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December 08, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 63) • Page Image 1


December 08, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 63) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning except Monday during the Univer- sity year by the Beard in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED P5tESS The Associated Press is exclusivelytentitled to the use fir republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published therein. Entered at the postoflice at Ann Arbo...…

December 08, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 63) • Page Image 3

…TITUSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1921 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE /0-- In-com-pa-ra-bly Fine! Here are cool smokes -sun-ripened tobacco -fragrant aroma -savor and flavor -gratifying result Every day, more men say In-com-pa-ra-bly fine! 2 or MSended in the Good Old English Way ---_-,ti Ill Children At Hospital Wait Santa Claus With Perfect Faith J L ...W--./ .0 Schumacher Hardware Co. A Store of Individual Shops' 308-10-12 So. Main St. Phones...…

December 08, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 63) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'TITRSDAY, nCEMBmR 8, 1c SWAIN Amateur Finishing Lantern Slides GROUPS Daylight or Flashlight Indoors or Outside STUDENTS AIDED questing information about the meth- BY LOCAL BUREAU ods used here in securing employment for students. UIT UUI Mrs. Stuart says that she is well; Twelve to fifteen students daily find pleased with the work done this year work through the services of the Uni- in securing employment for the ap-...…

December 08, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 63) • Page Image 5

…tTIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1921 THE MICHIGAN DAILY raum . ---- SCENARIO CONTEST CLOSES SATURDAY With only three more days left on The Michigan Daily scenario contest, numbersof stories are being turned into the office of the scenario editor. The plots already turned in are de- clared to be of high quality by a rep- resentative of the producers who has been examining them, but no decision on any of them will be made before 6 o'clock Saturday night,...…

December 08, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 63) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY- 71 - ............. -- ... _. THE MICHIGAN DAILY T } _. OHIO TO BOAST STRING 1922GRIDIRON SQUAD LINE WEAK WITHOUT .VETERANS BUT BACKFIELDI TO BE POWERFUL (By Associated Press) Columbus, 0., Dec. 7. - Football, prospects for 1922 at Ohio State uni- versity are unusually bright.' Coach Wilce believes he will have a strong, veteran backfield, but be- cause of graduations will have to re- build his 1921 line, which was...…

December 08, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 63) • Page Image 7

…kY, DECEMBER 8, 1921 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MEN TOAID OPERA Student Committeemen will Cooper- ate With Alumni in Various Cities on Itinerary PLAN HELP IN ADVERTISING AND GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS Committees of Michigan students, appointed by the Union and intended as an aid to alumni in cities along the route of the 1922 opera, "Make It For Two," were announced by R. E. Swart, '22E, president of the Union, yesterday. They will assist in advertis...…

December 08, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 63) • Page Image 8

…1 IaEIGH THF MICHIGAN DAILY 'I DELTA EPSILON NAMES SUBJECT FOR 1 921-1922 EDiTORIAL CONITEST1 Society Expects 6000 to Enter Lists For Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medals PRESIDENT HARDING WILL AWARD PRIZES TO WINNERS Chicago, Ill., Dec. 2.-(Special).- In order to arouse the active support of every male undergraduate in the United States and Canada to liberal arts courses, and to refute the popular claim that a four-year culturalcourse is t...…

December 08, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 63) • Page Image 9

…THE THEATERS Sigma Delta Phi mee held at 4:30 o'clock to'. Cook building. THE MICHIGAN DAILY afteitde They should be taken by MANUAL ARTS CONFERENCE one 1ri who can stay and help to ar- TO BE HELD HERE DEC. 8-10 range that house's table for the bazaar. ~-- Ann Arbor will again be the scene Wives of officers of administration, of an educational meet when, on the dig vill be professors, Qnd Instructors are invited last three days of this week,...…

December 08, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 63) • Page Image 10

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY DAILYOFIIA0BLLTIN Volume 2 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1921 Number 63 1 Students: Students having in their possession baoks drawn from the University brary, are notified that all such books are due Friday, Dec. 9, on account the impending Christmas vacation. F. L. D. GOODRICH, Associate Librarian. Adents, School of Education: An Assembly of all students In the School of Education will be held om 203, Tappan Hall, Thursday, De...…

