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May 08, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 155) • Page Image 1

…i TABLISHED 1890, .r* ', tat 4 a111 IMEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS I I A EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN LI., No. 155. EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1931 PRICE FIVE CENTS PRICE FIVE CENTS r n N SHMEN TO BURN [S' AT CAP NIGHT' Crowd Expected to Attend raditional Event at Sleepy Hollow. SHOW TO BE GIVEN n to Give Principal Speech; t Will Award Blankets to Letter Winners Considered Cand...…

May 08, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 155) • Page Image 2

…" # a : FIB.MICHIGAN DAILY .. ,. . ^ # .eering Open House to Display DepartmetlWr Gd SSApparatus, Labor~atory' cilities to Be Shown at Open House. QPEN~ HOUSE DIRECTORY AERC ENGINEERING CHLI,,11CAL ENGINEERING Room, East Engineering bldg. Mcii 'us io ~partu. ........ 2_11 Vapr islav.....................>302y Coo fi'nav room............. ...39 Cas awl ol rcoearh.................4208 ]lateriail tfeting Iahortrr............420'7 1) 10 apv....…

May 08, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 155) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DATILYi 7 -, 7 7 7 . . .. ....... . .. . ........ . .. FOR MEETING iness Graduates C on v e n e at Union Tomorrow for Annual Conference. Preparations today were being made to receive more than 75 alumni of the School of Business Administration, who will convene here tomorrow for a one-day con- ference in the Union. The committee, composed of D. M. Phelps, '26, T. K. Haven, '29, and R. T. Beall, '30, have been working on pla...…

May 08, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 155) • Page Image 4

…THE MTCHIGAN DAILY FRIDAT, MAY 8, 1931 d every morning except Monday dur- iversity year by the Board in Control tPublications. of Western Conference Editorial Asso- sciated Press is exclusively entitled to r republication of all new s dispatches o it or not otherwise creditcd in this the local news published herein. at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michi- recond class aitter. Special rate of ;ranted by Third Assistant Postmaster r C their ...…

May 08, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 155) • Page Image 5

…TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY- ..A..L.. s _ TAV ' q ,eague Will Give First Annua t J o tkli Daughter anqu AF FAI WIL ARK EVNT5CHDUE More Than Three Hundred Plan' to Attend; Alumnae, Mothers, Students Invited GLEE CLUB TO SING Jeannie Roberts, '32, as Social1 Chairman, Heads Committee for Arrangements. Formal recognition of Mothers' Week activities by the League will take place when the first annual Mother and Daughter luncheon is given at ...…

May 08, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 155) • Page Image 6

…#! -THE MI HI AN DAIS 7. FRIDAY, THE MCHIGN DALY FZDAY chigan to aceBadger Nine a,, 4: Madison To ay PTQN TO HURLI jer Slated to Oust Eastman in Right Field; Batting Order Shifted. PROBABLE LINEUPS 'i ;on sin Michigan i, ofs. Superko, 8b. :hendel, ss. Butler, rf. isby or Poser, If. Tompkins, cf. nilgofl, rf. Hudson, lb. uisinier, 2b. Diffley, c. hnieder, 1b. Daniels, 2b. riswold, c. Braendle, If. ankey, 2b. Kracht, ss. ,mmerfield, p....…

May 08, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 155) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY' t !ESTO OPEN DUA ETSSON TH GOPHER THINCLADS TOMORHOk Ten Champions First Defense of in Only Home Will Begin Honors Meet. Every Big, Ten track coach will be watching the initial Conference performances of the Maize and Blue thinclads tomorrow afternoon when they entertain the Minneso- ta Gophers on Ferry field's cinder oval in the first dual meet for each school, for the Wolverine's performance in this affair will giv...…

May 08, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 155) • Page Image 8

… in hearing the address will be welcome up to the capacity of the audi- Examination Schedules CONDLIFFE TALKS torium. Ready for Distribution, AT HONOR DINNER Dr. Hart will address the Hospital School teachers this afternoon at I four o'clock, third floor of South Department. The topic will be "TheI Educational Program for the Hospital Child," and all who are interestedI in the Hospital School are invited to attend this meeting.r English 212-...…

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