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March 08, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 114) • Page Image 1

…Residence Hall Integration Low Survey Reveals (Editor's Note: This Is_ the first of three articles discussing residence halls integration in the assignment of roommates. Today's article pre- sents results of a sociological survey. Future articles will deal with the University's policies and methods.) By DAVID TARR Nearly three out of four students living in residence halls room with someone of the same race, religion and nationality. The rem...…

March 08, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 114) • Page Image 2

…Two THE MCMGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MARCH S, 1957 TWO TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY I~'RIDAY, MARUR 5. 1937 __ _ , AYES DISCLOSES DETAILS: 'U' To Conduct Experiment in Pakistan Lost Mackinac Island Deed Placed in Clements Library CLASSIFIEDS Pakistan will be the grounds for1 a Unixersity experiment to test ways of improving economic and technical aid programs through survey research. Details for the project were dis- closed today by Samuel P. Hayes, J...…

March 08, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 114) • Page Image 3

…FRIDAY, MARCH 8, Igo**@ -HF It".T. N Th 7F1'.'Vi FEhY MRH3197TWI Er'TNTI! a'YL Wh A1LY PAGE THR r. PHONETICS, ELECTRONICS: Machines Commanded by Human Voice By ROBERT BALL Speech department's research laboratory would look like para- dise to the technically-minded hi- fi enthusiast. The Angell Hall lab is filled with hi-fi amplifiers, meters and oscilloscopes. A large bank of tape recording equipment stands in one corner of the room, a...…

March 08, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 114) • Page Image 4

…11 Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG.,* .ANN .ARBOR, MICH. * .Phone NO 2-3241 "You Mean A Whole Bath?" FORD AUDITORIUMS Serken Draws afflb.&&.AL-mm "When Opinions Are Free Truth Wil Preval" ' - If mmw _ I 7, 3 -__._' r ?r1rn~ Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of...…

March 08, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 114) • Page Image 5

…FRIDAY, MARCH 8,'195' THE MICMGAN llATT.V FRiDAY, MARCH 8,1937 TW1~ MT~WT~ A~ u & 'ii v PA4r PITA 9 Ex-Women's' Editor Joins Plymouth Weekly By ROSE PERLBERG Within three weeks, former Dai- ly Women's Editor Virginia (Dee- dy) Robertson has bridged the gap between coed and career wom- an with characteristic ease and efficiency. As the youngest editor of The Plymouth Mail, she's impressed new bosses with the same natural manner and abil...…

March 08, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 114) • Page Image 6

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MARCH 8,1957 By appointment purveyors of soap to the late King George VI, Vardley & Co., Ltd., London THIS AFTER SHAVE LOTION CONDITIONS YOUR FACE, TOO Invigorates and softens the skin; soothes razor burn after any shave, electric or lather....'$1.10, plus tax. 'A/', i g n Tech Play Here Tonight Wrestlers in Big Ten iveet Tonight Contests To Determine WIHL's Second Place By HANK ROSENBAUM Tonight should te...…

March 08, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 114) • Page Image 7

…FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1957 TH M U.4. UAN D~i.5 . . __ FRIDA, MACH 81957TUU aMaf~l'a £ ' b £ WF PAGE SEVEN r Gonference Illinois Picked To CaptureT Big Ten Gym Tournament' Gymnasts Meet Begins Here Tday , . Y Evans Scholars Stay Unbeaten, 48-18; Nu Sig Nu also Wins in I-M Cage Acti( IN BASKETBALL: Kramer Sets Scoring Mark By AL JONES As in the past, the 1957 Big Ten gymnastics picture is centered around one team, a powerpacked Illino...…

March 08, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 114) • Page Image 8

…A PAGE ETGUT THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MARCH! 8,1957 Mass Meeting To Initiate SGC Wing Tryout Program Student Government Council's tryout program will begin with a mass meeting at 4 p.m., on March 11 in the Union, according to Nel Sherburne, '58, Administrative Wing Coordinator. At this meeting, SGC President Joe Collins, '58, will explain the philosophy, structure, and origin of SGC. The SGC Administrative Wing is composed of four com...…

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