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January 08, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

…1 jl 1M~ WV 'RSDA) X'i A 1 X'sl \RX s, lvr.i P It'rr1111:(1 ( r TIIU Tihe Way They Have at Yale. r, l l ieii~ ~ m d it h s m r m i t t W i t i t t e m n . K~ "as ill l~lt lititI «t c'l i g rf l V lt tl )l I 1 t~"chm .l l t1Il(tll 'liiii ascd f r h co tit-11- IOw tt0 It. ll tht It Is harltif a )O I dttI tt f r l( itt ti )It.lit t i ii iwii hc c It' estll''It t a ; it .It'IttI( 1 Jilts itc I a~c h s cl i ' Il r hli c i -lt toI itss I l i ll tiw...…

April 08, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 136) • Page Image 1

…Of , n. Wiai p. ai.. I.-ti«. 1:,15. U NVEIZSITY OF'!IMICIIII XN, WE DNESDAY. APRZII. ,tl tiai+,, Tiui-:c:Cc: i-r. t Secretary Wade's lImprovement.i;,C ostuc tol of in taddition to tight ner ao, otiecamiipiis prese nt- - ll iiectioiiof detl -it idi "d aver unatrativeapparane. N-ili the.Bilerii tclitAilarras< ii ieu X ar--n part iof it ii it init-, tl i' l ~tti Iral siatic. iI i i iiiii and l iereriii - r iaeancwttsh oftw n Iii of the icnii i ii...…

May 08, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

…of Al. Wm p. Voi,. I.-Nos. 151. UTNIVERISITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY s , 191. ICIscs, Tn izi,:CEHNTS. What Oberlin Thinks About I. Te Game To-Morrow. Foot-Ball To-Day. The following; clippings are fromn Thtre u lteit i gatite for the cilass chamtpion-t the O berlin Review: norw i l ca ci o tsitp of the U niversity in toot-till!f "Thet'. osf i. liots have set a ( i tr I will be played this aftenoon on the high stanidardl of itter-col leogiate ...…

October 08, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…~Ijc it*I1. of A .W~ij VOL. II.-No. 8. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1891. PRIcE, THREE CENTS. THE INLANDER. open only to students at Ann Ar- COMMUNICATIQN. (OF YOUR of the Features ofthe Corn-bor. Twenty-five dollars for a lit- -- 3oa1zE Y Editors U. o wDAILY:hngfor s OUR ing Year. erary article of 3,000-5,ooo words, EI orv bee. thingy, forthe ps The Inlander offers articles dur- competition open to all who ten days,with a grea...…

December 08, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 55) • Page Image 1

…t Ijc t I, o ~n. Wa~Ijj. VOL. 1.-No. 55. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIJGAN~, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8'.1891. The University Record. The third number of the Univer- sity Record is out. It contains_ an account of important events that have happened since last June, with comments. Many interesting topics are treatedi. lelowv we give a brief review of souse of them. The Alumni Societyivas organized is 1874, for the purpose of promot- ing literary and scienti...…

January 08, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 65) • Page Image 2

…THE1U. OF M. DAILY. r r yj'j~ ard, Yaio le ndo] Un tl't0>111 loournal- Pkil losho l allY 8t sundavs vcew11 o) olorirpl the (I 1k11111'yearl, by THE I'V. or M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION. Pa-mrcnPan-American Delegates on thne U. of H. $4oLtPAY JpOOKSo Visit Shoolian's AmR~1 Christmals S1 Of lle-ant gift Books 11 inoce 811Iidl f) Ioll ou . 1101(l 01 cT'TrrTA IxT , rl1V A TV l s0rip Ii01 I "0%:',:>)li , i till I' I t 11'a 11011 0.0 110p 111111 llo'l...…

April 08, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 136) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. '.D'ilL ore than $300,000 has beents e- ---+.+--X- WEWILL. FOR THlE NEXT FOUR WEEKS Pu blihed 1ly(un5 s xepted) durng USN ESS LOCALS. Offer five toss of papesr of ati kinds to Ute sold1 by the poundi at regular murn i im~rnvmxmT A _npI~mnxii ill rates. rs ouro w isn tImperial Lineni at cents 1per I r THE U. OF It. IN DE 'UihlIiNI T F PIOU1) . I[Ntices insertediti sclm nt her e of I7 Bnts er ine.Spe i-rtest-' rii huge --- ' ...…

