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February 09, 1953 • Page Image 7

…J-HOP Monday, February 9, 1953 --Mqm 41o 460 461 :- a--ir Inau 'O'lliv EXTR Price: A Dime or a Dollar 1400 COUPLES SWAY AT HOP SEE STORIES, NAMES-SECTION TWO * * * * * * March of Dimes Issue …

February 09, 1953 • Page Image 8

…T HE MI CH IGA N D A ILY Monday, February 9, 1953 .. ...... , . . ...- , tr . THIS I CONCEIVE:/ Bundling DameAN AMERICAN'S OvercomesbylTREWARD: DEATH EDITORt'S NOTE; In cnjuncttian wth the lecture seres "Ths I Cnceive" The Daily is propositioning statements of pre-natal experience from promi- nent members of the University Rhythm Group. Diane Spiritual is a prominent members of the University Ryhthm By SAM OBITUARY Group and president of Sor...…

February 09, 1953 • Page Image 9

…Monday, February 9, 1953 THE MCHIGAN DAILY Page Three STU THSERICE T Hip-Deep Prexy Oan Top ofIHeap Special To The Daily - WASHINGTON-"I got to be the wheel I am by following the fine, upstanding principles my old man learned me down on the farm," Dr. John A. Humble said yesterday, with a straight face. Humble is the new director of the Draft-All-Non-Agricultural- Students Bureau and the former strawboss of Michigan College for Bovines. "...…

February 09, 1953 • Page Image 10

… Page Four T HE MIC H IGA N DA ILY Monday,.'February 9. 1953 J AnrEditorial. People who read Photography Annual are not the only ones who have noticed The Daily's seeming lack of initiative in reporting news of a sexual nature. In the calm, uninhibited atmosphere of a J-Hop Extra we would like to apologize for what is only an apparent neglect. May we first assure our readers that this situation is not due to any lack of interest on our p...…

February 09, 1953 • Page Image 11

…Monday, February 9 ]1953 T HE MI CH IGA N D A ILY Page Five Monday. .,ebrary . 1 9 5 3 T H E .M.CH. GAN. DAILY Page Five Hip-Hip-Hurrah! THOUGH news of the city coun- aldermen likewise should receive cil extending sewers to the praise for their decisive action. University's south forty develop- ment was buried in a page six We can hardly conceive what squib yesterday, we cannot ignore the new south forty develop- its importance to the comm...…

February 09, 1953 • Page Image 12

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Monday, February 9, 1953 Local Police Force Thinks ParentalismSet AsWatchword By MIKE HIMMLER "Our aim is to provide sanctuary for students in distress." This is the guiding philosophy of Ann Arbor's friendly, high- minded police department, according to Chief of olice Jasper Junkie. "Parentalism is our watchword," the genial Junkie went on. "When officers handle cases involving the cleancut youths of our town's...…

February 09, 1953 • Page Image 13

…J-HOP I .e trl t ttn ttt1 SEC. 2 nr , -- - pnnn nrc gnr^t;nn Twe% Mondar Februarv 9, rag vn, ec~on " Gala J-Hop Goes Antique As Dorsey, Marterie Play Famed Spa b Wide Open For J-Hop As a special bonus for J-Hop- pers the Union's plush steam room was opened on Saturday night of the big weekend which in other years had been one of the dance nights. Planned to compensate for the one-night dance, the steam room opening was well attended d...…

February 09, 1953 • Page Image 14

… Page Two, Section Two (Continued from Page 1) Knape, Mr. and Mrs. Curt Barker, Sherwood Barman and Lee Hare- lik, Robert Barnes and Barbara Hubbard, Charles Barnhart and Mary Vanker, Stuart Baruck and Lydia Penrod. BOB BARRETT and Maryj Lowen, Ralph J. Barron and Mar- ilyn Ridley, Bill Bates and Ann Furstenaw, Russel Baum and Hel- en Ballard, W. S. Bauman and Shirlee Madden, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Baunow, Bill Baur and Joyce Thomas, Jim Beauder...…

February 09, 1953 • Page Image 15

…Monday. February 9, 193 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three, Section Two ,.A snrln f ,iorucv _1yTH MC I N DI+a.he SctnT NAMES~ (Continued from Page 2 Section 2) and Eileen McDonough, Reynolds Cordes and Jackie Bergey. William Coulter and Delphine Walgenbach, Hanle Crapo and Dorothy Allasen, James Crawford and Ernastene Hebert, Harry Criel and Laura Weible, Wendell Culbertson and Beth Capitanio, Roger Curran and Anne Robinson, Dick Curry and Mar...…

