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December 07, 1978 (vol. 89, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…r Louisville manhandles Blue; See page 12 for details UNREASONABLE SEARCHES See Editorial Page -low an i ai1g FROSTY High-4o Low-low 20's See Today for details Vol. LXXXIX, No. 75 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, December 7, 1978 Ten Cents Fourteen Pages PIRGIM calls off $5 fine campaign By MITCH CANTOR PIRGIM is calling off its campaign for a city charter amendment to make underage drinking subject to a five dollar fine. PIRGIM - ...…

December 07, 1978 (vol. 89, iss. 75) • Page Image 2

… SIEGFRIED the tragic hero A lecture with musical illustrations Professor Anthony Taffs Department of Music Albion College STURDEiY, DECEMBER 9, 1978 8:00 PM. RUDOLF STEINER HOUSE 1923 GEDDES AVENUE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN The public is invited Sponsored by the Rudolf Steiner Institute of the Great Lakes Area Page 2-Thursday, December 7, 197 Ex-U'V Dr. Ralph Sawyer, retired University vice president for research and former graduate school dean, n...…

December 07, 1978 (vol. 89, iss. 75) • Page Image 3

…+ '1 j s .CALL D ALY S- A smith, A., almost president The Michigan Daily-Thursday, December 7, 1978-Page 3 Pair arraigned for local murde What do you call a temporary president-elect? At a meeting over in the Michigan Student Assembly's conferenco room in the Union yesterday, there was a certain amount of confusion every time reference was made to Alla, Smith, the Law School professor and former University vice president who will take over P...…

December 07, 1978 (vol. 89, iss. 75) • Page Image 4

…Tage 4-Thursday, December 7, 1978-The Michigan Daily 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Eighty-Nine Years ofEditoridlFreedom The meaning of gay rights Vol. LXXXIX, No.75 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Court slights Constitution The defeat of the Briggs Initiative in California makes it possible to consider the question of gay rights without a seige of mentality. Named for its autho...…

December 07, 1978 (vol. 89, iss. 75) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Thursday, December 7, 1978-Page 5 Bob Seger's no strang I'm making my way towards this giant white muffin in the distance, when, quite to my surprise, my right foot slides forwvard, my left foot slides backward, and I go crashing to the ground. I curse, pick myself up from the icy pavement, and stumble for- ward. I pass up a Stranger in Town t-shirt, and make my way up the steps. I say a polite, but firm "no" to a young ma...…

December 07, 1978 (vol. 89, iss. 75) • Page Image 6

…I Page 6-Thursday, December 7, 1978-The Michigan Daily Basie swings the blues at Hill By LEE LEVINE Yea! The hill was swinning Tuesday night. Of course, I'm talking about the Count Basie Orchestra with Joe Williams who appeared at Hill Auditorium Tuesday night. For the last forty years, the Count Basie Orchestra has been considered by many to be the finest big band in jazz. Similarly, many have felt that the finest jazz vocalist of the last...…

December 07, 1978 (vol. 89, iss. 75) • Page Image 7

…David never says die, The Michigan Daily-Thursday, December 7, 1978-- !e 7 books never close Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG DAVID KOZUBEI stanqs in front of one of the enormous signs that have become the trademark of his business-David's Books. By AMY SALTZMAN Englishmen make the best books salesmen, according to David Kozubel, owner of the recently reopened David's Bookstore. And to prove his point, the British born Kozubei-known to Ann Arbo...…

December 07, 1978 (vol. 89, iss. 75) • Page Image 8

…Page J-Thursday, December 7, 1978-The Michigan Daily CUSTOM Vol M MADE RINGS' Black political party called for Sale price $ 5995 save $25.00 BY RON GIFFORD The development of an independent black political party is necessary for the attainment of black goals, accor- ding to Ron Daniels, the president of the National Black Political Assembly '(NBPA). The last speaker in a weekly series presented this semester by the Center for Afro-America...…

