIC RULES. w By-Laws Adopted by the Presi- dents'of the Various Col- leges at Their Meet- 'iE in Chiago. in anslwir to reuetsts it'eIDaily pubillishies ini[fill the rules whicli were atlopted iby thet'reidoletsof Wsot- si,(Chictigo. Pidue. Illiiois.Mill- oeootti. iod orlivsei'iuiiversitiis at ltheir meeting iica'iitgo l...…

January 16, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 74) • Page Image 2

…TE U. 01? M. DAILY. !r% fold ha tegnealexenesofPrize Essays.C ld W a o.r I .6 Of n f ca t l 7C~a f t iiersity of tiLii'ligoii ore much o di Fuinishedtii01iy {Sundays eceteiiitiioht it titiitins of learniilt i'g The it' elttes a fist 1r11/cotfS4+SO:>d at.sec't- iVYY OUR the CoiIii'gb year, iiy ppl iLofMiti;ll 4"111iiiilt. i c1 rizel t'of ti151) for It o eiiysonO Arctics EPIreri 'imls iliding N. MaIn xi..olpoite 10 itilntitii. Tl( oit ii iitn ~s...…

January 16, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 74) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. MJG.H I&AN G E T C Frats in Trouble. TEXAS MEXICO AND CALIFORNIA, U OF -I. CALE NDARt. Time Table (Revised) Nov. 1, 1894. Liglil High School pupils hasve lb-ell THE WVABASH RAILROAD. Wed., Jan. 16.-Itegents Int'o'. MAST. WEST. snsplild by Prill. J1. (i. Vatteligill Iin connection with tbc St. Louis5, Thurs., Jan. 17.-Senior social, at ''lai Mx . A. 508. 43 10 -u~tlgli-rl fil uh~oIron Mountain & Southern Railway, Granger's A...…

January 16, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 74) • Page Image 4

…TiHE U. OF M. DAILY. Schaller'sstore of nicely perfumed toilet soap for Formerly with George Wahr, 19 E. Washington st. Headquarters for COLGATE'S COLOSSAL TOILET SOAP. everything a Student needs in the ALSO line of Text-Books, Stationery and Colgate's Oatmeal Soap. Miscellaneous Stock in general. Colgate's Glycerine Soap, Colgates's White Cematis Soap, MARTIN SCHALLER, Co'gate 'honeyasoap, Colgate's odMeal bSoap, al1'ack THE DOWN-TOWN BOOKS...…

January 17, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…aijt t~I. of , 1. ail . Voi,. V. No. 71). UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY IT, 1895. PRIC'-Tnsuoi CENTS. DEAN OBETZ TALKS. + EX-GOV. WM. E. RUSSELL. TONIGHT'S ORGAN CONCERT.NOG DST ET Favors Combining Homeopathic A Well Known and Popular Leo- Te rgram t eRedrdby and Allopathio Schools-Other turer in the S. L. A. Course Prof. Stanley This Evening. 'i'rys to learnlI withou~t book. Matters Before the Board Tomorrow Night. --- His- -...…

January 17, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 75) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF AM. )AILY. ~i ~fl1 ~Have Selected a Sculptor. i'lltliheii l),iy (Sunays xep' duin lie (Cille b year, by THE 0, Of M, NOEP[NO[NI SSMAIA post oflice. ''oi'iiianiitlea af the'-'aid' i i 'aid i- lie' ma'tr f 'llilais.for ike blushlegf Prinl ci ent'ii cii 1141' I jl )f. 'Ta~ft. of C'ilca;o. lia 1,""l ie- .1"igito isnake lbothlilicassfo te laim A University Number. 'l'ii' annaig nunitir oc ic b'llelecit 'tang Jourarll, the officialoiga...…

January 17, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 75) • Page Image 3

…TrHE U. OF M. DAILY. (IjHIGN ENT 7A DeservedCompliments. NOICS TEXAS MEXICO AND CALiIFORNIA Tiee Tabte (Revised) Nov-. 18, 181)4. 1l h e -1 tie 1111,1noe\1110 lt tt't t to 1)' 23)1111 tlo'(I ymiittuin 1let).11 TiHE W'ABASiH RAILROAD. FAST, ErS. art't'respons5ib~le'fttr thee tttrelltst' 1f lttustlsitly nott lnter thttnti el). 1. j In connection Withs the St. osuis,. 1at) dE11O1al 04 i "''t(ilsliiltogn o it ' 3. I . C(OLEMAAN, Sity., Iron Moutta...…

January 17, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 75) • Page Image 4

…O1~ I.(F M. l)AILY'. o inerly w-ih(ceolse XWahr, 19COGT'CLSALOIESAP ".Wa Pin ton st. Headquarters forCOGT'CLSALOIESAP everything a Student needs in the Ala) line of Text-Boolks, Stationery and (ltgate's Oatmeal Soep, Miliu'aneous Stock in general. lelg ace's glyceinle soap, Colg des'-.NNXite cCleatis Seap. MARTIN SCHALLER, Colngate sloley Seep,_ THE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, o eidskeermial Seesop, all 1cpC ee 19 FE. Washington st., one hiock MUMM...…

