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August 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 57) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily-Saturday, August 9, 1980-Page 7 JOLNS EX-NAZI FOR CONGRESSIONAL BID Mental patient victor in primary DETROIT (UPI) - Republicans saddled with a former Nazi as their congressional nominee in one suburban Detroit district were shocked yesterday to learn the party candidate in another congressional race is a mental patient. Neither is given the slightest chance to win in November but state GOP leaders aren't happy with the res...…

August 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 57) • Page Image 8

…Page 8-Saturday, August 9, 1980-The Michigan Daily AMERICANS GOING BROKE AT RECORD PACE Bankruptcies run rampant 0 By The AssociatedPress Americans by the thousands are seeking legal relief from their debts, as inflation and recession make it harder to pay the bills and a new law makes it less painful to go bankrupt. The record for bankruptcy filings by individuals - 224,354 - was set in the year that ended June 30, 1975, and it looks like t...…

August 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 57) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Ddily-Saturday, August 9, 1980--Paoge 9 Art s Pop! goes the Commander Nervus Rex Nervus Rex DreamlandDL-1-5 002 By MARK DIGHTON Who says that power pop is dead? If it is, no one told the Commander. Mike "Commander" Chapman (who brought you such modern wonders as Suzi Quatro, Sweet, and Blondie) baas just undertaken a one-man crusade to put pop music back where it belongs-in our hearts and on our radios. As part of that struggle,...…

August 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 57) • Page Image 10

…Page 10 Saturday, August 9, 1980-The Michigan Daily Iranians march in Washington for second day 4 WASHINGTON (UPI) - Hundreds of chanting Iranian students, with orders' from home to take to the streets, paraded through the heart of the nation's capital for the second day in a row yesterday under heavy police guard. Earlier, Tehran Radio had broadcast orders to Iranians in the United States, Canada and Western Europe to turn out over the week...…

August 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 57) • Page Image 11

…Israeli letter on Jerusalem displeases Egypt CAIRO, Egypt (UPI) - Egypt received a crucial letter from Israel on the Jerusalem crisis yesterday but a high-ranking official indicated that he was not happy with its contents and that the Palestinian autonomy talks would not immediately resume. - The 15-page letter from Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin to Egyptian President Anwar Sadat was delivered to Vice President Hosni Mobarak by Israeli...…

August 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 57) • Page Image 12

…Page 12-Saturday, August 9, 1980-The Michigan Daily q A ii1I i FORRRENTE Stereo equipment-Dynaco stereo 120, $99; Pat-4 SUMMER STORAGE-clean, private anile from stereo pro-amp, $09; FM toner, $199; 2 AR o $14/month 1 mile from U-M football stadium. Stow speakers,$99. Call769-2645. e0B809 Away Self-Storage.769-0119. cC816 UM Campus rental house for sale. Parents: buy for Fall Lease: Spacious two bedroom apartment in son or daughter tenant/la...…

August 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 57) • Page Image 13

…DaHWASHINGTON (UPI) - President THE PREDOMINANTLY black V atrCarter signed an executie order audience applauded Maya' words: CICS if ~ d5yesterday to speed the involvement of "He's been a friend to the black people. black colleges and universities in It is my considered judgment that he's travagant praise from an 85-year-old United States than any president in the blackeducator. history of the United States and that in- PERS NA LAt a ceremony ...…

August 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 57) • Page Image 14

…Page 14-Saturday, August 9, 1980-T Texans evacuate as Allen approaches mainland BROWNSVILLE, Texas (UPI) - Hurrican Allen, a monster storm that "fills up the Gulf of Mexico," boiled toward the Texas-Mexico coastline yesterday with an awesome fury that was expected to grow. Thousands of Texans boarded up their property on the coastal barrier islands and fled inland. Allen, slowly regaining lost strength, pulled loose from the Yucatan penin- sul...…

