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February 08, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

…of 'OF n . 411,6-. VOL. IZI.-No. Sl,-). Voc.IllNo. IO. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WED)NESDAY, FEBRIUARY 8, 189;. PIE 00FCNS YRI(;E, Txtm,: GENTS. COLD BLOODED PF Minnesota Feels Baca,' deed--Thinks Michig Mean for Anythir 'I'l luc ia] fii-J l a 0 (1t 10il-1ail ''"-i ROPOSAL I seeard anal in our oplinilon the, ! BRAVE BOYS ARE THE'Y. Very Bad, In-cnlson udh mc sr Our Ojee and Banjo Clubs Capture ten is Too log iti it read ais lollows. (Y010...…

February 08, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 89) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. '~C of ~iJ('t4ji Living Whist" Notice, LIKE FINDING MONEY. Orveliestra l rehearsal Weiliirsqly bYGoing to Wahi &-k Miller s andI saxvefrom 25c, 50c and 75rotinvevery Psi shed Oviiy (Benders exceped) turin gugt. Onliy those esintieri vitie i air of Shoes as wxe miust ieducev our stork to the collieee,iby eintertaiinmtent tire exlxevted to Uehres. make rooimxfor Spring Gooads. THE U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION ent-.- Suhee...…

February 08, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 89) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING SALE. ol. r. \ ALL OYLT('OATS AT OFF. ALL SUITS AT 4. OJ''F. ALL -As usual, the first in the field. The ex- ALSINGLE PANTS ATA OFF. ______treme styles now ready at See these bargains before buying. WADHAM8. KENiVEDYK&RPLUL E. 3rK rW o0 SA2MS_ Ann Arbor Savings ]Bank' PATRONIZEE clirL u dy Ann Aetaor Minh.Ca'pital Stck, $ttfoWO, r;OWEN'S BARBER SHG~P!2O E AS 'ffIt' NC'.l T Surplus,$I_10.000.I I r s((' (,Dfotl ...…

February 08, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 89) • Page Image 4

…WHITMAN, 0Of Phlat/elphia,) IA iSIIAALLOWS. r34 So. State Street) SE.LLS THEM. I THE U. OF M,. D)ArLy*-- Alr 110 I(-,SUPPL7 L A P E. 01THlE NL -7lIES? ONLY $14.00. 1 Ic. lave Received l//C ll///'/33y, Car/lSb/33 and A )jne list. RI/c lateslTude/in ja ee/seas. /1/ / E F1,T,(//t'S IN P1301011 [toN.f WI1L.SFY, - ]TIIZ 3A Sth/ Stat/e Street, 1' PlAit/S. - MOORE& ETMORE, BOOK STORES-.):N O- 6 SOUTIH MAINSTREET A7ND }~~___o .~-~Z1.CD~~ 111t'tA'...…

March 08, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 113) • Page Image 1

…VoT_. III--No. 11d. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NIAlfCi S 1893. PRICE, ToorEE CENTS. VISIT OF THE LEGISLATUIRE. The classes will enter the hll in 'VARSITY INDOOR MEETING. V theahoe ode an wil 10( sttsTe Date Set for the Annual Indoor A Complete Program of the TwoI Day-WhreandWhe Eery 00the lower floor of Slit hall, as Meeting-Many Men Arenoy thing Will Take Plae Adrcted hr Major Sonic nd Iis as- in Tainig - - oeilrRch eit(ost stats. Tiu...…

March 08, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 113) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. -----ev-d-nced r vienedby tbe number training LIKE FINDING MONEY. of /Z 'T 4 - eey day in tbe gymnasium. 'The entries are already being made, and By Going to Wabr & Miller's and save from 25c, 50c ansi 75r on every Published Dairy (Sundiars excepted) during allsinpottoamtitesig pair of Shoes as we moust reduce our stork to the Cotlege yta. rg a 5tinerstngsake roonm for Spring Goosds. THE U, OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION mee...…

March 08, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 113) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT -CLOTHING SALE.ASEIL FOR ALL OVELCOATS AT OFF. ALLI SUITS AT - OFF. ALL SINGLEi PANTS AT OFF. To riie r ci'S/r l;o f JV LTI i lX~~ /l 1'. 1/ /Wv ir ,7il See these bargains before buying. WA DUAM8, KEN ED Y & IL IE. Secure Roosms throughi P L.D. ATWATE FR9 .W. Uri. Me. y- iiu,'94. ~ j~' ake Pr P Sr ntEarly! 25265 1 UME tliE., GCIIlCAr1 s r i .1, 1 ' 50 1~r.,. " l'i. -tI:1'. tl I« ie i> i c 0 r ievc., lOi, . l Iin...…

