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January 09, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 73) • Page Image 1

…FRTYEAR. ANN ARBOR. - MICH., THURSDRAY, JANUARY 9, 1902. No. 73 GREAT DEMONSTRATION. OUR DEBATERS GOES INSANE. SNOW SELECTED, Red Fire and Roman Candles Greet Mea Who Will Meet Northwestern Senior Dental Student Attempts to Casper Whitney Gives Him a Place on -the "55" Fen-Loyalty of the Friday Night-Facts Aout Kill Relatives-Is Taken to the All-American-Only Western Business Men, the Team. Asylum. Player Honored. Te (frturn of tin- footballte...…

January 09, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 73) • Page Image 2

…THlE MICHIUAN DAILY-NEWS J J .0I WILD 60. LEADING MERCHANT Tf1IL0R~ OUR FALL LINE is the best we have ever shown, containing ALL THE Black and Blue, Styles, and a very fine line of Fancy Suitings and Trouserings in the latest patterns and color- ings. The largest assortment in the state. 'WILD 60. io8 E Washington St. ALLEGRETTI'S and LOW NEY'S CHOCOLATES Fresh every week. Leave orders now for large size packages for CHRISTMAS QUARRY'S Campus ...…

January 09, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 73) • Page Image 3

…THE M1CHIGANL1DAILY-NEWS AH, BUT THEY ARE DANDIES! Our new assortment of Bath Robes, Lounging Gowns and Smoking Jackets. iwllAll that you could desire of our stork is complete in these lines and iwilbe to your advantage to look them through bofore buying your holi- day presents. 200..202 S. Main Street. ~FDfMKfN&KZL~ 'JOHN 'J- SOHANZ CA.DEA To LADlES AND MEN TAILORS OA.DEA 601 EAST WILLIAMS STREET flilifilill AL ..+.+ + -IL tIi -111!IIii -0-::...…

January 09, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 73) • Page Image 4

…THlE SJ1CIIIGAN DAILY-NEWS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++4+++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*:++++++'l++++0 ~ A'ND'IES KODAK I: d div packages of all siues. We Witer scenery and winter 5arties make K"'odakin-g attrac' + pack forshiupment without charge.... tive for the to lidays. We have all the tici patterns. 20 + See themi in our wVindaIw. per cent, discount on kodaks. ~CALKJNS' PHARMACY 324 SO. STATE S3Oi +++I+++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++...…

March 09, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 115) • Page Image 1

…z 7rs. ,5 1rf''e r 7 7-Z RECORDS SHATTERED Down AIN 11000 )R, ICH.,St ,NLXkY, MARCH . 12 Expeliten es of Prof.. F.ohnon, A FAMOUS POEM h ow Judg~e in 'the ulppno tip fl The Unknilown Aulthor Prove to HtaN No. 1 A New Lantern. Iicit~~t'l li it''tl i ^ f~'fl 0 ? 1 ri o I!i Itl't ti";3ilt'tl ll'tl 't ;; tltt t' \ iI;# tiI " \ N ini IN s it llt;ll' I't'i tE« « .l rltli 111 ;Iti+i ti?1'o t " , it1« tl t «rl" (lit" ;;t'11ii-Cltl;li . t i;11111 llitl...…

March 09, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 115) • Page Image 2

…'11Thb;MICdiI;A-N DALLY--NE\VS >r « 3? LU s?'t Iwo t r t Dane t t Mail r P k P 'may/ p 4 C I t 1 1 1 ! /. M V .I e'w v_ r t r '1^ iwr)a .s t Now lnr z CL MIC!L i AILY-VtNEWS PUB, CO, tOtlTOS n I I': Ix 1' New Booli 11 V 4 t'l i i 0i ilt~lt 113r< ;iit' rS-- 13 ( ' 3'; }F ii t 1l II C + 3 [ H. rI- Fresh f Strawberries j Served at the Fountain Tomorrow. CRUSHES and SUNDAYS 20c Cgr. Cigars,lo c an J08 -"% State St. K L a ks Medical Boks C. E. tiAR...…

March 09, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 115) • Page Image 3