August 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 57) • Page Image 15

…The Michigan Daily--Saturday, August 9, 1980 Page 15' ..:'. } ;' , :,k " '.v": . ,.. :"'?i ' S'.Y "'s ,:'}.. ~ ; ' .: , :7"' . !.: , { ? s: # :y, .4,, 'i: :. :':?{}. Y ..,.$. . #,{," r4t M ','f;, . {';s :, 0.' :$ ::BASEBA:% LLry' R;OUNDU:'}P .:4. ,"",':{..,4'w: 'p B irds hu.: m br ~r "E": Le.'4 4:.Y ks,: 5 -2Y Y 'k' NEW YORK (AP) - Pinch-hitter John Lowenstein drove in two runs with a bloop single in the eighth inning to give the streaking Ba...…

August 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 57) • Page Image 16

…Page 16-Saturday, August 9, 1980-The Michigan Daily Sports Morgan up by one Nick laus closing in after second round 0 4 ROCHESTER, N.Y. (AP) - Gil Morgan slogged through a late-afternoon rain shower to a round of par 70 and sole control of the second-round lead yesterday in the 62nd PGA national championship. Morgan, a non-practicing optometrist and winner of four titles in seven years of Tour activity, compiled a 36-hole total of 138, two ...…

July 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 34) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol. XC, No. 34-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, July 9, 1980 Free Issue Sixteen Pages CAR TER HUDDLES WITH LABOR, AUTO EXECS. Auto aid plan unveiled J By TOM MIRGA. specialto The Daily DETROIT - President Carter, ac- companied by an entourage of domestic policy advisers, stormed into the hear- tland of the financially-strapped auto industry yesterday to unveil a com- prehensive plan aimed at reviving the ailing corporatio...…

July 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 34) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Wednesday, July 9, 1980-The Michigan Daily Wholesale prices up last month despite drop in energy costs WASHINGTON (AP) - The gover- companies and non-banking financial nment's gauge of wholesale prices rose institutions, surveyed while interest in June despite a rare drop in the cost of rates were declining sharply, said they energy. But the rate of inflation at the expected improved prospects for their wholesale level fell by two-third...…

July 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 34) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, July 9, 1980-Page 3 Local Scene CHANGES CREATE HAVOC FOR FINANCIAL AID Congress decreases BEOGs By JOYCE FRIEDEN Changes in allocation and distribution of federal grant and loan monies have created havoc for the financial aid offices of more than one college in Michigan, according to financial aid officials. Both the federally funded Basic Educational Op- portunity Grant (BEOG) and the National Direct Student Loa...…

July 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 34) • Page Image 4

…lWedriresav. Jiv 9. 1980-The Michiaon Dailv Billy Frye plans for 'U' budget decisions New V.P.Frye faces hard times BILLY FRYE has his work cut out for As new vice-president for academic affairs, Frye is in the difficult position of attempting to maintain the quality of education at the University during a time when economic hardship is translating into miserlystate higher education appropriations. He also assumes the delicate task of acting...…

July 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 34) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, July 9,1980-Page 5 LEGISLATURE OKs RIGHT- TO-STRIKE MEASURE Milliken By BONNIE JURAN Gov. William Milliken is expected to veto a bill legalizing public employee strikes which was recently endorsed by the state House and Senate, according to legislative officials. Milliken is expected to act on the measure within a week, Milliken's legislative aide, Bill Long, said.. LONG POINTED to one of the bill's provisions, ...…

July 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 34) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-Wednesday, July 9, 1980-The Michigan Daily Proposal to lower drinking age to 19 will appear on ballot By ELAINE RIDEOUT voters' signatures by a July 7 dead Although the Michigan Legislature "We had the signatures anyway, AlthughtheMiciganLegslaure said, "even without the added 4 recently voted to include a referendum signatures we expected to get ove that would lower the drinking age to 19 July 4 holiday." on the November ballot, a Citi...…

July 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 34) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, July 9, 1980-Page 7 me==Arts==s Gang of Four's modern dance Entertainment! Gang of Four Warner Bros. BSK 3446 By MARK DIGHTON - It's hard to think of many fitting ad- jectives for The Gang of Four's Enter- tainment! Most of, them haven't been invented yet. Maybe after the war. With warmania growing, though, Enter- tainment! is an increasingly relevant album. It may be reflective of the downfall of another cultur...…

