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January 08, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

…~Ij t. U.of At 1Al VfoL.. V. ,No.(. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY S. 1895. PlICEtl-TnloEE CENTS. A SUICIDE. r Glee and Banjo Clubs. HE'S ALL RIGHT. N ODS DN A Former Law Student Kills Him- Tirktois are no«- oil ;sal for thc- CIll' Pres. Harper. of Chicago. in Favor self in a Fit of Despondency. 11(1 B1111j0 (-hibs' benefiit. coactri. li of Athletics. Tr'ys tii larn twithoult Xioo1. E'-i -v 1J. loviss, a formlec lass sill- liI r...…

February 08, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

…Ijc iLI. of , ' tai ln. VOL. . NO. 91. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1895. PRICE--TIIREE CENTS. CHICAGO ATHLETICS. TWO COMING IMPORTANT ATH- LETIC MEETINGS, Chicago A. A. and the First Regi- ment-Amateur Athletic Union.-- Various Events Open to Colleg- ians. An open indoor athletic meeting wi] he iven by te thicago A. A. an he first regiment, Illinois Nationa Guards, onl Satrdaty. March 2. in the first regiment armory, Mich...…

March 08, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 111) • Page Image 1

…VOL. V. NO. 111. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1895. PAICE-THREE CENTS. r I- TAlE INTERSOCIETY DEBATE THE NICARAGUA CANAL MAT- TER TO BE DISCUSSED Three Men to be Selected-Prof Hinsdale to Act as Judge Instead of Prof. McLaughlin-Each Speak- er to Have Fourteen Minutes. 'Te Uivers-tiy will hol1(1heiannactcl inlerooiely db1at11 in te' law lecture roo1m1toigh ati; o'clctk. Fromnthlb eightt spea~krs it'e Judges 1mustlhoos' bole witi ...…

April 08, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 137) • Page Image 1


May 08, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 153) • Page Image 1

…tt* , . 1a ly. VoL. V. No. 153. UNIVERSITY OF MlICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. A GREAT HOLLAND PIANIST. MAFTINUS SIEVEKING WILL AP- PEAR AT THE MAY FESTIVAL. Highly Praised by Musical Critics -His Compositions Played by the Lamoreaux Orchestra -Appreci- ated by Patti-At the World's Fair. Aniong oilier notabileiuii tins who aippear in Alln Aror during the May Festival, sue of the gratest is a Ilo- enee and is c rtainly a...…

June 08, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 179) • Page Image 1

…je . o . a l. VOL. V. No. 179. UNIVERSITY OF AHCHIGAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 81 1895. 'RICE-- Tintr ,. CENTS. VO.V o 79 MEST O iHGN ATRAJN 8 S5 RCETRECNS BEFORE SUPRtEME COURLT ARTRECITAL PROGRAM TONIGHT Howell's "Albany Depot" Will be MAY GO THE LAW FOR REMOVAL Well Presented-Recitations by OF HOMEOPATHIC SCHOOL:- Misses Osborn, Cady and Thomp- Grounds for Considering :A Uncon--______ stitutional-The Regents Unani- :'the programi of the art r...…

October 08, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VI. No. 8. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, T UESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1895. Fouui PAGES-3 CENTS. litj 1111 ONE GUITAR 9$ Is enough for one person toA 111 play on at one time. One 11 p guitar is not enough, howv- ever, to supply 3,00 stu- dents. That'swhy we have H constantly in stock several X1 dozens of guitars of varions h'1 1 makes aed prices. oBETTER LOOBK AT OUR RU. OF M. GUITAR. UNIVERSITY MUtiSICIANS. to the ifaojii club a naundelin club wil...…

November 08, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

…Ijc U. of , 1. iaii . VOL. VI. NO. 35. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 18,95. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. ONE GUITAR Ienough for one person to play on at one time. One guitar is not enough, how- ever, to supply 3,000 stu- S dents. That's why we have constantly in stock several S dozens of guitars of variousm makes and prices. jj BETTER LOOK AT OUR U.OF M. GUITAR. It's good as its name. N ~THE ANN ARDOR ORGAN CO.,' S. MAIN ST.'i Sheeh...…