March 08, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 113) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF H. DAILY CAME1RASI AI-go-realbi; bf A r ,Cluoid o x 1CLUETT'S NE\ S. COLLAR.I LP STAIRS. - .. 10- -V to:::E3L RI 111111 1 FLIntS IN P1 CA1LKINS' PHARMACY. WLST MOOR &WEMOREB80K STORES NO-6 SOUTH MAIN STREET Or Sof "<; ,"ill c3 fou.nd Comnplete and Our Price 1sas Low a he Lo et 2IL.;m z REMEMBER TAT YOU CAN BUY- T > III,1.1," "lippers lO 'yr '- oil lei ' o I 2( fr 10 p rd z j cl -s - - - 11 LAI3O AT1 .11 i' 2 Is! ccWinglo 'ciii...…

April 08, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…4h /,qqwr IRW* of AT.L VOL. 11.-No. 14f0. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1893. PRIC , THREE CENTS. TH ER AC. guests were entertained. The gay THE MUSEUM EXHIBIT, ___ scene wvas illumined by twelve large Noalrolcin fSufdMi HareHomae Pad tothe odsarc lights, and occasionsally, by thse mats and Birds for the Worlds- R eomsic ad otheDne.Go psrotecisnics from thse heavens with- Fi- oMuianthDac. out. The exhsibit in Chicago will be_...…

April 08, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 140) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. CC.0 It SERING FSTYLES, 1893 THE U OF N, NDEENDENT ASSs IATI011 THE ERRY DANC.t . t :and1,. lci i ~ 4F H , I 'tEO' ~t,. -1 i iitt o0 h '.o oft e r o fri t e vs i c~sw a ti Nr ii s nik-a tr di ,to1 1 J., i k ) u i1 6 \ jJI E i nOUV rfli Ciii it\ rl~ t iiii P iri-i+iciwdiie Covers were luii ua 1 t ith Ann S l tiltGo , ciofiiTolda o, a ranowanI ), v iiiiiiIinenediiiivian ury oiAnn 21 S. Main- Street. WAGNER & CO. If iiiirie ':...…

April 08, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 140) • Page Image 3

…GREAT CLOTHING SALE F R A RTY WE-AR ALL SLTITS AT Ij OFF. Jc'jc~e, C(1 I F-1, 'ic IDen tYfocc IlesIcc ALLO SINGLE _c.'..1'.TS AT1 OFF. See these bargains before buying. ('I tic IItop Dit's ;TL c, Shlirt )s, tu(4, All the Lctcst at WADI-AMS, KENNEDY & RE ULE. '=x "WQ SAE; S_ I Ann Arbor Savings Baak j nnArbor Michl. Capitat Stock, $5O,000, Surplos, ?50,0.t( Organied undrthe Genral atnttindctacso ofthict tetc Rtececices-cDepotsc, ltc'and...…

April 08, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 140) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY Knives, Scissors, Shears, Razors, Every Article WaVt edSc5Perfect, 34 SOUTH STATST. FOR, (?HJI7MA S CiLET cJr'rr &-nn~f ME~ NEGLEGEE SIRIITS Metaeeeo ettaeeeteeee e n te lenew SPReING SITYLES ndtSLSEADIING SIIADES hae aie.T t hey arthte ONLY $14.00 . flneet fetteg sheetstthe coutry eveer p rodueceed teed foe sale only 'at LITSTLE FEILLOWS IN PROP~tORTION. ~ ...1 2 WILSEY, I 31 Soulth State Street,- - UP STAIRS. fSAINOGC...…

May 08, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 155) • Page Image 1

…VOc. 11.-NO. 1:55. UNIVERSITY OF IICHIGA WE WIN AGAIN. iess represented. Mrs. Pettee and Michigan Adds One More to Her\ts r Mlatinwedapr String of Victories on the roses. A short hot interesting liro- Diamond. 1 grm wsas listened to tdiring the first TShe ionic leans won its sevesith part of the evening. It was as fol- cociecutiegame, Saturdalsbyiit Iows:liPino solo, Mliss Kelly; Reci- feating ttse Denison Coltee clcth talson, Mliss t=oodykoon...…

