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September 09, 1979 (vol. 90, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

…Subscribe to the Daily Call 764- 0558 . . ........ hie MSA See editorial page N#illety Yea'(lrs olfIEdit orjil Freedom ti SEASONAL High-73* Low-45° See Today for details i I S I U I Vol. LAAAA, NO. 4 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, September 9, 1979 Free Issue Twelve Pages Blue wave drowns Northwestern, 49-7 'Cats prove weak tuneup for ND By BILLY SAHN Overcoming inexperience and youth at key offensive posi- tions, the Michig...…

September 09, 1979 (vol. 90, iss. 4) • Page Image 2

…NEW BREAKFAST IDEA SWEEPS ANN ARBOR! Page 2-Sunday, September 9, 1979-The Michigan Daily 313 66 TURTLE ISLAND natural food restaurant S. State Breakfast: lam Lunch: 11 :30a 3-3525 Dinner: 4:3Op Fri & Sat til 4 Sc score a dom ago, TEN- YEAR TREND CONTINUES Scholastic Aptitude Test scores fall again holasticFrom AP andUPI (AT) A college board report, "National decline has affected students across the indicated schools m :holastic Aptitude ...…

September 09, 1979 (vol. 90, iss. 4) • Page Image 3

… rYCU SE w A WPE CLL 5DAMY Kick-off When a sports star is born, it takes some time to establish a proper nickname. But after only minor confusion more than 100.000 University football fans were quickly able to devise a unique chant for the team's new kicker Ali Haji-Sheikh during yesterday's game. A walkon this season, the fans were amused by Haji-Sheikh's unfamiliar name, and recognized instant gimmick potential when it was announ- ced. On hi...…

September 09, 1979 (vol. 90, iss. 4) • Page Image 4

…Page 4-Sunday, September 9, 1979-The Michigan Daily e . 4 t ttil Blacks have taken a role in American f oreign policy Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. LXXXX, No.4 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan A summer of small changes for MSA VJHEN HENRY Johnson, University vice-president for student serv- :es, assumed control of the Michigan tudent Assembly's funds last May, he rd MSA repre...…

September 09, 1979 (vol. 90, iss. 4) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Sunday, September 9, 1979-Page 5 BYRD PLANS DEBA TE FOR NO V. 1 SALT stalled in Senate Universitly of Michigan Hospital COLE GIUNTEEPROGRAM ORGANIZATIONAL MEETIG I From AP and Reuter WASHINGTON--The strategic arms limitation treaty (SALT) should not be "held hostage" to the issue of Soviet combat troops in Cuba, Senate Majority Leader Robert Byrd declared yester- day. However, the West Virginia Democrat acknowledged tha...…

September 09, 1979 (vol. 90, iss. 4) • Page Image 6

…September 9, 1979-The Michigan Daily AUnited Artist ;Exclusive now showing at: TheMoies eat Prudential Town Center Corner of Evergreen and 1-696 In Southfield The strangest things happen when you wear polka dots oliAR L ) MARCELLO DANON presents UGOTOGNAZZI MICHEL SERRAULT "LA CAGE AUX FOLLES" (Enish Subtts) Based upon the play by JEAN POIRET A film by EDOUARD MOLINARO CopYrightUC>19> 9 United Atists Cooraion, All,fihtres,, U.... A.. e. MR....…

September 09, 1979 (vol. 90, iss. 4) • Page Image 7

…'Joe Tynan': Blind ambition (Continued from Page 6) necessary crux of any democratic system. Yet the film runs aground not through the overdoing of a point but rather through the underdoing of almost everything. The film pulls so many punches thematically and especially cinematically, that it ends up landing kerplop in the category of a shades-of-gray situation which dominates true decision-making, however cherished our total good vs. total ...…

September 09, 1979 (vol. 90, iss. 4) • Page Image 8

….n i IA A~fl S OL JI- a~ #O"l . 421 It I It It A', I I I Al 0-4 _® p; TI f editeO 94J 17.y " fn -in J~aWARRINGIG' .. tE 535.0n' ftI- P "W TWVIIP lion& I~T'"'4RMS $21 A' C'~PA, seeks Jr to or, . ba f i5ssis ,n Olversii Jam' in satn florist. md"9 type 0:30.1 71' Bldg li* dgsirtbe jj ~'O4Lex !W/IS UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES etti-Underwood 319 portable manual typewriter once $75.663-3963. 05B911 M SIZE'REFRIGERATOR, ...…