November 08, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 38) • Page Image 1

…THE WEATHER N0W xAYA VQLDRE TODAY fiRtr t IWAPV*Wrn Dfl4t PRAS DALY A"D NIGHT s~a ICE VOL. XXXIL No. $8. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 191 PRICIVE C UNION LIFE 1DRIE FOR 160MEN SET FOR. TODAY1 COMMITTEES .ALLOWED THREE DAYS FOR FILLINGE QUOTA 200 PICKED SOLICITORS ' TO SEE NON-MEMBERS Silver Loving Cup Offered Salesman Most Successful in Securing Aplications More than 200 picked salesmen, who will open a campaign this morni...…

November 08, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 38) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHICAN DAILY _ . _____ OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF.MICHIGAN Pulished every morning except Monday during the Univer- sity year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated'Piress is exclusively entitled :to the-use -for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published therein. Entered at the postollice ...…

November 08, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 38) • Page Image 3

…THE MCHIGAN DAILY -____ iiiiiow.. FURLONGq '2411. TO nX IUNKNOWN SOLDIER CE~REMONY Benzol Cleaned Gleans Cleaner Stays Clean Longer -- WECLwN EIE E 2 tt tetPOE19 A Harold A. Furlong, '24M, will leave tomorrow for Washington, D. C, where with other Mdal of Honor men he will take part in the ceremony at- tendant on the burial of the unknown American soldier in Arlington national cemetery. which will take place Nov, 11, Armistice day, Ossip...…

November 08, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 38) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ________________ A. ffimml."VEN.M." Y Iowa p a v «' w"% ;/may S" "1 ti"". JJ 1 "X " ,.X s. , " a f " , .. ~ 'RESTLERS STILL HUNTING A COACH Vreslting is attracting a large num- of student followers.. As yet a table coach for the mat men has not n found but in order to carry onj practice, students of wrestling ability and experience will assist new men in getting on to the sport. Instructions are being given every aft...…

November 08, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 38) • Page Image 5

…THE MJCHI tA DALY - IN V nples .ast, Princeton feats' 3, Ohio Chicago, On Saturday Old King Football presented his fol- lowers with an array of royal exhibi- tions last Saturday which, for their thrilling episodes, surpassed even the fondest of expectations. Foremost in the eastern pArtio 4of hid realm was that bitterly contested and historical fray between Princeton and Harvard. In the west, the Ohio State-Chicago conflict was the great c...…

November 08, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 38) • Page Image 6

…THE MTCHTCAN DAILY mm Party Sipper s We are showing an extensive line of ladies' dress slippers in back satin, suede, or kid, in plain or beaded ef- fects with baby or Junior Louis heels $8000 O ..-----. 108 SOUTH MAIN STREET 11111111111111111111111111111111111111liii 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 l Iiil 1 Tiamon b Some of you are thinking of a Diamond purchase during the coming month. Better come down and lok over our w...…

November 08, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 38) • Page Image 7

…somR s, iae. THE MICHIGAN AILY Women (Continued from Page Six) ,All sophomore women will meet at 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon in Sar- ah Caswell Angell hall. All girls who have not yet had their lockers assigned must do so at once, and each girl must have her entire set of gymnasium clothes marked' and in hr locker before the starting of in- door classes. Members of the Freshman spread committee may consult with Mary Hayes, '24, from 3 to...…

November 08, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 38) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TVD&WA V NM3 JAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN WHAT'S GOING ON I olume 9. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1921 Number 88 Holders of Atbletic Coupon Books:t All holders of athletic couponbookf; should follow the instructions on the back of the application blank for the Minnesota game. At 6 p. m. Wed- nesday, Nov. 9, preference according to the number of ,years a student has been on the campus will cease. The Athletic Association is al...…

October 08, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 12) • Page Image 1

