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February 09, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 97) • Page Image 1

…VOL. XI. ANN ARIBOR, MICH., SATURDIAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1901. No 97 6G H. WILD CO. "J" HOP A BIG SUCCESS BASEBALL IN GYM Indoor Practice WVill Begh. UtI Earliest This Social Event of First Note in University Life the Next Week-Yost For Football Most Brilliant Ever Given-Waterman Gym- Coach Have your full inasium a Scene of Splendor Cipt. Mc~inis of the 'N; . ity bast- ball_________hts i sooed a c.ilall c all-t dres sits for Two Hiundred and Fifty C...…

February 09, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 97) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY 0! Ut IMiCIANDAILY. Sigma Alpha Esiln -Mrs.A 0 'P. 3~~ Barker, CiaoArs. John M. C flu. ~Eaton Rapids; Mr[s. lDuncan \Mc Detroit; Misses Mary Harris. -Pubished0Daily (Modas aexetd)ding Harris, Eaton Rapids; Mi ses C Collee Sea, aie Lowry, Agnes AMountai,I THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Pheln, Amy Burbak, Brte MAINsOFICE t-BRACH OFFICE Quie; Bessi Peabody, Abbie Args Blg ai St. .336 S. Sae Stret. hardt, Chicago; MIiss Jessie St Both ...…

February 09, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 97) • Page Image 3

…T B F UNNERSITN OF MICHIGAN ~DAILY 3 E3F: : Ffr' E : r: : EE: : E: e:E' tr='E : E :E'!ir. e: Pr:4E£ : :ir'tr.3'e-'.lE : : e:tE: fE: : : tr"E'3E: F9E ir :3E E:E £: s : :E : EEC ie:fe: 4'r' r.'F£ tE: E' E: E-IE : riE E: E : EIE { it il Che "VARSITY" HA'T $3.00 AND $4.00 We have pushed this hat to the first place with careful dressQers by sheer force of merit....... . G ~ 117 MAIN STREET !'ag !Rb !R !h !Qas !Ma r f r Mihia C nta Second Ann...…

February 09, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 97) • Page Image 4

…. IB E UNI I VERS1 i Y 01 INUCHIGAN DAILY 4 TEL UNIVEIISITY 01 MICHiGAN DAILY OTE BOAR Burchf ield's Fine Tailoring 'Trade. . F O S O ur satoriati -kill is equal to the best in the state ~ 40Of Michigan. EXCETING NONE. 01i 1TI5T!IC LLT NECIIANICALL' "T Red Otreen Gray Black 15c a Shieet AT 320 S. STATE STREET. You can. get a AT -.--- vu-- v--u-- SC-I f t I C E'g 1tto prove it to you, Truly Yours, S. BUROHFIELD' 106 E. Huron PAITJiIIV' ...…

February 09, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

…The Mlichigan Daily TNNARB3OR, NAI HR \'n\ IIIX A 11\V VOu. XVII1. _ _ _ __ JUNIOR HOP WAS COMPLETE SUCCESSi Perfection Acconmplished j in aIid '~l(tl(,Olat'1.A~mTl E Very De ta il. President()1ta in1 \ti\c>t4m(ill. Angell Headed the Receiving' Line. it -'ccm ,fit P a,tt pas tlt iltSinto a ro ' ac.tliltntiIta ill Ift i hi at t its twtllnhe arlpuit :aendtivi-. 'liiin whichs- ri-s cIst n-il li liv to -ake ill s10- natu t Ini The iiiithfli-ti...…

February 09, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 93) • Page Image 2

…liE MICHIGAN DAIL2I Fancy Vesting and Trouseringl Window !Display The largest and mst com- plete line in the city in both Scotch and Worsted trous- erings. You will also find our prices right. We guar antee perfect satisfaction. G. H. WILl) co. 311 S. State St. Playing, Cards With Youir Initial On tie leck arc e rviingejulsty. eijoyc Ih ie possessin iol a beautifu lidecikiof cars. Thelc i ks re i two cl- ors rd n lu iie -ell for 50 Cents SHEE...…

February 09, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 93) • Page Image 3

…T if MIeCIAN tDAILY Great Inventory Sa le FOR. THE MONTH OF JANUARY All Clothing 1-4 Off SUITS, OVERCOATS AND RAINCOATS $25.00, Now $18.75 $22.50, Now $16.90 $20.00, Now $15.00 $18.00, Now $13.50 $16.00, Now $12.00 $15.00, Now $11.25 $13.50, Now $10.00 $12.50, Now $ 9.50 $10.00, Now $ 7.50 300 Suits of Broken lots, formerly sold from $10 to $22.50, choice at One-half Off. All Trousers at 20(;" iscount. All Underwear at 20(,r iscout. ,TIS SALE ...…

February 09, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 93) • Page Image 4

…1' MIC:HICGA 3 AILYV Developing and Printing for Amateur Photorahers E. E. C ALKINS Druggist 324 S. STATE STREET 0. 'Y. A. A. J. R~AILWAY 4.A :c{} il. 'A )1i4Ri'y FIRST NATIONAL BANK U1l Ann Arbor, Mich. Wf( '. Cas.hier ,;' ;i' 441 00 and Proitso , 10 ALARM CLOCKS, HACK AND CARRIAGE HIRE <itsfo achal ssenger to and Chapman's Jewelry Store6 r.adtpbtwnth ousf 2ob SOtUH MAINO T. To . m.,t5o cents. For each trunk 25 ets, tid of taken above the s...…

