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September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

… f See Inside Pr Lit igan i1 FROSH EDITION See Inside Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 1 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, September 8, 1977 Six Sections I Ii.. VA nurses face possible life term I G The best to you each morning Let the Daily help you get your day off to h better start. We'll greet you every morning (except Monday) with the latest sports scores, election re- suits, film and concert, reviews, plus news of other happenings across...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, September 8, 1977 Cover Photo Credits 4% S......... Christina Schneider, Christina Schneider ........................... Christina Schneider - ..................................... Alan Bilinsky .. . .......................... Alan Bilinsky SCHOOLKIDS' RECORDS ANN ARBOR'S BEST SELECTION OF JAZZ, ROCK, FOLK, COUNTRY, BLUES, BLUEGRASS, SALSA &'CAJUN RECORDINGS growing selection of Classical, Ethnic, Soundtrac...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY °' Pdge'"Tb ree 1 ThE MICHIGAN DAILY i'oge~Three' 'U' drops ball on Barbour/Waterman Doily Photo by ALAN BILINSKY t Barbour/Waterman .. . The never-ending fight: GEO v. the University By SUE WARNERc Wrecking crews arrived on campus this summer, putting an end to the Barbour/Waterman gyms - University landmarks since 1894 - and the controver- sy which had surrounded their demise. For nearly a year, University. administr...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursclay, September 8, 1977° THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thu rsc!ay, 5eptember87197T 'sel I edges Pierce for House seat I DALEY s election has he controversy of those cam- bsided. r former Rep. e c o n d Con- t seat finally May when the ed Democratic d Pierce's re- nt., Pierce, an, clan, was de- er by Republi- by a scant 344 congressional' ilant," Pursell said on election night. Pierce pursued his attempt to gain a seat in th...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 5

… _1 HE Ml( HlQiAN UA1LY Page Ivp 7 1 lIE MIU-1l(,AN L)AILY' Page ~ivp W .,:ee A year in review Transportation workers strike 19 76 Daily Photos by ALAN BILINSKY Cagers top Big Ten Police put a damper on Hash Bash 1977 By JAY LEVIN For many in the University and in -Ann Arbor, the past year offered both a string of frustrations aid a time to rejoice. Even with some of the more mundane aspects of everyday life, it would be inappr...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 6

…TH Ml .HIG N bAI Y Thursdoy, September 8, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, September 8, 1977 Poli. SCI. with a Prez: Ford takes the podium By BARBARA ZAHS ' The University added a new professor to its political science department this spring, one with an unusual set of credentials. The, man was Gerald Ford, University alumnus circa 1935, graduate of Yale Law School and-oh yes-former 'resident of the United States. FORD ARRIVED on campu...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~ Page Seven THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven . . ,. Meet the 'U's new Veep: 'U' drops the ball on Barbour/Waterman Shapiro takes the reins By KEN PARSIGIAN Professor Harold Shapiro has lived his 14 years at the University in relative obscurity in the eyes of most students. Unless you were fortunate enough to have taken one of his economics courses, you've probably never heard of him. But the soft-spoken Economics Dep...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursdov: Sentemher R_ 1977 THE MCH.GAN DALY Thirr'von v, 5' 107 r 'orm residents cope with crowding nued from Page one) of receiving housing leases, p e o p 1 e are being assigned. last month that she would only es until September 16. they were sent a letter explain- "None of us are happy with it, find temporary housing when p said he thought the ing that when they arrived they bzi it's something we have to she arrived....…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 9

… 1'97'f THE MIC:HIUAN DAILY Pop "n" I 97, THE MlCHl~AN DAILY l~oge ThIs ,... ....,.w r E Lafa3 ette. elcome dents Ba~l -to- Campus {4I eci.,S I a .e. O "B *( i q*' & Lafayette! WWJ40 t, Lfytt!UQuality .AM/FM ualityStereo System 110 Watt AM/FM StreoSstem y eatures the newest style Lafayette LR2020 * features the LR5555 powerhouse receiver with many powerhouse receiver, s 20 watts per channel top line features, 55 watts per ch...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 10

…THE'MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday; September 8, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAiLY Thursday, September 8, 1977 Grads By DAVID KEEPS It's a little hard to believe., In 160 years, the University of Michigan's greatest claim to alumnal fame rests securely on the shoulders of one 1935 economics major, who waited on tables to put himself through school, and wisely turned' down the oppor- tunity to amble across the pro gridirons, only {to ascend through the polit...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 11

