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March 07, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 110) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dil ANN ARBOR, ITERA\N ENE\SDAY, NI.114'11 ; Jro1, XVI. Noc. r. . PESIDENT ANG CALLS N E Will TCake Place at Chicago on Friday--Disagreement Among Conference Members Possible. 'iisiileiii .Aigellhasicled aote licig fte confier'ee colleges lto 'tTh aittititrepreseniviiues twill I iii iitiimornig tnd edtevortoisetl '[h eel igich s'iwai sisxtresseil iiteafe t i at conferenceivi s ti ar- ,trst i of ll tie clleg''es tis g \isisiil....…

March 07, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 110) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THEu MICHIGAN DAILY. Y a ~~Pub]ishdily (bloys exceped) irn 8 " OV.R '? STsORY te ollege year, at 117 ast 7Washingon street. Bell phone 89.S o me 07 hone 7 76. Attractive Styles Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW jNew Colorings Business Manager. WALTER R. HANS FOR1 FEDITORS. H Exhanes ..........C arle E.Winstead Womsen ...........Effe 3. Armstron7g Largest Line of Woolens EDlITORlIAL STAFF. 11ugb Alten Franklin7C. Patks. Shown, a...…

March 07, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 110) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY a F'INtE LVNcHES frAtadSkill inTaloring Carr tte ia~ "'ofI Art Cl~s apsandGow sDomestice imi.orte Ciartte cod~~ line of all .mox og articles. Wea are ageo for Lisato & CO, LINKMAN & CO. soIl Call OnL A Full Line of Samples of the W. C. Ker Io an ;o % nnsrcited 1nPPenSe, also for STk0-JY &c sCH3A1;IIEE ma and will bfriobedthe Committees of the d56Y i t clas e on rue t oe chR lt INB ° IE r ay be sensen at thio ore. . L. JOLLY....…

March 07, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 110) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY llockillg Valley Ry. (CO'NNTIUES ITS EXCELLENT TRAI N SER1V ICE You swilfind Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depots. in Toledo ,and Co- lumbus S. E. CLARK, 32, Campus Martius Detroit, Mich. KODAK Finishing We do developing and printing for am'ateurs, nnd do it well It is to our interest to do it well, that we mnay sell more f i linm and more Kodaks PRICES ...…

April 07, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 137) • Page Image 1

…AN Y RBOR. ICI3:AN STUDAAPRIL , io-S. vOL. XVI. Noa. 137 FACULTY WILL ATTEND I GIRLS' INDOOR MEET BIG COMBINATION MEET WILL OCCUR TODAY Invitation Meet Tonight to be Cor- Many Contests to Decide Intercass bination Track and Gymnastic Con Championship-List of En- test-Coe in the Stellar Role. tries and Officials. For the past six seeks tie students Tie girls sf tiestniersity sll] holds have teenfocki-sg etch Saudynih shit tampiosship ittter...…

April 07, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 137) • Page Image 2

…' THE MICHIGAN DAILSY __ .._ - i rfi. U. WILD CO. THE LEADING Tailors Makers of Men's Clothes. All the latest London styles and fabrics for any and all occasions. [ULL DRSS SUITS A SPEICIALTY L311 S. State "t. AnnesArbor, Mich. The Pim Tennis Racket is the recognized leading racket in the contry. With ita frame of lively ash, tape ond throat, stringing of et Eng- lish gt, perfect al- ance, it well deserves its popularity. Glad to show yon o...…

April 07, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 137) • Page Image 3

…THE MICH.IGAN DAIL.Y HIA LF-TO0NE S .0 and ZINC ETCHINGS Lower in Price Beler in Quality Ask A. M. SMITH 11 Ann Arbor Savings Bank Block WANTED Coapetect moo to hndleatitn tds of insrance. eset ito; aso oneoto handledividedpainstocs n GEO. J. HALLER.ea CO. Campus Barber Shop 0. A. MOE, 705 N. Uni ersity Ave The Ann Arbor Savings Bank iapitat stock, $50t000. Srpts, $200,tt Resources$,20,000Ot A Grneral Bankig Business Trsaced iurecEsst Cias. E...…

April 07, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 137) • Page Image 4

…Tit kMICHIGAN PAILYt Hlockillg Valley Ry. z CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT. TRAIN SERVICE You will find Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Carrson Day Trains Sleepin~g Cars on Night Trains Union Depotouin Toledoaand Co- lumbus S. E. CLARK, 32 Campus MartIus Detroit, Mich.' F. J. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING Gas and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. Washington St. 'BALY &EDMUNDS 121 East Liberty Street. .Spring Styles...…

