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November 08, 1927 (vol. 38, iss. 43) • Page Image 1

…ESTABLISHED 1890 r Ar 41v t r t ??L. XXXVIII, No. 43 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1927 EIGHT PAGE FF YEAR ELECTIONI S LIKELY ENVOY DETECTIVE SUMD SALE OF NEW STUDENT DIRECTORY U 41AR- EL L LCTIOETEJIE U ONimUR LI TO TAKE PLACE ON CAMPUS TODAY ::;,;<;; " Sale of the 1927-1928 edition of the I registration which took place this HIStudent Directory will start today on year, and extra section supplementary the campus. A limited n...…

November 08, 1927 (vol. 38, iss. 43) • Page Image 2

…Little declared. "It naturally leads one to ask the question whether there is evidence in the history of the pro- cess of evolution which would tend to show that such a condition is in any i way fundamental or general. "To anticipate what i hope I may be able to shW, v t mIn say that it seems entirely probable that the oc- curence of 'experience' without 'ex- planation' is characterizcd of a com- parison between two situations, one of which re...…

November 08, 1927 (vol. 38, iss. 43) • Page Image 3

…_ 91rTHE MICHIGAN DAILY:~ PAG. L' IIftI IF ILDALL SERVNICES JO-INID )CA~TING NWAIRP ORT 'I M OI 1i U -~ tlIllnh u n rl tfNI-aflsaanr r ay,,Nes Fvlood Victim ALUM~NI TO HEAR l wlIH IUUH HLuVHSL ,..,*... ...lTe University o Michigan Club of / / ~ V., Nv. 7- Th h~Philadelphia will listen to the returns h- F .. of he os5i t he Winoosi Valley flood' of the Wavy ga1nie ovr the a~io next ,rttei i alog n htaoeal Saturay. Te etu~ns will start com...…

November 08, 1927 (vol. 38, iss. 43) • Page Image 4

…{ THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, NOV EM ER S. 1927 We id f~igan Biu Published every morning except MondayI iring the University year by the Board int ontol of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial1 -SOn itin The Associated, Press is exclusively en- led to the use for republication of all news ispat( hes credited to it or not otherwise edited in this paper and the local news pub- hed herein. Entered at the postoffice at An...…

November 08, 1927 (vol. 38, iss. 43) • Page Image 5

…. . . . ............................................ .................... JUNIORS OR SENIORS ATIVE COSTUME 1WILL ,-IN THE TITLE 4: National Costume Of Norwegian Women HERE FROM OSLO Portia Plans Special - - TO BE CLASSIFIED- Varies Through Country, Says Librarian Events For Tonight -.... . ....v........::<..:.;;.;:.:...........:.. .. . ........ _______________ These Two Teams Are Evenly Match. ed And A Hard Batte Is Ex- Wocted To Dr...…

November 08, 1927 (vol. 38, iss. 43) • Page Image 6

…TIL MICI IGAN DAILY fT ' :;fi. IPROVED NAVY TEAM TO FACE MICHIGAN SA TURDA Y EATTACK INS DISPLAYS ABILITY AS QUARTERBACK P MAIZE AND BLUE lieago Eleven Puts Vp Great Battle Against Micligan Despite Several Injuries CICH DOES LINE PLUNGING Navy, vastly improved over the reen Middy eleven which lost to otie Dame three weeks ago, stands ady to invade Ann Arbor onco rain, stands ready to give the Wol- rines a great battle, after loafing rou...…

November 08, 1927 (vol. 38, iss. 43) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGEPLANS TO STOP NORTHWESTERN STARS Jloosler And Purple Football Coaches BeastV Equal Uecord in TWo Year (Grd Rivalry. FIVE VETERANS WILL PLAY (Special to The Daily) BOOM INGTON, Ind., Nov. 7.-Coach Pat Page will start his gridlmen on a big program this afternoon, that of trying defensive formations which will stop Captain Gustafson, Tiny Lewis, and Walt' Holmer, Northwestern's' brilliant ball carriers. It's a big job but...…

November 08, 1927 (vol. 38, iss. 43) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tu THE MICHIGAN DAILY TI ILY OFFICIA.L BULLETIN ation in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of ilversity. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until . m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) program will be in the form of a protest meeting condemning the attitude of the Mayor of Chicago against alleged pro-British historians. There will be an important business meeting for both the pledges and the members....…

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