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February 08, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

…t 1 ., ' f y - . ; ,' s : , , t ,''; ' VsOL. IV.-No. 9-4. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 189 EASTERN LAW SCHOOLS. laws here is connected with the Bos-1 A NEAT VALENTINE. too law school. I ?rof. Mechsem Describes the Man- The Next Number of Wrinkle to be agement co' the Eastern Law At Harvard, eight msen give theirJ Devoted to St. Valentine and Sclthools. entire time to the law schsool isnTe Daily. -- straction. Hitre, it is...…

February 08, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 94) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. C.of T(.TIctUU. Published Daily (Sundlays excepted) during tha College ;ar, U.) THlE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Salueriptixa aprice si 5o per year, invariably ii adeance ,Single copies 3 centa. Suhacrip- non may be left at the utier of the DaiLY, at Stoffitets, with any of the editors or authorized sxlicitors. a'oaaaunicationo asaoald eeach the offtee by 'aclock r. a. it they are to appear the neat lay. Addrena all m...…

February 08, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 94) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. ______ THIHQJIIGNOCETA, INSPECT THE SPRING STYLES WHEN YOU WII HCU 5 r LMN,:1 So. MN . Dl'tr'twand Mneacr. IIn STIFIF and(1 IDORA i- tAs now in at ~ ~ fs~AkFv 20llEASl' lURON .SWlEETi. Goot) woak h 0 aontnid (Goods 'nlltd f Store Formrly1 Occupied by 'TWO !tA3IO. ' 0 'itat ia sled delivretd A. cOVERT, Prop Dune,___cull__at________Gallery,___nd_______________be 22 'Wers ill the IHuoiv>enO( nCASH j} 7F OF$150-00. evelttth atu...…

February 08, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 94) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF A1. DATYi.3._____ BETTEP STILL 1 H 1ER I , IV_ NLAP FOR THE CO-tLL. We have attd ctalineof a_________ _____ j LOWNEY'S SUPERFINE" l 017 15( d]I0 bostoo23ullr o 8.n $.5 j C IQO DC.i A;TE It1W $1L 954 Those 1110 gC11li1 I . Ii gaill S sWO ('i oilvg tt all I .itdtE'sSho's. At d5C er 11).AT THE O QUTFITTE1IIZS Oalkins' Pharmacy :'\ OW:DIS= \& .rTv--CSOI E MQOC C R -E &- U r V )T~ NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET __________________________________...…

March 08, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 113) • Page Image 1

…c . a Alk. j7j a VOL. TV-No. 113. LONG LIVE WRINKLE'. Another issue of this Popular; Publication Will Appear Tomor- row-A Good Number. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURISDAY, MARCH s, 1894. PRICE, THREE CENTS. The number of Wrinkle which will appear tomorrow is equal to any which has ttsos far appeared. Sev- eral artictes of sinusuat note are pub- ished in ttse corrent number. The double page cartoon illustrat- iug the psopliiar soisg, Romeo...…

March 08, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 113) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. 11 of 'hziVrer it would arouse interest in --- a branch of athletics that has SOfa rt hb al' SnsnC ett~ uc een soilieshat neglected. ity all ttie Caolteryeat', by li-E U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION oeaslt S/ae n/noo me ____and let all arrangements for a soc- ubahtenptin prieets:.&0 per year, invariably cesinil one be made at once. fillifii~' l i} irn0 ec Single copies 3 ents. Snineeto- TA Lisns may Sbe left at the otcee ...…

March 08, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 113) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. THECHEQUAMEGON wi cHiESTAR T'niVn .1 LAUfD Y ORCHESTRA o (^ ( j TEAM v"" w at 51 S. MAN. a i D' ire, for n .Ia leer. .t$tJLS '(- I TG II -I{A.T BWZDISgI &111SE, SPropritors NOW (ON S\LE AT O 0';' oo II'Tt1 nrr:rr EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY 0_ A. TIN KER'S, o EAT O'ItboWNSTilT.I Gtdaood rlOtat. A . GodV e fPrpNo. 9 South Man street, (Storercently oe id b 't;ooSbms. org! I) AI66V G~a~,Flrst -rwr fTHE FISK TEACHERS' FAGENCIES. & Gbo et...…

March 08, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 113) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. =n A 25 CENT T BTOOTH BRUSH : t tnybodV who has boought fbow ooU at25 cent tooth brubh whiththbtds its rsls THIS IS A STANDING OTTER. Calkins' Pharmacy . , \ ul to I i s ING i l AN At the OIJTFITTEltS one of $3.00 and $4.00 MATS an hela tst SjprtngShopes. ThIdliest Line of Neektsvear in tne (ity. am 4 7AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. TEXTBOOS FOR THE SECOND SEMESTER -NoTE''-A(14JKS x SPE il. NEM' AND)SEiiONI)...…

