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December 08, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

…vi C I I gan Dat y I NOW $2.00 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER '8, 1914. TTHIEF ROBS THREE FRAT HOUSES OO , Local "Scotland Yard. Men" Think That Amateur Yegg Did Work Three fraternity houses, Phi Delta Theta, Beta Theta Pi, and Delta Theta TODAY Phi were robbed Saturday night, of leves That Dr. Jokichi Takamine addresses Amer- articles and money ranging in value ilotics ican chemical society, room 151, from $50 to $150. None ...…

December 08, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 61) • Page Image 2

…THl MICHIGAN DAILY rself would be a tailored in our it m cloths not to be town. Stop in at hen you wear it I won't have to wi Merry Christmas. Without wishing. G. H. WILD CO. Merchant Tailors suit or nimitable matched nd order the first " You'll Stvter--. State fit., O ° Y Pers onal ri stma a rd LEAVE YOUR ORDER NOW and get the Best Selection Line of Regular Christmas Cards is the fasgest in City hee7 St udents Bookstore 'ROIT UNITED L...…

December 08, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 61) • Page Image 3

…['; LY rI LY ia r ,. 4 v 1 Sale 1 When You Think of Christmas 5.00 Suits 8.00 "4 irts Sat. Nov. 28 off s, Raincoats, Mackinaws & Bath Robes & Overcoats Now $11.25 "6 "L 13.50 15.00 16.50 18.75 21.00 "it 22.50 THINK OF Whitman's Candy 60c., 80c. and $1.00 a pound y .4 20 off on all Suits, Overcoats, Pat- rick Mackinaws, Balmacaans and I CALKIN'S 324 South PHARMACY State Street mww-o Furnishings. 44 I I r ODD PANTS 2047...…

December 08, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 61) • Page Image 4

… i .: r: s S uitS Make Them Right es make the difference high class workmanship ther sort. We take pride re that every suit that as m aker has a very ure that marks the best oing Like Hot Cakes The 100 Kodaks at from '3 to 23 off (and a 20% credit, good for developing) are going fast-but there are some big snaps left. Think of buying a $12.00 Brownie (good as new) for $7.75 and $1.55 worth of developing Free of Charge, Don't miss this opp...…

November 08, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 36) • Page Image 1

…1 lich igan a.l yL !' aim T A ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN,. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1914. PRICE FIVE CE ,, y .r _ a i _ 1Y PILES iST PENNSI SOCCER GAME WON BY MCALLS MEN EPIScOPAL BISHOP WILL OPEN SERIES a6 o m m i' I TODAY vice, Hill auditorium, tan 'club meets at :00 o'clock. 7:00 club , TOMORROWI rated lecture by John P. Clum, versity Hall, 8:00 o'clock. ig of the Deutscher Verein, men's ion, 8:00 o'clock. Francais meets in society...…

November 08, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 36) • Page Image 2

…MICHIGAN DAILY r .fay.w of fine wool- is here for your inspec- you'll agree that never lassier fabrics. Tailored e style in a suit to your till make you as smartly man in town. ows. for halmacaans. S '1 . .. _ 'i / j S i ,. TI1El MICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning except Monday during the university year. entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as second-class fmatter. Offices, Ann Arb...…

November 08, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 36) • Page Image 3

…n rheatrical irc u ards' big time act "Kid Kabaret" at the Majestic, first three days of this week. HERE re no ild in per- Lnnier e for extremely elaborate, mounting, both in regard to scenic effects and costum- ing. "For the Love of Mike" is being pronounced everywhere, the most tuneful,"the most merry and the most beautiful, of-the season's musical com- edies, in the way of pretty girls and costumes. "For the Love of Mike" will be the ...…

November 08, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 36) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILYA It, J. RATION Brumm, service, ing to Prof. J. R. the university news Ahubb House Open year round ATE $4.25 per Week G. S. CHUBB, Proprietor . A. NEELANDS, Steward more space is being given this year by the newspapers receiving the copy sent out than ever before. Everything that is sent in is being placed and this is due in a measure to the changed character of the selections given to the papers. The .state papers in par...…

November 08, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 36) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY -. I11 I' "Head and Shoulders above the Crowd" of ordinary dressers is a very natural and wholly justified feeling for a wearer of ST]IN-BLOCH Smart Clothes. .ers 3! Try it you'll like it. Young Men Whatever you pay for your clothing you cannot afford to overlook this fact; the big store of Reule, Conlin, Fiegel Co. Can and do.s positively give the greatest value. Whether it is a suit or overcoat, Manhattan Shirt...…

November 08, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 36) • Page Image 6