…ptr mA A1L'xiY.I11LLK 7ODAY pr1 DAY ANDIG SERVI( ) No. 12. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTQBER 8, 1921 PRICE F: * FOOTBALLERS IE FOR ANNUAL LVERINE BATTLEI MARKS TWENTY - MEETING OF TWO, SCHOOLS FIFTH CITY ORDINANCE FIXES TAXI FARE According to the city ordinance of Ann Arbor, the driver or owner of any public conveyance may deOmand and receive for carrying passengers from any place within the city of Ann Arbor to any other p...…

October 08, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 12) • Page Image 2

…'er- day during ent Publicat MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for blication of allpnews dispatches credited to it or not otherwise ted in this paper and the local news published therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second ixatter. Suoscription by carrier or mail, 350. oices: Amn Arbor Press building, Maynard Street. Phones: Business, 960; Editorial, 2414. Communic...…

October 08, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 12) • Page Image 3

…MICHIGAN DAILY 1. .L OW CAB "Get Acquainted" Tea Well Attended More than seventy-five entering sophomore, junior and senior women attended a "get-acquainted" tea dance given by the Senior society from 3:30 to 5 o'clock Thursday after- noon at Helen Newberry -residence. This was the first of several such occasions planned for this year- by the society to promote friendship and co-operation among all women on the campus. AFTER--- By Van Eve...…

October 08, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 12) • Page Image 4

…about the campus on the suggestion that the block "M", which{ layed at the Minnesota game, be placed in the new west stands field stadium and that it be formed by the freshman class has r favorable as far as any comment has been heard. ving up the idea, Coach Yost was asked his opinion. For the e large number of alumni and visitors who will be present at e was most enthusiastic. Also when asked where the fresh- eceive tickets if not placed in ...…

October 08, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 12) • Page Image 5

… CASEO GRIDIRON GOSSIP F. Clinthorne L.H. Folk "Century Market" 213 NORTH MAIN STREET PHONE 1091 Credit to Organizations CANNED GOODS SOAPS OL- BUTTER FLOUR * COFFEE Q. Boehim E. R.T. rns Reed R.G. Sloat C. Wise Vick C. L.G. Grabiel L.T. Smith L.E. Edwards Goebel R.E. Kirk Cappon L.E. L.T. Dunne IG. Wilson Muirhead R.G. R.T. Banks Q. Usher L.H. Steketee F. Kipke R.H. MICHIGAN I Grid Men Show Average Minds In lMen tal,,Tes...…

October 08, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 12) • Page Image 6

…1 1 AL.d ll £~l 11 1-7.1 .'V ..... -j 11 E FOOTWEAR FOR MEN howing for Fall is complete with model wanted b particular men WRITES ON CHEER LEAOING "Al" Cuthbert Comes to Defense of The Tryouts Editor, The Michigan Daily: I cannot help taking exception to some of the remarks in the editorial "Follow the Leader," not only in de- fense of myself, but also for those men who turned out and tried their very best to develop spirit in the crowd a...…

October 08, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 12) • Page Image 7

…9A 6'r MA III U1JLIrj I T0 DAY LAST TIMES TODA Screen I LAST TIME TODAY Arcade-Constance Binney "Room and Board." in "THE i dash ery-- Majestic--Cecil B. DeMille's pro- duction, "The Affairs of Ana- tol," with Wallace Reid, Wan- da Hawley, Gloria Swanson and Bebe Daniels. Wuerth- James 0. Curwood's "God's Country and the Law." Orpheum-Robert Herron in "Co- incidence." ROBERT HERRON N . In Afi OF nat Showing of Ill Veilings ...…

October 08, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 12) • Page Image 8

…kTTLE1 1~ic I! L J Number 12 ir.r rrrtii. rrrrrrr i r .rr r romen will meet throughout the year o 12:15 a. m., beginning with Monday, [YRA B. JORDAN, Dean of Women. e Arts, Spanish Courses: 04 U. H., will meet in room 216 N. S. 304 U. H., will m'eet in room 173 N. S. (Continued from Page One) sequent mushy condition of the field,l and there ran tnem through a light signal practice. The squad is in good physical condition and should be r...…

