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October 08, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

…KF, AI rt g n l. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8,1919. Cheer Leader Not Yet Chosen While there were two or three men who showed up very creditably in the cheer-leaders' tryouts at the Case game, Saturday, no one has been defi- nitely picked to fill this place, as yet. LIST 0 OFC HIES SUBSCRIBERS WIL KORE THAIN NINETY PER CENT OF FRATERNITY MEN SUBSCRIBE FIRST ISSUE TO GO TO PRESS ON NOVEMBER 1 Union Announces Changed System ...…

October 08, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 9) • Page Image 2

…>t Monday during the Univer- >f Student Publications. SOCIATED PRESS sively entitled, to the use for credited to it or not otherwise 1news published therein. in Arbor, Michigan, as second , $3.5. ling, Maynard street. al, 2414. 300 words, if signed, the 'sig. . print, but as an evidence of published in The Daily at the or mailed to The Daily office. ve no consideration. No man. writer incloses postage. ly endorse the 'sentiments ex, Managing ...…

October 08, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 9) • Page Image 3

…Strongj etween the rves yester- Sagainhad ut with a credit while registered a' eatened al- part of the And the line ned a punt roceeded to other 10 or up. Men who always played in the backfield are now trying to find out what happens when you are put on the line. Sporadic attempts at drop-kicking blossomed -forth at intervals but no one was able to make the effort count. Breakey, for the reserves, got off some nice punts. Wild scrambles for ...…

October 08, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 9) • Page Image 4

…r-i d1 4, IDEBATING BE CHOS. SOON 7rsit ,men "r ........ o'clock. She invites girls to bring suggestions to her. --J Dean Myra B. Jordan 'will entertain Bar- the 310 girls who are enrolled in the to 5 sophomore class at Barbour gymnas- 9 to lum at 4 o'clock, Friday afternoon. pre- urers ' Miss Nora C. Hunt, director of the University Girls' Glee club, will hear any girls who wish to try out for the ister- club from 10 until 12 o'clock...…

October 08, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 9) • Page Image 5

…To Dr. Angell In his book, "The Iron Hunter," ex- overnor Chase S. Osborn of Mich- an and a former regent of the Uni- rsity of Michigan, tells the story of >w the Board of Regents, in selecting successor to President Angell, took r. Hutchins in preference to Wood- w Wilson. According to Mr. Osborn, after the ath of Dr. Angell the Regents gave rious consideration to the name of harles Evans Hughes, then governor New York, and Woodrow Wilson, ...…

October 08, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 9) • Page Image 6

… reported to it once. It think, to do dress to the the address rho have changed from en when they register- 3 given an incomplete at all, should send to )irectory, Press build- >st card giving their ew address, and tele- before noon Thursday, nities and sororities In the lists of their e lists also must be in on or they will not be. ever before, due to the nuge enroll- ment and can only hope to succeed in the book by having the co-operation...…

October 08, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…L-" 1 -a..A SHOWERS D~AY I r Lw h juatlx ASSOCIATED PRESS DAY AND NIGHT WIRE SERVICE No. 6. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1918. PRICE THREE CEA lED WHEN ARY FLOOR ILY LETS 60 AL STUDENTS' VALUABLE AID HOSPITALS RENDER AT DS KEEP CROWDS M ENTERING PLACE s Sustained Were Inor; lijany Broken Resulted Principally Bones S. N. T. C. HAS ROOM FOR 18 MORE MEN There are 18 vacancies in the stu- dents' naval training corps, a...…

October 08, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 6) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY J)9,ICIAIL NEWSPAPE R AT TH4 UNI VRSIT6 OF MICHIGAN blish edeverysmorning except Monday g the University year by the ;Board in rol of Student Publications. KBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS e Associated Press is exclusively entitled lie use for republication of all news dis- ese credited to it or not otherwise credited his paper and also the; local news pub- d herein. htered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, igan, as second class ...…

October 08, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 6) • Page Image 3

…THE CHIGAN DAILY football game scheduled with Custer for next Saturday will bly be called off according to in- tion available last night. The camp has been quarantined fod, iza for several days and there le chance that the team can get show up at Ferry field Saturday oon. football team at Camp Custer ,de up of several former colle- stars and the contest with the gan team would have been a fight to the finish for the victory. The Camp team ...…