July 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 34) • Page Image 8

…Page 8-Wednesday, July 9, 1980-The Michigan Daily IRAN PARLIAMENT TO DECIDE SOON Trial for hostages wins support By The Associated Press The idea of putting the American. hostages on trial as spies is winning strong support among some influential members of the Iranian Parliament, the body that may soon make a decision on their fate, a Tehran newspaper reported yesterday after conducting in- terviews with two dozen legislators. In another dev...…

July 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 34) • Page Image 9

…GOP platform panel adopts anti-ERA stance DETROIT (UPI) - A Republican platform subcommittee shunned the party's historical support for the Equal Rights Amendment yesterday and adopted tough, conservative, anti-ERA language as the GOP position for 1980. The panels action, which will be challenged by ERA supporters in the full Platform Committee later and perhaps on the convention floor next week, came although Ronald Reagan - who opposes ERA ...…

July 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 34) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-Wednesday, July 9, 1980--The Michigan Daily 0 One desert survivor smuggler TUCSON, Ariz. (UPD-One of the survivors of a desert ordeal in which 13 El Salvadorans died may have been a part of the alien smuggling operation, a Border Patrol official said yesterday. Fourteen other aliens, mostly dazed and delirious from heat and lack of water, were rescued over the weekend from rugged desert terrain in the 516-square mile Organ Pipe Cact...…

July 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 34) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan DaIly-Wednesday, July 9, 1980-Page 11 Heat wave death count declines as residents adjust to climate. By United Press International Officials linked more than 200 deaths in a nine-state area to a relentless heat wave yesterday but said a decline in the death rate indicated sweltering residents were learning how to deal with the blistering weather. Many towns in the "Heat Belt" were dangerously low on water and there were more indi...…

July 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 34) • Page Image 12

…Page12--Wednesday, July 9, 1980-The Michigan Daily q Ed Goodman994-5752. 00A710 . LOST-CAT, South Quad, medium sized, black and EFFICIL &IBEDROOMS brown, female, no collar. 769-9585. 98A711 We still have a few modern, furnished apartn GLASSES FOUND onChur ,6-28-80.grown starting at $285 month for next Fall. Stop b GASES FUD nCburch7St.,6-28- ra call Dahlmann Apartments, 543 Church, at frames. 665-797 evenings. dA7l2 University,761-7600. LOST...…

July 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 34) • Page Image 13

…Offieials: Michigan recession fuels drug problems -Doctor says snuff may cause mouth, throat sores in teirmots an CHICAGO (AP) - Cigarette and cigar smokers who switch to chewing tobacco or snuff in the hopes of avoiding lung cancer may instead be risking jdangerous sores in their mouths and Cthroats, a doctor says. Indeed, snuff and chewing tobacco may prove even more dangerous than cigarette smoking to the delicate linings ofthemouth and eso...…

July 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 34) • Page Image 14

…Page 14-Wednesday, July 9, 1980-The Michigan Daily OVERSHADOWS OHIRA'S MEMORIAL SERVICE Carter, Guofeng to confer TOKYO (AP)-President Carter flew to Tokyo yesterday to take part in Japan's biggest post-war diplomatic gathering-memorial services for the late Prime Minister Masayoshi Ohira. But the solemn rites for the 70-year-old Japanese leader, who died of a heart attack June 12, will be overshadowed by Carter's meeting with China's Premier...…

July 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 34) • Page Image 15

…Rim The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, July 9,1980--Ptrge 15 Spo rtsmu The Sporing Views By DREW SHARP In esterday'u Daily. sportswriter Buddy oorehouse denounced Detroit Tiger outfielder Al Cowens' attack on Chicago While Sox pitcher d Farmer. Today sportswriter Drew Sharp takes an oppoing riew. Detroit outfielder Al Cowens had been waiting for this opportunity for over a year. He was to bat against his old nemesis, Chicago's Ed Farmer. It was a...…

July 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 34) • Page Image 16

…Page 16-Wedinesday, July 9, 1980-The Michigan Daily NL All-Stars down A Senior eireuit streak eontinues in LA, 4-2 * LOS ANGELES (AP) - Ken Grif- fey's home run touched off a comeback and the National League captured a 4- 2 All-Star victory Tuesday. night that extended the American League losing streak in this confrontation between the two leagues to a record nine con- secutive games. Fourteen National League hatters had gone down in order a...…

