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May 08, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

…of Al. Wm p. Voi,. I.-Nos. 151. UTNIVERISITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY s , 191. ICIscs, Tn izi,:CEHNTS. What Oberlin Thinks About I. Te Game To-Morrow. Foot-Ball To-Day. The following; clippings are fromn Thtre u lteit i gatite for the cilass chamtpion-t the O berlin Review: norw i l ca ci o tsitp of the U niversity in toot-till!f "Thet'. osf i. liots have set a ( i tr I will be played this aftenoon on the high stanidardl of itter-col leogiate ...…

May 08, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 151) • Page Image 2

…PL TI THE U. OF M. DAILY. an excellent record this year, andIC ~ A TA I fC ~ of ~ ~~~~has had the supcrior advantages of G E T T T ~ E Y $ L playing with professional tenais,; WE WILL FOR THlE NEST FOUR WEEKS uilished Dailiy (Siiiday -s xeped)ni during iswhicli our nine has not. Coriiell ' Ofifer ive tons of paper of all kinds to be sold by thec poundi( at regular titers-fore, shiould be iin ber- llay'- X1ill raites. Try our Crown Iniperial La...…

May 08, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 151) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF.M. DAILY xXh x, xxx xxa - .< . -,_ OUTING OR NEGLIGEE 8HIRT8. y ou it o iduhtinterested in tli heaovc linle,anid as we£ havi miadle tlheiiiaspel tud-0011, tishi yoiutwould call and see whiat u e h1ave. 'We kiinout I I'dil please 01111ill save viltmo ot hem~iIl 1 lii. THE T WO T0SAMS. L_ 1LiYZrr All ArOr SitoiML b plll r1 VOORHEIS & ETS BEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST, TAILORS, WORK OALLEDTOR and DELIVERED. FI...…

May 08, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 151) • Page Image 4

…CiEa-_o ' C~ i~t1 011517 SOAPS L. 7 - - I M E T A B E . ,l tt lftl S tsr e 11 b 5 i lf r1 1o1m1 1 :ti I; NV IT I) 11)5 {Wli . X IIS rooltt. SI of thei ~i11115 1'rtIci~t~tl'ltt , l t'itl~r i!. 1'. I.7 , A NIt,: 1i, . .7' s. i1,71 ),., M'ii 1 ":X's- W A if1A11 \I()I , ls. LOS A GPF. ".C s ft iI( lr ct. I1(%i-ANN AIl,()U, I set 'au- [ ,,u It ~leat>!IIits,0 l IW 1 ' 'eis lit II 1''Aa eii11 1',lI. NI, 11 . 1757 .l, AN I' .at,1,a:-'I iil.:', ...…

May 08, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 155) • Page Image 1

…VOc. 11.-NO. 1:55. UNIVERSITY OF IICHIGA WE WIN AGAIN. iess represented. Mrs. Pettee and Michigan Adds One More to Her\ts r Mlatinwedapr String of Victories on the roses. A short hot interesting liro- Diamond. 1 grm wsas listened to tdiring the first TShe ionic leans won its sevesith part of the evening. It was as fol- cociecutiegame, Saturdalsbyiit Iows:liPino solo, Mliss Kelly; Reci- feating ttse Denison Coltee clcth talson, Mliss t=oodykoon...…

May 08, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 155) • Page Image 2

….THE U. OF M. DAILY. of " a Choral Union have taken to make SP R N G TY FS 89 "" ;'ft o the trip a success, it would he a ~~iL matter of regret if the enterprise te Coleg" year, hy , Must be abatndoned. rise time is Lea diaCia]inii nS tt iher,'asSdPtn THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION shsort and it is to be hoped that a _ - revival ot the interest may yet or- Q EDITORS. nriaking it tpossible for the . mj "amenti9:,A "is tnin iit Ch...…

May 08, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 155) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE LATEST AND BEST E. & W.'s New Collar, t -,rtrat t NEGLIGEE tSHIRTS in rte City. 14AVE yOli SEEN OuJR NEW SPIJING STOCK-? It is a Splendide Showing at Soits anti Otercoats. Extra Valrte at ILow Proice.. WadhctmS .Ryan . &4.Re-ule. THE TWO SAMS Ann Arbor Savings Bank WNSBRE HP Amror hiatt. (airal t orte, i$50,000, Nr.r t [ ?roe rror 'te' tOrvsrrrrrrrt rnrerte Genrartl trrt igrrt to 'teis t ate. Ittt' sTttrat osit ttttt...…