January 08, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 67) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. 21 n Change in Postoffice or uetslru nMyid hones. 5011 a(5 ittl'south 'its.Ieffi-son501, (1(1 Ott IllselI (ily (Sundays t'st'etttt iittitin the ('sllent year, by t'tl.listsnIisio((1 ta, THE U, Of M INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION, siil t,40 their .nail at the «vindow of ((eec;: 'Ti (5(0. buileltieg N. Rint .t.,otpposite carrieNo. 7 (east side oof(fI'ilinstad post ofice. (If att Wind~ow No. 1. a l'l'Ooforll t turipo~tiut( Brice $.5...…

February 08, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 94) • Page Image 2

…TIf . OF M. ' DA IIY I. fL f Ltd ill thI' o il fia ll lol1ri :4 Df1J7ITSON ,jMUSIC. T LfL.'FEB 15.: alit'yioilivilno 101 iilo'o 1u1 avisit _______! r c1~.~si. ... 'oil ir)l i 11 flaly ISulloy "'~lel t i i 1j0to this ill'Ilillllilt 111 ,.'4011 of ithe0 10'co1'c1yal Six Love Songs," -) th 'llg erIyHE U, EO M, INDPENDET ASSOCIATION 1 )111o tl o oci P1111 ll(,10 101110 of ly 11111 0..i10tIf ll I0 E T' % FINE I SHOES, tl Tli:' inc",liaildlig N. '1l...…

March 08, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 111) • Page Image 2

…Published Daily (Sunday excepted) duriug the College yer, by THE Ur Of MINDEPENDET ASSOIATION Demo : Times building N. Main st., opposit post (ffce. EDITORS. H. COLEMAN, Lit. '7, Managing Editor. . 1B. IlAnois0ci, taw .0, Assistnt. A. W. SI, Lit. Spel., Assistant. W. A. Opu.. Lain'1, Assistant. J. A. Letlii, Lit. .5, Athetio Editor. J. S. PEARL, Law %-), Buiness Manage. I. W. Lee, Lao li, Assistat. Ansociato Editor. S. B. Shiley, Lit. 095. 1. ...…

April 08, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 137) • Page Image 2

…HL1 U. OF M. DAILY._ IT WAS AWFULLY BLUE, BUT THE LOAN EXHIBIT WAS A SUCCESS. NOTWITHSTANDING One of the Best Displays or. Blue Ware Ever Given-Will Aid the Fruit and Flower Mission's Work. "China:-colletionl is nIot a mere facy -it is a coflillee eduati0n.' lThs statemient, which trcaed the' descri- tive matter ill the dainty catahlogles of the blue ware exhibit, was Inre than borne out by tie exhibit itelf. Htundres of piecs of "ole blue we...…

May 08, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 153) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF N1.-DAILY. p Spring Field Day. NOPNEUMATIC BICYCLE P ADIDLES,, Chfa fttun p~a il Pblished Daily (Saday exepted) driag day lis beain s(t fr AMay 15, onej the Clliege year, at weeit from inest Stutray, b11 illilili_ THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. st 2p1.CI. This dale wax tiled upnto° " ' ^G P ecce: Tmesabuilding N. Mae t., ppaite last winter, but ha not bearsIIa- pet office. Ittillilt ,dtintil iow iiti1 astht EDITORS. titxa iileb oitt.a-i...…

June 08, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 179) • Page Image 2

…zl~u. 01?M, Published Daily (Snday excepted) during te Colleg yar,at THE, NIER~iTY OF MCHIAN OrricE: Times buildig N. Main st., opposite - 90 toficr EDITORS. J. A. LROY, '6, Managig Editor. A. W. SITH, Special, Assistant. W. A. SrtjL, 90 , Asitant. E. R. SussnnutAyN,'9, Asltant. H. CoLeMA, X97, Athletic Editor. G. B. BARSONno'96L. Busines Manager. L. I. tiAMQNro, ' L. Assistant. Associate Editors. H. A. Dancer, '5.. E.. Eas~s,95 . L. A. Prat...…