January 18, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

…~IjcttI o A 'l. Wailn. VOL. V. No. 76. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 189,). PRICK;-THIREE CENTS. A MUSICAL TREAT. j First Recital of the Frieze Memor- ial Organ Last Evening.- Small Crowd in Attendance. Thie otgan retital of last eveiiii,* wvas a Intsical treat Which is as yt it ltuxury to Ann Arbor titdiene, lutit Bacth recials ought to take their plait' :I it itt'Cssty. (ertaitily anyoie who valtues anltall rutiutl etltur...…

January 18, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 76) • Page Image 2

…THEi U. OF MN. DAILY. re,',jh was assuming the hiiest htoors of 1,OMAN LAW.\e 14 f tihi. Stalle. ilig this 1positiin with IStudeits intending to elctcte c laii he __________ ile gleatest elfi n-y and1t1ereby be-' ts iurse in the "Latin Tets of the _____ i ' tati at Smlyse ttld eiitgItts-tIisg l~oman Law" (Latin 8'), are reuested It''tiotl the thd ill naeg ear le - as a fi'winl'snwntliis-iitheuntr itogive theirinanmes as soon is sossi-1 theCni ...…

January 18, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 76) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OFi m. DALy. At th Grad Opra Huse.NOTICES.TASMXiOANCLIRIA n } A te rndOpraHus. TXS-MEIC ADCAI(R~~ 1j jjG A 7L 111P"ha. totd riialcIiirlons 5suePaties oishing booths lt rse tbai Time Table (Revised)'Nov.1 8 94 ' ~ ssoand it' history sice'('it hs tee(nito Ib;:given in the ytiyi iiiiuiii eb. Io 1 TILE WABASH RAILROAD EAST WE. ints'rprtcd by 1,ies iurpris lParty Illst atipIY lay s ~ter thaoNe. 1. Iik connection with the St. Loui .. )til acr...…

January 18, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 76) • Page Image 4

…1IPI'. OF M. ILULYA. S ~ Dnnhirnr 3HALF A.pOUN"Dn THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK GYMS oUISLI f nicely perfu med toilet sap for Ann Arbor, 501db. Capital Stock, $5,000 . G M S ViT ShIrs __EN C N S Orgaed ne'GeerBankingLaws Jstecida UnmrywihGogeXaid Sttes.on afet cashed upon proper sa ,c ' H. Washington st. Headquarters for COLGATE'S COLOSSAL TOILET SOAP.ietatin aeydepsosit boxes to rent. Jut ecivd Smp s inte everything a Student needs in the ALSOo ...…

January 19, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

…~Ij ti.of At 1 Wlailxi VOL. . No.t. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SAT URDAY , EA JAARY-11 85 PllI'E -THREE CENTS. A PLEA FOR INDIVIDUALISM. '95 CASTALIAN. HOSPITAL FOR CONSUMPTIVES.- The Scholarly Address of Ex-Gov.j Has Encouraging Prospects.--Many A Much Needed Institution.--What Russell of Mass. Before the Good Articles Wili he Con- Or. Vaughn Has to Say Re- S. L. A. Last Evening. tributed. garding the Treatment of Consumption. l'-o.-%cr. i...…

January 19, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 77) • Page Image 2

…THE U.' OF M. DAILY. f bctheir nocit wy coil01etioto. a cif(tielit College Songs. " t+ OfJ W . +peitli mtodeofot re'0e0(tI'(etwouldllav t tl'ttitgtot)'iOt(' (11USIC~t, 1111 1011) 1101Parentt(nformed oIf((oor Abhout 50 resontded to to' ntite of (((Ilk on.theto (~lt olf th'r ittren - 1'bisi0 1 to I (y "ot(5 II I (Sudas xcptd)1 it)wul n Idtl~IIlt ll tto'lt 01'0t(Iyestedy tafternoon01. Te''ibe Six LoveSonigs,"' Ill' '11 tl, 1"4l' III to 0111111't ...…

January 19, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 77) • Page Image 3

…TH-ie U. OF M. DAILY. VIH G N( RT 1Choral Union Social: NOTICES. TEXAS MXIOAND CALIlFONIA OHIOAN ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~i OhOiItl li't:~Vit~l iot Iatl s wliliog bots at le: 1x11 MEIO UlllIUa Tie Tbia (Reiead) 'Nosv18,14 P lEilg the 00ocia1it Frieze/Memil iito 1)2 gienl ill1 theUlllllOlulliel. 1 TIltWAD-ASH RAILROAD .M. 1 9 WEST i 5 1(1 t01t. 110 rlyllt a tply not kter tilnliFetb . I In connection with the St ,uiS_ Maiand Ex.-3150 Mail 0 43 pr f...…

January 19, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 77) • Page Image 4