June 07, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 180) • Page Image 1

…The. Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MIiE \IGTHURSDAY, JUNE 7,1906. JoL. XVI. NO. uflo JOHNNY GARRELS LOSES HIS CONFERENCE RECORD Managing Committee of Conference Decides That Garres Tied Rec- ord in Hurdles. ohnny Garres, te general opinion to1 the conti117 notwithtanding did not break titeconfer entee cotd illtieiigi ihurdies. Such i tie tardy deisiott of the conferencee mal-llglllg cottmmittee re- ceved at th. Atletic. Assoitiot yes- terdlay ...…

June 07, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 180) • Page Image 2

…1I4v t Itc A1 DAILY E I On Hl.WILD CO. zw THE LEADING 10 r: Makers of Men's Clothes. All the latest London styles E;and fabrics for any and all occasions. r F r r e[FU[L DRIESS SIlTS A SPECIALTY 311 S. State St. A rlrz .Arbor, Michs. ash Second-Hand Text-books ' 0 4 THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Entered asscound clssnmatter a the Ann Arbor PFstoffice. Published daily (Mondasnexcepted) during the college year, at 11 East Washingtn street. Bell phon...…

June 07, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 180) • Page Image 3

…THE ilIHIGAN DAILY L F-TONES* and ZINC ETCHINGS Lower in Price' Better in Quality Ask A. M. SMITH it Ann Arbor Savings Bank Block The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital stock, lot,00tt Sorplos, $200,000 Resources, $2,200,000 A General Banking Business Transacted OFFICERS: Chas. E. Hiscoch. Pres.; W. D Harriman, Vice Pres.: 10. JiFritz. Cashier Rowe's Laundry : ri ! i li i 1 l Io I - , ' . x C OLLEGE Brand Clothes u Are "Twixt and Between" Rea...…

June 07, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 180) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Hooking Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICE You will find Four Trains Daily"~ 'From Toledo0 Carrying Parlor Carson Day Trais Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depotsin Toledo and Co- lumbus S. E. CLARK, 32,1 Campus Martins Detroit, Mich.;, F. J. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING Gans and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J, F. SCHUH, 207 E. Washington St. BAILEY & EDMUNDS fportino (Boobs 121 East L STo Measur U. ...…

October 07, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 12) • Page Image 1

… t ..a , 0 X " ,,, 5 _ + + J V .: ? , r .. *vo 0 0Q T J / v t - r/: r /. 1 w - ~ r- , ... ~ . . .- l .-- (I) H 0' ... r i Cot i f IM i i 1 i M d i W W co W al a W 0 Ao ox -4 .- F. "J . f N _ «. _ , ,' , _ M " + 'f. r S _ f H v F r~'a Il r J rYl l I !> f, ( n …

October 07, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 12) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN flAtLY fall Tailoring oahr a prietan1one Theou renothingreyaponU in (Garnment Making. eeion'fro the et f Foreign andtDoe'ticrtrt ltoo t it! ''sho' ijititi 1yltaitsinO' are rin lact' ii;yor eitis Jta' Iat rhi gh an iapin Iet If wem keyuIt ohs h' U. H. WILD)CO 311 S Stat St Again The Jacket Sweater tuons of Vmarl or gilt, or witli vest colar ani seamrless1brody --ids(15fair toite popuRitliar stdtett gamentt. Made off finest Aus ral...…

October 07, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 12) • Page Image 3

…14t MICHtGAN DATLY _ 5. Samf Burchfield's Fine Tailorillg Trade COLLEGE IDEAS IN MEN'S FURNISHINGS Can Deliver the Goods Furnishings tor Dens and Frat Houses U. of M. Banners and Souvenirs SAIUC EIL O in the Latest Designs 106 EAST HURONW STREET Mack ftO Co. THE[ IARMERS AND NWCNANICS BANK MAIN AND) IURfON STREETS Capital, $50,000, Surplus and Profits, $65,000 Due, ;o rlannlg IBusinessand lay ,3pr ct- ntreston 0 -ime a-nd Savnga Deposts. a...…

