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March 09, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 111) • Page Image 1

…Thre ichigan Daily A NNt ARBOR, TMICH., TIHURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1905 No. Itt SEATS ON SALE. urag Sale o Seats Already Report tlUnexplainable Dleay of lur Cdue lEntries --arsity Aen in DiCondition. Leith 11111 11 f I 11c 11"t :tm - ntc1 c1 i 1. 11dttt r- Tliii 1''ci c l ii [ Wil e llt t 1 I Il l 1ld at a - 11119 ~h al cil f~ tl 31 tlia1 t1 1 t c lr 3r1'I t u d e lh II the c ' i' > 1 ,u 11ha lay il l ii i h t I " i l t i 1 I ar11111 I .,," .' C r l ...…

March 09, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 111) • Page Image 2

…liE M ICHIIGA N DAIRY. " """+' ;'TlE 1IIC hI GAN DA ILY.1-tI . + Enlicttee asso-lati ;ittit t .t r :lilit tet)t i * liii lIit itic _ :1 ~Managinig Editori, J. STANLEY BALEY.iscI flBus~iinssMngeri, CLAUDE) A. THOMP SON.f3 Iti )T {)i tiiA'' TH EW S RI G Ahletrp ics___________ . ttieni WOOLENS------------ .~ i i cicci'. PIc.N 4 INEWgit Al ITOR ILl STFF:i THE N YY S RING A ,Ge r 'HAarryii i 1. A delks p r WOOLENSilcARE'AS ci' 1 . I' i And the Styl...…

March 09, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 111) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. HfART, SCIAFFNI3R& MARX: Sutits, Itaint iT o1p0 Coats and + Trc~is our spring otfI itornw rea lv Ifar yotur tttspiitttott. LUTZ The Clothier, SUIT CASES Th iysLretAssortmntlHere. $1.65 - $2.00 - $3.00 up to $12.00 j Steamer Trunks, Dressing Trunks, Wall Trunks In All Sizes and Prices CLUB AND GLADSTONE BAGS, $1.50 TO $13.00. MACK & .CO. 217 So. Main S#. ka.A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +4- + t + **.Money Loa...…

March 09, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 111) • Page Image 4

…'01T IIIGA N DAILY. ,..a... S yW: oo ih g s LA .P __._... i , 1+ f i ', . { -7 . ti J.. .__- .. ! :; i , _ . _ .:. , . v ' d F, yS z l; 44 MEN .; 1 li AINV WOFIEN Factory=Store ",ii A i 1 . 1 . i .. .it. BASE BALLL\B AL A. i o' A I t . 1ii!, A f I M A' i 11 ~ lli of, o 1 i Oxft s I0 0AMZO Glatot tt c011r ° TRAINS EVERY HOURte iic tioithat O I T 3 ALI.HMA SHALLBATTLE GREEK, KLSM~1H, an Pi Eat and West 2 at ,AT LE CREEK WALK-OVTER ShO0ECO l OW. ...…

April 09, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, APR11L 9, 1905 No. z13 kILL FEATURE IN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA. 1908 ENGINEERS VICTORS The University Organization will be Freshmen Win Interclass Meet with AWTU ILL'WUU OW beard in an Interesting Program I 17 Poinis -Senior Lits Second- V UIL IL SiOTomorrow Night- Three As- 1907 Elngineers Win Re- skiing Artists. lay Championship. 4eieitger, Champion Amateur Bag Puncher of the thle clee ofi 01 Uli iri u...…

April 09, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 138) • Page Image 2

…'LII C'MICHIGAN DAILY. F~I sda, J- m e tTe Ann " Nlumitwing Editor, . -nINLLY IHALEY. 4,. Business ~ManagerCLALIII'A. ItMP~Y DEMOCRATIC VIJ C" I'ION. ~t r1>rll 11 tl , 1" 'ytt'1'. l: }I1 r ' y 'Ill t'1',it 3c T-IENNIS RACKETS WC 'a i cOIlt lin~ iie of Wright & IDistoll n i fatchre: * 4 I i it-n h Y. Kerr' 4 * ..Ida .-M. liltanlri 0.1 TH R'iF I)S iig N 4 ?XIIaii. l n drews i.Ci wallanehSihe W Itv . Osorn Artur . IP.1 un s al A ndsom . 1. rt. A....…