May 08, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 151) • Page Image 2

…PL TI THE U. OF M. DAILY. an excellent record this year, andIC ~ A TA I fC ~ of ~ ~~~~has had the supcrior advantages of G E T T T ~ E Y $ L playing with professional tenais,; WE WILL FOR THlE NEST FOUR WEEKS uilished Dailiy (Siiiday -s xeped)ni during iswhicli our nine has not. Coriiell ' Ofifer ive tons of paper of all kinds to be sold by thec poundi( at regular titers-fore, shiould be iin ber- llay'- X1ill raites. Try our Crown Iniperial La...…

October 08, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 8) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF MW DAILY. ''' r ° " annot be expected to mnake any re- of ' ' marae progrefe. Whose fault this is, opinions mtier. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) i nge nieyafewt u ors the Clleesear, by iW nieyarewt u ors THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION pondent when he says that a1 ____ "coach" should be obtained at Subscriptiosn price $2.50 per year, invariably once. Our eleven has some hard in advance Single espies 3 cents. On sale at w...…

December 08, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 55) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. and the tracks ee asasable as the students can not abeassed that Pu Cane Onic erIehdbe n r$r.I Published Daily (Sundays exepted) duig the motor and electric lines will con- THE U.OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subscription price $2.50 per year, invariably in advance SingleD eniesa cents. On sale at Jneenan's and Post Office news stand at 12 o'clock, noon. Subscriptions may be left at the offiet of the DAiLY, Opera House bl...…

January 08, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 65) • Page Image 3

…THBAJ :OF M. DAILY YOAI U 8'ITS, YOUR O VEIZCOATS. 1 (W~ lA h 1 YOURFINE :stw w~r hr p i 'I'Ithesf. III(5. yir - 1 Ii ii ( l r itti ii tiicrri ' tA ~ s 'tr s iti l r ,l' e il rf ' des't~ tsrrz ~d (wety S1 .;0 t M s. oi a III( }r ind rs ice tr a i s'fi rrr~n ic S ri ,t . 1 o;tcIM-S 1 31: t A TZerir . o qtII Alsr~r 81l o tll1 bc IIr Y. VOOrrlir h r h EIS &° BEST WORK IN THE CITY! SI5AEST.TAILORS, '7 ORCALLEDFOR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. A...…

April 08, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 136) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY x - x: -.xx=. x ; : THE BEST BARGAIN YET f U ir ;1 .. ii) Black C(eiot t Spintg Ox t''((ttt. (all and see thetti If N' wint a tie, (get the ne(w shale, 1_)e I nitiil l ouin in ) l THE T WO AMSm L, 73 I11 _ z. illArbor a1o llulftY, vooRHEis & Ea, BETWR I H T' OR ALLIIIIOR and DELIVERED, FIRST CLASS WORK. (Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. u UL T R E US, Of Old Ut. of M. Sholid have a ' Universit of Michigan Guitar. Pri'es towtes...…

May 08, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 151) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF.M. DAILY xXh x, xxx xxa - .< . -,_ OUTING OR NEGLIGEE 8HIRT8. y ou it o iduhtinterested in tli heaovc linle,anid as we£ havi miadle tlheiiiaspel tud-0011, tishi yoiutwould call and see whiat u e h1ave. 'We kiinout I I'dil please 01111ill save viltmo ot hem~iIl 1 lii. THE T WO T0SAMS. L_ 1LiYZrr All ArOr SitoiML b plll r1 VOORHEIS & ETS BEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST, TAILORS, WORK OALLEDTOR and DELIVERED. FI...…

October 08, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 8) • Page Image 3

…THE TWO SAhl AGENTS FOE- . YOUMANS" AND KNOX THE U. OF M. DAILY /IS !E OOS HATS. c - The~~ NJEW. JcobsCo. Th .Thcob ., aosC. Th .ThecobU., aosC. Novelties in Neckwear. Latest in Fu: Call and see us. rnishings. 27 AND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. [_ I3LslTZ. N. 1.-We stilt have a nice assortment of Light Weight Overcoats to he closed out at Greatly :Reduced Prices. ARl Arbor 8tooum Lallllty, CO~ AL. GEORGE L. MOORE9 (Mooe& ae) + + WORK CALLED...…

December 08, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 55) • Page Image 3