…?AHli, BUT THE"Y AR[E D"'"A'NDlE S rinew as r of Eth Robes, g({>iSmss. S r c r 0I~h-yo cu d d re r t s_ c lets c >xr 4 - be to vs ' at anta e +: 200-202 S. Main Street. T y KUg JOHNJ SHA NZ Toy,. TAILORS OHAS. DIETA EX(ELSIOR LAJNbKT DAY WOR ,F SPECIFLTY' HANDWORK 601 EAST WILLIAMS STREET This space belongs to fiood Ojovernrnet Club ~ 3 W\ ~ 3 __Gt1iIST1fIN ., i.LLMENDINGU( EGYPTIAN DEITIES 4N0 better Turkish Cigar ett can emade."' EGYPoTIAN ....…

March 09, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 115) • Page Image 4

…TIiL M Itiil It~A\ IDA K~ Nici.V-' i'I 1 .. I Fuliv Lat lit e.d -A hat m'ade wxithi particular care tor particular meni. XX AGNER CO. LATET ISHPES JUSTlUN, sole A\kntt %~ Beter St-,:,' 1 i-T~ti-qci Bdetter rWtkui-unsi u. kwi6I aBiIidrd rdrar5 dod wioq N7 111 T ' . 70 ? x i .A t ?. r 1 alN iid I E T T5ER T.miM N E VE N TEMPORtiY 1111at Fc aDoYou X 0'.l, FUL4DE .,,,The Tailor.... I I jw .7 j Aw 1 .7 iL Vw L %w I ai9 S. Main St. Ann Arboar T...…

April 09, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…A ANW. DAI ........... ANN Affl-';OR, MICIL, NV Ell ,N F < D.- Y. AI. 190,h FIRS? YEAR No. 141 HARPHAM WINS M. Le Roux SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Basket Ba) 1akes Best Time in CrossuxCountry -d Ili n ,uit t z Wall A~Famous Cincinni iOrganization BUnd- 5s fSsitiS tittit SeiAnnual n ot aeon eI lul. Illsi ottjeet twas .loo" er Leadership of Frank Van dertittiin Witay &lo+ up:heireSsil dyiT iin li Sticden to Appear Friday astitrreingiititaitamong the diet...…

April 09, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 141) • Page Image 2

…Jb4 0t f a 1) uI u - w N Pt) 1LL 0j < >0" z CL C .O _NN DA lt, ; It .I1 ; , , ,. ;.a l"t'itt> 11 111 t t 11th trll f '1' 'Iiroilliltly Ito TE 1t) It-a a114I t trlltiiltlil:;:' ttt ( 1ti { ,> 11.. :1 tltt 1 s l } } I {= 4 ak i I i 'x,_11 , I'i:i11'< ttJt' "i It' 1':11111+'1 1t :11'(1 1ri tllE' r 1 ~I... tit' Alta .1 rr iliversil v liv ltit:t Itkt"Il 11r1'1);Ii'- rti 1,} al't'll I I t'1 t I 1 4111 & ('1)., 1'u int I)(wtrt)it. 'fill, ltllilt! wil...…

April 09, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 141) • Page Image 3

…THE 'MJ i~ll k AN DAILX7 -NEWS I Rai Coats Spring jz~uits f 6 They're All Here Spring Hats Evey rtileofmen apaelig ts o prngNeckwear N r r i l f m n p a~ l no p igby fashionable dressers WVIDHiIMS, IIYIIM & 1[ULr. Fancy Shirts I T0 L~15 H A. DITAS EX(ELSIO51K LAIQNbRT __ 60 EASTE WILLiAMS STREET 115 WEST HIIRJON ST.-.'Phone 506 Tls space belongs tlo Government Club s GHilISI, 'N J. fLLM[NDINGER TT~ - 1! 5 TFRIN EGYPTIAN DEITIES "No better Turk...…

April 09, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 141) • Page Image 4

