May 08, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 164) • Page Image 1
…le tt* o Ask IV AILANIL, Ila* j3 IV VOL. VII. NO. 164. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATUJRDAY, MAY 8, 1897. TWELVE PAGES-TEt CENTS. I MICHIGAN THE YELLOW AND BLUE AGAIN WAVE TRIUMPHANT IN THE NORTHERN ORATORIC- AL LEAGUE. WISCONSIN A CLOSE SECOND. EAVARD H. AMES WINS FIRST PLACE WITH A MASTERLY ORATION. Michigant.first; Wiseonsilt. seestd; Ittirigit. third; Oberlin, fourth; ow, fit;Not tiestern. sixth: flths is in brief, the resl iof' issinights...…