…TI NEW. U- OF M. DAILY THE COAT DRESS SHIRT + + + AT THE TWO SAMS. OPERA OVERCOATS AND DRESS SUITS. - - HEADQUARTERS - -Y COME AND SEE THE Cargo of Ncckwcar Just Rcceived Good Valto at $1.00, but will be Sold for 50c and 75C. Come to The I. T. JacobS Company. lleaslquartei s for Gents' Furnishings. - - HEAD QUARTERS. - hi b TELEPHONE NO. 99. AT THE TWO SAMS. Mill Arlor StIl1Lallllry. CO0A L. GEORGE L. MOOREf1J ( More Siabr)+ WORK CALLED...…

January 08, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 65) • Page Image 4

…i'-4 I (b'MDAILY DNNG 'rftN1! LUNCHK ROOM, 48 SOUTH STATE STREET. (IF. I iitilt til1t' we. lne lille of (.oltecti i . i .u t NEW BOOK STORES, d , NOBLE, The Clothier, -- 1- ()Fi I Ni\( SpeciaI VcaJ ues 4Jnderwear BL A(i I'. N V t ' I 't Tit N 1 1 ANDi ;.U+).i ; s s pxl G .,.-WILD,. ' Vl N.ixxi i il.~A J~ 1jrR E 7, - lo , w .Iil iysh t l. ii x O11, i l f, I i x xiN;uiti ,txtl . -"lock ai' F ll G. :;i,{' Ii LDkt! T A1- VWN j '~5THIE LARGEST STOC...…

April 08, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 136) • Page Image 4

…~ wr~v~. ILE B01133'0)N N\VV K.ft 11 , 3351'i it.i l33~33tl 33333333 333,Plat . 1;t_ ,o mt 1' 15,.;.3,-1. 1, .20!1 3, 10-;i1 l. In. '11 1N3 A ' 13..: 1 131313ll),I; m"'. 133s1AN(;13 1,,>, 13 31 333333313 I 33~3' ANN AR MR 1111331 ut1(-wt, 1333 3333 1133. 3 1 ' 13E' 11133313 S(,Ip 3nsit 11 ('3131331' 1lo i .. 0-5 I.fta d 1.1{), ...5 , -.33I, 3 1 3 1 111 13 331 13 331 133 33f 13333 151 ,,31111, .3.1, 3, .. 15 3,33 113~1 fat 1 is 3h11bstk:113131....…

May 08, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 151) • Page Image 4

…CiEa-_o ' C~ i~t1 011517 SOAPS L. 7 - - I M E T A B E . ,l tt lftl S tsr e 11 b 5 i lf r1 1o1m1 1 :ti I; NV IT I) 11)5 {Wli . X IIS rooltt. SI of thei ~i11115 1'rtIci~t~tl'ltt , l t'itl~r i!. 1'. I.7 , A NIt,: 1i, . .7' s. i1,71 ),., M'ii 1 ":X's- W A if1A11 \I()I , ls. LOS A GPF. ".C s ft iI( lr ct. I1(%i-ANN AIl,()U, I set 'au- [ ,,u It ~leat>!IIits,0 l IW 1 ' 'eis lit II 1''Aa eii11 1',lI. NI, 11 . 1757 .l, AN I' .at,1,a:-'I iil.:', ...…

October 08, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 8) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. iIWE ARE THE PEOPLE.t +5 ANN ARBOR.;ORGAN COMPANYj Formerly Allmendinger Piano and Organ Company. New Warerooms, - . - - - - - - 'Corner oj t' ain and Liberty Streets. I will "Open the Ball" by placing a fine stock of Guitars, Banjos, etc. WO B~oun, -AT--- THE NEW SHAD PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find 7r ss rs M\S1s casOoE,- 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. " THE STAR." )E IN SUITS, AT Owing to the Expiration of Patents...…

December 08, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 55) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. SWE. ARE..THE- PEOPLE., < ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY,~ Formerly Ailimneinger Piano and Organ Company. New Wareroonis, - - - = K _ - - - - Cornaer oft Main and Liberig Streets. I will "Open thie Ball" by placing a fine stock of Guitars, Banjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find -,u' ai9E-zs Sivc , o~E 25 South Fourth AvenuoCity. Not ,bilk Umbrella3 -BUT- ALBANY LAWs SCHOOL. ESTABLISHED 1851. 'COURSE, one year. Three f...…

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