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November 09, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 37) • Page Image 1

…,l [i1 an 7 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1919 D EFEATS MICHIGAN, UNION HALL LDY ON FRIDAY there is still some work on the new Union dance expected that the work- )e through Thursday and it, to open the hall on Friday Varsity Eleven Returns From Chicago This Horning At Seven Mifchigan Daily, Ann Arbor, Mich. - Majorlty ~4 team leave here 12 :05 o'clock tonight. Arrive Ann Arbor Sunday morning, 7 o'clock. Every student shou...…

November 09, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 37) • Page Image 2

…a s second g Editor "Have I kept my scholastic work on a high standard, in class recitation, laboratory aid refer- ence reading? "Have 'I gone to classes, faithfully anl punc- tually, never skipping on the iipulse. of having a betterk time outside? "Have I been trying to bluff professors and 'pony' through courses'on the former good work of comeone else? "Have I handed all my work in promptly, and ,has this work been the result of my own ef...…

November 09, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 37) • Page Image 3

… 1891-Michigan, 0; Chicago, 20 1892-Michigan, 18; Chicago, 10 1893-Michigan, 28; Chicago, 10 1894-Michigan, 6; Chicago, 4 1895-Michigan, 12; Chicago, '0 1896-Michigan, 6; Chicago, 7 1897-Michigan, 12; Chicago, 21 1898--Michigan, 12; Chicago, 11 , 1900-Michigan, 6; Chicago, 15 1901-Michigan, 22; Chicago, 0 1902-Michigan, 21; Chicago, 0 1903-Michigan, 28; Chicago, 0 1904-Michigan, 22; Chicago, 12 1905r-Michigan, 0; Chicago,. 2 1918-Michigan,-13;...…

November 09, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 37) • Page Image 4

…Au I~ f i! I make them cust6n or practi I,.'" . . I Beve St.Johns, Newfoundlan~d, Nov. 7'A ,rsit Officials intend, issuing a 'special post- situ- ag-e stamp bearing the likenjess of ya.the Prince of Wales to commemorate utes his recent visit to Newfoundland. The er of prince's likeness has appeared on two postage stamps of the colony-as Prince Edward. of York onx the one- eting! half -cent stamxp of 189? and as a naval mr-n cadet on the ...…

November 09, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 37) • Page Image 5

…f $25 F FOR THE BEST ADVERTISEMENT OF PHOTOGRAPILS MADE AT THE RANDALL STUDI( The Advertisement is to fill a 2-column by 3-inch. space. There must be NO picture in the advertisement. All copy must be delivered to the Randall Studio, 121 E. ington St., by November 20, 1919. The writer of the best advertisement will receive a cash p $25.00. The writers of other advertisements which are used v ceive $5.00 in trade at the Randall Studio. The ju...…

November 09, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 37) • Page Image 6

…1 for the run I t Hungry This Evening us serve you one of our club sand- ruit, or Waldorf salads, waffles, ty sandwiches. LIBERTY AT MA YNARD C i COMMUNITY HOUSE OPENS BABY CLINIC The baby clinic has -been moved from the city Y. W. C. A. to the Com- munity house. It was opened this week. There are 102 babies listed un- der the care of the clinic at pres- ent, and more could be given proper attention. Hours for subsequent clinicsivill be fro...…

November 09, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 37) • Page Image 7

… win Beds" will be presented at. Whitney next Saturday night by same cast that played at the New -oit recently. Lois Bolton plays leading role and is assisted by mas J. Evans, R. MN. D'Angelo, ',inia F'airfax, Kathryn Mills, mlas Manning, Callie Van Vliet, others. e plot deals with the difficulties attend three couples. who live'ixn rge fashionable aparte~ent house, find the enforced neighborliness ese places not always to their lik- Their eff...…

November 09, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 37) • Page Image 8

…FE MORE BEFORE WAR AVE. I I ents Ukuleles, expecta- .$12.00 and up ........$20.00 and up .$0.00 and up An increase of 20 per cent over last year's attendanee is the record of the Ann Arbor High school ac- cording to the princial, Mr. L. L. Forsythe. This unusut increase he believes is due to the universal "back to school" movement and also the great influx of new families to Ann Arbor. "Optimist" Reappears Many activities, both new and ...…

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