May 08, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 155) • Page Image 2

….THE U. OF M. DAILY. of " a Choral Union have taken to make SP R N G TY FS 89 "" ;'ft o the trip a success, it would he a ~~iL matter of regret if the enterprise te Coleg" year, hy , Must be abatndoned. rise time is Lea diaCia]inii nS tt iher,'asSdPtn THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION shsort and it is to be hoped that a _ - revival ot the interest may yet or- Q EDITORS. nriaking it tpossible for the . mj "amenti9:,A "is tnin iit Ch...…

May 08, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 155) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE LATEST AND BEST E. & W.'s New Collar, t -,rtrat t NEGLIGEE tSHIRTS in rte City. 14AVE yOli SEEN OuJR NEW SPIJING STOCK-? It is a Splendide Showing at Soits anti Otercoats. Extra Valrte at ILow Proice.. WadhctmS .Ryan . &4.Re-ule. THE TWO SAMS Ann Arbor Savings Bank WNSBRE HP Amror hiatt. (airal t orte, i$50,000, Nr.r t [ ?roe rror 'te' tOrvsrrrrrrrt rnrerte Genrartl trrt igrrt to 'teis t ate. Ittt' sTttrat osit ttttt...…

May 08, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 155) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY BASKBALL A FINE DI8PLAYGENTs' HALF-HOSE It 42ri ' A Mr a S t fI s "0 I vk--., i EvL_ Is; I ~litiett-s, Sponges, sits Siolte1 an Cigas r i, :> I _ i G hitarss, 3ar)uos Special Sale at NOBLE'S ~aiqkolixs, Vio~ias, Etc. 13 cli-., Six for 73) cts-. 185cts., Three for 30 cts* All 1I 8-intli I ihi-tIanittch ini Th-ceStyles, Four for $'l . 00. Tone.335 ts , Tree for c41.00. 30 Cts., worth 73 ct.. 1 Extra valute.Impotrititetrto...…

June 08, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 181) • Page Image 1

…/OORRW AM M2, Le NOW 4 e . o :t . la l. VOL. III.--No. 181. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. FOOT BALL PROSPECTS. All stories, poems, and humorous -s tsketches of a suitable nature will be Michigan Expects to Put a Winning Rugby Team in the Field given careful consideration by the this Fall. Board, under advice of a committee The Athletic Association made no of the Faculty, and the selections mistake whe...…

June 08, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 181) • Page Image 2

…-T~I- U. OF M. DAILY. o f publish in connection with it next t yearthe ALsU)INI WEEKLY, to meet Published Daily (Sundays exceepted) i a c d mand made by the Alumni of she Collee year, tby the U. of \M. We ask the most A .N o THE U. OF MI. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Hearty supsport of Slhe students and u. ewv.nure Thnk SaaeeSipsiecopi50.53 penta~es. shlyisig one and all for their Ihearty su- TAN SHOES-Prices, S J.5O, ?4.00, ic5.0O . Lion ...…

June 08, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 181) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE LATEST .AND BEST Assoitment of NOLGLICEE SHIRTS in the City. sB7Q-JT~'c1LTIE SJJLE -- - 1-2 OFF.F - -. HAvE-!YOti SEEN r4OUR ~tNEW fspstr N STOCGII? All Foitr-in-Hands, Chiatilly Puffs, Tckn. Fiay, Saturday and Monday only. 1_- It is a Splendid Showeing of Suits and Overcoats, Extia Viiue a't LowPrices WadhamS 4.Ryan 4. & 4. Reule. Ann Arbor Savings Bank 2] Years in the B.uiness. Ann Arbor Mien. Capitni Stock, $50ti...…

June 08, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 181) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M, DAILY A FINE DI8PLAY IRIDAY AND SATURDAY, AT Tihe Alinnis Strop will pt a fine edge on it quicker thanr any other. If you are sot satisfiedt afte rusig tihe Strop we will gadty return your mosey. Everyhody is satisfied so far ost of more thanrszo0 purchasers. Calkin's Pharmacy. At 42 S. StaeeSt., errsrt5'tl0'. - Ma~1aqoil)-sio)iss, Err,. NOBLES, NOBLE'S, NOBLES, Att Elegoantty Finished and Rictr in Totne. WILSEY, - The Musi...…