…TH"M_ CIiJ0A' Better Thall Ev er, S , ;-tDERBYorn WorStoka .7" mi, 1 the trdard Fprico: ti : ul[ar cT are for WA'G E~ LAT -5T ShAPES JUST IN, N 1AILI.-hNEWSt effor a hat. 'o- J for3 A olrihat ma dc « ithI Sole Agents I rliGIk BiI1iard rarlors awl BOHIN1 707 NORTH UN1VERSITY AEU ThAm ann te bs fsveytng: SF&IRVCE, E4QUIPMENT and ADMBO Wt ~rurataie OLEDO T0 COLUMBUS Write J. W'.. LANDrlAN, Gieneral Traveling Agent, DETROIT, MIGt1IGAN. BE-TTR TH/ ...…

May 09, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 157) • Page Image 1

…A'NoTARBIO)1, MICH.. llLAY. CMAYN. FIRIST YEAR. N (). I ;'r i CHARLES EMORY SMII'H A Short Sketch of the Ditnguishd MantSWho Will Spak to Us To Niglt n Williani MKiley Al il ia i'iiiiiei t \C isiii iil% ii - a Cud d ii " a i il tlaa}I ii iii SC ,tii o i;,ii l ilith id th Ci;i Iol ., - 1t o~It C it Iaho tr~t iu t i all 'III it ijiii'it I, ~~i ii ,itiil it r l f11i I M .ijiji ii 11i , t ttl+, oer j Ni~ctur hi,,loo~ -s , I ' ijii'"i' I v-j'' ii10...…

May 09, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 157) • Page Image 2

…s~ 1 :L Ito+ 0 ,7 ir IIJLI t r n^ie.z zkryt r v}" Gude A1P 4EW P0 t , r N J S 1 b ~ ; AM)I 'F'r Fine Lnhs hooa~ o oc iAnS ia tS. oaco n iMfCHIGN DOMY-NEWS PUB" CO. 11 Ais ItE i 110 S1 0 1 t ., N f::1: :ill; al ; P I r K f i I.1 Spalding's Reach's AT !-1 : ~ ; , , i , 'II' ; d i o i S. \Vt. 3 il I.;. I t 1 f[ tIII i"'N II ''i\ ; ,Alit1,- I I ii t l a VI< 0I f NV ll () ~iir ti Yi E I TETO Jo ; ') 01 I' t~ vr w.,s1. e. . a. 5 .Y C t ii .F;...…

May 09, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 157) • Page Image 3

…A ogthleZS m aI e rTIng I fe 1c 1 'vJrs , i i 'itcal tan r 10 0 12, i :2.: a. 01''t 1 11 115 115 S. O ..; C Ui".'4 th : W ek "L. 31ct1'ill, t MtV. b lld Yi$10050_7 ~. .0%07 i ~ 0 N,~ I -IA2S I0ii\ hEii ,L1,A. i'; *+++ + ++ + ++++ ++++++++ + ++44+ 4+++4+ + + +4+ ++++4+++++++++++++++4 OH SHAZ_ OHAS. DIETAS T LI601 EAST WILLIAMS, STREET EXCr.ELSIOR LaQ.NDRT DAY WORK / sP5CIAtLTY: HANDWORK 1.l1T WST lIU Ii()N T.,'hone 506 Th t*, s space L ,2,., li...…

May 09, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 157) • Page Image 4

…THE AIICIJIGAN I)AIL*Y-NEWS Better Than Fier, Better Stock., '7eter 7'rrnn qs, 'Better Workmanshlip. I A fewyears ag o Fite 1Dollaros o as the standard price for a hat. To- day1 one' can he h ad for THREE, HAWES Fully guaranteed A hat made woith particular care for particular Men. WAiNER (& CO., I All SHAPES \1 l S LT IN, Sole .Agent-, I " . IiY?2j' I MUK B illiard Parlors and BowlineI 707 N(}ri! 0 NI\1 RSIIX AVNUEN THE HOOKING VALLEY PYAI1 Th...…

October 09, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 15) • Page Image 2