September 09, 1979 (vol. 90, iss. 4) • Page Image 9

… I The Michigan Daily-Sunday, September 9, 1979-Page 9 UAW strike against GM called inevitable; money still the issue DETROIT (UPI) - The talk outside the main bargaining room has been all optimism, but there are still diehards who believe a United Auto Workers (UAW) Union strike against General Motors Corp. Friday night is inevitable. UAW President Douglas Fraser said such people don't understand collective bargaining. YET AFTER days of de...…

September 09, 1979 (vol. 90, iss. 4) • Page Image 10

…Student Supervisor PART-TIME, NIGHTS1 Upperclassman or graduate student to supervise LSA Student Telethon. Four hours per night, 6:00 to 10:00 Monday through Thursday, October 8 through November 15. Phone: 763-5577 Pay:$4.00 per hour AUT'O * U-Do-It Cl ub-Fri., Sat., Sun. -hoists, tools, ossistance, & parts * Tutoring, by appointment * Service Department (Mon.-Thurs. professional certified mechanics * Monthly Car Care Classes E ei.*i769-0220 I...…

September 09, 1979 (vol. 90, iss. 4) • Page Image 11

… .1 The Michigan Daily-Sunday, September 9, 1979-Page 1 EX-PLA YERS RECALL PAST Superfans salute grid centennial By ALAN FANGER GRIDDE PICKS There is one event in Ann Arbor that is awaited with more anticipation, than the start of the Michigan football season: Michigan Daily Gridde Picks. Each week the sports staff compiles a list of 20 games in the upcoming weekend, including Michigan and all the other Big Ten games, and, of cour- se, Daily ...…

September 09, 1979 (vol. 90, iss. 4) • Page Image 12

…12-Sunday, September 9i 1979--The Michigan Daily Wildcats submit to Wolverine machine (Continued from Page 1) ther hampered the rebuilding of the e. Of the four, Schembechler is op- iistic that Paris and Powers will urn to action soon. rhree plays later, Michigan was first d goal-to-go on the two-yard line. ckey then ran the ball for a TD put- g Michigan on the scoreboard for the st time this season. RETURNING placekicker, Bryan rgil notche...…

September 09, 1978 (vol. 0, iss. 4) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily--Saturday, September 9, 1978-Page 13 NO TRE DAME UPENDED: Missouri slips past, Irish, 3-0 PART-TME EMPLOYMENT NIHTS The College of Literature, Science, and the Arts is currently interviewing students interested in partici- pating in an alumni fund-raising telethon. LSA alumni across the country will be called from cam- pus. The telethon runs four nights per week, Monday through Thursday, October 9 through November 16. Y...…

September 09, 1978 (vol. 0, iss. 4) • Page Image 14

…Page 14-Saturday, September 9, 1978-The Michigan Daily THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN OFFICE OF MAJOR EVENTS PRESENTS CRISLER ARENA ANN ARBOR, MICH. $8.50 - $7.50 - $6.50 Tickets go on sale Mon., Sept. 11, 11 a.m. for one day only at the Crisler Arena Box Office. Beginning Tues., Sept. 12, tickets at The Michigan Union Box Office. i …

September 09, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…i WELCOME See Editorial Page SirP tti OMINOUS See Today for Details Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 2 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, September 9, 1977 Free Issue Twenty-Eight Pages When in Ann Arbor, say as the New Yorkers say By MIKE NORTON Nobody knows how long it's been shere - or if they do, they're not spilling. But there it stands, plain as anything, on the well-traveled corner of State St. and North University Ave. It's a street sign erected...…

September 09, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 2) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Friday, September 9, 1977-The Michigan Daily Cohen, St. Antoine, Bond to resign Ed., Law, and Bus. Ad. deanships Debauchery in Ann Arbor or My First Weekend at College *By PATTY MONTEMURRI The coming'school year will find the University searching for new faces to fill three crucial seats left by the impending retirements of the deans, of the law, education and business administration schools. Wilbur Cohen, dean of theSchool of Educat...…

September 09, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 2) • Page Image 3