October 08, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 6) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, UcTOBi1 Preserve your Michigan traditions. You will lways find satisfaction by Dancing at the Packard Academy 8 to 10. Private lessons by a I iTre A T C nT WC f1 Subscribe now for the Daily, $3.50. adveritsing in the Daily.-Adv. every Monday and Thursday evening, ment. Phone 1850-F1.-Adv. I niNg Wil LsuII EUsI.L SOLDIERS NEES I VYVUIU"J3 z~tibU UII I AL SUB-STATION WILL BE ESTABLISHED WITHIN A FEW DAYS ostal...…

October 08, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 6) • Page Image 1


October 08, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 6) • Page Image 2

…I 1ICHAN nAILY G. H Wild Co., Leading Merchant Tailors State St. om Engineering Tools Alarm Clocks Smoking Sets Study Lamps Mazdea. Lamps Razors Padlocks Switzer's Hardware Only Hardware near Campus 310 STATE UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS ---I--.n DRAWING INSTRUMENTS SUP PLIS OF ALL KINDS " Slater Book Shop a. Official newspaper at tle University of Miichigan. Published every morning except Monday during the university year. Entered at the...…

October 08, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 6) • Page Image 3

…k. r1lkjA .4 [G I, I' DEFEATS CASE, 19 TI 00# I M _ RSITY DOWNS ELEVEN ROM CLEVELAND AFTER THY MAKEFIRST SCORE sity Backfield Pounds Down Field for Consistent Gains When, Once Started. IRKS AGAIN PROVES STAR and they caught several passes during' the game. Case resorted to the open style of play repeatedly and the Michigan backs spent a busy after- noon in racing around the field to smother this style of attack. The trainifig ta...…

October 08, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 6) • Page Image 4

… LITY SHOE REPA . E DAY SERVICE SHOES CALLED FoR AND DELIVERED PHONE 699-W 1114 S. University Ave. / 'ISH REALIZE I lADE WEAKNESS, at Policy of Antagonizing U. nterests in South America Is Overdone [ STATES ENGLISH VIEW as. P. Stewart, United Press Staff Correspondent) s Aires, Oct. 1.-(By Mail.)- 'big business" in South Amer- eginning to hint that there is hing as overdoing the policy of zing North American commer- rests by efforts t...…

October 08, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 6) • Page Image 5

…* the famous London story in life with- * out any cuts and is well acted by a * competent cast. * STRIAN TRENCH 1* De Russo, Former Cab Driver, * atters Small Company of * Frightened Enemies TODAY Orpheum -- Pauline Frederick in "The Woman in the Case." Holmes Travels. Majestic-"The Sea Wolf.'' * * * * * * * * * * * * Our * * * * LOTHES SELF IN PHOSPHORUS (By United Press) On the Trentino Front, Colletto Pass,' ct. 7.-(By Mail.)-"Ghosts" ...…

October 08, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 6) • Page Image 6

…i IN ARBR PLANS HEALTH SURVE RndyCVigAidgtn ,Sunday Campaign! C BASE STEGRAHDE (ER BROS. .r L"1 Dean Victor C. Vaughan Urges City Council to Foster Better Health Organizations. STUDENTS TO AID IN WORK Considerable progress has been made in the extensive health survey' which is being undertaken by the city of Ann Arbor, and already the results achieved by the health officers en-. gaged in the work are being noted. The survey is the res...…

October 08, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 6) • Page Image 7

…D Suits, Hats Caps and Furnishings 1 w WAD-HAMs & cOm MAIN ST. State St Store Nickels arcade Your Floral Needs-- Are BEST SATISFIED By Us PHONE 115 Cut Flowers Flowering Plants FLOWERS FOR DECORATION ==COUSINS & HALL 1002 S. UNIVERSITY AVE. i R dp ..mmo,. Dry Goods, Furniture, and Women's Fashions OFFICIAL Laboratory Coats, Shop Coats, and Waiters' Coats and Aprons of highest qual- ity materials and work- manship, are now ready at ...…

October 08, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 6) • Page Image 8

… '(f Not to be Overlooked MR. FRESHMAN : Sheehan ,I S Grab this, Men! "As the twig is is inclined." bent, the tree Therefore- A showing of over Five Hundred different patterns of Suitings and Overcoatings that will give you that up-to-the-minute look, is now on display at our store. We are showing a smart line of Ready-to wear over- coats. Call and have a try on. NEW MANAGEMENT m.. . Get Started Right First, be a man, a real man; d...…