October 08, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 8) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF Al. DAILY. 0f#1+4 LP Calw Published Da ily (Sunday excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OearcE: Times building N. Main st., opposite post office. EDITORS. J. A. LutRoy, '96, Managing Editor. W. A. SIL, '96iL, Assistant. C. D. Coisy, Ce. L, Assistant. S. E. Koorres, '00, Athletic Editor. 0. B0. lH~AION, '96 L, Buasiness Manager. Rt, C. F'AULS~, '00 AT, Asst. Bosiness Mngr. Asnociato Editors. ;.. A. Pratt,...…

November 08, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 35) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY Published Duily (Sunday excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Orrien Timen building N. Main st., opposite pout olice. EDITORS. J. A. LEROiY, '155, Managing Eitor. G. B. D1ARRi SioN, '196 L, Assistant. 0. R. Sims, '99, Assistant. C. D. Cmx', Ge. L, Assistant. S. 1E. KXAPrEe, 'I', Athletic Editor. L. C. WAiERes, '196. BusinsesbManager. Ri. C. IlAssos, 'l9 M, Assistant. Associate Editors. L. A. Prat...…

January 08, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 67) • Page Image 3

…[H1E U. 01??X1. DAILY. MIC +LTHIGAN GEI11AL At the GrandOpera House. 1. (OF A. CALEN)DAP. tlf !N L 1tAiE RS 0. 5. . ate's 'Fast Mail" fCo.. which in .. A. corse. MaladE ._.3 0 AI M .-_-.-'843 appears at tho r (dpera Itouse, Fri.:. 1.AbroJns in F)i-- N. Y. Special -..5 15 N. Y. Speil --i--7:; o ltidl eenintig, lJan. 1, his I113)( eciael 'iiiinoiS 9 Q' P IG ,A K Eastern Es --1025 N.S8.Litd_25ectlilCua 1po cistu-HO SP IG AR a A. M. lPaciic Ex. _1...…

February 08, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 94) • Page Image 3

…TILE U. OF M. DAILY. AtFly' etits relation to th(' IRtorntin. The CIt MAN, ?ND) SEMESTER. ,'IGHIGAN GENTRAIJ 'A1ol' et' last three C-trses ill be gv ii at The course in Germnai lyis ad) Time Tabte (Revised) No. lit 1804. Ito' els orloanee to b o giei by te-Ibhors statedl in ansouseentt ballads, onitted in the last ass'tin-- IVT.1E(' i 1); troit('omeedy Cl'b.tto M'a li(rfer- All orations fote li raoiclal oy-l' inentwill e given tas hertfet'. 'e...…

March 08, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 111) • Page Image 3

…TH-E U. 01? M. DAILY.. . _- C + -7- 98 TRtACKMEN. At the Grand Opera House. IGHIGAN L 1 l_ rshmn who -,isht to try for a Time Te eised) Nov. 18, 194. place on the '8 tam which compets The Sipu of State,' with its rettyW A T D AST WST. against '97 in the relay race at the love story, th thrilling "war scoes- - P M A. M ansi unique comedy is ooked for Me MnMal ad Es--.-.. 85 Mail -5.. __ 43 indoor net art' requested to report ds ih tteGadOeahue ...…

April 08, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 137) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OP M DAILY. MJCHIGAN GENTI~ L At the Grand Opera House.- fPrf. G. . . S hram's SPALDIG' Tune Table (Rtevised) Nov SRS189.04 c~t l itiii.b 111 111a5t lic1;.ll,51 a ad1s a la Wll Uld e iviii:ee jIL 3 [ DYAtliletic [ [M Libraryx' Ma.lanpEcial- ... lM. ils__----8 8 c lib alt;ote lleel b 1 i 1 1 9 111Published Monthly. Esn. Ex---02 .Lmtd 5Each Number Complete. Aatr s . 01 . M. .Pa ifi itEd---- 2,19 6)1-1 ___s o _ l'_l 1.N.Paifc=x 9.i 00lle :...…

May 08, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 153) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. JAGHIGAN GENTIAL ime Tab~le (Revised) Nov. 18, 1804. EAST. WEST. Mailand Ex --3 50 Mall ________843 N. Y. Special.... 5 15 N. Y. Specil--_ 7 30 bastern Ex---10 25 N. S. Limited.... 9 23 A. M. Pacific Ex--.--12 15 Atlantic Ex -7 47 5. h D. N. Expres....- 5 40 Western Ex-___2 12 G. St. Express ___11 05 Chi. Nt. Ex---10 25 GIREx.-----5 57 0. WV. TtUGenES, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor. T., A. A. & N. ...…

