December 09, 1923

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December 09, 1923 • Page Image 1

…SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1923 Mr. Frost Rejects Pedantic Cataloguing Being Partially A Review Of "New Hampshire" NEW HAMPSHIRE, by Robert Frost, Henry Holt, 1923. Mr. Frost has discovered thq sophis- ticated world. There have been indi- cations before now that he suspected the existence of that brittle, quaint Cockaigne, but he has always lacked complete desire to pass beyond his own hard, clear, sharp universe...…

December 09, 1923 • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECEMBER i9, 1923 an~d th .,..LBA"RT3RON HENDERSON THEUNIN I' Xl S $20,00 Q these promenadesin tiemeles for fhrr, _;nb lintin this wailing every reuie tmttt hiss tes', hot th 1 n ;g o tethover ltheOslei"-,stianagement realty 'shotd aptrcat cf te i, 5411 aI t isas rf--lts heniannall titi y-:clted treeYl:;t cs tle m st. e sosnis-- -r-- ', grtesi;tl at.-z~' e tiaticv~c rtro on iieicapus tt rer-p le pnli t.....…

December 09, 1923 • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, DECElER , 1923TH "HE MICHIGAN DAILY Security May be found for your. valuable docu- ments by using our Safety Deposit Vault. The service will please you. Farmers & Mechanics Bank 101-105 SOUTH MAIN 330 SOUTH STATE r, [ \ \' .I ASer S IN WHICH THE OBSERVER TACK- Terms of Conquest, by Howard Vin- LES THE CHRISTMAS PRESENT cent O'Brien. (Little, Brown, $2.), is PROBLEM the sort of book which Dr. Frank Christmas gifts may be roughly Cran...…

December 09, 1923 • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAia. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1923 Books Reviewed ordered close as we are taught the from such magazines as The Dial, Po- interest challenged by novelty, but trained writer brings his work. Ra- etry, and The Measure, and one finds in the year 1923 they are irritating. ther it moves slowly, ponderously at such more or less familiar names as They are to be excused on the sup- times, gathering force of reality as it Bertha Ten ...…

December 09, 1923 • Page Image 5

…SUNDAY, DECEM1R R!1, 1923 THE MICHICAN DAILY PAGE FIVE fifteen and my friend was fourteen. I THE ROMANTIC A Note On Cosi Fan Tutte JUNGLE mountains. ORLANDO BEEDE They saw, and this young Indian JUNGLE BEASTS AN) MEN, byO aann hs da There seems to be a tendency to i that of Judson House (Ferrando) tells of teir adventurea simply, beau- G'opal Mukeri. E. P. Dutton C.,r compare "Cosi Fan Tutte" with "The there was just enough imperfection titull...…

December 09, 1923 • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9, 12a Htis style is very simipte and rather taresw ear unity; swe munsi not expect A nthony T rollope une ven at times One is not sminuteanalsiofs ca G. SMITH-HAMILTON quently rather irritated by some of Yet Thollope has lived and will his Victorian conciets. He uses sut- continue to be read because of his Tay. car ea stalls are crowded eration the result would have just- ple English, but...…

December 09, 1923 • Page Image 7

…SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY P.AGE S~ __._.._ Fa fa e numbers, one of which is to be an all-i A ]Letter fromr A. r niar 01 poetry edition. A subscription cam- paign will be undertaken tomorrow! Editor of the Sunday Magazine, I T17ru mr pets and Tueaday; and, judging from the Sr interest already diaplayed in the mag-; This is waritten in objection to the' "Where is Whimsies?"'Eazime, a large number of students i eviei of Fl...…

December 09, 1923 • Page Image 8

…PAt-- EIGhT THE M ICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1923 Are your gift lists completely checked? You will want to fin- ish your gift-shopping before you go home, so tl4it ever minute of your vacation may be spent in happy, holiday pleas- mas list when a pleasant saun- ures. And there is no need for you to. ponder over the Christ- ter through the Store reveals unique and charming gift sug- gestions at every turn. ,r 1 r{ , moo:. - C i i Y ...…

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