February 09, 1953 • Page Image 16

… Page Four, Section Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Monday Februnrv 9. 1951 Po~eyurecin yoTE I, WDAL -'~ - "/ - '' 'i ! . i f V 1K 1/ 1I I ONE STOP at Packard Laundry takes care of all 3! and fast! Sipe J-HOP COMMITTEE MEMBERS WERE GLAD i-Hop Makers Dazed y Baroque'uccess This is a human interest story. PROBABLY the biggest prob- It is the story of ten people lem was getting people to buy who worked hard to make a suc- tickets. Men who were app...…

February 09, 1953 • Page Image 17

…Monday, February 9, 1953 T HE M IC H IGA N D AILY zge Five, Section Two NAMES.. (Continued from Page 3, Section 2) Priest, Irvin Fieber and Lorraine Wosniak, Raymond Fischer and Kathleen Little, Harry Fishman and Judy Gregory, Phil Flar- sheim and Ruth Helfinbine, Cal- vert Fletcher and Lois Holtz, John Fleure and Mary Hixson, William Flinn and Sue Reynolds. Weldon Follin and Diane Van- dermark, Tom Forgacs and Bar- bara Lynch, Carlos A. F...…

February 09, 1953 • Page Image 18

…ruarv 9. 1953 Page Six, Section' PSStTHE MICHIGAN DAILY Monday. Febr . r...m I BODY This creature was. NAMES .. (Continued from Page 5, Section 2) nie Sinkule, Arthur Haines and Gloria Haines, Gene Halbrook and Joanne Pincoe, John M. Hale and Marjorie Kler, Charles Hall and Betty Steele, Robert Halleen and Joann Kehrer, James Hamburg and Joyce Kaiser, Bill Hamil and Gitta Gosziniak, William Hamilton and Helen Beckwith, Tom Ham- lin and An...…

February 09, 1953 • Page Image 19

…Monday. Februnrv 9, 1 95 T HE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven, Section T% i~V~ u . , t ,W , f f .. ,... ...., ......... . ,y, ,_ ,_ i ................ -- -- - - - - - - NAMES... (Continued from Page 6, Section 2) aan Riggs, Bob Johnson and Do- lores Logsdon, Duane Johnson and Mary Hall, Gary Johnson and Re- becca Badger, Martinus Johnson and Barbara Crane, Red Johnson and Mary Jo Frye, Floyd Johnston and Betty Brown. Peter Johnston and Ruth Ro...…

February 09, 1953 • Page Image 20

…Page Eight, Section Two THE MICHIGAN DAILYMonday, February 9 5 A AMaryann Sarnak, Ever Mehted- Jack Mostow and Laur Lee Mich-II N A M E S basich and Irene Mahler, Dilip elson, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mur- Mehta and Martha Mitchell, Rob- phy, Bob McGrath and Mary (Continued from Pase 7, Section 2) ert Meisel and Naomi Walton, Sherman. John Melick and Gloria Anton, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Nabi- Mahoney and Barabara O'Donnell, Dick Merrill and Kathle...…

February 09, 1953 • Page Image 21

…Monday. February 9. 193 T HE MI CH IGA N DA ILY Page Nine, Section Two t.A'.niiuuyi, ,elriit Q H M. IA D IYP eNn SctnT NAMES . (Continued from Page , Section 2) and Corinne Secord, Warren Nor- quist and Carol Lutz, Paul Nowak and Janet Myers, Roy Nowak and Nan Gustaffson, James J. Nyberg and Mildred Chapman. PETER OAK and Betty Shana- barge, Galen Ohmart and Cyn- this LaPond, Bill Ohst and Jean- nette Natzel, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam O'Keef...…

February 09, 1953 • Page Image 22

…Paste Ten. Section Two T HE M IC H IGA N D A ILY Monday, February 9, 19 Pae en SctonTw TE ICIGN.AIY.ona, February 9,. 19 -- -- --- Is E SORORI OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MI IN SUPPORT OF T FOR THE MARCH OF DIME :tirr'.; ;{.v.:v:;r: ".}v.;r;.y :.; x.;.Y};rrr~r:.;.;.p.}y. ,+vY.vA . "; 1 4:Yp. "a. y." v v. ti" Y .s". :{.f'+n'. U.6.Yh" Apt 1 :f:'::Sl:::V:'.:t .'i":.5.?1r. .:L;" :.':: 1:{':.1 .NtY1 r J:7}??S AS""?f':1+ hF.' } { . " ... AG:::Y.w'A[...…

