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May 08, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

…? R. 1 43Uflt . .I .a LI ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1920. )LD FOOTBALL STING TUESDAY Yost has called a football to outline plans for next 'clock Tuesday night in the 'he Michigan football men- be in charge but Robert 17, Roscoe Hiton, '02, as' number of other influential umni will talk. r afternoon will wind up the ootball practice, and the ires .all football men to re- Monday and Tuesday aft- There will be no practice. ITE...…

May 08, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 156) • Page Image 2

…uring the Univer iblications. PRESS -d to the use for tor not othe'rwise hed therein ichigan, as secona street. if signed, the sig- as an evidence of nThe Daily at the oThe flailyv office eration. o mman ses postage. te sentiments ex- ived after 8 o'clock not newspaper .ornce r y this metnod we are certain to find out all the good and bad points in every can- didate. Some may be good athletes, and still very poor executives. Others may pro...…

May 08, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 156) • Page Image 3

…cxy e ', ._._, LARGE LISTS FOR INTER- FRATERNITY TENNIS MATCHES Entries for the fraternity tennis list are 'unusually numerous. All the houses on the campus are being call- ed to see whether a team will be en- tered or not. The teams which have been eliminated in the baseball league are being called first and these will play during the first few days in or- der that the two series may not inter- fere with each other. Houses which dre planni...…

May 08, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 156) • Page Image 4

… to ac News From The Other CollegesI FLOWERS Fl Cousins & Members Florists Teleg Phone 115 The Ann Arbor Savings Bank itancorporated 1869 Capital and Surplus, $650,000.00 Resources ....... $4,000,OOANI Northwest Cor. Main & Huron 707 North University Ave. I I . ' 4 IORS LIKENESS - QUALITY -in _4 3 UDKO. That Please " I 1 tionadly' )Wfl in :W Time.. has become the best Ifof food and fellow- f t for iciously its purity appetizi...…

May 08, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 156) • Page Image 5

…I G='; vvni i imIU n I LnllI _______ 1111 IL ;ERN"' IN EASTERN MEET BR OR 1- THE MAJESTIC e Charlie 'haplin IN "THE OUNT" I I Oc Members of Squad Object to With. drawal from Philadelphia In- tercollegiates MAJORITY BELIEVE MICHIGAN SHOULD TAKE PART IN AFFAIR Strong sentiment has been aroused among members of the Varsity track team as the result of the action of Michigan withdrawing from the East- ern intercollegiate championship track...…

May 08, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 156) • Page Image 6

…4 t "Y. /"r 11 FA _.-- i ' Y /,1 //,iw Olw. ;1 3 t . 'ii d ""'"' y:i . II 7 - .\ ' ' _ i \ /iAJ VIE 1 -.A -= _ Ax ,, 1, s I Cohyrigkt by Ed. f1. Pfice d" ® ° .., L l ,, 5 SI , / 'The biuying Power of E.d. V. Price & co0 4', at the sign of Ye Jolly Little Tailor ban n Qr~anization is also a owerfull Factor in Our.Q a Economy- Plus-Q altyTiloring Many men who have been accustomed to paying their' tailors $40 to ...…

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