June 08, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 177) • Page Image 1


June 08, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 177) • Page Image 2

… g the Univer- 'tos- sively entitled to the use for credited to it or not otherwise news published therein. in Arbor, Michigan, as second $3.50" ding, Maynard Street. ial, 2414. 300 words, if signed, thesig iprint, but as an evidence of published in The Daily at the or mailed to The Daiy office. ve no consideration. oman- writer incloses postage. T endorse the sentiments ez- not be recefvel after 8 o'clock DITOR ........-.-.(EGRGES. BROPHY...…

June 08, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 177) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ,,. . . . . . ... .. . . . .. . _ .. ..r. t . .. , . . «« - . . ... -. .. . . ."." , .. ., ." ,.. -_ "" . . .. . _ _ .. ."= . . .. ,, . . . , h -., ""'. .L i e on~ofDixn'soffrins fr ahom WieoniuAB lRt 11 run.] R. Williams, If...4 1 2 0 L l x ] Michigan Has Two an arn Ninth Lyman, 2b..........3 1 1 TIV S H ID grasp the' Wolverines made adepr Elliott, cf...........4 0 1 ate effort t) break the tie in their J Williams, l...…

June 08, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 177) • Page Image 4

…THI MICHIGAN DAILY tary, Mary Ives, '23; treasurer, Anne Mushken, '23; member-at-large, Cath- erine Greenough, '24. The yearly re- ports of all officers and committees were also given at this time. BLUE BOOKS--BLUE BOOKS- all sizes at Cushings.-Av. WUIomen Several changes have been made in rehearsals for Senior Girls' play. All choruses of the three acts will re- hearse from 3 to 6 o'clock and the cast of all three acts from 7 to 9 o'clock...…

June 08, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 177) • Page Image 5

…AILY PENN STATE SUSPENDS HONOR SYSTEM AFTER LONG TRIAL After six years of trial the faculty of the University of Pennsylvania un- animously voted last week in favor of . .in a temporary suspension of the honor >ve." system. This action was the culmin- .om- ation of a steadily increasing senti- ment against retention of the honor' system as. it has been in effect at the1 Jazz university. ley. According to the statement, there iedy. have been m...…

June 08, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 177) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8,1921. Number 177. in the Official Bulletin (see Michigan Daily, or Official Bulletin Boards). The student should note carefully that should he not be following ex- actly in every particular the regular course laid out for him in the General Announcement of these Colleges, responsibility rests upon himself ulti- mately for observance of all rules as to prerequisites, sequence of cour...…

May 08, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

…)NE I Li r 3 ian att ASSOCI PRE DAY AND NIG SERVIC No. 151. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 8, 1921. PRICE P 'OLVERINES ARE TRIPLE VICTO (I CHOOSES MERS FOR1 'mm tunul OHIO TENNIS MEN BOW TO VARSITY1 (Special to Michigan Daily) Columbus, O., May 7.' - Michigan's Varsity tennis team won its first matcht l tof the season here today by defeating I RI4I , WV the Ohio State squad in a score of 4 to 2. Captain Wesbrook at times sho...…

May 08, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 151) • Page Image 2

…T1- I MICHIGAN DAILY Eitro sn Dattlj KAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OP MICHIGAN I every morning except Monday during the Univer- the Board in Control of Student Publications. EMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ociated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise tis paper and the local news published therein. at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second ion by carrier er mail, $3.50....…

May 08, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 151) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ..., ..., MANY POSITIONS OPEN FOR WOMEN STUDENTS - V Just at this time when a life work ' {" y '****v L '{'a;i' = :r , l{for seniors, summer employment for all classes and even something to add to the coffers of the student while in pfd dn1, 1 school, are big questions on the cam- pus, Dean Myra B. Jordan has at her offices a number of offes to women . .{students, about which consultations may be had and details supplied...…