…,~ ij{ a^-t - r I s f dchaut ~i ~s 3 FooeBllClthingt 01 he -11doS. hnave just receiv- eda new line of Woolens for fall and w.InTter The arg t so- Al SN \I1INOjE E1 lOff , Ill UE".T A)E AVI IS AI l:I 1; IA )\ tit"E PA1 ti 1!i 4if i T he Best 1I Fountain PFN III thle City. New & Secod II nBok E~~l i 111441'Sold. l it si t),Eg, I oul i er.s,[;i :z i1'111 . NI dIll I I, I In.>1in lo s Iji.IC t ?' ~'a 1) [...A l A N VA1111I H.II :dI.II .....1.1.I '...…

October 09, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 15) • Page Image 3

…1111 MICIIIGAi'4IAILY-.NEWS AUTE -- N A PPA RELJThis is worthy YOUR AaTENTION BACTERIOLOGY, BIOLOGY, . ArHISTOLOGY or PATHOLOGY 41 ni lt ' ti b k Of kilt 'Ii, : t t oh- I W C ljav ot 1olf )nl C, 1'i ( f iilr sasn .tti'f ?, c 3 ii Q f ii 1e't i t ttr 1 i, lii i n lit t t i tv losiiuentsn 11 IV STEINBLOC COMANY BERBACH & SON, LINLWNSCHMITT & APPEK . Branch Store on ,;AACE AND PARISIAN I i AT ns Everythini I othe ColileeMan, I0 -I M , FDL i ii iT...…

October 09, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 15) • Page Image 4

…'1111:. r3I.U13.1( .d Url1L 1--1 * ._ .. r.r^.r...,.,;.-.,---~ ,....r --n" .. Y-" ...F.r.r- iMS, ,--. ..-n+'r --"". r-.t :' r '., "r.rZ.; r- rer, - .-., .,-^ ;ye+,rwr ,c".r. ,.+ .r,, .r - 4 'y ,, r, -r.,.., ,-, r ._ ... . ~ p,. ..,r _. " ..[ k.ati w LAMA Ss.SY o . ._.: ,. W.., _.:=:mss =' .wi..r .ra ar -n. : i..rr .rlr+ Yue r. r "- .. _ _d .. .:: . rIL YJ1s 1 ...e. .. r 0i rw4 C 3 P FO luE N WIE :1i.NXCI 1( L IIIT on r L .. .tOCL of he'.:.." a...…

November 09, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 42) • Page Image 1

…______ UNVERSTY OF MCHIGAN N 11 jJ\ _1. MWII.. t '1) k I\ L4LEV i. 1902 A, 0 0 FVA SC0R4"OF SAT DAY A y { tt , ' ry 11-, 11TH11 SwN1)XYR. MICHIGAN. 107:1 'iK,' N nS. 9w 1010-1 Ii1 i_ No. I byt Ne:. 12 Kh o-010> (1110>t:. :t; eOv1 0111111. of Event I " 4 . . . . . . . . . ..f ' . , , jt'\3t'ii( t'i i+ Co II il1i n ct10o ;! I E ; N ; :I, t ; ;3i Sll 1\ I. li i; lttl l p I l -li . 1lr Ii t~t'tilt \'] lI A i I~ IP i'i llM 'l1ll1 z: r I1I ,, A II 0...…

November 09, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 42) • Page Image 2

…THlE N1 Ctl[GAN DA tLYNEVtQ Tailors.. have just receiv- ed a new line of Woolens for fall, and winter. The! l a rgest assort-: ment in she city AT C\ bItt - .Xc I I Or(nwc VsU "CI, ~ r I I It I I~~ t I I t ro~ BtUSINESS I1ANAUGtt, IUi ,t1{' 13 . I '' , "i1t (itiNtitAL NEW-5 I II 11. I I I' 111 j Fl 11it it tI. Allr l I I$4.o00 I 1titio~v l, f ln aI r Iih ll N' I I1 fl 'tt ~'k'IIIs W i hRS lif s rT I1rSm, I'I ""F1 A"Why" New suuhcribr -sS2c0oi ...…

November 09, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 42) • Page Image 3

