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December 09, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 60) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan VOT.n YTY \N\TA\T tCIR. Nl IH i(; \M FFIN '-;AY,1 >lF( M ]',F :. 1()()s REGULARS BEATEN ln ur isFshrdna xl RN E ORE k'V lent guarti in fact the gardlng tinrogitA'' IN FAST PRACTC taasi ueie: iaskets, Chpmn ii. FOR NEXT SEMESTER :'', t~"n s n Sile; e tr, 'nr lo g ,( o tc First Team Fails to Overcome Strk; guards, lGrahtam.i4 aintmt, al- ns eGreigWl e in. ie Early Lead Secured by Scrubs wi Added to Curriculum-Possi'. I!cuu Sopio...…

October 09, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily A TTTT T~cnv A OU r AN- T"P n AV C)e(" fiC)R O ,.rrn NO. tO. V0t,. XIX. AINiN AR BURtt l '.. c-i 4 te ts, a'i tes., ils.. DY titnthe it.ccousg of the game. The 0TIARE RM VARSITY IS READYPOnLITICALScREFORMS GAME XIImTWs Vria) $eyImeril MD.Y ONI FORt AGitiIE Watkins......L.. Ruset AElYCONI -Beiitrook .....ells C1 Last Scrimmage a Slaughter of Schlt .....te. .....Kettey-Catl No Party Tickets or Political IKuh .. .. .. .. R;i...…

May 09, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 161) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganDaily ANtN ARBOR, M TC(2' AURDAY, MAY 9, 1908. A VOL. XVIII. \ . L } 1 6i GAME AND MEET 6 OFFERED TO FANS Double Attraction at Ferry Field This Afternoon-Baseball and LTrack Vie for Spotlight. .Track and diamond will i this after noon in holtitg te attetiion of thet ..crowd, for oinlg to the ioovnons nun- } er of entries for the hanidiatt meet the first events will hve to hebettut off at 3 p. mv The aseatl game with Georgetown...…

April 09, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

…The M ichigan Daily .;77= AZW.4 $a MM-A J=.V.'04 44 9 VOL. XVIII. AN~N ARB0OR, -MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL, i 1908 No. 144. BASEBALL TEAM LEAVES TOMORROW Fourteen Men Will Tour in South During Vacation-Men Are in (food Condition. The baseball earn wil leave on t1e Amn Arhor at 11:30 tomorrow for the Cohtern trip. Thirteen or forteen ben, probably the later. ill board the train. The first gaie will e played next Saturday at Georgtown Ky. ...…

February 09, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

…The Michiga nDal A\NN ARBOR, MICHIGAN St '<DAY, FEBR'ARY 9, 2'908. VOL. XVIII. No. 93. S. C, A. CELEBRATES SEMI-CENTENNIAL Famous Doctor Journalist and Many College Professors Sign Articles of Incorporation. 'ITe 2222222.2sa222 2of 122. 't22 21en221' Christian Associati222onlof te Uni versity wiltlhbe 2appropria te)l}-221bserved2 this evening, when Rt. 1Re. C .harle 1 A2nderson,1bishop21of221 (ho 21.2w2ill (1- 112.22 thte fiftiet...…

January 09, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 73) • Page Image 1

…The Mchga Daily \NN XARBOR, \IT( I fIG \\, rHURSDAY, JANUA RY, 9) 1508. VOLs. XVIII. Nti. 73;. TEMPERANCE MEET FEELS SENTIMENT Speakers Talk Forcibly But Not Rabidly Against Saloons in College Towns. A Before a large and earnset audience Chairman Hlendcersons opened the meet- ing called together by thc auvocates of temperance in Usiversity hall last eei- ing Tie subject was totihetei upon front all sides, and, is all fairness to the speake...…

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