April 09, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 138) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Iiurclifield's Fine Tailoring Trade Guiarantees... Yo ho si ll, rd artistic 'servit'Ciosbh had anvwhere. ieriir ,, rod coomplrete lice oif seasonable wool- - e~li.ii fir R[ ir' &id Newi's Custom Shirts, 3adriA or iii e, ii oritifril indexci ve i lsine of shirt- Burchfieid's fine Tailoring Trade, 106 E. Huron [1OAGVS HOME SUPPLY STORE Offer at l1 ' Sain Pi co . }BLUSHElS, {OMBSS OAPS, t SHOESTRINGiS, KNIVES, SCISSORS, ANt) C...…

April 09, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 138) • Page Image 4

…'1115 MICHIGAN DAILY. jf . ou~rc not built as other men, *uw ,can bll aS itto measure Thry(, l L'ci on tbe near so+ *great as the I I t cl~on. We guaran- *teecafit . ." ICU t t Ii eyr &CO. l() 109 I1 E 'o~aiiiton St. ANN A R O k", _M(ChIGAN: *s $'3s5Q EGAL $3.5Q SPRING STYLES NOW IN / 1 1 b P 4,4,4,4, 4, 4,4,4,4. 4,4, 4,4,4, 4,4,4,4, 4,4,4, ~4,4, 4,4,4,*4,*4,** 4,4,4,4,*4,4,*- 94,4,* .a4 P1Tckwtck -: . BOWLIN A LEY NEW GROUND Stri-ctly Vt7 -bu...…

May 09, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 155) • Page Image 1

…,The Michigann Daily VOL.. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1905. No. 155 VARSITY FIELD DAY. MONEY FOR UNION. j GARRISON FINISH. MADAME BLAUVELT. Ilen Will Glo After Varsity Recordsi County Fair Committee will 'Turn Michigan Wins Game with Chicago Fainous Soprano Who Has Won to Win Pittsburg Alumni (her a Big Sum for the by Scoring Three Runs in Eauropean Distinction to be Medals. Club House, the Ninth Inning. ( lHere Friday. ''cd 1 t "l ...…

May 09, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 155) • Page Image 2

…THIE MICHIGAN DAILY. f+ f. N~o + " eN THE 1'IlC H I GA N D A IL Y . 2 ASirii ii 1tcr *Puisthed daily:(Monday e irietidduring the coVllege p17i: ~. ::g:::t tret Oid I'Lir o t:nwPhn 6 Tailoring ~~~~~Mantaging Editor, 3. STANLEY lOALEY,. BunesMagr LUEATHPSNEDOR f Athletics P:L .ylE .PPS it f N ws-----------------Axriu v . P. OUNDP Fxch es ....... ......... o s .Her Women- ...........Ida SiN. iBrowrigg :THE NEW SPRING . WOOLENS ARE READY A...…

May 09, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 155) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. I ~ct4 t4~4 I: 1~1114 HART, SCHAFFNER & MARXS Su its Raincoats, Top Coats andi Trousers for spring of iqo> now ready for yonr inspection, LUTZ The Clothier,, 217 So. Maink St. MACK ft Co Summer Shoes for Ladies i DOROTHY DODD'S I JANSSILE' Itn all fashionable leathers, black &c colored $2.50) $3.00) $3.50 '+t+I+ .4+*++++++i+4+.i.4+ ...Money Loaned... On twatclei, itatuloldsJ over and all iH ighltSSailatc and 1Collateral Sec...…

May 09, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 155) • Page Image 4

…31' H4IGA D IL . . , I ANDALL P H 0 TOG KA PH E K 1 I F'.. ' 1 , y ' ,.. , -. : ' P .. m m I TY; ; ,... . - Study with a Good Light 4 IThlre is no btrlightl than THlE W ELSBACH READING LAMP1 ALL SYLES Al ALL PRICE~lS. The Ann Arbor Glas Company. A. G.SPalding & Bros. IdEW ROUTE TO KALAMAZ 11 Id ,. Official A11Io414 - 41p41o> L f ATHLETIC IMPLEMENTS BASE BALL BASKET BALL TRAINS EVERY HOUR GOLF BOXING GLOVES To ALBION, MARSHALL, BATTLE ORE STRIK...…

November 09, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 39) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily 'VOL. XVI. DUNLAP AGAIN OUT FOR SIGNAL PRACTICE Ift HIalback Played at Tackle in Yesterday's Workout-Hos- pital Almost Emptied. lUosl pthe bigstin siptter sant half- back, who iha its eno hetshospital list sinc th beinig'oof tsason,. got irst limsiceiss'the Nebirsk'a gamise.'His knee' is still sicak ansd it ws'thilogh~t inad(1visablet o playinis t h f last ight ansoseiiquiiiitls\Yst siitmuhint tigt 11ckl tt 'hiiistil liihoi...…