…[liE MIHIGANDAILY- NF2V% Extract from the Laws of the Srate of New York. NL LB il l ilkI lor tt'111 . . THE RIGHT THINOS AND ENOUGH OF THEM - ne~west Mete's Furnishinig ho W ich i < c E t 1i' s a -'.tr 1 'l +Y)3 1 I 1( 1t e lt'1I t RCKET BRAND Ba rker's Collars are Stamped "Linen" 1 i1 1 p ~!>l '': .'tv311 &CO., 1P14)1)111.11- 1ride 11 11)1111'5511111 WADHAM S, RYA & RE OLE. D '.''t :y cI. thin get I; t< l)II hI> i s . 10t; Il.11 setted r to ....…

November 09, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 42) • Page Image 4

…TOlE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS SpecialSale o [heAlre BejainCelbrte Csto mde Futo &Brodw..ox wonb llsyihdrsesinteeseTemkmadqaiyopa o themelvs. W deire o allioi~ethatwe re sllig thm a a cosemar g i n u ri g o r rm ov a a e.U . U SsM n g r iLOVES CLEANED/t1 N 1 ~i4 Lovell's Corner Store' x(1'. . 1. lul tl'1d 342 S. State -St. ,.,Soi-) I he torks Home Supply Store. t :li ~ See us for Pad Locka .1 Harmmers, Brushes, Mir- . rors, Ink Sta ds,,ape 'Weights....…

December 09, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 62) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. SECOND YEAR. AN\N ARDOR, MIIL. TUESDAY, 1)tkEMBER 1}, 1902 STANDARD TIME Wisconsin to Play Here Tltin t t al t ',I1'a tt'' lt lit To be Adopted by University January " t I I. .t'il ii'e~r'lnaii' 1, 1903 -Clacoes to Meet at S it t I.:,tv' i' ii. 'fThis w i itr O'clock Under Nesw System es - tcasi- ,. I:: ,ite a"n ill sti; -Local Time Discarded atit 1e , ' il ;'Ixily ill11tv. I __________ j ilntt' 'of t il t it o X' itill...…

December 09, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 62) • Page Image 2

…trousers DIII Bt hi fa-IL )Ile C r u e s The U, of A1. DIiLY, isxxx Year. Tiw +)1ix' :xxoi ive lix' IIIl , Thei 'VARITiY NEWS. 21ti 'xYear. lxxx'timiltI ll(- :1111e t, t' ill107. 'Ihit i Crousers tll _____° T'I Il' 1:11'r11 ate Iran,__I)____h__________________________________ I 'Liltilk NI)t Weiara lii'lx ' lto xh e= 00 I MANAGING EDITOR, ' A' i lxxxii nxxx k xei f, xix bIy of the late t pattexrns in EARLE 1. HOUSTON. '):; x xxxiii l JI iii ,l...…

December 09, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 62) • Page Image 3

…If you want to know This is worthy YOUR ATTENTION what smartly dressed I~~ei ~men will wear this sea- 11' on takit LanoratorvCoursevIin son ask to see BACTERIOLOGY, BIOLOGY, Stein= HISOL Y or PATHiOLOGY 'dnrew v io n i P ninrnno i tbau~pcuB loc Ii c/Instruments & Supplies Sniart lobhes I ned in teelbrtre Lid~shnit ptlEBERBACH & SON, IM TRS ND Branch Store on State St. PALACE AND PARISIAN IL~ LAST YEAR WE GOT UP TEE The FiUnest .Suits SIGIIA SI...…

December 09, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 62) • Page Image 4

…ITS COMING NEXT WEE-:K The opening of our new store date will be announced later A SPECIAL INVITATION TO ALL Ir ll o el I,. W h n ew l is itit Il'41)a lti l of1.s In 1 ii i mported ne kwi'':i. It n :ll~s t sl)th k nd ,t e ttll1 ~ elsl " ir t-he , illh i ii 1 1 1 f cuit y, a i CSTU'I'ITcN , R EL doC? ILAT Il NTSCI'11.181. AwrTITI 1~101N 1 A NEW LINE OF Keep i'It1 l~11 I1. ATIlIEN 'MiIILE1S. ' /tj] ter Col01f or . M1" n axixi looi i Snd ix. 1'rl...…

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