May 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…i 0 ! 0 The IVIchigan, Daily Vol. XC, No. 2-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, May 9, 1980 Free Issue Twenty-Four Pages Brom__ n r:::.y;:x... ,..... n,::r:;. .:::..,...., :n.. "...r. , :tfi:. Prot ,,:: ,.,,......: >:;^.2 :< ; Yw:wwa ... ?"tx 4.,.::r. ....n.k. ......... .. {.+ ....... ....... ............. .... ... .: ..,.... .. r.. , .... ......, .... x .... r 'wh ; < vx::,'C.;:yv: '::.t:.v:: :: rirv .. ..... ........ r.,,. .,.... ..., ......t .. :...…

May 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 2) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Friday, May 9, 1980-The Michigan Daily Brown won't offer raid attempt details (Continued from Page-1) been made on the use or timing of any particular one," Powell said. Meanwhile in Iran, the Iranian militants holding the American hostages intend to rotate them among a number of cities, sending those with the most suspicious backgrounds to the least pleasant locations, a Tehran newspaper said yesterday. THE CONSERVATIVE newspaper Dony...…

May 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 2) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, May 9, 1980-Page 3 Local SCeneae OF COURSE, TH EY MAYBE WATCIHNG YOU, TOO Watching the detectives By NICK KATSARELAS A light rain fell on the city of Dearborn that early Saturday evening. Joe Booth, a private detective, walked to the back of the beer warehouse and quietly unlocked the door. The vault in the warehouse had been blown open several times by safecrackers-"yeggs" as Booth calls them-and the owners of the ...…

May 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 2) • Page Image 4

…Page 4-Friday, May 9, 1980-The Michigan Daily 4 Government overlooks Agent Orange victim Muskie: A much- needed diplomat S ENATOR EDMUND Muskie has a hard job ahead as President Carter's new secretary of state. Though his appointment comes as a surprise given his lack of foreign affairs experience, we are hopeful that Muskie will prove to be a secretary of state who leads his country to peace, not war. Muskie has given several indications t...…

May 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 2) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, May 9, 1980-Page 5 Senate budget plan to include state portion of revenue sharing WASHINGTON (AP)-The Senate, Hatch (R-Utah) to cut spending in the in the first break with its Budget Com- proposed $612.9 billion 1981 budget by mittee's 1981 balanced budget plan, an additional $7.3 billion to guarantee a agreed yesterday to restore $700 million business tax cut and no deficit. to keep alive the state portion of Hatc...…

May 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 2) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-Friday, May 9, 1980-The Michigan Daily ENDS PHILADELPHIA'S LONGEST TRIAL 9 MOVE members convicted 4 PHILADELPHIA (AP) -Nine defiant, cursing members of MOVE, a ragtag revolutionary group, were con- victed yesterday of killing a police of- ficer 21 months ago, ending the city's longest and most expensive criminal trial. The five men and four women, barred from the courtroom during most of their five-month, $1 million trial, shouted vu...…

May 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 2) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, May 9, 1980-Page 7 Milhiken tax proposal stalled on seniors (Continued from Page 6) cent of Michigan residents over 65 earn less than $10,000-but their property assessments have skyrocketed in the last few years, creating a financial burden for many. While some lawmakers favored exempting senior citizens from paying taxes on the first $25,000 of their assessment, an aide to House Speaker Bobby Crim said the plan wou...…

May 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 2) • Page Image 8

…Page 8-Friday, May 9, 1980-The Michigan Daily World leaders honor late Tito From AP and UPI heading the U.S. delegation to the Ghotbzadeh or other Iranians here met Afghanistan. BELGRADE, Yugoslavia- President funeral, conferred with Zambia's with the visiting Americans. The Soviet leader told Gandhi he is Josip Broz Tito, the "old lion" of President Kenneth Kaunda, Spanish A spokesman for Indian Prime "keen on a settlement and suggested Yugos...…