May 08, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

…c je ttlw a AML ARIAIM T db ltl* VOL. IV.-No. 156. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 8, 1894. PRICE. TISREE CENTS. VOL. IV.--NO. 156. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 8, 1894. PRICE, THREE CENTS. WEEK-DAY GAMES. its first foundation from the time of Let Us Hope for a Fair Day. COLUMBIAnBICYCLE Caesar. Then followed a vivid pic- Adaltional Ones.-Campus Prac- ture of the plan, both interior and Provided the weather will allow, tice ...…

May 08, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 156) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. d W . ~~ -jj Mr. and Mrs. Dight, both gradu- c i ---- ates of the U. of M. medical de- L MB A R AD prmetar istngtei oui R C IP S Publisshed Daily (Bunalays excepted) during Mr. Glidden of the senior medic tneiCol ore year, by IW a h ild o o n o oo - THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION class. Dr. Dight, is dean of the W a hywlld ofo ad hw t b ___New Orleans medical school. The tamn them. EDITORS. doctor graduated in '76 and...…

May 08, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 156) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUJAMEGON ORCHESTRA. LEW H. CLEMENT, 51 So. MlAN S. Director and Manager. MICHIGAN GCinT~It Time Table (Revised) Feb. 11th, 1894. EAT. WEaT. AM AM. Atlantic Express. 4,aa Mail & p.... .850 D. & J. Expres.. 75,,5 Chi. Spc.....7 05 G. R. Ex...... 105 N. S. Limited..10 11 P.M P.1. Mail and Exp. .418 Fast Westn Exp. 155 Fal Eatn Ep.. 9 20 GREx.......605 N. S. Limited..02M Paciic Epre... il55 . W. RuGLES, H. W. HYED, G. ...…

May 08, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 156) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. OU'D EldO Y CAMERA NOWIF YOU HAD ONE. c '~esoeeralbauansin cstockaltnd acatnie good values at regarpru e s Wewold raterbave the money than enAs. Calkins' Pharmacy. *0r~a a \STIFF HATS: .AT BA z: t .00 Hats Only $2.49. BOWDISH & MATTESON, ~STATE STREET. I 1 NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. NI, AS0E BALL AND SPORTING GOODS Which1Itbiey ofI(erat 5)1 ic( s IIttaiiteectlto tbe as lootas canItbe ...…

October 08, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…4Ijt El of ,. Iniltj. Vol,. V. NO. S. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1894. PRICE-THREE CENTS. SCORED TWICE. o ein~g faultless. l'oal I loo0ll THE HOMEOP. SAFE. WHY (10 we cairry the flinest The First Game of the Season with it.: Tunle two iiillutos. No Danger of Abolishment and the lile (of the Orchard Lake Cadets Ends Orchard Lake sent tlie ball to our Best of Treatment Accorded It MANDOLINS, in a Tie. to-enty-ylird line 011 ...…

October 08, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 8) • Page Image 2

… THE U. OF M. DAILY. A 1 + ar the roomns on the fourth floor of 11. A. Spalding, '94 lit, aod last year J. T. JAC'OBS. CHIAS. 11. ALLMAND. M of 1} + 4i U theoain huildiog formerly used as onie of the assisting mnanaging editors Slecture and quill rooms ini e oiosics. of the Daily, is working on the Ci- JACOflflO & ALIMAND Pubilshed Daly (Susndays excepted)ldaring So (dithicult are tley of a aiecess that eago News. J U D the College year, by it...…

October 08, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 8) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. 1XIG HTIGAN GENTHE HOMEOP. SAFE. Time Table (Revised) Juyot G9. ONTINIIEI) r0102 FIRST PAGE. EAST .. I ET' . . akn, nor hiave .they 1212(1' ll110of Mail and Ex----4 01 Madlit-i__. __acton li-oo8r43( N. Y.Special___ 1.0 .tY.S puld r05 1 1g n- ato h tovr t Eastca N.'1 PNaciimElt_---l_1215 ha go e e atatute's of the 01c0)0l to AtlaticE.' F 4 1.M D. N. Express--- o40 WesternaxF' -_1 53 its tlctritniit; but oIii to' contrary, G...…

October 08, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 8) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. THAT'S OUR BUSINESS. P'OPULAR AND STANDARD Sheet Music. Washburn, U1. «f' 1. aml cheaper Strc iiit T3 an, s. Eito tstriii, c (-n-i, u-. WVE are general Music D)ealers. Have the largest stock of music good in Washtenaw county and can furnish you anything from a Jews Harp to a Grand Piano. W E sell the best goods we can buy, as low as close buying; careful management and a moderate profit will admit. We don't claim, however...…

November 08, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

…4 Ijc o AIL do sm 49kk A im Vol, . No. '3. UNIVEIRSITY OF MICHIGAN, THLURSD)AY. NOVEMBER K >9~t4. PRitat-- TllaI-;ECEN\T,'-. OFF FOR KANSAS CITY, be attended by fully 6,000. Deleg;a- A Party of Nineteen Leave for the tion5 will be Isresent from Nebraskal West.-A Great Game Is Prom- Kansas, tOMVl11and tll tarts of 1Mis- ised Saturday. A partyef tot' .left; for Kansa.s ('its byr the '', A. A. & N. At. at 11l30ltits liloitiiltn'. They tril...…