… The Michigan Daily-Friday, September 9, 1977-Page 3- IFYOUJSEENLS- AWEN CALX-DAILtY A rude awakening Remember that trip to California last June? Or that back-packing espedition up north in August? Or that high paying job at Dad's office? And all that free time? Well, you'd better forget it pronto and roll out bed bright and early, because today the vacation officially ends. We hope you enjoy that first day of class! Join us We're always loo...…

September 09, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 2) • Page Image 4

…"Page 4-Friday, September 9, 1977-The Michigan Daily Eighty-Eiglit Years o 420 Maynard St., Ar Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 2 a, Edited and managed by student It's good to b4 NN ARBOR is an easy town to take fo rgranted. After spending a few years here, one becomes an expert at moaning about everything from obscene rents and as- tronomical tuition rates to the condition of the streets and the dearth of parking spaces. And yet, we all return each fall, ...…

September 09, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 2) • Page Image 5

… Fired AFSCME worker innocent of misconduct $y BOB ROSENBAUM T,.,he University may be considering the ;st tement of an employe who was ischarged this summer for criminal misconduct. Ann Ann Arbor jury has found the employer Richard VanValkenburg, adrin~ocent of assault charges against Wiitni possibly threatening the basis for the University's discharge. 9'Va AVilkenburg's lawyer. George tn1Washington, has asked University inifficials' to reco...…

September 09, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 2) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-Friday, September 9, 1977-The Michigan Daily MajorEvents Office I' USHERS* Mass Meeting VETERAN USHERS: TUES. SEPT.j13-5 P.M. NEW USHERS: THURS. SEPT. 15-5 P.M. Ushers who have ushered in past for Major Events come to # veteran usher meeting; ol others come to new usher meeting. * MEETING IN PENDLETON ROOM-2nd floor . Michigan Union. Students, please bring student I.D. * Arts & Entertainment Jazz series to 'Eclipse' I Ann Arbc I B...…

September 09, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 2) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, September 9 1977-Page 7 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PLPPROFESSIONAL THEATRE PROGRAM PRI D!LGROOhM "Now Broadway's gamily Musical Hit and directed by Tony Award-winner Barry Bostwick." Book and Lyrics by Alfred Uhry, Composed and Arranged by Robert Waldman, and based upon the novella by Eudora WelIty. JANUARY 22 MATINEE AND EVENING q ITTL YDIfs S!R15 Ht INCTIN John Houseman's National Repertory Company re- turns to ...…

September 09, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 2) • Page Image 8

…9, 1977-The Michigan Daily "It's easier to eat than not to eat." -Councilman Kenworthy Seeing 1a Above All Self and God Realization through Meditation on Inner Light and Celestial Sound The teachings of the living master SANT DARSHAN SING JI All are invited to free meetings conducted by local group leaders of SAWAN KIRPAL RUHANI MISSION Each Tuesday-Friends Meetinghouse, 1420 Hill, 8 p.m. Also Sunday, Sept. 18, Michigan Union, Room 4304, 10...…

September 09, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 2) • Page Image 9

… The Michigan Daily-Friday, September 9, 1977-Page 9 Ami reported in a coma NAIROBI, Kenya (AP - Idi Amin, self-proclaimed president-for-life of Uganda, was reported "in a coma" in a Kampala hospital yesterday after un- dergoing surgery for an undisclosed ail- ment. "We believe he'll pull out of it," said Robert Astles,,British-born confidant to the 51-year-old military strong man. But atother aide said later: "The presi- dent is in so-t of ...…

September 09, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 2) • Page Image 10

…-pember 9, 1977-The Michigan Daily "' ord set to lecture he By LINDA WILLUOX Practically the only thing known about Gerald Ford's expected visit to ,Te University is that the former resident will be here between !vember 2 and 4. HDetails about the visit, according Samuel Barnes, chairman of the -litical Science Department, will be '-orked out and released within the month. BARNES DID say Ford would address all levels of classes in political...…

September 09, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 2) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, September 9, 1977-Page p..a 0 0 Is h a4 x; e . t. .. ~ The minute you walk into between any a Tech Hifi soundroom, two compo- you'll know you're in for a nents, or eve nice experience. complete sys terns, just by Our soundrooms are fur- tj nished like living rooms, with pressing a soft sofas and carpeting, be- button. cause that's the kind of If you de listening environment most thing at Tec people have at home...…