…T HIGAN ILY T HIGAN ILY r i - -.ur- I r Foot-wear Now is.the time for you to learn how to take pictures A GUNICRAL KNOWLEDGE OF PHOTOGRAPHY is the one thing no college man or woman can afford to be without-Photography is being used in a thousand different ways nowadays and you never know when it might be to your advantage to know how to take pictures. Then there is the pleasure and satisfaction. The pictures of college days will be cher...…

October 08, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

…ING le Michigan Daily NOW .... ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1914.1 FIRST TO N VARSITYl eam Gives 'Micliigau Closer Than 27 re Would icate PS.BUCKEYES IN ICESSFUL PASSES{ aulbetsch, Splawn, Rayns- and Catlett Do Good For Varsity every minute of the game, n's sturdy band of football terday afternoon gave the reat battle which was clos- score of 27 to 7 would ndi-n i the final seconds of play 'st score of the year against o...…

October 08, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 9) • Page Image 2

…THE MIHIGAN DAILY A~ How Stylishly SHe Dresses . Will be the verdict after you have had us for your tailor. The Suit, f h I the Overcoat, will have a class and swing to it that only tailored-to- dI / S order apparel can have. Step in and see the fabrics and models. Looking costs nothing. h Y. H. WILD CO. Leading Merchant Tailor State Street UIVERSITY TEXT B00KS New and Second Hand DRAW ING INSTRUMENTS Save your money and buy THE RICHTER BRA...…

October 08, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 9) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIOAdN DAILY THAT NEW STUDENTS S6 We are ready best line of to show you the flen's Suits, Overcoats, Balmacaans, Raincoats, Hats, Caps and Furnishings Shown in the City Better Paper Better Cover i WADHAMS & CO. 121-123 So. rain St. .___ - !MWMW The Ann Arbor Savings Bank' Capital Stock $300,000 Surplus $ioo,ooo Resources $3,000,000 A General Banking Business Transacted Chas G Z'Hiscock, res., Michael J. Fritz, Cash'r, W. D....…

October 08, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 9) • Page Image 4

…THE M3 fG A.' D A THE MI GAN DAI ~~~~1 DQUARTEiRS Time 8 A. M. Notice-You should call at once rt at Headquarters, No. 604 B. Liberty IDER:, 'RICT FORCES MICH. STUDENTS. f Winter, led by their famous Generals, Snow, Ice are thundering at our gates. As a loyal reservist rmy you are hereby summoned to the colors, and port at once for the general engagement with the xpected shortly after Sept. 29th, the opening of Amateur Photographers', Saf...…

August 08, 1914 (vol. 5, iss. 20) • Page Image 1

…AT YOUR DOOR THREE THE ONLY OFFICIAL EVENINGS A WEEK, 75c SUMMER PUBLICATION Vol V. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1914. No. 20. 'VAN DAL' WRITES- ON IMPRESSIONS OF BRITISH ISLES H. Beach Carpenter, '14, Tells Wolver- ine Impressions of London Before Outbreak of War in Europe SEES AMERICANS MIMICED IN MUSIC HALL OF LONDON Says Campus at Cambridge University Excells Those of American Institutions H. Beach Carpenter, '14-'16L, man...…

August 08, 1914 (vol. 5, iss. 20) • Page Image 2

…T HE WO L VER IN E MON-TUES,Aug. 101 1-Hael Dawn knowonthe screeneasMary Pick ford the seonnd,in "On fouer Gis" by Froman Howard. WED, Aug. 12--Honmerun Baker, of the Philadelphia Americns, in "Hoenren Baker's Double" (Baenball Dramea) THUR., Aug. 138-Return date, on day only, Mary Pickfor-d in "Tess nf thn Storm Country" OF MEN'S FURNH1HINGS VARSITY TOGGERY SHOP 1 107 South University Ave. T17H E W ( L V E R I NE)tog ly scaoty, for tie adva...…

August 08, 1914 (vol. 5, iss. 20) • Page Image 3

…THE WO L VERIN E ALL ROADS LEAD TO POP'S 'Why al this diiibt :.a-s toiwhreito iii Forcralcsfad, idinner, or after the show When riglht ait th cornier of ]Bayerr rid ?Miiiror. 'Toip" Biaiiroift aiiti'yiaou t icy "hllo." M.i's gi ilrtherepi. Atid alitt ofi ie Will treat yiori lii, Morn, soon or ni-git. li i id ila shs. And tlier iliatial We'll. ivagrr }oui'l smiler. So afiryot inlishithei"fuss"'or ao"Iop,' Fllthe ipshars ALL RIOADS L1E'AD TOI...…