…JtI IL [1'. OF 21-. DtINIL. nL,4nr HAF .A POUN D ITHE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS M SUITS SchaiIers B oustor, 1 i 7 rrel wt ere Vlr 9sellioexchangonothe principaltiesof the lx Washrington st. Headquarters for' COLGATE'S COLOSSAL TOILET SOAP idetfication. Safety dstoit boxes to rent. Jus received a sam~lli eve°rything a Student needs in the AO HaRsrrimanst, 'sirr-Preo.; Irs;Chat. E. lHise(lO t .of Gi7lai Si. 11,(< line of Text-Books, Stationery anti Colg...…

January 21, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…4Ic 1t1.-Of , 1 1, lailu. VOL. V. NO. f7s. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, JANUARY 21, 1895. Pals(E-iiREI':CENS. CHARLES L. CARTER KILLED. The Spring Athletic Work. Mrs. Alice Freeman Palmer. No GOD 0STUDfENT Prominent Graduate of' the Uni- 'lie ' gyiiisiiiii albsoib" 11 ill li-i' 'The' Noiin's Icgile cihll site;IULI versity Shot at Honolulu itaterest lit presenti, bat ealelsive plas forlunateill see arillg rshii ree- i' Ty o er ihu Whil...…

January 21, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 78) • Page Image 2

….TIIE U. OF 21. DAILY. .ti+ 1Ii (Q {fl si 1) i l{ ilallli itsl'iib ls bwoulDITSON MUSIC. 1'Cold W eather' I a' 'oleiosyi'ai', by iu('ili i5'ii bl l\o il a '1k 1wiltiloli I'tiliis(' 3 ly 1talik . Sawyer. Ti iii'iai oo'.ofES .Ar .c ttc s M, IDEPEDENT ASSOIATON. ,, o H ie's ittst iyriu'oill exquisite sic;I I'a 1THE U M. NEP OEIfSS f,,cO'Ils is aiuh its miili.l. I ln{-I ri" nn.He vyPaper, 75 cents. % Pos olilei} ' :1 "iCOLLEGE SONGS." lrRu ~ ibber...…

January 21, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 78) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. jGHTOAN GCENA Ti e Table ee d)p1 o' . 1,4,14. 01 ~ ~ ~ ~ A NF. , Oh1 '4 N. Y. Speial -515 N. Y, Special---- 7 :30 Eastern sEx----10253 N. S. Limited. ---0932 AM. Pactific'Ex - .----1315 At11an1i" Ex . 7 47 I'" A U).N.E'I'UU. ss---3540 OWestern s.. 121 G. It. Express ---11 035('hi. Nt.7. ------ 1U 2 1. W F YS (J.1'& T Aa. C'lia~o A 1, Ain Abr T., A. A. & N. MW. RYe. (1.' 11effectSundaly, .111. 1, 1r194. ore. .OUUArb':w4'f.1...…

January 21, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 78) • Page Image 4

…1'lK . (OF9 M. DILLY. H#LF !QU D THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANKGY S S hI s Bookstore 1 TfEic:yN c ri c iac r> or AnnArorrih.ceitalStcki OOOt ITS, E.W sligtns.H agtatrfr COLGATE'S COLOSSAL TOILET SOAP, dnii inSft eoi sp orn. ut ICC1El a mllple line( ~:ws i tois. Headnatetfoiid ttiatiS lely til ekP re. it (verjt intg a Student neetds ini the use t) Irin~iitt. Vice-Ptee-; Chlai. E. Hiseoet, o (vnnasitunt Suits. Thes C' inr ofText-B3ooks, Stationery a...…

January 22, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

…Ijc II.iof Al1. Wlail Vol,. V. No. , ;t. UNIVERSITY 01? MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1,815 PRICE- .TAREE CELTS. REV. REED STUART Wrinkle Out Today. ( Yale's Social Week. - Sel eoeteUnity Club on lie'liirst Wrinikle for '95 is out1o- 'li1s is promlenade week a:Iii . NO GOOD STUDENT the Literature and Life of the tlay-. 'Iit rtinhie usual inuinber of Yeterdaiy the senior stud soplhsoiore Tr'ys toitarlwithotut books. Past and Present. shor...…

January 22, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 79) • Page Image 2

…THlE U. OF M DAILY J4+ f 41 HNTI f Comnmuncations. -- 0 ola W eather!1 N U ii 1-( H o Irth ot 'AU itVVV0-1 l t tittitti tDaiti.(Sundaysa--- -%XkXed, iii iii I Ni-a l ii l iS tota /0 0 to whta a t it tail ii ot iHtto .1rut- R ap oraliiit THE U Of M. IHDPHDENT ASSOCAION u . tis 111 ihit to la -w1nAN Itu'r3 (FIC E 'im-~ ae-stbtling . Mtin t -,-oppitoit pali, ioffi. it <101 liiof t l t tottim iitf f liii- I u Rlb r (ton mad b(,ltta.tii theapic of ...…

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