September 09, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 2) • Page Image 12

…9, 1977-The Michigan Daily ARK j __ - U LARGE BROWN DOG - Shepherd-Re- triever, male, wearing red collar, cloth leash, no tags. Much missed by sad boy. 994-3109 67A915 ENJOY SOME CONVERSATION AT THE GEO Happy Hour from 4-6 at the GEO office, 514 E. William, on Fri- day, Sept. 9. 94F909 EAST SIDE drop-in sale this Saturday from 9-4, rain or shine. Couches, 2 Vic- torian loveseats, record players, in- door-outdoor carpet, children's clothi...…

September 09, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 2) • Page Image 13

…PHILA gage an 'd'ed yest ";re, offi said. He Cause kattribute MOSTE ,_performa Roof," w -productio ad miss ois week: ""esides in "Fidd distinguis U"lysses eros" 7Boadwa Funny Th the Forun dii ero Mostel DELPHIA (AP) -Veteran He won Tony awards for "Rhin- d screen actor Zero Mostel oceros" and "Forum," and a New erday at Jefferson Hospital York drama critics award for cials of the Forrest Theater "Fiddler." vas 62. of death was tentatively HE...…

September 09, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 2) • Page Image 14

…Pqge 14-Friday, September 9, 1977-The Michigan Daily I Ir .' , { 4. V Tiers blanked, 4 s~~iuuns There's fun and fashion every step of the way in Bass Squeejuhs, the foot-hugging casuals of soft, yet sturdy leather. Down under: the unique long-wearing squiggle sole of bouncy non-skid rubber, genuine jOO fAE4R rubber, that pampers your feet with a new kind of total comfort. SQUEEJUNS come in styles for MEN and WOMEN. By PAUL CAMPBELL Spec...…

September 09, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 2) • Page Image 15

… The Michigan Daily-Friday, September 9, 1977-Page 15 Working'for the Detroit Tigers, or the standard (?) vacation essay GRIDDE PI CKS It's fall, and time once again for GRIDDE PICKS, that popular perennial presentation of pigskin prognostication. You, the reader, can prove your predictive prowess. Just check your Daily for the list of the week's college football games, predict the winners and drop your list off at the Daily at 420 Maynard (...…

September 09, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 2) • Page Image 16

…Page 16-Friday, September 9, 1977-The Michigan Daily University of Michigan GILBERT & SULLIVAN SOCIETY MASSAMEETING for December 7-10 production of PATIENCE, Sun., Sept. 11-8:00 P.M. MICHIGAN UNION Singers, Sewers, Orchestra, Builders, Set Crew, etc. Illinois previewed By PAUL CAMPBELL "I like to throw the ball." So says the new Illinois football coach, Gary Moeller. Wait a second. Isn't this the same man who played for Woody Hayes'and coache...…

September 09, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 2) • Page Image 17

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, September 9, 1977-Page 17 Waiting it out: The linear approach By JAY LEVIN In geometry, it's a locus of points whose coordinates depend on a single independent variable or parameter. In geneology, it's a person's ances- tral succession. In commerce, it's a supply or stock of articles with similarqualities and values. And in Ann Arbor, it's a collection of hot, droopy people waiting to conduct the sundry tasks of ...…

September 09, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 2) • Page Image 18

…1977-The Michigan Daily 'ursell strolls Capitol Hill unhurried By RICHARD BERKE and BRIAN BLANCHARD VASHINGTON From their fash- able homes in' suburban Virginia I Maryland, legislators launch o longdays of dining -at smoke- ed receptions, and wining at orgetown cocktail prties, resting efly for an occasional kick-back. nter the idealogue from Michi- , freshman Carl Pursell,whose a of a hot time in Washington is a eful reading of the latest ...…

September 09, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 2) • Page Image 19

…The Michigin Dolly-Friday, September 9, 1977-Page 19 By day, it's empty; at night, Mr. Flood's parties By LANI JORDAN BESIDES ITS decor and namesake,. The floor is free of its usual carpet of Flood's is also noted for its exotic peanut shells and crushed potato chips. The tables are clear of everything save the sunlight reflecting off initials car- ved in the varnished tables. In mid-afternoon, Mr. Flood's Party is empty except for a half doz...…