November 09, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 39) • Page Image 2

…THl MICEIT AcvJAL STHE MICHIGAN DAILY. C ~O* lld '00 Fied assecondlssmatter tte Ann q'p Managing Editor, CLYDE L DEW Business Manager, WALTEE R. HANS MERCHANT TAILORS ,)TlS 6t7t ~ ...........Lou'is 1. Sickney I~chng ........als . 1W.stead R Women.... . ....... Efi . Arstrng 1IITORIAI, STAFF. The largest stock in Ii n h 666 sFrnin C. I'ars the City of exclusive iR. (larOBin tyles in Woolens for ASSOCIATES. Gentlemen Wear. Of Georgs A. OsborntH...…

November 09, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 39) • Page Image 3

… 84'IL.'IC LIBRARY No. 247 OFFICIAL COLLEGIATE BASKET BALL GUIDE FOR 1905-6 Edited by JFmo-oy A. Fisher- Contal'stts's- titit iltrulea lgvenili el l- ao, 1, itl i Isti"fa all stheis"aleg PRICE 10 CENTS BY MAIL A. G. SPALDING ak IEBROS. 'N w 'stttt CUWtAI,() 1..VER IiSAN 1ACISCO TOBACCOS HUSTON BROTHERS SuccesorsIs, JA . W. REEDi, 312 S. Stote STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booh Jno. V Soehan Wm. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaugha Jas. it. Wads IF. 1'.Mills N. ...…

November 09, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 39) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY llockillgValleyRy. Yo) will find Four Trains Daily 5From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depots in Toledo and to- lurobus S. Ei. CL ARK, 32 Campus Martius Detroit, Mich. THE BEST ARGUMENT We can offer for your patronage is we Stand back of everything we Sell1. It is always right if it conies from this Store. Give a 0 7Emoment's considera- o. rItion to these figures. MEN'S SUI...…

December 09, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 60) • Page Image 1

…T.he Michigan Dil ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, _k \ I)-AY, 1)1 CEII FR o, 1o05 Vor'. XVI. co. (to . MICHIGAN MEETS VAN- DERBILT ON DIAMOND Spring Baseball Trip Changed From That of Previous Years-Vander= bilt and Kentucky Included. The irote of the wnual basebalti taken hring the sping ivactitonti to he greatly chtanigiidte coninig eaontac- cording to the sceduile higarrangd norlbt Maitage 13 it tii( ideste game ti1Chicagoi April T4ite lii ftr %t...…

December 09, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 60) • Page Image 2

…Tu E mICjli6AN DAILY _ ,G. H. Wild Leading MERCHANT TAILORS The 1largest stock in the City of eclusive styles in Woolens for Gentlemen wear. Of highclass fabrics anti special style for Stu- dents. G. H. Wild Co. o 0 311 S. ytate t. g Fraternity and Sorority Stationery We carry in stock a large variety of eimbossed writ- iig papers-in the latest popular sies and finishes for all the leding frater nitis and sororities'Come in and see them the p...…

December 09, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 60) • Page Image 3

…T 41MMICHIGAN DAILY for Art amnd Skill in TailorinnO[Y[AND Vacation Oportunity 4Call On (t)n Mateles. Diii ns.eis r and altltHigh Class Ch att The young ladies and men of the U. of M wishing anto lt e reat eurity to better their financial condition can do so with very SAM DURC-HOFIELD & CO.. LVRI little trouble by catting at the Ann Arbor Garment C 0thodAve st o r l l s ACo No canvassing. Third floor. Mack & Co. The Recognized First Tailoring ...…

December 09, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 60) • Page Image 4

…'' tI mICHIGAN bAILV . .................... _ _ ... ... .. rr-_----_, I D::IT SLS ART STORE O)nly tibFirrench (ilas3 is Used 223 S. Alain St, Q? U ARRY'S Tile Differencc , tbetwreen a limp collar and one proper ly stiffened with starch is not only inj aftpeaaanci' and comfort- the well starched collar lasso Ithe -longer. May Y g ut it's the t rath. Depend upon it that r 6, wetwill. do satisfatorty work for youi. ricO if ire do get at litt...…

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