October 08, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

…I THE DAILY $2.50 NEWS OF TIE WORLD AND THE CAMPUS ne t isigan Phones :-Editorial 241 Business 960 jTELERAPHSERVICE BY NEW YORK SUN -« Vol. XXVI. No. 4. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER, 8, 1915. .._______ __Y_____________ UNION OPEN HOUSE TO HEAR COACH YOST ON MICHIGAN ATHLETICS Professor Bunker and Professor Allen to Speak Before Gathering of Old and New Men STUDENT ENTERTAINERS AND SPEAKERS MAKE UP PROGRAM "YPSI" CIDER IN CROC...…

October 08, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 4) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. ", , , .- f or the College Man t of his time inside-a suit of medium found best for comfort and health nd.Winter. QOur variety of patterns i season in suitings of all weights. "1 ) COMPANY :: 311 S. State St. ADING MERCHANT TAILORS NEW AND SECOND-HAND T DeprtmenSt All Departments u ments OkaS Supplies of all kinds M Scrap- Book4s Log Slide Rules, Michigan Stationery, 'Book Racks, Supplies of all kinds at EE H ...…

October 08, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 4) • Page Image 3

…THE MJCHIGAN DAILI, PAC. , -.PA( q l l l Sp i i i i l 1 I II {4! 1 1 III , ti;l '"~1 + 'J {'';;' ' N"""\\"\1."ll""'\41 f1 nA t4i \!/i!I }!\'.t \Yhh# .y..uti"'i :sN ptt - f[t 4 __ i-I h r I. JLL f . ........ M.I.t. M " }tRt' I ________________________________1 d WW_ ms I I, THREE GET GHANGE AT QUARTERBAK POSITION "Rummy" R ehm Springs Surprise by -Perforimance During First Tean Signal Drill Dissatisfied with the performance...…

October 08, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 4) • Page Image 4


October 08, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 4) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. f / a I Copyright Hart Schaffuer & Marx Hart Schaffner & Marx Varsity Fifty Five designs for fall are their own best announcement Nothing we can say about these very striking and snappy styles for men and young men will be half as strong as the clothes will say for themselves. If you pass our store, you can hear what they're saying to well-dressed men; and if you enter the doors and see the clothes face to face they'll...…

October 08, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 4) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Your Shoes Need Repairing, Phone Us 807, d our Auto Delivery will be at your service. We call for and deliver with NO EXTRA charge "' for Shoe Reprina 0 "fie FAMOUSI i .. ors 01 S. State St. Just North of Wa.gner' s EIGN ENROLLMENT 40 BEHIND LAST YEAR COMEDY A T MAJESTIC -GETS GOOD RECEPTION SCENERY AND COSTUMES IN "A NIGH' OF KNIGHTS" UNIQUE AND ELABORATE-CHORUS GOOD )nly 120 Students at Michigan Fro...…

October 08, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 4) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. The 1r Wearer of Sti "':"3111 "" :." co'.. 1916 .. . r , . :. - I CLOTHES FO] U. of M. MEN You will find Cloth here in The Big Sto that you know are rig --Adler's for example. You will like to loo over the new weave shades, and styles th fashion making firm h put out. never out of place because of his clothes, at any time or in any company. The name "Stein-Bloch" is assur- ance of correctness, backed by Lindenschm...…

October 08, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 4) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Walk-Over Foot-Wear FOR . MEN . AND. WOMEN ame good old quality sold in your Home Town. :arger selection designe: especially for College wear. OT I Established 1905 LYND O N Growing Every day Commercial Photographer to Michigan Students W HITNEY TH E ATR E SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9 ARTHUR HAMMERSTEIN offers his Tuneful, Tingling Musical Jollity AOr Ann Arbor's Headquarters for Eastman Kodak; and Supplies N 0s :a + 0 i...…

October 08, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

…ING le Michigan Daily NOW .... ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1914.1 FIRST TO N VARSITYl eam Gives 'Micliigau Closer Than 27 re Would icate PS.BUCKEYES IN ICESSFUL PASSES{ aulbetsch, Splawn, Rayns- and Catlett Do Good For Varsity every minute of the game, n's sturdy band of football terday afternoon gave the reat battle which was clos- score of 27 to 7 would ndi-n i the final seconds of play 'st score of the year against o...…