September 09, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 2) • Page Image 20

…p Page 20-Friday, September 9, 1977-The Michigan Daily Phobia-plagued patients suffer in slence; few psychiatrists ofer help ii By KAY BARTLETT Associated Press Thoreau wrote, "Nothing is so much to be feared as fear." Years later, FDR told a frightened nation: "We have nothing to fear but fear itself." PHILOSOPHER and president were reassuring those of us who l now only ordinary fear. Their words were not all that helpful to the millio...…

September 09, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 2) • Page Image 21

… Now Starr-ing . rebir 1 (I1 4 # '1 I w , 1 t 1 LOS ANGELES (AP) - Ringo Starr concerts for Bangladesh (George Har- do things." 'I mean, not for a couple of years, if it was always the "orphan" of the rison), where was Ringo? What he did was cut a gold album - omes at all." Beatles, the one member of that He was recording a pair of highly "Ringo" - and start off on a respec- RINGO HAS a new respect for his epochal rock combination on whos...…

September 09, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 2) • Page Image 22

…or 9, 1977-The Michigan Doily 307 S . State Right Next to Borders Book Store SPECIAL BACK-TO-SCHOOL HOURS-9-9 MON. -FRI. SAT. 9-6 SUN. 12-5 994-1262 ALL $6.98 L.P. in Stock To incl suPer Soul Sister 1 Boogie is i Beat YO'' All You o otTo Handle SONGS O -Y - ~lpeaMe And SobbM~SO Lovn e, MkeItTrough The NGee/Frr 9 e a asier (Than An'! hI F 1 v r O ~ ,.... s.......- ge ,' Do Again).. IOU Dan Fogelberg Nether Lanldsn: Love Gone BY Fa...…

September 09, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 2) • Page Image 23

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, September 9, 197-Page 23 STATE COUPON CIGARETTES 2 pkI,89c ALL BRANDS LIMIT 2 packs SPECIAL kBACK-TO-SCHOOL HOURS: 9-9 Mon-Fri 9-6 Saturday, 12-5 Sunday TEDp Scou L STATE COUPON HIKERSBACK x,:';7.95 PA$ 4.47 'I 307 S. STATE STREET-next to Borders' BRING THESE VALUABLE COUPONS FOR OUR SPECIAL PRICES REGULAR HOURS: MON., TUES., WED. & SAT. 9-6 9-9 Thurs & Fri 12-5 Sunday VINYL YELLOW Reg 2.89 PONCHO $1....…

September 09, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 2) • Page Image 24

…Page 24- riday, September 9, 1977-The Michigan Daily NEW Nightly Dinners at the WEST BANK Restaurant Sunday through Thursday 5-11 pm Friday and Saturday .... 5-12 midnight Children under 12 $1.95 FIDCHICKEN Sered ithmashed potatoes, gravy anvegetable ROSTTURKEY Sered ithsavory dressing, mashed potatoes and grvy egetable -ard cranberry saUce. BAKED ITALIAN LASAGNA Spicy and meaty, served with vegetable and, WTOOlyPoobyAD FEBR of course, our sa...…

September 09, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 2) • Page Image 25

…I Ot. M". ") CONN. COLLEGE TEACHES BASICS: STC dents week cours se ca Bomb The credit bers & Exper of Con schoo mer o Reading, RRS, Conn. (AP - While stu- THE CLAS across the nation sign up this tive," is a sp for traditional English and math by an antinuc es, students here can pick a cour- tion to the da lled "How to Build an Atomic the experim ." says. course has no teacher, it's not for "The collec and it's open to community mem- constr...…

September 09, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 2) • Page Image 26

…Page 26--Friday, September 9, 1977-The Michigan Daily We meet student housing needs The Inter-Cooperative Council provides non- profit resident controlled housing for over 600 people in 23 cb-op houses. * People helping people *People working and having fun -People sharing feelings and emotions People working to cut costs I CROSS EYED MOOSE 613E.AIBERTY Housing at University of Michigan 4002 Michigan Union 662-4414 f - Join The Daily S...…

September 09, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 2) • Page Image 27