June 08, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 179) • Page Image 3

…MICHIAN (3 AILj TimkesTalbi(.eyed) May 19, 1894._ A 1 WEST. E. M l Aif .X 13 O. ate : 3' 50t:eMi=_ ----504 N1 . :'peasl 5* Chi.tE.. .:lo 257 3 G. . Epres __1 05 CG.RN. x_...1...28 0. R 1. E - 55 0. Iv. ArdG o. A. A r, Taking effee Sunday, Apr4t7,1894. trains leave Ann Arbor= on Central Stand- ard time. NORTn. SOUTH. $:07 a. m. e:l a. m. *12:25 p. Im. 11:30 a. m. 4:19pm 9:00 p.m. SUNDAY TRAINS. Going North at 9:15 a. m. Daoing Sooth at 0:15 p. ...…

October 08, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 8) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. NOTHING FIINER IN THE LAND T 11AM LVERSL AUG11 BROS. FINE SUITS ANDOVR AS Manufactured for the present season, are only sold by us. PRICES: Suits from $15 to $20. Overcoats, from $15 to $24. E.'& W. Collars and Cuffs, Cutter and Crosette Neckwear, High Class Furnishings. WE SELL THE BEST $10 MACKINTOSH- IN THE WORLD. 375s. Main St. LINDENSCHMITT & APFEL. RCH I -AN G( Eni9AL Time Table (Revised) May 19, 1894. EAST. WEST. P....…

November 08, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 35) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. MICHIGAN GENTAL Time Table (Revised) May11, 1894 Mail and Ex-1 1 3 0 Mail ________843 N. Y. Specia..- 5 00 N. Y.Specal.. 730 Eastern E-i--1 12 N. S. Limtd.... 0 2 A. M. Pacific E ------117 Atlantic Ex..-_7 47 P. M. D. N. Express....540 Western En-..200 G. IR. Express ._11 05 Si Chi. Nt. Na-...10 20 . W Runor.s, H. W. HAES, G. P. & T. At., Chicago. At., Ann Arbor \IULELU 737a. m. *7:10 am. +12:2 p. m. 11:30 a.m. 4:15 p. m, ...…

January 08, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 67) • Page Image 4

…THIE U. OF M. [DAILY. fl l~r .~LF~ PUND THE-ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK GYM SUITS. floflI Ancel P ft read toilt sap for Ann Arbar, ltikit. Capital Siock, $50,0005. A ' 0 s o 8 1Srl 1000 ___ d/ ]L11 r Ini under the General Iakt an _ _ _ _ 1.~tIN ~of this State. Rteceives deposits, buys aed __sells exchange an the principal cities of the E ash iito S. oadgLiar rlfr!COLGATE'S COLOSSAL TOILET SOAP, sied~ilatem DrSaftdsit xshe o reate. s eevd a pe ln OF...…

February 08, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 94) • Page Image 4

… THE U. OF1. DAILY. BANKRUPT OLOTHING SALE No. 30 East Huron Street, now in full blast IT l EBCAJS, MACKINTOSHIS, SWEATERS, 000 PANTS AND FVBNISHING GOODS! Less than half price This is a great opportunity to get seasonable goods at unusually low prices. See the stock and get prices. ShIs aktoeFASolid Back THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS 1AN GY SUITS. Ann Arbor, Mich. Capital Stock, $50,000. {rt Bok~toe! ,urplua, X1,30,000. All Bristle aa ndertheeneral ...…

March 08, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 111) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DILY. SchaiIers BIstr! A Solid Back __________All Bristle ' rtnerly witli George WVahr, 19 -1. Washington st. Headquarters for s eyhna Student needs in the H air B rushn fTxtBos tainr n Miscellaneous Stock in general. I~ARIN CHALER, FOR TWENTY-FIVE CENTS H~1E DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, --AT- N H. Washingtonast one block lMiU liMviE RY' S. eato anst. ''1950s LAWS !S FIRST NATIONAL BANK. HOAVE YOUR Oegasnized 1863. Capital, $100,0. Surp...…

April 08, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 137) • Page Image 4