October 08, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 9) • Page Image 2

…THE MIHIGAN DAILY A~ How Stylishly SHe Dresses . Will be the verdict after you have had us for your tailor. The Suit, f h I the Overcoat, will have a class and swing to it that only tailored-to- dI / S order apparel can have. Step in and see the fabrics and models. Looking costs nothing. h Y. H. WILD CO. Leading Merchant Tailor State Street UIVERSITY TEXT B00KS New and Second Hand DRAW ING INSTRUMENTS Save your money and buy THE RICHTER BRA...…

October 08, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 9) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIOAdN DAILY THAT NEW STUDENTS S6 We are ready best line of to show you the flen's Suits, Overcoats, Balmacaans, Raincoats, Hats, Caps and Furnishings Shown in the City Better Paper Better Cover i WADHAMS & CO. 121-123 So. rain St. .___ - !MWMW The Ann Arbor Savings Bank' Capital Stock $300,000 Surplus $ioo,ooo Resources $3,000,000 A General Banking Business Transacted Chas G Z'Hiscock, res., Michael J. Fritz, Cash'r, W. D....…

October 08, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 9) • Page Image 4

…THE M3 fG A.' D A THE MI GAN DAI ~~~~1 DQUARTEiRS Time 8 A. M. Notice-You should call at once rt at Headquarters, No. 604 B. Liberty IDER:, 'RICT FORCES MICH. STUDENTS. f Winter, led by their famous Generals, Snow, Ice are thundering at our gates. As a loyal reservist rmy you are hereby summoned to the colors, and port at once for the general engagement with the xpected shortly after Sept. 29th, the opening of Amateur Photographers', Saf...…

October 08, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…A 1 ich igan Daily I IF THERE'S A PIPE 64 8. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1913. PRICE FIVE NT OF THE WORLD)'SSERIES. --- UNION BEGINS MEN WANTED FOR POSITIONS CIL GIVES P POSITION ert Tenders Resignation r Meeting Last Night; F, McCoy to Fill Vacancy. N IS ADOPTED TO LE -PROBLEM OF BAND. For Campus Activities st Offer "Party Platforms." 1 Phil. 0 N. Y. 0 2 0 0 3 0 1 4 3 0 5 2 '3 6 0 0 7 8 0 1 0 0 R H 9 ...…

October 08, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 8) • Page Image 2

…- THE MICHIGAN DAILY rs i Official newspalper at the University of MIich- iDING TAILORS ii e to you the d suit possible suitable price. hip the best. built to fit. of woolens of quality. The >rtment in the ct from. -w - - _ New and second-hand, all departments. DRAWI N G INSTRUMENTS We can save you money by buying the Richter Brand. LOG LOG SLIDE RULES Ask to see our Special S.5o FOUNTAIN PEN I. P. NOTE-BOOKS The Original Loose-Leaf. All ...…

October 08, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 8) • Page Image 3

… We are glad to be able to link up our local reputation with the national reputation of such a firm as Stein-Block. If you need a suit or overcoat you should inspect Lindenschmitt, Apfel & Co.'s clothes. The greatest variety of Mackinaws in lMich- igan. Prices from $7.50 to $15.00. New MACKINAW Reule, Co~-n & Fiegl( COATS Soo0 Buy your coat now while the line is complete. Hats m the U rte T Fall I TINKER & CO.. 342 S. State Stree...…

October 08, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 8) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN LYi i C ' aj FA L I Regal Shoes Latest English Lasts EVERY NEW MICHIGAN MAN Will eventually know L Y N D O N, 719 North University Avenue Photographer to Michigan Students Eastman Kodaksar d Photo Supplies, Developing and Printing. Ulfinudne ex- elusively Photographic. Eight years experience Mcst modern methods. xperi- enced help. Best results obtainable. I do more work than all others in Ann Arbor combined-because it is ...…