December 07, 1978 (vol. 89, iss. 75) • Page Image 9

…Brown fears jet The Michigan Daily-Thursday, December 7, 1978-Page 9 sales to China ;BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP)-Defense Secretary Hlarold Brown fears that warplanes Britain plans to sell to China might be used against Western alies in Asia, and that the sale could affect U.S. arms limitation talks with the Soviet Union, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) sources saidyesterday. The sources, who asked not to be identified, said Brown also ...…

December 07, 1978 (vol. 89, iss. 75) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-Thursday, December 7, 1978-The Michigan Daily Imo. _ min.245 jr UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES OpT-YELLOW unined notepad with class notes. ail 764-6400 or 995-3063, Vicky. 79A1208 OST-A slim gold chain bracelet on Monday, ec. 4 somewhere on central campus. High senti- ental value. Reward offered.764-1083. - aD1208 RACELET FOUND-Fraser's Pub. 995-5060, after :0tp.m. dA1208 OVND-SKI JACKET at Bimbo's, Friday, Sept. . Call to identify. 7...…

December 07, 1978 (vol. 89, iss. 75) • Page Image 11

…+. The Michigan Daily-Thursday, December 7, 1978-Page 11 ._ II scoreboard This week's results 1 Rec Sports de artment offers fun for handicaps By DAVE JOHNSON Walking. Crossing the street. Riding a bike. Easy tasks for most; but for some people-quite a challenge. Christine Smith, a senior LSA student, is legally blind. But this disability fails to keep her from being physically active. She frequently hikes, bowls, swims and jogs. Thanks ...…

December 07, 1978 (vol. 89, iss. 75) • Page Image 12

…Pal age 12-Thursday, December 7, 1978-The Michigan Daily FOUL TROUBLE PLAGUES BLUE Griffith, Cards dunk Wolverine By DAVE RENBARGER Special to The Daily LOUISVILLE, Ky. -, Louisville's sensational guard Darrell Griffith single-handedly applied the skids to a seemingly impossible Michigan comeback, before lifting the Cardinals to a pulsating 86-84 victory before a sold-out andfatisfied throng of 16,613 at Freedom Hall last night. THE NA...…

December 07, 1978 (vol. 89, iss. 75) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily-Thursday, December 7, 1978-Page 13 SPORTS OF THE DAILY Army's Smith discharged By The Associated Press NEW YORK - Homer Smith was fired as Army's head football coach yesterday, after recording one winning season in five years and losing four of five games to arch-rival Navy. In a terse announcement, the Public Affairs Office of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y., disclosed that the 47-year-old Smith's contract w...…

December 07, 1978 (vol. 89, iss. 75) • Page Image 14

…Page 14-Thursday, December 7, 1978-The Michigan Daily EVERYTHING YOU NEVER EXPECTED FROM AN APPLIANCE STORE. . ......... .. SOME ITEMS SPECIALLY PRICED 4 DAYS ONLY. THURS., FRI., SAT. & SUN. OmGreat Sound Comes In Our Christmas Packages. All Wrapped With Savings. We've made your Christmas audio shopping easy this year. Our audio experts have saved you time, hassle and money by packaging some of the best brand name components into great so...…

November 07, 1978 (vol. 89, iss. 53) • Page Image 1

…ote 0 I~n tod y's election' ' PETERSON ' 1JU 43 U~a I AROUSING aJ MAND PBB rHigh-5o's LwLw4'=t ct9 t "-See Editorial Page, See Today for details Vol. LXXXIX, No. 53 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, November 7, 1978 Ten Cents Twelve Pages emocrats LOW TURNOUT MA Y DASH GOP HOPES I expected to continue their domination By KEITH B. RICHBURG A Daily News Analysis Despite the fact that all 435 House seats are at stake today, along with 35 Se...…

November 07, 1978 (vol. 89, iss. 53) • Page Image 2

…REPUBLICAN INCUMBENT VERY CONFIDENT: Pursell counts on accessibility Ann Arbor as well. We should win the most substantial victory in the state," he said recently. If Pursell's confident prediction comes true at the polls today, it cer- tainly won't be without the help of his Democratic challenger, City Coun- cilman Earl Greene (Second Ward). Greene, although a dedicated and responsible city councilman, has not been heavily supported by the l...…