November 08, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 35) • Page Image 2

…ILL U. 0O M. 1)AILY. thetColege year', by THlE U. OfM, INDEPENDlENTlASSOCIAION, ()F1tice to'Ii 'ft sbiingii N.Mant P., opplosite' post otive. ini advance. Singe copiies : et.Sb-ci tiots maly be' left sit 1110 lic(eofthe ) UY ati Sliedi, t Stae sanullln C'ommunict'nionsshold il ni lthofice'by o'oi p, . nlif thy re io appearthi nx daty. Adldress'.all mattereeintentdedtforpubliP- catino ithe :0 ongit Edltor 'All bPsfe~ito THE U. OF M. DAILY...…

November 08, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 35) • Page Image 3

…T1IILEL°. of Ni. IDAILY. M~IGHGAN G Ii~AL At the Grand Opera House Tise Table Iieted ily 1184 1 suePo ie' llsie'tr. Itahfiv 'e-a t AsSc Exx Imelodraalli , beanioit we'illionat r1 E" 11I43 tie hiriiidllast igit. liad the openingI . Y. Specia.- i .Y. Special . 7 O plfersrlic ec wsltv inetteilbhyia laget f:,teillsE... 1825 Nt . Liitd. . 92; a. x. Iss'Es . 12 511 us. Thie 1)1y17is 51)t'citlitilone ill n lllti'E . 747s tI. i t.)spee 11 051I ...…

November 08, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 35) • Page Image 4

…TIlE VI.. OF M. DI)ALY. 71-1 7 C ANDALL TYPE RITER IP FN' 101,-'= $O- Mae t-ni d t a Pe oi l irie Simple; ]Durable; Writing in Sight, Permanent Alignment; Instantly Uhangeable Type. J S. PEARL, Agent, Tio, .-iitttit -t., Ante rrAuto it 1AO ?INS $1,50. Yellow and Blue Buit- ftons B60 With U. of M. or the, {year 75c F. C. STEBBINS, TLE NEhIWrs B~ktoe Cl H ale T _______ f Hr IABL h'MJo1YANrinerly with Geoige XWalii 19 I. Washing ton st. Headlqu...…

December 08, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

…Ijc W. of ,ice. 1Ait * VOL. V. No. U6. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURD)AY, DECEMBER 8, 1894. PouIt :THREE CENTS. CAPTAIN HENNINGER. tribhute to thliyrutoth11e0' 10 Ilri oa FOOTBALL ALL RIGHT. NO 60 STUDENT The Unanimous Choice.-Some- liit ell'.1w110 1-,shon110(11 11sol(11un- President Angell Heartily in Favor GO thing of Our Football Leader for '95. Novor 11 11 1 (1on lionlof ,1 '1( 'ily 10(011000lyv1111111 11111 of ihlst ('('11i11'. An...…

December 08, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 56) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. 214' .$tur roosm101. 'Ill e tlollyesterdlay WhO Of+ 4 1+ c4. U +"tA entirely without(excuse., there was no __________ ('110e0for su1c1h5eonduc1t 011 theat'111 Publishe ai ly (Sandalysexceptedl) during Of the tlidi'111as t1ere1(110 noprofes- the Colleg-e year, by s01' more pla~llr with the 1laws, gei- JOE 0. 0f M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION, orally lhau prof. Kirchnier. 'hie OIE:c'Tioes liuiding N. Main st., opposite malu, 1ll...…

December 08, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 56) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. N C I A The Reform League. mo0v0 is 1ow 01n. 1and1will bhi p11e10( till thi-e urse of driiik iiiion - h lsit- CTime Table liRevised) Nov. 18, 1894. 11I'h 11401111 lioiiliie comitt~iee ilc h sode ie u._h igl EAST. r i. W ET .5T Thursda(ly igni htil lMe~lillan habll. Lind gofte c nw ilprvt Mail ad E-----150 Hail ---- (il3l8 3 dewop ,atstlllaeii-lii-ithe iiil Iii N. Y. Special-.-. 1115 N. Y. Special---m1170uensfo1bcuiuvn East...…

December 08, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 56) • Page Image 4

…TILE U. OF M.f DAILY. Selhnau, F_ 0. STEBBINS,ShIIrs B kto! Photgrap er LALND~iMANformerly with George Wahr, 19 "12 [LIAB[[ L.Wsigtns.Haduresfor S0th 1 X-,i . . A ll Arbor.1 Is .:-dltin conl~0il0boks 1g o l. Iline of Text-Books, Stationery and -- fr $3 for $2.50t. Miscellaneous Stock in general. OIN[S SAISFCTIO GURANTED NMAISOR MARTIN SCHALLER, SATSFAT1301URANEEDTHE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, 19 E. Washington st., one block 70jr~esl J' i e ollt. 11...…

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