May 08, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 155) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY BASKBALL A FINE DI8PLAYGENTs' HALF-HOSE It 42ri ' A Mr a S t fI s "0 I vk--., i EvL_ Is; I ~litiett-s, Sponges, sits Siolte1 an Cigas r i, :> I _ i G hitarss, 3ar)uos Special Sale at NOBLE'S ~aiqkolixs, Vio~ias, Etc. 13 cli-., Six for 73) cts-. 185cts., Three for 30 cts* All 1I 8-intli I ihi-tIanittch ini Th-ceStyles, Four for $'l . 00. Tone.335 ts , Tree for c41.00. 30 Cts., worth 73 ct.. 1 Extra valute.Impotrititetrto...…

May 08, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

…c je ttlw a AML ARIAIM T db ltl* VOL. IV.-No. 156. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 8, 1894. PRICE. TISREE CENTS. VOL. IV.--NO. 156. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 8, 1894. PRICE, THREE CENTS. WEEK-DAY GAMES. its first foundation from the time of Let Us Hope for a Fair Day. COLUMBIAnBICYCLE Caesar. Then followed a vivid pic- Adaltional Ones.-Campus Prac- ture of the plan, both interior and Provided the weather will allow, tice ...…

May 08, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 156) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. d W . ~~ -jj Mr. and Mrs. Dight, both gradu- c i ---- ates of the U. of M. medical de- L MB A R AD prmetar istngtei oui R C IP S Publisshed Daily (Bunalays excepted) during Mr. Glidden of the senior medic tneiCol ore year, by IW a h ild o o n o oo - THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION class. Dr. Dight, is dean of the W a hywlld ofo ad hw t b ___New Orleans medical school. The tamn them. EDITORS. doctor graduated in '76 and...…

May 08, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 156) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUJAMEGON ORCHESTRA. LEW H. CLEMENT, 51 So. MlAN S. Director and Manager. MICHIGAN GCinT~It Time Table (Revised) Feb. 11th, 1894. EAT. WEaT. AM AM. Atlantic Express. 4,aa Mail & p.... .850 D. & J. Expres.. 75,,5 Chi. Spc.....7 05 G. R. Ex...... 105 N. S. Limited..10 11 P.M P.1. Mail and Exp. .418 Fast Westn Exp. 155 Fal Eatn Ep.. 9 20 GREx.......605 N. S. Limited..02M Paciic Epre... il55 . W. RuGLES, H. W. HYED, G. ...…

May 08, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 156) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. OU'D EldO Y CAMERA NOWIF YOU HAD ONE. c '~esoeeralbauansin cstockaltnd acatnie good values at regarpru e s Wewold raterbave the money than enAs. Calkins' Pharmacy. *0r~a a \STIFF HATS: .AT BA z: t .00 Hats Only $2.49. BOWDISH & MATTESON, ~STATE STREET. I 1 NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. NI, AS0E BALL AND SPORTING GOODS Which1Itbiey ofI(erat 5)1 ic( s IIttaiiteectlto tbe as lootas canItbe ...…

May 08, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 153) • Page Image 1

…tt* , . 1a ly. VoL. V. No. 153. UNIVERSITY OF MlICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. A GREAT HOLLAND PIANIST. MAFTINUS SIEVEKING WILL AP- PEAR AT THE MAY FESTIVAL. Highly Praised by Musical Critics -His Compositions Played by the Lamoreaux Orchestra -Appreci- ated by Patti-At the World's Fair. Aniong oilier notabileiuii tins who aippear in Alln Aror during the May Festival, sue of the gratest is a Ilo- enee and is c rtainly a...…

May 08, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 153) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF N1.-DAILY. p Spring Field Day. NOPNEUMATIC BICYCLE P ADIDLES,, Chfa fttun p~a il Pblished Daily (Saday exepted) driag day lis beain s(t fr AMay 15, onej the Clliege year, at weeit from inest Stutray, b11 illilili_ THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. st 2p1.CI. This dale wax tiled upnto° " ' ^G P ecce: Tmesabuilding N. Mae t., ppaite last winter, but ha not bearsIIa- pet office. Ittillilt ,dtintil iow iiti1 astht EDITORS. titxa iileb oitt.a-i...…