November 07, 1978 (vol. 89, iss. 53) • Page Image 3

… Ifr YOU SEE NS 4CAL ~iZ DAIY Israel, Egypt ready final treaty proposals The polls. Public opinion polls taken before elections make interesting reading. The politicians say they don't trust polls, unless they are shown to be leading, of course, then they mention them constantly to show proof that their campaign is successful. The major polls released this weekend show that the races for statewide office are quite close, although some of th...…

November 07, 1978 (vol. 89, iss. 53) • Page Image 4

…Page 4-Tuesday, November 7, 1978-The Michigan Daily 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Eighty-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. LXXXIX, No. 53 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Judge Peterson's PBB ruling Mexican students: The undefeated UDGE WILLIAM Peterson's ruling on the Cadillac PBB contamination case has left the public with two basic questions: Why did he rule that PBB has no ill ef...…

November 07, 1978 (vol. 89, iss. 53) • Page Image 5

… The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, November 7, 1978-Page 5 Students hold to sex BY BETH ROSENBERG The public's attitude toward marriage, divorce, and traditional male-female stereotypes were discussed yesterday at the "Changing Family, Changing Workplace" con- ference sponsored by the Center,for Continuing Education of Women. Regula Herzog, an assistant research scientist at the University's Institute for -Social Research (ISR), said the results o...…

November 07, 1978 (vol. 89, iss. 53) • Page Image 6

…page 6-Tuesday, November 7, 1978-The Michigan Daily Dems tc Thompson, who has made no secret of he fact that he wants to be President. For potential presidential- can- didates, the 1978 elections have also been a chance to build up some political I.O.U.'s across the country. Vice- President Walter Mondale, Massachusetts Sen. Edward Kennedy, ind even Jimmy Carter on the Democratic side have criss-crossed the country for their party's candidate...…

November 07, 1978 (vol. 89, iss. 53) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, November 7, 1978-Page 7 '4 EUIVTHMEJM Milstein as fine as ever By OWEN GLEIBERMAN For violinists this fall, it's been old ge over youth hands down. A few reeks ago we had the Ann Arbor remiere of Eugene Fodor, the fiddling onderboy from the mountains of Nathan Milstein, riounieu George Pludermacher, pianist Hilt Auditoriums onata in A major...............Geminiani haconne, from Partita No.2...........Bach onat...…

November 07, 1978 (vol. 89, iss. 53) • Page Image 8

…Page 8-Tuesday, November 7, 1978-TheMichigan Daily ,W , ~.....X'i X"1! POOl 'vi AOM eE bIrlIrP Bi A %bb I 1 I A I ", B 0 I I I tedias OC9 PIT %WWIIT '7 N. Y "' CALL 764-0557 - a 0 gl :f FOREST Hii 4MxS $2.4R .Ave. No N. 'Y LSM'ALEW W-VIIP Jr to ElliS? In lvers!ile " p I be iale inSaa sn, I Social rienr 'bin nA ,su, 1< ! OvA~i 1- 49 Lex AW/7 -- .-Oft .al.IT.n iS ; UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES LOST-Pair of bone colo...…

November 07, 1978 (vol. 89, iss. 53) • Page Image 9

…". It LSA discusses admissions ills Career forum aids 'U' minority students By JOHN SINKEVICS Concern over the academic quality of incoming students and a report on the University's new admissions policies' highlighted yesterday's sparsely atten- ded Literary College (LSA) faculty meeting. Dean Billy Frye stressed the 'significance of examining admissions problems at the University, and pointed to difficulties in specific areas. "STUDENT Q...…

November 07, 1978 (vol. 89, iss. 53) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-Tuesday, November 7, 1978--The Michigan Daily 'RETIRED' RUNNER COMPLETES COMEBACK: By ofCthe Ninth By RICK MADDOCK Elliott's return By DAVE RENBARGER Last year Steve Elliott quit Michigan's cross country team, claiming a total lack of motivation for the uniquely demanding sport. Last Saturday the same Steve Elliott led the Wolverine runners to a solid second place Big Ten finish, turning in the eighth-best performance in the con- fe...…

