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January 08, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

… i Con u 7 F°- ci 0 s.. 0 0l "'0 0 c:> O0 0 -, - H 0 a w r H c0 r,' :,; a: rn i i n v .-. ,_ v f a. ., + ._ ' _" :n rn ' '.. ^t, ice-. ' +., r ..._. f l- r v r f n-i " ". n U -e-+ r " v .. , ., a _ , IS= O M C I _ I i s a:' c i i i 1 I 1 i Y i I y = (I 1 WNW ........... w .r; W f : a, : f< v! . T CO 0 d O 0 0 0 C, o U 2: 1 w f 0 z , H a C-1 J C3 H C7 a . d . . 4 v . .c " _ <" >> LL 0 c ; f . i .R- i r ti r . ,^ 0 a 0 0 z w...…

March 08, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 108) • Page Image 1

…Vo.XX.ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN,\ II NI MARC HIII 8, 19No i.i. ..... ..... No. T08t V«i. xxi. ATHLETES PREPARE FOR VARSITY MEET Even Some Freshmen Will Taket Part in Big Indoor Affairt Saturday Night; ENTRY LISTS CLOSE THURSDAY 11010 ocli e st fothe tdeprturttt ofte l akl ea ont hefirtotof its 'n i iva ist litt efo rth an tt a ins; lace ~n he suad rc. ivin ulteIt tiit il h°vr i ll m t StitdayIt vlit ng, it occimill lso aford li(, i t oppor. tn~n...…

June 08, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 178) • Page Image 1

…Vol. XX X RBOR Xit-itl . CI Nt N, TI f l'E [. I \ , JIIK .i~ Vol, XXi: No. 178. VARSITY IS MISSED IN THE CONFERENCE Minneapolis Journal Wants See Michigan Back in The Fold to CALLS RECEN'T'lMEET A FROST i"videncetat hiichiyais iss ined Ifromi the WestirnConiferencead adii((ly m((nv (I ~ tiust)accumuliiate. The fail- ure- ifthe annuaol Conference chanin-n lhip tract: ilect it(her to de(leiop a 11(- Iv clas-contest (w dr-itt aicardisiac-...…

July 08, 1911 (vol. 2, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

…THE WOViN Vol IIL ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 8, itz NEW TELESCOPF ISB Al]E.-RTM ENTRS 'TOTAIKE GIVES AULTO CREDIT WORKED OVERTIME tol fccordcing to the new plans of the faci FOR BETTER ROADS - - iall the dlepartmtents «=ilt hereafter join in theltecture-recitals. Under the prev- Two Months Tryout Proves sous arransgemuent earls departmsent has Prof. Rich Says Bicycle and Efficiency of New for oeseyear, sshereas, beginning witlh M...…

August 08, 1911 (vol. 2, iss. 17) • Page Image 1

…THE WOLVERINE Vol It. TRACES GROWTH OF AERIAL REGULATION Reeves Tells of Old and New a Attempts At Governing Aeronautics THREE SCHEMES NOW PROPOSED +New roles of law, and muodificaions of old rules, which base beets made because of the conquest of the air by man, were 1. discutssed briefly by Prof. J. S. Reees '- yesterday afternoon in iis lecture onl "The Jaw of the Air." An 0old legal maxim, gives by Black- stone, who ascribes it to Lordi...…

November 08, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 31) • Page Image 1

…IT e Mich igan Daly A Reliable Directory of Reliable Business ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1911. No. (STILL TRYOUTS FOR THE COMEDY CLUB TO BE HELD TODAY. llany Parts are Open this Year and I)IETROIT ALU)JNAE TO VISIT WOMEN'S LEAGUE HOUSES. DE1B ATING SECTION OF THE ENGINEERING SOCIETY MEETS OFFICIAL COUNT OF YEAR'S ENROLLMENT i MADE. Several members of the Detroit A meeting of the debating section of There are 71 M...…

December 08, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

… tviicnigan 01 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1911. SALE TODAY, Announces a Re- at Sale For Cho- dI members. GE OPENS 10- DIAY. rst served" will be the ay at the membership r "The Awakened Ra- begins at the Whitney ce at 1:30 this after-I CAMP'S SELECTION PARTIAL TO EAST Wetls Michigan's Representa- tive e on Gridiron Critic' s Third Combination} WPALTER, JR., ON SECOND ELEVEN. Evidently the "Dean of American Football," Walter Cam...…

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