May 08, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 153) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. JAGHIGAN GENTIAL ime Tab~le (Revised) Nov. 18, 1804. EAST. WEST. Mailand Ex --3 50 Mall ________843 N. Y. Special.... 5 15 N. Y. Specil--_ 7 30 bastern Ex---10 25 N. S. Limited.... 9 23 A. M. Pacific Ex--.--12 15 Atlantic Ex -7 47 5. h D. N. Expres....- 5 40 Western Ex-___2 12 G. St. Express ___11 05 Chi. Nt. Ex---10 25 GIREx.-----5 57 0. WV. TtUGenES, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor. T., A. A. & N. ...…

May 08, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 153) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. ELLI, TH TAIOR,2200 to 2204 State St., Chicago Will be at the Cook House, Ann Arbor, from May 15th to May 25th, inclusive, with the S ELLEST LiNE OF SUITI.NGS AND PANiTINGS 1I ,ever shown. Imported English Clay Suit, Sack or Cutaway, $20.00. Are you with me? EDIS. P. a.-Did you get a Liar's Diploma? Send 2c stamp. TH E TAILOR. A. 0, SPALDING &BROS . ICE COL Athletic Supplies. (A WATERS BASEBALL, LAWN TENNIS, ~ E. A. MUM...…

May 08, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 158) • Page Image 1

…l e . a , t1. 1a 1 . VOL. YI. No. 158. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1tit3. FOURt PAGES-3 CENTS. We lMust ].Vove The store we now occupy has I been old.iWe must seek new SI We IlU We Close Out 14 iiycle- Woffer o sich-, 1 1 wit seil giootis it too rcs 1A moean anything to buyers STHIS MEANS BUSINESS NN I you stat anyttitin tothe I55 tat,, inet tour 00prices this 'SI week. i13 IN THE ANN A BOR ORGAN CO, ; SIC S. MAIN ST. Im 'BUY BED!-H...…

May 08, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 158) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ~J p iwenlt of the teaml; Ithe material is + Of& + urluthre. If oinly we a'li t hel ll - ~vienture ini the right spirit 'ac call e' ublished Dully (Sunday excepted) during aso before this Incerry miointh isix d- the College year, t THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. e'd, puocture a big hole ini the liroull iiiity of our confident elisiril (irFICE: Timies building N. Mule st., oppoite behe. pust office. Behe. EiDITO...…

May 08, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 158) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICIGAN DAILY. AJGHTGANGENT ~L THERE IS A BICYCLE SEEF, SEE Time Table (Revised) March 1,.1896. Built on honer. Built to be the besti cga dics of ccst. Built ES.P.M. S. AM to satisfy the critic. This bicycle will please you. Its name? Mail and Ex.--3 50 Mail _______8a THE MAJESTIC, sold at N. Y. Special,--- 5 50 N. Y. Sgecial... 7 30 Eastern Es----A.10 1 N. S. Limited.__ ...A = 25A& YsSE Atlantic Es.__7 30 Pacific Es.----12 1...…

May 08, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 158) • Page Image 4

…TILE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. N[XT Iwo 'NEEKS Jos. W. Kollauf, Merchant Tailor, wi]. make for cash [any Light e Suitirgs at greatly reduced prices. Clothes cut and nade up to date. 10 E. Washington St. Gibson & Clark PHOTOGRAPHERS 12 W. 1HURON ST Summer Lao Looctre., coov of Vrgnia July 1 to Fept. 1, toNI. lFor students aoot pacti tooet.. 27th year. Fer catalogue, ad- R. . MINOR, Scretary. ANN ARBOR Laundry, No. 23 S. Fourth Ave. FIRST N...…

May 08, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 164) • Page Image 1

…le tt* o Ask IV AILANIL, Ila* j3 IV VOL. VII. NO. 164. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATUJRDAY, MAY 8, 1897. TWELVE PAGES-TEt CENTS. I MICHIGAN THE YELLOW AND BLUE AGAIN WAVE TRIUMPHANT IN THE NORTHERN ORATORIC- AL LEAGUE. WISCONSIN A CLOSE SECOND. EAVARD H. AMES WINS FIRST PLACE WITH A MASTERLY ORATION. Michigant.first; Wiseonsilt. seestd; Ittirigit. third; Oberlin, fourth; ow, fit;Not tiestern. sixth: flths is in brief, the resl iof' issinights...…