November 07, 1978 (vol. 89, iss. 53) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, November 7, 1978--Page 11 OS U DISAPPEARS DESPITE WIN Bo's boys bounce to seventh spot Michigan beat Iowa by 34, Purdue took Northwestern by 31, Michigan State also won big and as a result all three advanced in the weekly football polls. Ironically, Ohio State, ranked num- ber 20 in the UPI last week, fell-out of the elite group despite destroying Wisconsin 49-14. The Wolverines moved up to seventh in both polls w...…

November 07, 1978 (vol. 89, iss. 53) • Page Image 12

…"Writing Poems? (Want to) Write Poems?" FALL POETRYWORKSHOPS AND REAINGS-Nv.8- (SPONSORED BY THE U.M. DEPT. OF ENGLISH with funding from the MICHIGAN COUNCIL FOR THE ARTS EVENING READINGS Malcolm Glass-Nov. 8 Paula Rankin-Nov. 9 William Matthews-Nov. 10 Faye Kioknosway-Nov. 10 MINCM UNION 662-4431 Page 12-Tuesday, November 7, 1978-The Michigan Daily SACUA sends Regents letter on presidential select ion, salaries By LEONARD BERNSTEIN The two ...…

October 07, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 26) • Page Image 1

…4M'GO CANHAM? See Editorial Page LIEt i Ia1 'M' G O BLAH High--55 Low--35 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, October 7, 1978 Ten Cents Ten Pages Senate grants extension for ERA WASHINGTON (AP) - Jubilant backers of the Equal Rights Amen- dment (ERA) were given three more years to win ratification of the ERA yesterday and immediately predicted a new momentum that could carry them to victory. The vote marked the first time Congress has e...…

October 07, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 26) • Page Image 2

…Page 2--Saturday, October 7, 1 978-The Michigan Daily C h r hWr h ip S rv c e EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 2535 Russell Street Sunday School-10 a.m. Morning Worship-11a.m. Thursday Bible Study and Prayer- 7:00 p.m. Sunday Evening Service, 727 Miller, Community Room-6:00 p.m.- For spiritual help or a ride to our. services please feel free to call Pastor Leonard Sheldon, 761-0580. Affiliated with G.A.R.B.C. FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 120 S. State...…

October 07, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 26) • Page Image 3

… The Michigan Daily-Saturday, October 7, 1978-Page 3 Recycle Ann Arbor: Trash is their business I ; .... : ~ ..... . , F YOU SEE NEWS {ALW A1L DAJtY hopper stopper Late night Burger King diners Betty Rice and Renee Mann got a lit- tle more than they could digest Tuesday night. Sitting by the window in the Maynard eaterie, their midnight snack was interrupted by an urgent knocking on the panes above them. Casually glancing up at the distur...…

October 07, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 26) • Page Image 4

…Page 4-Saturday, October 7, 1978-The Michigan Daily Why not Vorster for University president-? Vbrster By Andy Feeney oAnotherstack and totally avoidabl campus, and what's worse, it's just at the time when most of us would like the place to settle down and be mellow so the folks will have a nice time when they zip in from the "Motor City'" for Homecoming. When I say "most of us," I mean me, of course. I don't care what your folks think of H...…

October 07, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 26) • Page Image 5

…NOW PLA YING INMNA NCHES TER: The Michigan Daily-Sturday, October 7, 1978-Page 5 An elegantly simple 'Subject' By RENEE SHILCUSKY The Black Sheep Repertory Theatre's production of the Pulitzer Prize- The subject Was Roses By Frank Gilroy Black Sheep Repertory Theatre John Cleary .... ............ James Presser Nettie Cleay ............. Roberta Yule Owen Timmy Cleary..............Robert Beaupre Stan Gill and Phillip Bowman, directors; Barba...…

October 07, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 26) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-Saturday, October 7, 1978-The Michigan Daily Two cats: small Siamese and striped black and gray male. Both wearing flea collars, vicinity of Wall Street. Call 662-9651. 11A1 11 uDYNr iu iC for Friday, uctoner 1s. Call Marilyn at 668-6147. 40B1007 SOLEX 3800 MOPED-good condition, runs great. $V5. Call 426-8542 after 5. 42B1010 DRUMMERS-Like some training from a practiced player? Experienced with beginners, all ages; knowledgeable many...…