… Thursday, September S, 19TI THE M l (.1-i l GAN DAILY Page Erevers Thursday, September 8, 1977 ThE MiLt-tIGAN DAILY Page E~e~~I Budget problems lead to p (Continued from Page 1) John Gronvall said the program had -lost its accreditation which was provisionally restored after two appeals. In addition, Gronvall said the' Medical School Executive Com- mittee reviewed the 1973 report and concluded: 0 The program was not es- sential to, the ...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 12

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, September 8, 1971 TH..HGDIL hrdy epebr8 91 __ - _ s r- CALCULATORS -...- Capabilties Texas Instruments SHARP ULTRA-COMPACT 1 I SR- 56 I 2Y6"- Room M®®®, Advanced capabilities for the professional in business, math, science and engineer- 27 fu ing. Li near regression and ories, trend-line analysis.. -'4 functions, 10 user mem- m, programmable. 7.6 mm thin calculator with 4 functions plus percent an...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 13

… Cover Photo by CHRISTINA SCHNEIDER, (~4~ M._ , 1 y, ' a Si P t 4 tY 40 4 I WWIW y fi f r a 4 1*4 rI 9 'S f, * . J '4 9r ak .A 4 A" -O E 'W. '44 e :; I,' 's T i 0. .."% .S -" P I> s ,.." tel. y~'" ' [ 1' ' III I ,.OOA 11 N w r 1 / 0 I"* -I t t .w . $ Y * . "r .:; ('+. , , *f > .a . .r ,, . le r r? A. ;-4 4' r ' , ., AF 'L m m U I - I …

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 14

…me MICHIGAN-DAILY ThurscTay, September '8, M -f rH~ M1CHlGAr~.VbAILY Thursday, September 5, JTP1 .. I p d arspectives pick - there are countless experiences you at the University. We're not advo- articular lifestyle; the choice must be pe, however; that the personal perspec- in this section will help you make that -The Editors t }ee , Qe c e5o'16uc5 ed \\S aid 0-to ye a eR 3ta0 \0 0jet,1 Thefirstweek By JAY S. LEVIN tastefully appointed...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 15

… t Thursday, September 8, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three Breaking from the Word of God By IANI JORDAN When I look back, I find it hard to believe the whole thing happened to me. I mean, I just wasn't the type .. at least I didn't think so. True, I had al- ways had the strongest religious beliefs of anyone in my family or among most of my friends, but still, it was always some- thing of a personal thing that I didn't really share ...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 16

…i THE MICHIGAN DAILY rhursday, September 8, eaving the small-town womb By RICK BONINO . I'M from Tawas." any times have you heard this toothy greeting from aen of the northeast Michigan wilderness? Never? , one out of every .000035 people in the whole United East Tawas or Tawas City, you know. ght remember from fifth grade geography class, rts are gypsum wallboard, oil filters and Army tudents remain a rather rare product indeed. You y h...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 17

…i ,: { R Thursday, September 8, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five ThusdySetebe 8,197 HEMIHIAN AIY ,~ediv Robben Fleming: Gui By BARBARA ZAHS Thos far at the University, he activism has vanished altogeth- If you think that the only pur- T1 OR ROBBEN FLEMING, be- has managed to survive the er. pose of going to college is to get coming -a university presi- troublesome Sixties and econo- "I think you'd have to say now into the job market, ...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 18

…As F THE MICHIGANNi Thursday, 5eptember a, 1771 fraternities to football to freaks people who are disappointed. There is not enough space for all. those who would like to join. Our house; full to the windows these days, is a "good" house. Ask anyone who lives in a fraternity or sorority and they'll tell you. It's not.quite as good'as'their house; they may say, but it qualifies for a certain high. rank of acceptability. It has always ...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 19

…MMM" Thursday, September S, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seen [Thursday, September 8, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Be an expert time-waster in one lesson By EILEEN DALEY M Y GOOD friend Damielle once told me that after get- ting good study habits down pat, the next thing one must do is learn to avoid using them. Damielle is a notorious time- squanderer. A close examination of her time-wasting techniques can serve as an example to ...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 20

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY hursday, September 8, 1977 J"' .n i s Sii Siiu I pro t dent wue en 'I *!ll d 00 S:esponsive to Your needs! PURPOSE- The University Cellar is a non-profit corporation established and run to serve the University of Michigan community with emphasis on student needs. It pro- vides goods and services when it is apparent that the private market is not adequately fuifilling the needs of the community at a reasonable pric...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 22

…Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY rhursday, September 8, 1977 Ik l! v. Y ..i_. _ .,. .. .,. ..fie. follow U-M football home and away with tom hemingway and. tornslade on Exciting icers aim 109.1FM GRAN ANN ARBOR. 91.7 FM By BOB MILLER1 There 1were only a couple of minutes remaining in last sea- son's Ice Hockey Championship game at the Olympia in Detroit when Michigan's Dan Hoene circled in close toward Wis- consin goalie Julian Baretta wi...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 23

… Page T'h res Thursday, September 8, 1'977 fHE.MICHIGAN.DAILY Thursday, September 8, 1977 ~HE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Threi , ot >U : / I team as p . 0 er ul as 0 er Top-notch runninMg game should carry M to title By SCOTT LEWIS The year 1976 will be remembered with mixed feelings by everyone who followed football at Michigan. The early weeks of the season were nothing but joy, when Michigan dominated both the AP and UPI polls as ...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 24

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thurs-Joy, 5eptem ber $., 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thu rs~'oy, September 8, 1977 replace up to his potential," Johann added. "If we can get . back on the right track we have a great national wres Holman is national calibert if he can wrestle at 167." At the other six weights cruits and lettermen will N for a position on the team. THE WOLVERINES recr heavily at 126 to fill the void by Goodlow. SophomoresI Cartier (4-4) and...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 25

…I THE MICHIGAN DAILY Pogo Five t THIHNDIL aeFv WI ovtn Sportswear ,,;, FINE CLOTHI NG AND ,U RNISHINC GS SINCE 1921 } r The above is just one of many styles of pullover shirts 'shown in our sportswear department. Choose your fabric from all cotton, and polyester and velours.{ Also man~y plain colors in turtle-necks. cotton When You Arrive on Campus This Fall Choose Your F Clothing Needs from One of Ann Arbor's Oldest and We Welcom...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 26

…r s THE MICHi4GAN DA ILY Thursday, September 8, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, September 8, 1977 (sters search r consitency; erienced squad. . ould "provide 1it By GARY KICINSKI "Every year I find myself saying that this year's golf team will be the best since I've been here, but this year I really feel we do have our best team," So says Michigan assistant coach Jim Lipe, who this coming season may finally get ° the" results to back u...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 27

…;day, September 8, 19.77 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Sever ~doy, September S. 1977 TH~ MICHIGAN DAILY ~oge Sevet Grid defense Ut confident McCartney leaves succ Blue philosophy intact In new if y'ou're beseiged with boredom at some I : the football games this fall, part of the blame will belong to Michigan assistant coach. Bil McCartney. As the new defensiVe coordinator, it will be his responsibility to keep the opponent from moving the fo...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 28

…THE MICHIGAN ATL Y Thursday, September 8, 1977 THE MICHIGAN ~AFLY Thursday, September 8, 1977 hard eturnees from last year, includ- Karel Pennington and setters ng four three-year vets. Two Jamie Spohn and Roberta Salay. ew transfer students are also The hard - working c o a c h xpected to step in. barely gave them a chance to "We'll have another young catch their breath last winter team, but at least we've got before initiating an off-sea...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 29

…Thursday, September 8, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine Thursday, September 8, 1977 THE MICHIGAN bAILY Page Nine . Harriers, thinc/ads run all year Warhurst aims for fourth straight titl By ERNIE DUNBAR For Michigan cross country coach Ron Warhurst, winning comes fairly easy. Since coming to Ann Arbor in 1974, Warhurst has guided his squads to three consecutive Big Ten championships. And what has the fourth year coach grinning from...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 30

…THE N1I IGAN DAIL.Y' Thursday, September 8, 197% TFIE MICHf~ANDAJLY Thursday, September 8, 1 97~ GRIS$Hf A A Word! 7/1i Ik HUtiANIl Tom A I&W r i, ,- r% l f i!!ll1i ii[ so 1I lk s " U da r ---,_._ -----.. E I; p r 11 I, About BOOK 7, r 1 1 ss J ' ',, } A rsi i . . :.';, . /' /, , '' / ' t ~. {.. 4a :.. , t ;':: fii ! r } ' ... l uii. ri w RUSHS@. * o ' ;: { $:.: (7 . . . . . . . . . . .......... the UNIVE...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 31

… . 4 Opp9 11 y , 4 0 , 1 P .' 0040*1 , r r-. ' ri . "c. . V~ _ ' k 3 AP-, ?rte. T e a 1 00 i' r' a v 1 -J Ii 4 1 F , ..«". , ! l Corr' .. m V N .; t I +:i v ... ti; , Illimpp'..i& Err m ,. "y! , ..- i 3 ' 1 . "" .. r: t a + *m 'I ii S I 4i r f ,,. I '1" . ., " .k : , ~ , w .. . ' . r R a ; ; .; , .: , 4--1 r I 4 .. . - I - .~. *'-'. , #y ji, N Y~q s4' I:. i'. s } " ' , Yy I ', f +, t +" ,.2L...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 32