May 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 2) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, May 9, 1980-Page 9 ECM HOURS: MON-SAT 10-6 SUN,12-8 A N N A R B 0eR s " Keith Jarrett Nude Ants -- -- -wm 9499 2-Discs (ECM-2-117t) Keith percu Jan G saxop Palle Jon C percu Also an The K6I Bill Connors Swimming With A Hole In My Body $5.99 Jarrett, piano, timbales, ssion. Garbarek, soprano & tenor phone. Danielsson, bass. Christensen, drums, ssion. ailable: My Song (ECM-1-1115), n Concert (ECM-2-1064) Barre Phi...…

May 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 2) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-Friday, May 9, 1980-The Michigan Daily meArts REQ A T CRISLER One stop on an endless tour By MARK COLEMAN IT'S IMPORTANT that REO Speed- But when this venerable musical stage-all before the band had played e The success of REO Speedwagon is wagon sound pretty much the same now vehicle rolled into Crisler Arena Wed- note. After that the group put on wha proof positive that perseverence will as they did in 1976, or1972 for that mat- nesd...…

May 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 2) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, May 9, 1980-Page 11 Private investiga (Continued from Page 3) year-old Booth has a variety of in- triguing stories. WHEN A MEMBER of the Detroit Mafia, who was also a witness in a $4 million suit, jumped bail in California and returned to Michigan, .Booth was hired to serve a subpoena on him. But since he couldn't find his witness, Booth guessed that maybe a Detroit Mafia don might lead him to his man. The don, who...…

May 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 2) • Page Image 12

…Page 12-Friday, May 9, 1980-The Michigan Daily I Active againA- Mount St. Helens, the active volcano located 45 miles northeast of Portland in Scientists are now concerned about the possihility of avalanches and flooding in Washington, spews smoke and ash skyward yesterday during an eruption. the area. Nixon moves into 15-room suite 40 NEW YORK (UPI)-Richard Nixon moves into his new 15-room office suite in lower Manhattan next week and whi...…

May 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 2) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, May 9, 1980-P Pontiff to meet Angelican prelate From UPI and AP ACCRA, Ghana-Pope John Paul II yesterday warned African nations not to allow themselves to be exploited or their culture diluted by advanced nations prospecting for economic or political gains. The pope gave his warning in a greeting to Ghana President Hilla Limann after flying the breadth of Africa from Kenya to Ghana. HIS VISIT COINCIDED with one by t...…

May 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 2) • Page Image 14

…Page 14-Friday, May 9, 1980-The Michigan Daily Officials: Libyan not 'U' student (Continued from Page 1) Embassy. We only take 10-12 graduate students a THE NEW YORK Times reported year, and I don't recall a single one yesterday that Zbedi, is a doctoral from Africa." candidate in philosophy at the Univer- Kim said at the very least he was sity. However, Jaegwon Kim, chair- positive Zbedi "is not an active Ph.D man of the philosophy departme...…

May 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 2) • Page Image 15

…PBS arng of movie sparks controversy NEW YORK (AP)-The Public committee chairman, and Rep. William Broomfield (R-Mich.), urged in House Broadcasting Service insisted yester- speeches that the film-which they aaid day that "Death of a Princess" will air is offensive to Saudi Arabia-not be Monday despite pressure from the shown. Mobil Corp., one of the system's major ' "IT IS REGRETTABLE that the supporters, to "review its decision to decision w...…

May 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 2) • Page Image 16

…Page 16-Friday, May 9, 1984-The Michigan Daily me+nausis rlfn- ....+. t. - , ^ Oh -INi NNea c I AU ... MAw nit .1 .10245 ""+ILIUMiNA ED it nlM4 %OL ."^Men AN 4R ilk ++M p^ iVl ir9. ~ .N 1 CCt 441 irr. 4 *N FOUND-FEMALE DOG about 2 yearo old, very CONSOLE STEREO, $30.0. 769-470 after affectionate and well trained. I must give her away. Pleas call 663'189'. dA5l3 NEVER USED-2 Audio Lab 315 speakers $300or best offer.662-0930after 6:00p.m. FOR ...…

May 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 2) • Page Image 17

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, May 9, 1980--Page 17 men's group supportive of ERA (Continued from Page 3) at a young age encourages them to "separate from the people they care about" in order to do well in their professional lives, he said. Tamborriello called this an "alienating ' experience." "Men don't suffer so much from discrimination as they do from dehumanization," he claimed. The consequences of this are "reslly far- reaching," Tamborrill...…