February 09, 1953 • Page Image 23

…Monday, February 9, 1953 THE MICHIGAN DA LY Page Eleven, Section Two Lindberg, Charles Stark and Joan Jerry Valentine and Donna Shaw, Fran Fortain, Howard Willins and Chiravola, Bob Steiner and Ann Malin Van Antwerp and Claire Susan Popkin, Bruce Wilmarth . Batchelder, Sheldon Stearns and Trigger, John Vandenburg and and Pat Texter, Bill Wilson and Carole Michels, Mr..and Mrs. Don- Theo John, J. P. Vandenburg and Becky Ninness, James Wilson an...…

February 09, 1953 • Page Image 24

… Page Twelve, Section Two T HE MI CH IGA N D A ILY Monday. February 9. 1953 PSTD.rFebrua.y.9..1953 the cotton blouse is a good mixer and a smart spring fashion tonic A. Neway tailored shirt with jaunty French cuffs and dolman sleeves. Pink, maize, white or coral. Sizes 10 to 16. 5.95 B. Tri-tone blouse in white with red and navy, white with grey and black or white with tan and brown. Sizes 32 to 38. 4.95 f .' . y9 *.,r ' 2 !w ' .. ; ,: ?ยข...…

February 09, 1953 • Page Image 25

…Monday, February 9, 1953 Hot Fei AEC Moves To Prevent atastrophe Soapy Succumbs To Deadly Piles By JEAN BOLSHOI Hordes of workmen arrived by airlift from the Virgin Islands to- day to begin erection of a radio- taetivity-proof lead wall around ,e campus ordered by Atomic :nergy Commission officials to rotect the student population rom mass sterility. Source of the deadly radiation eems to lie in the mounds of cow anure used to fertilize campus...…

February 09, 1953 • Page Image 26

… Pog/Eight THENICHiCAN DAILY _ ETTOS__NC REGENTS By BEN ZIBN over the modern structure, the gram to assure the future sef Terror stricken University Re- Board has suspended all further of the Unsversity. gents rushed plans today for a meetings for the duration of the Stooging for the commltte five year watch-and-ward vigil emergency, turning over its auth- t andy Scratcher (formen'. over Haven Hall, following a dig- ority to a student-facult...…

February 09, 1953 • Page Image 27

…Monday, February 9, 1953 THE OXFORD PLAN: THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine 01 Dorm for Dregs Slated By HOWSEN PFFIFFER r m University officials gave the go- head yesterday to plans for the construction of a gigantic North Quadrangle in the center of the Huron River. The new structure will embody he modern conveniences of the Romance Languages Bldg. as well as "terrifying" architectural in- 'novations suggested by a four year study of Indian v...…

February 09, 1953 • Page Image 28

…i ' Poge Teri THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Ten _ .THE..MICHIGAN . DAILYw CL ASSIFIE DS FOR SALE FOR SALE PARAKEETS, babies and breeders, ca- CAMERA AND ACCESSORIES, worth narie, singera, oagea and supplies. 305 $100 will ati for $75. Kodak Tourist, W. Roaeer. Phone 2-2403. )1F case, adapter kit, Plath unit and range finder. Good buy. Phone Plym- ONE COMPLETE set of tails. Size 39 outh 153. )3F long. 34141, R. C. Briggs. )2F FOR RENT ANTIQUE gra...…

February 09, 1953 • Page Image 29

…onday, February 9, 1953 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Eleven ON THE BEID Beta Beta Pi fraternity will climax "Know-Your-Brother-Better Week" Friday by staging a stag dinner and slumber partyfor the 't esneighboring Wee-Gees. The BBPi house will take on the appearance of a gigantic steamroom to provide atmosphere for the all-night es taffair. A Monte Carlo party, "You Bet Your Ace," will be feaured s"Saturday night at the Kappa BB house, while the ne...…

February 09, 1953 • Page Image 30

…Page Twelve THE MICHIGAN DA I LY Monday, February 9, 195 IKE' INAUGURA TE (Editor's Note: The following re- R Fl ky Jo- iport of the inauguration festivities kansas and the territories-Alt. K waso withheld till now for security ka, Hawaii, the Virgin Island reasons. The Daily observers, cracked swarming into Waohington for 5 Flunky's.J~ correspondents with our Washington 2 arg1it9as1910, 1 Bureau, somehow got caught up in first Republican inau...…

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