October 07, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 26) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily-Saturday, October 7, 1978-Page 7 Senate passes tuition, WANT REGENT ERA SUPPOR T: tax credit, From Wire Service Reports' The Senate, voting on a series of. amendments to the Finance Commit- tee's $23 billion tax-cut bill, yesterday approved a proposal to give parents of college students a tuition tax credit. In a flurry of election year activity, the Senate also voted in favor of Sen. Edward Kennedy's (D-Mass.), amen- dme...…

October 07, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 26) • Page Image 8

…Page 8--Saturday, October 7, 1978-The Michigan Daily FORMER U-M AIDE HEADS ARIZONA: Mason's crew set to challenge Blue i Im., By PAUL CAMPBE LL Tony Mason has been here before. Back . in the mid-60's, he spent four years assisting then-Michigan coach Bump Elliott. But ten years have brought a lot of changes. There were no maddening crowds back then. There was no Tartan Turf. rhere was no Bo Schembechler, which meant that beating 'Michigan a...…

October 07, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 26) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Saturday, October 7, 1978-Page YANKEES TAKE 2-1 SERIES EDGE NY homers flush Rovals By the Associated Press NEW YORK-Just call it the Reggie and Thurman show. Thurman Munson's two-run eighth- inning homer put the finishing touch on what Reggie Jackson started yesterday with a solo homer in the second inning, a run-scoring single in the fourth and a 415-foot sacrifice fly in the sixth. The one-time adversaries, who pooled the...…

September 07, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…I NEW STUDENT EDITION el tt i ai1 NEW STUDENT EDI'TION I. LIX, No. 1 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, September 7, 1978 70 Pages, Plus Supplement Regents.hike undergrad ees /0 By RENE BECKER Inflation goes up, state funding goes down, tility costs jump and, as a result, every year niversity tuition is a bit higher. The University Regents voted last April to "ise per term tuition for Michigan residents to 965 for upperclass students-increasi...…

September 07, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

…n Daily I Mfichigan Daily New Student Edition UIe d igbiawn 1 auig EDITORIAL STAFF: Welcome to the University -of Michigan and the Michigan Daily.. When you picked up this edition of the paper, you probably wondered how we can put out such a big newspaper every day, but you have been somewhat misled. The fact is that we've worked all summer to bring you this special edition filled with all the information you need for a complete introduct...…

September 07, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

…d t .f tXJY SEE NE&s 6 PEX cALL' 5 MY Wish you were here' Dear Folks, Having a wonderful time here in Ann Arbor. The weather has been great, lots of sunshine but don't get to the beach too often. We're staying at the Student Publications Building, 420 Maynard. There's lots of nice people here at The Daily. And the night life-simply wild! Drinks are cheap-10 cents a bottle-and the entertainment is fabulous. We've changed at least 20 typewrite...…

September 07, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

…Page 4--Thursday, September 7, 1978-The Michigan Daily r' A2: Home of 60s activism ,K Eighty-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. LIX, No. 1 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan The role of the editorial T HE TITLE "newspaper" is some- thing of a misnomer for this publication; it encompasses much more than just news. Most notable in this respect is the editorial page. The function of all edi...…

September 07, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 1) • Page Image 5

…eeps So By RENE BECKER The Regents voted unanimously last March not to sell University-owned stocks and bonds in corporations which operate in South Africa, despite moun- ting protest against the investment policy at this University and others across the.nation.- The South African investment issue las been gaining momentum on American college campuses for several years. The debate moved to the fore at this University in the spring of 1977 .wh...…

September 07, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 1) • Page Image 6

…Page 6--Thursday, September7, 1978-The Michigan Daily Campus security: x Watching over ' £,~ By R. J.SMITH On the second floor of her dormitory, a ,tudent is taking a shower. A man enters sud- -4pnly, and attacks her. Her screams bring fpgeople out into the hall outside the bathroom. They call University security. j -,There is fortune and misfortune in this. BY THE TIME the guard downstairs enters Sbe hallway, the attacker has left the room...…