October 08, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…ie I Vlchigan Daily ADDRESS -, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1912. INJURED THE WEATHER MAN Forecast for Ann Arbor-Generally fair Tuesday, moderate to brisk west and northwest winds. Ulliversity Observatory-Monday, 7 p. in., temperature 48.2; maximum temperature .24 hours preceding, 68; minimum temperature 24 hours pre- ceding, 48; average wind velocity, 12 miles. ANTI-TUBERCULOSIS SOCIETY IS ACTIVE AMONG STUDENTS At the fal...…

October 08, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 6) • Page Image 2

…THl =A;' u_ Our Political Platform is ght Price nd ual ity G. K. Wild Co. Tailors and Importers 311 South State Street pUUMMMM r Text Books Now and Second Hand All Departments DRAWING INSTRUMENTS THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Mich- igan. Published every morning except Monday dur- ng the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor, Mich- igN, under Act of Congress of March 3, :79. Offices: Secon...…

October 08, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 6) • Page Image 3

…m c N DAILY I :: Yrl' 1. UNIVERSITY NOTICES ( his space is reserved for FIELD the Shoeman 119 S, MAIN .11 4 P 1ace of Sweets Down Town LET T VBt EYl Furnish tho I.. Creea. All class football managers who did not attend the meeting of managers last night will call up Milligan (566) between 12:00 and 1:00 o'clock today. Junior lits,-Everyone out for class football practice this afternoon, 3:15 o'clock at South Ferry field. Forestr...…

October 08, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 6) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHI( AL DAILY '' ' _,_ SPORTING R AG E MALCOLM t MAKE IT ": Yo~jr OVERC and SHIRT COAT ST. ALL-FRES11 SHOW FORM AN) SPEE f) IN' hAR) SCRD iviE. Coaches Conklin and Douglas had a busy time with their freshmen yester- day afternoon, putting them through the usual stunts of punting, passing, and formiation work, while the twilight was given to stiff scrimmaging in an- ticipation of today's bout with the Var- sity. Two teams we...…

October 08, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…The Michig _____ Vs\N ARB OR,'silk tiC 's, s \ EtMf-fY, OC'TIOlltf ,Sii.10 Vol. XXI. FOOG'S MEN HERE{ READY FOR BATTLE Hard Game Expected in Spite of Bear Stories from Case Headquarters VARSITY IN GREAT CONDITION "PAY FEES PROMPTLY" MICHIGANr UNION STUDENTS CHEER- OSBORN RgnGesMost Enthusiastic Wel- PACKED TO DOORS come of Career. ______and Ills si - slir hs still < 'rs o r i 'll 5151111111 1itti cllhi sii-55 President Hutchins Emphasizes...…

October 08, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 5) • Page Image 2

…'f 1II (i GAN 9A1L'V TH-E MICHIG) G. H. XILD CO. 1 tit~~i o di)i tess 11mlo r 311 SO. STATE STREET 1.1ITW ASosiStatt ...... rssist ..... .. \tli Opening Display of 1 'Xc+ 172 m]1F77> Faland W(.inter Arthur J. Abbot Styles])f I1cdv Halrry lvs i cr. Ihtottlk 1 lineIiI. FULL DRESS SUITSIl rdN A SPECIALTY BUSINESS 311 50. STATE STEET \ Ides tIt;I 1 , an 1: -11 :,j ~~32State St. Shoe Store Sate SI. s 5111 Vt U Crawford Shoes for Men Foil Line of L...…

October 08, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 5) • Page Image 3

…G IftA,.N 0A .4 FALL 1910 Outfitting for Men We announce our readiness to fur- nish our trade with the Best Clothes, Headwear and Haberdashery the sworld produsces and we re- spectfully solicit your favors. F. W. GROSS sLne.rty Stiede oi Fourth Ave. Till;irIs is a fine gaiue, ask those who play. You need som.e rieaionlandI what is. loller than this? THE F'ARMERtS AND MlEHANCS BANK MAIN AND HtURON STREETS Capital $50,000 Surplus and Profits $1...…

October 08, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 5) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY_________________ "I The precso fabrics you'd observe on New Yoirk's. smartest mien these Automne days wensFifthisAvenue's promenade resounds with the swish of silk and the chug of mosters, are r on parade here to-day. We save laid themi out in he- - teitc-hing stray fttr yousr critical in- +speetion. Wearntetrseitodest 44materials, fasiontted fasultlessly in style aitd it, yout'll lie a factoir in business and soieal reali...…

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