November 09, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 40) • Page Image 1
…16 -. - . C. 8 e rr CC G _; // a a Z °b .1 ( w (( - all lop VOL. X. WI T ST ANN ARBOR, MI101., THURSDAY, NOVEMIBER 9, 1899} . No. 40. Report ofi the Hospital Circle cli ph, sesl the foet ball leanm eos in the'ENTH11US1 ISTIC DEMONT- Kin g's Daughters for Year. etterenssd ef towis. H sad Inst P en S'RATION lRseortof tic ~oessitasl Circe'f' at ac cooet and tlhought tisis mightI 1 l HFine Fall and Winter ESuitings, Golf Suits, Fancyj Vest...…