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, September 9, 1977-Page 27 nrr 11 rn 'I ARII:I .. 1 1 I 1 by .D..lolkien L- MIL- from Houghton Mifflin Regular: $10.95 while supply lasts After decades of infamy, "The Block" has succumbed to the friendly prospects o f renovation. A part of Ann Street just east of Main Street, the Block will soon $9.85 AVAILABLE AT book store 4 i hopeful beginning for'The Block' 1205 So. Univ.-761-7177 MON. THRU SAT.\9:...…

September 09, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 2) • Page Image 28

…September 9, 1977-The Michigan Daily interlocutor rconcerned are more or leasand ti.lcu g (in'tlr-lokroo-tr).: ntMr between and loqui, to tal ). lug partinacnesto.2ai i trel show who acts as mater o *o~~wry (in'tgrlok'yoot8r'i, f,. having the nature of, or oouwrrin vseeational. 2. in law, n "lpe (in'tilr-l8p'fr). [P . < Fr. entre between ) oz n who mqddies in otheU { , between +{" ldus, play), a t; oropus play formerly presented of mimacle pl...…

September 09, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…For Daily subscriptions, phone 764-0558 FROSH SUPPLEMENT See Inside Y 111k t~ P43aitti FROSHI SUPPLEMENT See inside Latest Deadline in the State a v vvvl ._ Y _.L .I )I.. LAXAV I , INo. I Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, September 9, 1976 Free Issue Seventv Pnnp- .. .... ....FreeacIssuir y guy=:~ :zo *b IU SEE NEWS tAPPE4 NCAtLL IDtY Come see about us If you too would like to spend hours pouring over wire copy, days tracking d...…

September 09, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

…0ge T'wo' THE MICHIGAN DAILY ,, Thursday, September 9, 4oge Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY "- , . 1, U' Murder suspects await trial ' u i i u (Continued from Page 1) though an undercurrent of ap- prehension ran through the staff and patients. The FBI investi- gation continued, assuming a low profile. Though they re- fused to admit they had any strong suspects, agents seemed to concentrate on certain mem- - bers of the staff. In late Sep- tem...…

September 09, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

…Thursday, September 9, 1976 Page Three Thursday, September 9 1976 Page Three 00^As ~q N MAP AMm Tenants U seeks refor city housing By JAY LEVIN The Ann Arbor Tenants Union (TU) zation catering mainly to campus area from obscurity during the past year as o ericks in the search for local housing ref Born almost a decade ago, the T success when it organized last Novembe tenants renting from Trony Associates company, in a successful rent st...…

September 09, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

…. "' f MEMEMEMMIN Page Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, September 9, 19's S ThrdaSetmer9*.9 1211 - -- Order your subscription today to... PHONE 764-0558 First Presbyterian Church 1432 Washtenaw Avenue Identical services of worship Sundays at 9:30 and 1 1 :00 City Council clashes over gun policy; wage issue Information on campus 662-4466 programs I (Continutd from Page Three) of the student radicals circa his vote to favor the p...…

September 09, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 1) • Page Image 5

…'I ursd4Y, Septormber 0, 11076 TIDE MICHIGAN DAILY *90* Fly* "husd" Sw lib*' -'I 6 1.E -. GAD IL - .- -S I I t This summer, we'd like you to think of Tech Hifi as "The Hifi Show". Where you can see, touch, and hear more of the latest hifi eqjuipment than at any ordinary store. Where you can spend as much time as you like talking to hifi experts, without being made to feel like you have to spend money. Where you can pick up lots of...…

September 09, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 1) • Page Image 6

…Page SIX' THE MICHIGAN DAILY i nursday, September 9, 19 to Page SIx THE MICHIGAN DAILY I hursday, September 9. i 9 i~ _, I I TU: Housing reformer FIERY RECEPTION: /^ A Continutd from Page Three) pany from signing leases with- out complementarily, a lot of f wIA Trony was "trying to prevent out first conducting the proper people are benefiting from this," people from getting together, to negotiations with the TU. said Dewey Black, a T...…

September 09, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 1) • Page Image 8

…__ t . . _ _ rage tignr THE MICHIUAN DAILY mir ursciay, ep em er Y, 'i !!!!!! ' j' We think it is significant that several years ago we decided to become the Office of Student Services in place of the Office of Student Affairs. More than a simple exchange of words it created an entirely new direction, enlarged our scope and em- phasized what it is we are really here for-to SERVE the stu- dents' needs. You will see detailed on this pa...…

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