…HE MICHIGAN DAILY .Thursday, Septembwr 8, 1977 FEMCIA AL hrdy etme ,17 Pend I APL I. i ,f moft I Focus on art t seen nothing By SHARON BONANNI I u haven't got- .r One Thursday afternoon, a al taste of Uni- Zen-inspired Episcopalian priest, li f e during calling himself The Fool, sat in h r e e, days of the hearth of its Baronial fire- chaos known ~:place and persuaded his audi-i Chao nown i;&ence to ',think creatively, out entatiotl. W ...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 33

… Thursday, September 8, 1977 ME MIG;TGAN DA1L.Y rage Three fHE MIC JGAN DAILY Page Three MSA: Standing on its own feet By LANI JORDAN When the Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) was born in January, 1976 from the dubious remains of the Student Government Council (SGC), few observers held hopes for its survival. Its first two terms of life supported these pre- dictions of doom. MSA meetings were nothing more than sessions of haggling over parl...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 34

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, Septernber 8, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, September 8, 1977 F I We think it is significant that several years ago we decided to become the Office of Student Services in place of the Office of Student Affairs. More than a simple exchange of words it created an entirely new direction, enlarged our scope and em- phasized what it is we are really here for - to SERVE the stu- dents' needs. You will see detail...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 35

… iursuay, zepremoer o, I,;, r THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Hun ting for housing in A 2 RC: Activist stronghold 1- .t _ By STU McCONNELL j "Hey, you write about hous- ing for the Daily, right?" a friend of mmine asked me in January. "What's the best way to find a good house or apart- ment for fall?" "Knock on every door in the' city," I remarked drolly. ' "NO, BE serious," he said. "I am serious," I replied. "All the decent housing...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 36

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, Sept mber 8, 1977 THE MiCHIGAN DAILY Thu rs~y, September 8, 1977 J WE'RE THE SMALLEST I TEXTBOOK STORE IN TOWN N AND WE INTEND TO STAY THAT WAY! / BEING SMALL HAS ITS ADVANTAGES: Because we're small we don't try to stock every book for every course. We specialize. and because we specialize, we're able to do a better job in our specialty areas-MEDICINE, LAW, DENTISTRY, NURSING, PUBLIC HEALTH, DENTAL H...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 37

… Thursday, September 8, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Thursday, September 8, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Welcome to the 'U,' 987 65 4327 0 Health Service: The logical cure By SUE WARNER When I first saw it, it was in a pile with maybe a hundred others. Yet I knew it was spe- cial; it was unique and it was mine. Although I knew some- where on campus there were 40,000 others, I developed a last-' ing attachment to my student I...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 38

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, September 8, 1977 noon by Burton Towe a FN /1 last decade. Composed of brushed aluminum in an unfolding cub- istic evolution from a concrete base,. the untitled sculpture has come to be nicknamed, appropriately enough, the "tooth fairy". Also in a futuristic vein, the Regents Plaza, adjacent to the recently riot-proofed Administration building, is the site of sculp- tor Bernard Rosenthal's black steel cube....…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 39

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, September 8, 1977+ 1-. BUY OR MAKE PUT YOUR CREATIVITY TO WORK AND GIVE YOUR ROOM, APARTMENT, OR HOME A FACE-LIFE. FOLLOW THESE LOW-COST STEPS TOWARD YOUR HOME'S TRANSFORMATION WHILE ADDING UTILITY AND FLAIRI lll" *1cW 1111 '" "elIe ®",Io'e GLASS JARS Purchase by the set or use just one as a candy jar. Various sizes and shapes A M t YOUR L CANDLES T' y TABLE AND DESK LAMPS 4n entire section Aeijer is ...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 40

…i nc rvxa%.r iGAN DAILY Thursday, September 8 ,+ 1977 irivii~r~iiGAN DAILY Thu rsdoy, September 8, 1977 The Daily: More than a newspaper By BARBARA ZAHS One time a reporter went to cover a speech, only to discover that it was being given in Span- ish. Another time a photographer went ;to shoot an important as- signment-but forgot his cam- era.; .But somehow, in spite of these little setbacks, we man- age to publish the Daily six days a wee...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 41

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Eleven THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Eleven .F Studying in a phone booth. By BARBARA ZAHS The dorm is too noisy. The UGLI is too crowded. The Grad Library gets to be a bore after a while. But wait - there's still hope. IF YOU INSIST upon being studious, or if a final exam less than 24 hours away makes the prospect seem inevitable, there are alter- native sfudy spots available. And while it's doubtful that they'll make the...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 42