May 08, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 164) • Page Image 2

…9 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. I Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the Cllegn Year, at THE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN o rwr: Times building, 79 S. Pain S, be- tween Librty nd Willim Sts. MIANAGING EDITOR J. . THOMiAS, 97. ASS'T MIANAGING EDITOR F. S. SMNS, '98. ATHLETIC EDITOR I. B. SILMsA , '8 . BsUSNESS 1PANA(E4 . Ii. BANS, '8. EOTOlS F. L. Beissi, 'Os L. 1. A. toursEso, 'o. . A. FvCl,'93 F+. A. AssrnnsL, '0. G. I esOTT, 1S. T , ...…

May 08, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 164) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 WILD Received a full line of Novel ties for Spring Suits and Trouserings 1897 N~O. 2 E WASHINGTON ST NEAR MAIN. ;+ "THAT TIRED FEELING" ill disappear i you take our Beef. Iron and Wine fr a spring tonic. We make it. and know it's good. Ittomes # in 50 cent bottles. 4 ---.PALMER'S PHARMACY. 4SSTATE ST. $ Light Weights! The Shoes we are selling now re the lighter weights - the kinds you will wnt to wear ...…

May 08, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 164) • Page Image 4

… THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. iORATORS AND ORATIONS LIVES AND PRODUCTIONS OF CONTESTANTS. BAYARD H. AMES Bayard A. Ames, icigatis repre- sentative, was born in Niagara conty, N. Y., in 173. 'le attended th' publ- lie. schools of te county until he ws 14 years o age,. whn his faintly mov- ed to Denver, C'o. where he h since resided. WFhie attenong te North Site High School in Dener it" wsou the annul oratorical etitest. Ic was graduatedl...…

May 08, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 164) • Page Image 5

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 5 I I THE FINEST TAILORING OF THE CITY! S. W. Burchfield, HURON ST, OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE ~Ladies Tailoring Annex. TANDEMS To Pent!!!1 The Largest Line of Bicycles, Sun- dries and Supplies at M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, Telephone No. S. One door Eot of Ameri- can Hose. MIHIGAN fENTRA Time Table (Revised) Feb. 7, 1897. tAST. WEST. Hall and En.3 47 N. Y. Specia... 7 30 N. Y Special...4 8 Mal -----_8 43 Eat...…

May 08, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 164) • Page Image 6

…63 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. west along a narrow road. Mean- starts to join the flight. Swift speeds itemortalize this sacrifice in strains of while, Lee sends Jackson with 30,000tiaut aide, and( at thie tern ioian tae tihtest music, that shall trl l torn arounld the Union Armty to attack battery once rtore w-heel gallantly firi heat., to patriotic love; til tendetly its rigtht wing. Thinking Jacksons to position. Tie mintiites, eac...…

May 08, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 164) • Page Image 7

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY.7 goadedtioi madntess by the soul-de- hood, and demanding thie ceissph'te vouring thought "I ala a slave--at slave emnancipaition of his drospisid, outraged far life," yet, with an abiding faith in and enslaved race. And he acc'i-i Goil, believing that 'He with one is atilislhed hs amissiont with the giraciftul mrajority," the bleeding heart of Mr. power of -a gentlenan and a h1fio D~oglass tle'w still to the ...…

May 08, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 164) • Page Image 8

…8 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. et friendships with all nations, entang- ]n-alliances with none-Thiese wvere the cords of Jefferson, and the ines- ages of ecery succeeding president linve echoed his sentiment. St ha, tahalped all of our relations, all of our~ interore ith the outside world. Coneived in the golden ago of Amer- iAn patriisin, when there were hut tirteen states in the Union and a us- ionsil domnain of only 800,000t squat's...…

May 08, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 164) • Page Image 9

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. chauge. This is the law of tine 5)taaets sea of huinian woe. For back of the as they swing in their entdless orbits. Ipriests of ASat rolls the Jugge(,rnaut It is the order of tine as -age follows of caste. 'Through the philooophy of nge. It is the rule of uatote whose Gicece breathes uip to Heaven, in op- myriad of trausforuationo knoow t-- eal andi protest, the voice of wvoloso- tiier begiuniug unor endi. N...…