August 08, 1914 (vol. 5, iss. 20) • Page Image 4

…T HE WOL VE RI NR 1OR1111 'I i. ((otined ficia pae 1.) Four and ive room cold Set:iher ot, cd alt o ns thought flats. Will be ready sheimut hvei beei injured seriosly S eptember 15. b otunatelylul hIiso wsnot 111e 00s, 111 he 1came 1o1t witli rtiner110at the ent o1the perormroane to resur J. K. MALCOL M t l iii 011110(1 . 604 E. Liberty St. Iailoas tir'Ttaer Engliricilraigis ta cpuzzle to th Amicanrli. Tovnder tostt an NEW UVo M. BOAT LIVERY ...…

March 08, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 110) • Page Image 1

…e I' lichigan Daily T ,- " - -- ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 8, 1914. PRICE __ A I FTION Y SQUAD Makes Third Big Candidates, And izen, Players di List Cut 1 EVENTS FOR TODAY Mr. L. P. ?Moore lectures at Majestic theater, 6:30 o'clock, Mr. Dan Poling addresses combined young people's societies,Presbyterian church, 6:30 o'clock. President-Emeritus James B. Angell lectures on "China," Newberry hall, 4:30 o'clock. Mr. J. A. ...…

March 08, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 110) • Page Image 2

…RIICHIGAN DAILY a a IL TEST STYLES SALE PRING 1914 '' of Woolens STATIONERY One Pound Paper and Two Packages Envelopes for 25oc SHEEHAN CO. STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE In WILD GO. Tailors I IT UNITED UNES ARBOR TIME TABLE Express Cars for Detroit-7:10 hourly to 6:1o p. 1n., also 8:io >r Detroit-5:4o a. m., 6:o6 a. m., two hours to 6:o6 p. m., 7:06 p. in., : >.o p. in., and 10:45P. m. it onliy, 11:15 p. MI., 1: Sp. m2. , 1:o a. m. "s for Ja...…

March 08, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 110) • Page Image 3

… SPRING SHIRTINGS Still Too Many Lefi; The , ets mera ects what London thinks about fashions for you. hat Paris thinks hat New York thinks hat Chicago thinks out of all these opinions,with the [fo-de-roes iminated, como tyles Sensibly ed Americans Prefer. Myles we are now ready to show you. more reason your suit should be a Stein-Illoch. DENSCIIMIDI, APFEL CO Clothiers and Furnishers Just received, a full line of soft, negligee shirts fo...…

March 08, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 110) • Page Image 4

….LET imps I KODAKCS, PREMOS, "-AWKEYES AND GRAFLEX CAMERAS AT REDUCED PRICES You cannot afford to let the good old college days go by with out learlaiig to Kodak. You will reg1 it if you do not have a big scrap book full of snap shots whein $jsa±-,*ptgh. Do It Now.. guaranteedd" s g; 41and and~ shop worn Kodaks at from 30% to 60% less than new. Rent A. %""40c Per day -L4]" 0 N __ _ I LT THE FRESH Are Best for the Tango Press. Your Cloth...…

January 08, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 72) • Page Image 1

…1VII I r. L L.' iav= ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1914. f --- x j EVEN TSIOR TODAY Dixie Club smoker at the Michigan Union, 8:00 o'clock. Gym classes for men start with the 11:00 o'clock section. EVENTS OF TOMORROW I' {r ned Michigan Union and Cos- olitan Club smoker at the Mich- Union, 7:30 o'clock. Dr. Newell D. Hillis on Oratorical As- sociation program in University Hall auditorium, 8:00 o'clock. Bridge Tou...…

January 08, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 72) • Page Image 2

…ADING TAILORS i l offer you the ip the best. built to fit. suit STATIONERY We have arranged with the originator of the new process of die stampitig to offer' a 2 quire box of pa- per and envelopes, paper embossed in gold. This offer is without doubt the greatest ever given. The price of a regular die is $2.50 to $4.00. Our Price $1.25 SHEEHIAN&CO. STUDENTS' BOOISTO E TiE MICHIGAN DAI Official newspaper at the University of igan. Publis...…

January 08, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 72) • Page Image 3

… Candies VV~ ma Our Annual Janu lack rubber soles. oper dress shoe Tango. new lot of tanr -oles. Prices from We have all the Eastman Ko- daks from the Brownies for "Kids" up to the "Specials" for experts. See the new Kodak,, case that is being advertised in the magazines-$r 5oo. We have it. Come in and look it over. Every lady friend likes can- dies and she appreciates them more if they are WHITMAN'S. Come in and get a "Fussy Package at ...…

January 08, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 72) • Page Image 4

…I L N- Kodaks and Photo If L r DON Supplies AMATUER FINISHING on mackinaws and raincoats F .. off on all odd trousering off on all overcoatings in off on all suitings stock ONLY FEW LITERARY SENIORS UNION HAS ISSUED SOUVENIR CHECK RECORDS OF CREDITS INFORMATION AND SONiG BOOK According to an announcement made Souvenir books to the number of yesterday by Registrar Arthur G. Hall, 10,000 are being printed by the Mich- seniors in the ...…

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