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March 08, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 120) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VII. NO. 120. r AN NT ARBOR, HCHIL-G N, A AWIS zi t 10-'D lY, MARCH 8, 1897. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. *uSCORES A SUCCESS. 1ot 'cv'e _ it or. rite etitrle iroceets M ichlgonensian Winners. I n!to be gi-en1 in the Athil' tic Asso- 'h jt..., he Mctiaeuit Com edy Club Eclipses All Its (itattte ttt tiiottriti-etlItpetitdotts hav-e imade their re port Reoeived a full line of Novel.- Frme Efort. 5'c ie taintercmilct-'etc' f$200. o u ~tt toi...…

March 08, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 120) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. s~ olvto, Thart within ione n ;ro de- ( 4-+-Vo * #1+ II f.baton', w il11)1(1 a i ore prominent p1 e in1 inter'oilh'noatt' contest; thnl "00.0 'hd Galy (Sundays excepted) durinpg ' «-l 0 o O y eoo.Jh- the CoilcnynVar, at ~ ,it~-h Otte a~ aie0 X ~ t ~ U RIYOF MICHIGAN. otitytSessros. Ilolianot and French . < & \ > t se: Timexbilding 79 S.Main h 1 io m.~iv 7St.Kbe- twee Liberty and William S0ts. a .J. 5. THOMAoS...…

March 08, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 120) • Page Image 3

…THE U NIVFERSI1TY OF Mi.CHIGAN DAILY . MICHIGAN GNWAL, IT Tine Table (Revisedi) Fb ,I8L7 E. WES1 M ian Ex --347 N Y.Seil_ 73 W >, } 4 r N. Y. Special-- 8 M i --- -843 ~ senE ---1 5 N.51 . ii te.--9841 }oT Atlantic EF _-_ .7 55 Pselfl s __-1 5 i r i '-" _ - Q. N.Eapess 550 WesternEx--..1 5 iSi fa'8 ; at, ic <0 q i .G..Exres __l119 Ctd.Nt d. ----9 10 G. t.Ex ------R5u5t W onRUGG E ii11W., 01105 14 lt M0 f{ i - ,5,. .18I Ii o g Drawing J L nom Ga...…

March 08, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 120) • Page Image 4

…I'lll1. I DIVERSITY OF MIC1iG A\ DIL[Y. A L. . W - ASH URN and PATRONIZE HOLMES' LI VERY ilBabylon Coal is THE BEST. and get the best service. 1111traes o had ad sot Cal.U. of M. GUITARS. Office and Stable 32 Forest Cancel Coal aad Coke. Ave. 10ehoe 6Oi. lv.SA B ER a h u n a d ln Branch Offrice at Palmers' Pharmnacy Telephone No. 8. One dear East of Amerl- can Hlouse. r'/ r AD tTHE~RS. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS DANK N HEEUIMETOFAWASHBURNS-- $-- 15...…

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