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June 09, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

…SummrWeekly a 4 g One hundred two years of editorial freedom Alums honor first female U.S. Surgeon General By ANDREA MACADAM DAILY STAFF REPORTER Last Friday, U.S. Surgeon General Antonia Novellowasrecognizedasoneofthe University's distinguished students which include journalist Carol Simpson and late actress Gilda Radner. More than 160 University alums gathered in the Michigan League Ballroom to enjoy an after- noon meal and to honor one of ...…

June 09, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 7) • Page Image 2

…2 -The MichgaDaiySun Wee~y-Wednesday, June9 ,1993 Continued from Page 1 "Thereisnoknowninventoryof these waste disposal sites or their contents. Each of these sites repre- sents a potential risk to the commu- nityandanunknown future environ- mentalliability for the University." Christopher Graham, a local landscapearchitect familiar with the Oak Way area, and amember of the Mayor'sNaturalFeaturesOrdinance Committee, said the dumpsite is pol-...…

June 09, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 7) • Page Image 3

…Technology, efficiency lead to fast facilitation of grades By ADAM HUNDLEY FOR THE DAILY Although many students find out their course grades before classes end or shortly after final exams, most wait anxiously for their updated academic record and expect grades to be pro- cessed as quickly as possible. But the task is not an easy one, as the Office of the Registrar received 132,113 grades for the 1993 Winter Term. "'The first day of summer I s...…

June 09, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 7) • Page Image 4

…4- The Michigan Daily Summer Weekly-Wednesday, June 9, 1993 EDITOR IN CHIEF Hope Calati OPINION EDITORS SamGoodstein Flint Jason Wainess Unsigned editorials present the opinion of a majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other cartoons, signed articles and letters do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Daily. 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 76-DAILY Edited and Managed by Students at the University of Michigan a F...…

June 09, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 7) • Page Image 5

…Wednesday, June 9. 993 - The Michigan aiy Sumr Weeldy -5 VIEWPOINT Gun control proponents ignore right to revolution By OLIVER GIANCOLA The emotional arguments of opponents and advocates of gun control can be overwhelming. But in the passionate debate over gun control we often forget that the Second Amendment is a fundamentalrightguaranteed by the Billof Rights. If we analyze the Second Amendment with the same care and concern that we normall...…

June 09, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 7) • Page Image 6

…6- The Michigan Daily Summer Weekly- Wednesday, May9,1993 CLASSIFIED ADS 764-0557 ............ . .. . ... ... FOUND: PRESCRIPTION GLASSES be- *1 BEDROOM APARTMENT: tween Rackham & Frieze Bldgs. 668-1332. 845 Brookwood, #3 - $510 + elec. (heat Furnished included) ($495 for one person). A small, .. . . . .. . . .:quiet building, convenient to the Law & 3 B e d ro o m A p t ' MUSTANGTxsa t . Business Schools. Brookwood is a 1 block, $700/mo...…

June 09, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 7) • Page Image 7

…Wednesday, May 9, 1993 - The Michigan Daiy Summer Weeky -7 0- Ove Securi or 'rFo "" ""eie"r'pr"", * 1 ana Bedrooms - Available for Fall '93 REVIEW APARTMENTS - Furnished & Unfurnished Roomy 1 & 2 bedroom apts. 'Heat & Water included 'Newly decorated 'Intercom systemA 'Emergency maintenanceH rlooking Huron River & Argo Park 'Laundry facilities ROOMS FOR RENT. Clean quiet building 'Pool Cooveoieot campus location @ 325 E. 'Near U of M Hospita...…

June 09, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 7) • Page Image 8

…8 -The i~o D mmer Weedy-Wedesday, Junes, 1993 'Show me a hero and I will write you a tragedy.' - F. Scott FRtzgerald WLI ii I 6' - Synth-pop strikes back Depeche Mode and New Order return with new recordings I By SCOTT STERLING You can't help but stare. It's more hypnotizing than an auto accident or a burning building. No, nothing commands rubber- necked gawking like a wedding. Such a union of two souls (under the auspi- cious name of lov...…

June 09, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 7) • Page Image 9

…'Hot Shots' scores By JOHN R. RYBOCK With his new film,"Hot Shots Part Deux," auteur James Abrahams has once again proven his natural gift for creatingintelligentsituationalcomedy Hot Shots Part Deux Directed by Jim Abrahams; written by Jim Abrahams and Pat Proft; with Charlie Sheen, Uoyd Bridges and Valeria Golino. which ... HOLD ON! I just want to put my twocentsworthintosaythatotherfilm columns in other papers have taken this movie waaaayy...…

June 09, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 7) • Page Image 10

…Wednesday, June 9, 1993 - The Michigan Daily Summer Weekly -10 DAL mcgQ: Who was the last person to lead the NBA in scoring before Michael TJordan? [1S ORTk u I II_ _ _ _ _ 98-0861 ul SUPI M~y anbrwoa:vd Men's rugby squad Men fals short in tourney By J.L ROSTAM-ABADI DAILY SPORTS WRITER So close, but yet so far. The Michigan men's rugby team advanced to the semi-finals last Sat- urday at the Grand Rapids 7s (a short- ened, down-scaled summe...…

June 09, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 7) • Page Image 11

…11- The Michigan Daly Summer Weekly - Wednesday, June 9,1993 Women BE LIKE MIKE? L By. runners IDAIL be sparkle ne son By RACHEL BACHMAN tot DALY SPORTS WRITERfort Wary of the curse on Wolverine De squads that venture to New Orleans, ec three members of the Michigan 0 women's track and field team went the thereanyway for theNCAA Women's ,"Y Outdoor Championship meet. The re- Mi sults defied superstition. ch The meet, held Tuesday through° Sat...…

June 09, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 7) • Page Image 12

…Wednesday, June 9, 1993 - The Michigan Daly Summer Weekly -12 GYMNASTICS Continued from page 10 1995 -one year after the men's team is to be dropped. Weidenbach added the men's team was not informed of the decision until after it was made. Gymnastics coach Bob Darden could not be reached for comment, but hisassistantcoachMikeMilidonissaid the coaching staff wasnotpleased with the announcement. "To host the Big Ten champion- ship is acelebrat...…

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