May 08, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 151) • Page Image 4

…HE MICHIGAN DAILY ".---w WHAT'S GOING ON SUEDAY 1GO-Untyersty Men's Bible class meets, upper room, Lane hall. 00-Glee club rehearsal, Union :0-Choral Union rehearsal of the "Elijah," School of Music g-Unitarian Young People's soci- ety meets at church for outdoor meeting. iO0-Mother's Day Guild meeting, Methodist church. 15-Bernard Ginsburg, of Detroit, addresses Menorah society, Lane hall. MONDAY 1O-Mandolin club rehearsal, Union. t,-Glee ...…

May 08, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 151) • Page Image 5

…Game From The P-dressox lINDIV IY EATIER, MA N 4,.I~ I IIIIUL 1 I1 NHAS FINALE TIlS WEEKi TOURNAMENT WILL RING DOWN CURTAIN ON FOOTBALL t UNTIL FALL . Spring football practice will come to a close next Saturday afternoon att Ferry , field when the first gridiron tournament will take place. It is re- quested that all men who have taken, part in practice this spring appear at! the field and sign up for the event on1 either Monday or Tuesday ...…

May 08, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 151) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY I I I I 1 , 1, -- - ." W. r olIo SL~ATE SVCtY S TO MW~iHIGA1I IN TRACK MEET LY'. OFFICIAL BULLETIN (0); second, Cruickshank (M); third, Grigg (O). Distance,,Z. feet, 1 inch. 220 yard low, hurdles-wan by Cruickshank (M); second, Hill (0); third, Sargent (M). Time, 25 3-5 sec. Two M e run-,on by Alb rry (¢; second, Cranz (0); third, Standish ZM.Time, 10 min., 4 4-5 seconds. Hammer throw-Won by Stipe, (M); second, Whi...…

May 08, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 151) • Page Image 7

…SUNDAY FEATURE SECTION i A l eirli~au &ztj SECTION TWO .I LITERARY _ .. 1 L. XXXI. No. 151. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 8, 1921 PRICE HIG AN VOTESON VVEDNESDA ds Indicate Mr Strong Nominees For All Offices Data Compiled to Assist Voters in Making Selections Shows Expectionally Good List of Candidates on Campus Ballot In an effort to assist the voters of the campus to know something of the records of the men who hav...…

May 08, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 151) • Page Image 8

…TURE SECTIO iday as a suppleme ction of The Mic be in the hands o previous to the da or contributions tion of good faith. r....Joseph A. Bern Assistants :n Thomas H. Adam way Byron ]Iarnton ...........Stewart T.I ............Edwin R.7 DLIT2 DER weeks ago-almost. Dulcy-Why, they know each other N as well as if they'd been children to- gether. n to John-They ought to. higan Dulcy-Just what do you mean? Why, why, John Hodges! af the John-Rats! ...…

May 08, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 151) • Page Image 9

…. N A,1P9'', !AI SI.,',,,PN moreCritic Praised aily:- still did the writer of the editorial e of The Daily I have the right to commit The Daily it- . and delivered self? I question if he did. igned himself Quoted Eminent Critics ose article ap- "Menckenite" substantiated his le. claims of Mencken's merit by quoting es are on the some very eminent writers and critics.; writer. After Then, what does the editor do; noth- ecame a more ing less tha...…

May 08, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 151) • Page Image 10

….i. ARABLE TO "GROWTH' [F THE SOIL," BY HAMSUN I (By R. D. S.) gradual transformation of k virgin soil into habitable Earmlands lies an epic theme tic simplicity but -universal ce. Knut Hamsun has treat- uibject with true artistry and vth of the Soil" stands with est novels the century has yet . Now "Dust" (Brentano) )m the pens of Mr. and Mrs. n-Julius, two newcomers in l of letters. thors of this book have -suc- a compressing' the' spirit o...…

April 08, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 133) • Page Image 1