May 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 2) • Page Image 18

…Page 18--Friday, May 9, 1980-The Michiqan Daily BEGINS IS NEW CAMPAIGN STRATEGY Carter travels to Philadelpbia 4 WASHINGTON (AP)-The Rose Garden campaign strategy President Carter is scheduled to abandon today with a trip to Philadelphia worked to his advantage for a time, then turned into a political liability, he has acknowledged. Although Carter insists he wasn't using the protracted crisis over the hostages in Tehran to further his re- e...…

May 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 2) • Page Image 19

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, May 9, 1980-Page 19 Carter abandons his old campaign policy (Continued from Page 18) the situation there." IN SUCCESSIVE statements, when staying at home appeared to be a politically popular move, Carter strengthened his pledge. As late as April 23, one day before he ordered the ill-fated hostage rescue mission and after he had lost a close primary fight in Pennsylvania to Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), Carter conti...…

May 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 2) • Page Image 20

…Page 20-Friday, May 9, 1980-The Michigan Daily Michigan veteran 4 joins group in Agent Orange suit GRAND RAPIDS (UPI)-A Vietnam veteran from Grand Rapids has joined 17 other Michigan residents suing Dow Chemical Co. because of physical ailments allegedly caused by the defoliant Agent Orange. E George Thomas said the chemical, which was dropped in Vietnam to clear jungles and deprive the enemy of food supplies, was responsible for. his' "severe...…

May 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 2) • Page Image 21

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, May 9, 1980-Page 21 KEY WES Guard called "disaster wail as the numbe bed past 25,0a burden alread Two compa duty to help centers, whe short. Twelve Broward and were reporte plies. AFTER F record influx inexplicably migration off 2,000 arrivals the total to ab the 90=mile c Mariel in Cub days. Havana ra boats remain pick up refuge Cuban refugee shelters T, Fla. (AP)-The Coast "When we set this thing up we safer seal...…

May 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 2) • Page Image 22

…Page 22-Friday, May 9, 1980-The Michigan Daily Ford to appear at convention I WASHINGTON (UPI)-One former Ford will speak at the opening session GOP president, Gerald Ford, will make of the four-day convention in Detroit. a major apeech at the Republican Rep. Guy Vander Jagt of Michigan will National Convention July 14, but the make the keynote address July 15, other-Richard Nixon-will not be at- Brock announced. tending, chairman Bill Brock...…

May 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 2) • Page Image 23

…k . "vyfv O Y y }l pvC' yK 4.....' 4 pv+r r }'vvi rf + r + .. ". . 9..s+ ;4..&£ $. b'#k :: ::; :::. o-. =,a ..a *" ..' 9: ... :.:. fi'<.' :<. ,al,.r,:xst" ""..,+s. ::.?;.>:.4,a ..,z}t,. ,.t . The Michigan Daily-Friday, May 9, 1980--Page 23 Sports < Sabres edge N. Y, 2-0 Fly ers rout North Stars nine oals as the Philapelnhia Flvers h ndp wr asin t Minncta From Wire Service Reports Jphn Van Boxmeer scored a first- period power-play goal and ...…

May 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 2) • Page Image 24

…Page 24-Friday, May 9, 1980-The Michigan Daily 4 v{: .,:::":ititi":"'":" ."'::ti?":ti $.f'":..t.v."; " ':'{n:"" 'ti"::"::.V: yyV.} : "{A; :'V;.t," :": "; . v ' :.w . "".\:": :;m<",,;:..;r" ," 'r h: S: ,".: "S:":-: ": ar.,":: ti::>' . ".: \t,..a .,. u:: t;;;.;"tt; yh:y«,ttti :r". '.: ,:;ri{ "": :i'fi:;:{y: 1."'":. '{ "y7r }.}.r i:SP.: ::' ;C. : : iri::":i "::ti 'ri;':L: : ""i 'i ::{{": c : +',C: v,:..:.:v',v. :. { v "n"}:: .:.r v , . ;r; .. t...…

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