May 08, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 164) • Page Image 10

…10 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. clation of this right. Let men realizeiexrt every energy in the prsui of ,; lit without it there can e no l- self-interest, and entrusted to his o-I Nance in government, no progress i science the observance of social stn 'nstitutions, no increase in the bless- political duties. Thus made free aso tugs of rational existence. SwIfL as never tbefore, man realied lhis power,. the chariot of day, wide as the ...…

May 08, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 164) • Page Image 11

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 1 1. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3' Some New Music, Isle of Cuba Waltzes. La Gracile. Jolly Friend, Two Step. Five Bells, Two Step. I Wish I'd Never been a Soldier. The Old Rope Swing. 1 Thought You Didn't Care. I'll Take Care of You Grandma. ' l-t\t) 2.1 EAST Ann Arbor Mvusic C0 .,5 WASHINI5TON ST WH-Y ]DON'9T YOU T*R~Y A box of that delicious Peanut B3rittle al Half pounds and Hounds, to and 20 cent...…

May 08, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 164) • Page Image 12

…12 THE tJiNIV ;'RSITY OF MIUEIIGAN DAILY. 12 THE IIMVERSITY OF MiCI-IIGAN DAILY. JO S.,KOILAUF &C1 Merchant Tailors. 10 E. Washington St - Up Stai THE OPERA OSE JEWELER Can furnish you ith a first-class Fount Pen. ten and Ring repairing a speciaty. -GIVE HMA CAL Stop!! Stop!! Stop' -AT- Parker's Corner Stor STATE ST. AND N. UNIVERSITY AV Fresh made Candies constantly In st Call oce and you will cll again .tJNWrry the new drinh "Hilerine HA ...…

May 08, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 160) • Page Image 1

…be U of 94 Pailu4 VOL. IX, No. 160. ANN ARBOR, MICH., MONDAY, MAY 8, 1899. THREE CENTS. G. H. WILD CO. Will announce that we have now received our Spring and Summer Woolens. Our stock for the incona- ing season is the largest we have ever shown, is exclusive and confined, in both foreign and domestic goods, and is composed of the best fabrics in every line that can be obtained. We carry the largest line of Woolens in the city. We invite you...…

May 08, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 160) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MI[CHIGAN DAILY v Sy 4 * OBERLIN WINS. f J Q I p a~ttuA13. Cntined fromfis t page. Published Daily (Sndays eepted) dring the JUDGES. Clege year, at- THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. . DELIVERY %rriE: The Inland Pree, Henning Blck.n Bth Phones 17. Ei o MANAGING EDITOR. ,:0 . NOLESSUME HIT F. EnELAns, '01tL. ARGBE' SMES IRTS BUSINESS MANAGER. C _ ATGEST STYLES 0. I.HAIs, '00 L. , as) n.xs T OWEP'.ST [PICJS. EDITORS. t a. >O{ W R...…

May 08, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 160) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 .. - r 0A N D FA N CY SOX A RE S W L L F OSR 15 ,$ .0 $ .0 35 ,$ .0 SOLE AGENTS " HANAN SHOES.' 200, $3.00 35,$.0 119 SO. MAIN ST. M'6'~ 6EIR~LCORRECT AND ST PTeNagr alls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME Taking Ettect Aug. 14, GOING} EAST. We operate nhefiest to Mail and Expressa...........3 471P* N. Y. & Boston Special ........ ..45 equal any11 the State. Fast Eastern any............94 Atlantic Exp...…

May 08, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 160) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY The New Werner Edition Frina( ieD msi -OF THE- ~ ....o.1....% ALPINE HAT SALE. 214 East Washington St., near Gt, Ave All Shades for 1899 Now In. ANN ARIBORI. Encycl p ediaCall and see them! $3 Hats for $2. Encycop~d iaD. A. TILNRER & SOX.i~e Britannica. GET YOUR THEV GAM SETn sCts at general The Best Reference Library for the R IG Sact FO Rnra Home, the Office, the Library. BnigBusiness. -AT- FIRST NIATIONA...…

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