November 08, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 34) • Page Image 1

…c . of A tl"In VOL. IV.-No. 34. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. i VICTORY IN THE AIR. ter laws would be paesed than have -- heels promulgated by that body in the Griff' goes to Congress-The Law past tsventy years. (Prolonged Cheers) Department Celebrates Whatever yousr politico you will have a "A-la-mode'" representative who will be enteouraged by the kindly and enthsusiastic usanner Amidst the ...…

November 08, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 34) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. Published Daily (Sunaays excepted) during the Csllcee year, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subscription price $21.50 per year, invariably fu advance Single espies 3 rests. Subscrip- tions may be left at the ofice of the DAILY, ait Stofflet's, writh any of the editors sr authorized solicitors. Communications should reach the office by 7 o'cloch r. tM. if they are to appear the next Jay. Address all matter intended ...…

November 08, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 34) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. ORGNIZD 880 ICORO T n6 U. OF M. CALENDAR. THE CHEQUAMVEGON ORCHESTRA. LEW H. CLEMENT, Fri., Nov. 10-Social in Inlood League Series. 519So. MALTs T. JDirector and Manager. Sal. Nov. 11,-Junior Law election. Sat., Nov. 11-Hlon. Jerry Simpison, an S. L. A EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY course. Subject, 'Some Riecrnt Chaneges in 20 EAST HlUROlN STREET. Agriculture." Good Work Guaranteed. Goods clled for hun. Nov. 1l.-Chapel serrice ut9553 ...…

November 08, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 34) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. I+ YOU KNOW+ CALKINS' CHOCOLATES ARE THlE BEST. If you don't, it's hecnuse you haven't3 tried them. You cant judge drugs bty *the tatte. If you could, you woond 9know ours are the hest that eau he Ibonught. We wioh you could. Calkins' Pharmacy 3S.STATE STREET. '-The Third Shipment of HODGMAN'S MACKINTOSHES Just Received. FAT lEDON'T FI(TOSE -WELhPARTY $HOE$ J3olish & MattesoIj, Pw STATE STJREET. M\J-OOE=REJ & Szw-Ernr...…

December 08, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

…e .off. li.* j3 I VOL. IV.-No. 56. WHAT IS ELOQUENCE? The Subject of Gen. Ewing's Ad- dress Before the Oratorical Association, Hon. William G. Ewing, who speaks before the Oratorical Associ- ation, Saturday night, is one of Chi- cago's most eminent jurists. Judge Ewing was born near Bloomington, Ill., May 11, 1839, 6 1 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. where he resided but for a short time. While teach...…

December 08, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 56) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the ICollege ,year, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subscription price V501 per year, invariably in advane tingle cepiesn3acents. Subscrip- tions may be left at the office of the DAILY, at Stofflet's, with any oi the editors sr authorized solitors. Communications should reath the sffite by Z o'clock P. a. it they are to appear the neast Jay. Address all matter intended fee ...…

December 08, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 56) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. ________ ORGAIZE 160. NCORORAED 866 U. Or M. CALENDAR. THE CHEQUAMIEGON ORCHESTRA.__ LEW H. CLEMENT. r, ~ cS-ata 5i1So. MAINn ST. Di rector and Manager. IriDe. B.-Mrt1uth great violinist, in _____________________ S.tL. A. roarse. EXCIELSIOR LAUNDRY Sat.. Dec. 9.-Srihoo~l of Ms~eic. iapils'lie- 20 EAST iHURON STREET. citl. onod Wark Guaranteed. Grade railed fee Sai., Dee. 9-Jadge Ewing, of thicago, on and delivered. A. F. C...…

December 08, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 56) • Page Image 4

…THDE U. OF M. DAILY. ______ 177 s M In rit an dOF F ' 9 4 T ecks ai)d c a t f s I n o y of10 (0 thi d il buy one- half pound1 of our varn ia ,mash mal- loas it presetede~htwteon the 11th antIdECN l~3 AUDY E. ,ADCNIUN lil JI5 16th of Dec,)'9 (eVat a fford hat COM ECI NGA :0STRADC ,ADCNIUN IH AS one tuh sale to acustomer, but we aillitolstand thatiorderato________ ___ ___________ 3fretnew customerlstlatty them. j aua~Pn 5.EOTITR.,3 ,Calkins' Pha...…

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