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, September 8, 1977 T-H- M C-H I GAN ; DAI L.Y Thursday, September 8, 1977 ..1 / , 40 Of all the places you can buy stereo, none offers you as much as Tech Hifi. We carry over 70 brands of quality components And we guarantee what we sell. If you buy something from us, but then change your mind, you can take up to a week to return it and get your money back. No questions asked.. If something you buy from us bre...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 44

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, September 8, 1977' 1 THE MICHiGAN DAILY Thursday, $eptember 8, 1971' 'U' museums: Intelectual relief sit back and enjoy relaxing mu- display of Seleucian (an ancient! sic while the sun "goes down" mideastern culture) pottery and and star patterns, often from airt. hundedsof yarsagofor on For those who want to absorb hundreds of years ago, form on a little culture (or have History the planetarium ceiling. of Art...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 45

… THE MICHIGAN DMLY- Doge THE MICHIGAN DAiLY Page }Y i! v :.>.,nti " .wmv :::.., r"r..: : e: :._ ve: ";:. " 7.Y.: ":.:. :..^,v:r :::;?:>;:"" ":48-: :h " .-a, r : :;7:+" ;. y ..;ro v." t~ s + :. '.".::9A.c. :.. .. hSd -::ti":.,r. ..:.... .. r ..Ae ":%.2{v.. ..", r. ra.:-: b X 'r '} .. w'' :e.. e'. ~aa}n 'a ar%. r'a%>Vv."k'r.fltflA , .' ,A e ..:i.. .+.vid, 'a . i. i : ': JY:"f :1 "::ti:":..... ,::7Y:"::.."7iti z:: i i11:4': Y:S":.: h:::::......…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 46

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, Sepfem-6i+''9, 19771 STEVE'S LUNCH BILL'S COFFEE CUP MICHIGAN LEAGUE CAFE-, S. University at Forest 201 E. Liberty TERIA AND SNACK BAR Although it appears to be a dive A generally student-less coffee Michigan Leaguea from the outside, Steve's fea- shop. Bill's serves fast counter- The snack bar is a great place tures the best omelets in town type food. Frequented mainly to haye that first or second cup as well a...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 47

… Thursday, September 8, 1977' THE MICHIGAN OAILY Pem Fn _. rul r i v V, p (06ntinued from Page 4) The prices are reasonable the atmosphere relaxing. * * * FALSETTA'S SIDEDOOR 2200 Pittsfield B The only place in town offe low calorie Italian food. T have particularly good vealf misean and also feature low orie banana splits. Prices very reasonable. and &vd. Bring BAGEL FACTORY JOLLY TIGER 1306 S. University 2080 W. Stadium' Specializin...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 48

…- I THE MICHiGAN DAILY Page Six 1 rlu,.j%,.Ay, jcptc, , tuar a I -iw r __. _ _.. ... George Cavender, master of the bands Hello- YOU'LL Fl (Continued from Page 9) distinguished, 82-year-old Michi- der-directed band is a highly did~~~~~ wefgt~ihthtt I, gan band tradition wherever Ca- democratic group, the band di- theirnpers'cpe-nStra geoforciholdsicinner recalls Cavender with a aslight ve s a rectly proudly notes with mem-C laugh. "We ...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 49

…Thursday, September 8, 1977 CHEMICHIGAN-DAILY' Tage Seven ., (HE MICHIGAN DAILY~ge Seven H opwood winner: 46years. later, By RON DeKETT Forty-six years ago, a University student-at the insis- tence of her English professor-entered a collection of essays in a newly-created literary contest called the Hopwood Awards. Her essay collection, etitled "Mosaic," bore a strong stream-of-consciousness influence and displayed meticulous attention ...…

September 08, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 1) • Page Image 50

…atHE MICHIGAN DAILY 'Thrdy etme ,17 'Thursday, September 8, 1977. !A ..r1 detil . t_ NMI c- ,,. -' . fee (1 ~ ge8 forep n . 1 p ~ '. 1I l Gae 1 (a4 ' , -it % --, i),\-Oll funld & t-atV cl , ' ti. g a t , , ;t 4, rt.At ' "lak.~0 f Ta" Halt , ducatio W j , In~'vrs~jSty ar A $270 ant:V)rtaaj3t~ fe.a - fct the :de.. Il sttr1ive thr,g 1 f opr a rtOh~ , of sr s U b s t l ra h e l hanat theIn.. "C1 * It ;. t' 4x- X 84, -e " e Od ed...…

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