February 09, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

…The Michiga nDal A\NN ARBOR, MICHIGAN St '<DAY, FEBR'ARY 9, 2'908. VOL. XVIII. No. 93. S. C, A. CELEBRATES SEMI-CENTENNIAL Famous Doctor Journalist and Many College Professors Sign Articles of Incorporation. 'ITe 2222222.2sa222 2of 122. 't22 21en221' Christian Associati222onlof te Uni versity wiltlhbe 2appropria te)l}-221bserved2 this evening, when Rt. 1Re. C .harle 1 A2nderson,1bishop21of221 (ho 21.2w2ill (1- 112.22 thte fiftiet...…

February 09, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 93) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIG~AN flAYLV I - -lI 11 'lil~l THE MICIG~AN DAILN. u.J. f i fU umpauny Our Spring isjs8 lie of fe Imported and Domestic Is now ready iIt nludes all the latest Noslies Shd and UptoDl)'atern il s in Moose Brown Caribou Tan L eather Shade, Gfrays and Fancy Blues Tour patronage repectfulls solcted.s G. Hi. Wild Comipanly 311 Soth State Street The Proper Place To Buy University Text-Books Fr all Departments Engineers' Drawing Instruments ...…

February 09, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 93) • Page Image 3

…THER MICHIGAN DAILY S.C C. .CI5I'ISR .TES Sam Burchfield's S9 -FKlEXTi (Continuedit-ro Page One.) Fi e ailoringf berr t ofiDtroit, and it was named in FuLholitor of her deceased husband, the linn. TIrade Johni S..Neseherry, of the clasp Of 1947. "In 1895 tite University Yo~ung- Ments Christian Association was organized in Ca atswcer to the coil foc closer affiliations Caui sswiththetlcwtorld-iscNvi rcieilet, antisook f il) is homne itn 'ilc'M...…

February 09, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 93) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHItI A ILY CALENDAR. N R r r . Feb. 9-Fiftieth anutal addrss of th Student-' Chritian asociation bylRt TAILORS High Class S p c a u r c s Re. CalesP. nderso, nItshp of FURNISHERS To M 11 Merchandise Chicago. Univrsty Ilall, S p to111 S e i l C t f r coFtteb of tuent.recrtin yboard HATTERS Popular Prices See Window Display 8 to i P. MI Directly North of Law Biilding tak yHebrtVagtaI ppnHaf709-711 NORTH UNIVEKSITY AVENUE S a l eby V ugO S...…

February 09, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

…i 'e A zanDazi1ly \iit XIX. X MINNESOTA GAME FILLS SCHEDULE1,cfk ttr lifi Resumption of Relations With ~ Old Conference Rival Arouses ttctiri.iii Y ww., Interest--BaseballStarts Soon. jK~i ilIrh t' 1 SUCCESSFUL EDITOR hi1 APPEARS TONYIGH T truc n1 tt S.S McClure Is Well Qualifie i rr Fo ell of the Makingofa prt i3 O?3 Magazine. lr Ir ; lc Mc~livc(I<<i :M i~~hi"11 C3- lc RWT~i tiloarI( 5sti lacietIi, in ia po ic- i e ine] IUM ~ B ino ti fr]t...…

February 09, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 89) • Page Image 2

…TIIE MICISIIGA IDATLY 'THE MICHIGAN DAILY. tI sf stlirs' ,irrIr 'il\pit, ;cc ,, , r .51na s )(rg~ JEditcr Ac~isiErs 1. RoICtotI. l s c. r a llonr ,s r -Jclla F. NO/sac ri~ teirsm- hiris't . _~Nu - ,1n < c11 G. . Wild Coinpally t IERCHANT TPAlLORS Have received a large line of wooliens for SPRING and SUM- M/ER in (MO'enium, Light, and Dark Art Leather) Siver Drab, Grecian D)rab, Light Mote, Royal Gray, and Kings Tan. We hase the Blarney, Hudso...…

February 09, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 89) • Page Image 3

…A I 75c fo 1-2 dollar F 4 cakes j Jersey Crearm Soap arid fire Soap Boxes AT . s Money Loned Wathesand ,cer-riar Bargain esinW ths&Dtzod Of et e sidete31( t_ AnnAI')r JOSEPH ., S .,IS B-BL c~, s 3EST BRIAR \vie haveic weti 'i:,(,t it t .l 11 u l forthe icliga i m , ctutste, iii ii ic i iIion ''h wc i s i t ill Ci lr iS il Ccal t e h i l( llt'ii i t'i canno \i he l it i wii p llnh i ng r n l _ SI E i l~t't} t'.t'e, ~t liwit ltt 11tsrtiThrou...…

February 09, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 89) • Page Image 4

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY xl'lAND) MOST I" II) OA [:WALL PAPER. PLATE e~lCENS1IELX ES, PHOT0 RAIl 5:, ElRI-APS, PAINTS, OILS c 111VI 1ROSIIES, (it ASS WIND)OW SIHADIES, ETC, ETC. - l'tv is fine Idecorating,.1such as118 Itr-attgittg Paint- i 1it to and 1xterir1 %Vll-tinltmn KalC-oeinillg, Freelo- AljO 11111et. e nl silled V.,t Ckllell antd gularantee T-I PHONS 237 203 IF. W' sK~rlrvtorn St. UNIVERSITY NOTICES t-l _-Aii c1, nctt L'l~e t l 1I.l at...…

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