March 09, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 112) • Page Image 1
…TheMiia Dal NV )\ , \ j .l (K NI( t_-A\ I N I . N NI (IsP:"?1.).1T,.Y!,7.1 l'tx. BAIRD ANNOUNCES I HIS RESIGNATION P~redicts Bright Days For Ath- letics--Basketball (Jets An- other Chance. _ nn10l i'twill h ra1c. L s t t>h , ftt the (n t 111c, r. Lird de--it 'fte1>ts i cd mc e rh 1 - tti ( lc ' n rit itte inns< te di r.ta~ i to c lin c ll he of ice 1i1oc id M r. R il-( "1 ave ried t() c°-unt f unil JUt W l l p 1c lk inithe a,;cciat()n nd m...…