…I ) COLDER )AY Ahr ol att A PRESS PAY AND NIGHT II SERVICE 133. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1921. PRICE FIVE C PREMI BRINGS HOPE TO ENGLISH BOR SITUATION LLOYD GEORGE GVES RENEWED PROSPECT OF AVERTING CRISIS PLAN EXPEC TED TO BE MEANS OF SETTLEMENT Labor Party Urges Members to Stand by Miners Against Power of Organized Capital (By Associated Press) London, April 7. - Another day of tense alternation of hope and fear end- ed wi...…

April 08, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 133) • Page Image 2

…AI r-M JV1I- re t Mir-41--alt Dattll FFICIAL NEWSPAPERF 0T HE UNIVERSITY 0OF MICHIGAN blished every morning except Monday during the Univer- r by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS e Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for -ation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise 3 in this paper. and the local news published therein. tered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan...…

April 08, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 133) • Page Image 3

… n OR , ° ,: . .. . , ... ,' J . '.1 U. .+ ... . . .i+ -"-- r STS GIVEMICHIGAN FIGHTING CE WITH" CALIFORNM 9TOMORROW' ichigan Favored in Broad Jump and Weights; Calif. in Three , rE:lents PPOSING REAY -SQUADSf ARE FASTEST IN COUNTRYI With but one more day of practice efore this year's premier dual track eet, the University of Michigan track lam and the California cinder stars e primed for the big contest which kes place inthe Californ...…

April 08, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 133) • Page Image 4

…l .'., 1111%a.'-A AA as ' 5 Oi(-1 .LS n Arbor Savings Bank Incorporated 1869 I and Surplus, $625,000.00 rces .........$5,000,000.00 North University Ave west Cor. Main & Huron What's in a Name? ever try TUTTLE'S when you wanted a nice lunch? Convanintly located just one- half block south of the "Mai" EMIN ENT SOLOISTS W1ILL PARTICIPATE' IN MAY FESTIVALI ~ UALITY. 10 00 rTINEYS K YEAR OLD FAVORITES AND SINGERS NEW TO ANN ARBOR ON PROGRAM ...…

April 08, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 133) • Page Image 5

…IRISH WOMEN IIIl I by 'Phis 3(Dela.yed) -W-1 ation and the sus- the Irish Natonal ell recognized throughout ni by British, government se task of subduing Sin s and restoring peace has en-fold more difficult by *Wherever one goes in hie hears extolled the e w;omen.", Ad Irish Army telter, feed and bind up of" the "flying columns" or publican army. They col- or the Daili Eireann, they se and do a hundred other all to women in war tie. f them...…

April 08, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 133) • Page Image 6

…III bor SANS FORW UCREASE bar Ta.CnAdKSFBOCARTE DANCE NOW UNDER WAY Requet oIa.l apter ofS°a Festival iley's Twenty-Eighth d Last Festival BORI Soprano F b I 1 CANOE Preparations for the annual all-Law Crease dance given by the senior law class, which will start at 9 o'clock1 Friday night, April 29, at the Union,7 are underway. Tickets for the affair, which include the "Subpoena" invita-, tion for the women, will cost $2.00 and are...…

April 08, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 133) • Page Image 7

…Pear on the program for the Satur- day afternoon performance. Local artists at the festival will be Grace Johnson-Konold, soprano, and! Marian Struble, violin, of the School of Music faculty, and Robert McCand- liss of the voice department. Miss Struble and Mr. McCandliss recently won first prizes in the state contest' of musicians held here. Chase Sikes,! a former student of the University School of Music will also take part. Choral Union Pre...…

April 08, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 133) • Page Image 8

… men T ENUS PENCILS Wtome J T )ARD HOP city Avenue w OR the student or prf., tehe superb VENUS out rivals all for p erfect pencil work. 1 Tblack degrees and. 3 copying. American Lead Pencil Co. 2o FifthNeyork lazYgst *4e113 1 in she world° " Mjmlpl - I' 9 10 FINANCIAL. HURON VALLEY BLDG. & SAVINGS ASSOCIATION is the BEST & SAFEST plate to put ARCADE your earnings. Your money is at your service on denand. Never paid less than "6 pr. ...…

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