September 07, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 1) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily-Thursday, September 7, 1978--Page 7 Undergraduate Tuition Hikes , since 1975 1976 1977 1978 10.6% f' 9.4% 96%9.6% t 6.0% Underclass Upperclass Upperclass Non-resident Resident Non-resident Tenure: Pinning down, specifics (Continued from Page 3) though it could, as it does, recruit heavily for minorities. But all members of the University community contacted expressed support for what they con- sider to be a- well-intent...…

September 07, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 1) • Page Image 8

…age 8-Thursday, September 7, 1978-The Michigan Doily Roll out the red carpet: 'U' freshfolk arrive (Continued from Page 1) 'Woman, dad, not child," was the eply from an older daughter. :'or some Univesity students, however, there is cause for ai leasure-a recently received an- isuncement that they are victims of the ,erennial shortage of available dor- itory space. John Finn, acting sociate housing director, said there are about 25 freshwom...…

September 07, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 1) • Page Image 9

…a. The Michigan Daily-Thursday, September7, 1978-Page Housing considers Hill area meal consolidation by RICHARD BERKE Sleepy, slipper-clad diners who like to stumble down to their Sunday dinner just before the cafeteria doors slam, may eventually have to break their last-minute eating habits. The University Housing Office is con- sidering plans to consolidate food ser- vice for the Hill area dormitories with a. central dining hall behind Mos...…

September 07, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 1) • Page Image 10

…-Thursday, September 7, 1978-The Michigan daily 1 e 00 0 0 $; f 0-4%1 4 Qi iiii - r" Q I 1 1 LhOL "1 p C Y' Y rf 1 . k r r , P 4 f F 4 b S d . C ,. .. f . - . k !. Y., R' K S 1 * $35.00 for the school year 1* No Deposit Required Free Delivery and Pick-Up Guaranteed to work CONTACT: ANN ARBOR MUSIC MART Ir 336 S. STATE STREET ANN ARBOR, MICH. 769-4980 CU s lstat s Di __ 2 cu. ft. units .IA~ II4A il- L '/J L2c 3...…

September 07, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 1) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily-Thursday, September 7, 1978-Page 1 REGENTS APPROVE PLAN FOR MORE SPACE Union to become student center;: By SHELLEY WOLSON $1.50. President Fleming described the "We've quadrupled programming for programming such as coffee hous Plans to revitalize the Union with sum as "less than the price of a movie." this year, starting with a kick-off "We also hope to arrange more lo ore student programming are now After the proposal was u...…

September 07, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 1) • Page Image 12

…1290 AM RC, Pilot programs: More than a classroom By MITCH CANTOR Amidst all the bureaucracy and confusion of this big University are two academic programs designed to make new students feel more at ease in their new surroundings. Emphasizing a more intimate and comfortable at- mosphere within which to study, the Pilot Program and the Residential College (RC) offer a different approach to standard University life. Both programs serve as alte...…

September 07, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 1) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily-Thursday, September 7, 1178 Page 13 lected mayor after year-long legal battle By JULIE ROVNER The Michigan-Ohio State football game, the Hash Bash and commen- cement are allannual events in this town and voting for mayor just might become one, too. As of today, the person who occupies the head chair at City Council meetings is Louis Belcher, a 38 year-old businessman. But keep a scorecard BELCHER BECAME mayor last April af...…

September 07, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 1) • Page Image 14

…-Thursday, September 7, 1978-The Michigan Daily TC&NOMICS 789* *(Advanced Non-University Course-Beating the High Cost of Campus Living) LESSON No.1: LESSON No.2: f i ' :i;i i' t 1 1' Instruments I Texas ii ,ooo S. The T-IM-a five-function calculator that's simply b auti- ISIS I \ ful. Lghtweiht, economical, ass rithetcproblems fast. At home, school, or office, ' ithe Ti-1OO electronic calculator, for basic calculating. X a ONLY C*/ $...…

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