…Pl'aislhed Daily (Sunday eaceted) dttring lie Col loge year, by THE U. Of M. INO[PENO[NI ASSOIION, ()eit.;a Times building N. Mlain t., apposite pest effice. EDITORS. 11. CoUitANa, Lii. '97, Managing Edior. Gl. BI. Ilaiiiai, Las '(l, Asiateni A. w. Snorit, Li,i Splv., Asistant. w. A. Staut., Law '9li, Assisanat. J. A. LF.Roiv, Lit. '91i, Athiletie Editer. d. S. PRLt, La 'l5, Buieasaaeiri. If. IVi. Less, Lair 'U, Asitanit. Associate Editors. k ...…

May 08, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 153) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. ELLI, TH TAIOR,2200 to 2204 State St., Chicago Will be at the Cook House, Ann Arbor, from May 15th to May 25th, inclusive, with the S ELLEST LiNE OF SUITI.NGS AND PANiTINGS 1I ,ever shown. Imported English Clay Suit, Sack or Cutaway, $20.00. Are you with me? EDIS. P. a.-Did you get a Liar's Diploma? Send 2c stamp. TH E TAILOR. A. 0, SPALDING &BROS . ICE COL Athletic Supplies. (A WATERS BASEBALL, LAWN TENNIS, ~ E. A. MUM...…

June 08, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 179) • Page Image 4

… THE U. OF M. DAILY. A. 6. SPALDING& BROS. -Athletic Supplies. BASEBALL, LAWN TENNIS, Uniforms for All Sports. RIDE THE SPALDINO BICYCLES- THE LEADER FOR 1895. 'IANDSOME ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE SENT FREE. 'EW YORK, CHICAGO, PHILADELPHIA MOORE & WETMORE 41S. Main st., and State st. cor- ner of William st., have full lines of BASE BALL AND TENNIS GOODS AND HAMMOCKS Gift Books for Commencement. Call and see us before purchasing. G. H. WILD. THE L...…

October 08, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 8) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. Do you intend to get a Suit OR Overcoat? -CALL ON- Jos. W. Kollauf, The Practical Tailor. My mnake of Dress Suits pleases the students. Prices very reasonable. (Upstairs.) Ann Arbor, Mich. A 0 . SPALDING & BROS. . Football Supplies a Specialty. Every rcisi.te fer the .- sys9 . te Sheset,rps, MelIts, tehkiags, Mactile Neat Mah ia ter Met- t'',Shi Gu ad, ha lact.spaliga Chute.a latcells'gati lFstall cast hgoie eceinisa...…

November 08, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 35) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE VICTOR INTERCOLLEGIATE FOOTBALL Is unquestionably the finest ball on the market today. It's light- ness aond durability make it a favorite with all players. Price complete with inflator, $5.00. Victor Foot-Ball Guide, containing the new rules, and chapters on the game by Leland and others, 25 cents. Also a complete line of finest football clothing. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. Makers of victor Bicycles. Boston. Ness York. Detroit...…

April 08, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 137) • Page Image 5

…....TilE U. OF M. DAILY. THE MARCH BICYCLES. 21 POUND ;ROADSTER, 18 POUND RACER, Manufactured by the MARCH-DAVIS CYCLE CO., 3001 N. Clinton St., Chicago, 111. APMADOC & MANCHESTER, Aeren, 42 S. State t '95%9 LAWS! HAVE TOUR CANE ENGRAVED WM. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN AtRBORt. Organized 1863. Capital, $100,0S. Surplus and Prefits, $40,000. Transacts a general banking business. Foreign exchanges bought andnsold. Furnish le...…

April 08, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 137) • Page Image 6

…. THE U. OF M. DAILY DID YOU EVER HAVE A FIT? If not, see the Celebrated CHHEIMER FISHEL CLOTHING EQUAL TO TAILOR-MADE GOODS STAR SOLD BY LINDEN5-HII A P EL The New Clothing Firm are exhibiting The Finest Line of SPRING SUITS. All new and made especially for Ann Arbor fine trade. Every imaginable shade in light colors, Blues, Browns and A Complete Line of DRESS SUITS in Black, Clays and Worsteds. Buy your Easter outfit from 31 s. MAIN ST....…

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