October 07, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 12) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY HOAG'S. ALARM CLOCKS Cash Poilyl Cash No order for parties or rentertainments Chapman's Jewelry Store willbe takens this season sinless cash ac-j 26OUTH5511 SAIN S1. PAt! 5 IIOCw O 0 t tcl. On, osipletto iced frsinsparties or $. SUfi ilto tii ( th i m At t . i e ..of t... so si Cor. Main and Washington The Larges-t Assortititit of Sudents' 1toostm Furnislhings. La m )s Waste Baskets Fish Nets Brushes Pictures ,Book...…

November 07, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 38) • Page Image 1

…The Mician Daily G\c . 'tI. VARSITY WILL PLAY STRALMI AURA STAR ALUMNIlSATURlA Several Freshmen and Ineligibles may be used-Stiff Scrm- mage last night. it dtr ,p n :t e iti tlt oi l(,i i iift st of t l i i rie , io , Iiitht was in t Loit i t ic t ii iii i tkill i at linferiori 1 ll i t i t iiie}t ;i1 ' a f e r 1 p e lit iil rl r Ir- 1 t tiI l t a r < i l , hi t ith t egula ieam t te ) I ec ,, 'Ill in tO i ie oN tlitti i itti I i- t ksa d to ...…

November 07, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 38) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY fall Tailoring rte wt~i inetn ,w j:tftt k razitst o ,VlI - inou - or"i if r u rir r T i imt If t(Ii,t reinot u i'-hu a potiun of onun [. i Wi111(1 liet t i p ure of Iaiotitiyour i fall in .a a tes-iorouif ii t o ;ta d peas'tYou. 'There's Nothinig-Hecyond Us in (Arment Making. oni tiir oitfut iiti ii f I iri i maui ntyi i iiia it. Yug v(yIi to i't iit ii-pplac iii thni'iiii . 'ii it ii' li i it 311 !lndol.pi- oderS WN ...…

November 07, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 38) • Page Image 3

…V THE7 MICMIGAN DAILY .... . ..... LL Samf Burchileld's FineO Tailoring Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAM BURCHFIELD & CO. 106 EAST HUTRON STREET FURNISHED- HOUSE =For Rent A CH'ANCE=: 10R A 'I TUDIN I '"10 NORK 1illS WAY TH'1ROUGH1 COI.I.14ti1. .\ iI (;I; NEI'4Xll uSE ithn two1 4bloc444ks of tieCampus, fnt'toahnd tliott4Iott. SuitabIle Axioctnt Isnd ia idtr.t Will Mack me Co. ll Tilt FARMEIRS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN ANt) lICION STREE~...…

November 07, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 38) • Page Image 4

…r T14R MICHIGAN DAILY mwmwlmw VIOAG'S (or. Main and Washington FOR 10 CENTS W x Isi odsel r i Pictures, Pipes Leather 01 naiments and Stationery 25SCts for A k for 1"1Swim Ti- AXfew lhft ad you11al11Ma of cost E. G(i IOA(i Occidental Hotel We cater to tanqets, E t.. flixson Lunich= Ypsilanti; D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY P. . IItcill1. 1 :15 ). tn FINE LVNCIIES VI en 't'y the 1r. r,1 u," O .i s 1 1 tlin 5e of '11i 5 1 ((i lt. ' art.1 nil I for B...…

December 07, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

…The Mlichigan Daily \N ARBOR, \1K Ii I( N il 1I ) 1906. x- ~i VOL,. X VII. SOPHOMORES WIN FIRST UITVTTM7IREDTH BASKETBALL GAME VEY INili IS RADYFOR TEBIG Freshmen Lose First Champions hipI ANNUAL MICHIGAN ContesthbyScore of 4=2-l'earn fUNION DINNER via au- I av -A, aalIAWork Was Ragged. --- General Commite Completes Final i altrlarge nd xxiii xixiixx iciiv p Arrangements for Feed- -Impera- cxigatheiredi last tvvvvitvg xin Ixixiv live That ...…

December 07, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 59) • Page Image 2

…THE~ MICHIGAN DAILY There's Nothiwiii0 yld hUs i armaent %Ilki ny ITI N1 , ImS thS ItI GiBOOKS r V . sur>tt Ta, luc Irnu Ot hel 01 t < im ti~tmas, adrg a I ON a t 01 111"a11I AT . Jl7h1i ..ISAl I THE. MICIGAN [)AILY. as t a tier at the A nnl i :k :ftt a1 III terl s 7 NT --lth r Art!hur CT X 'tln II M avo 1'E. Wintead R Iobert ITL'tancy I titola . tasAittotoaternert Nt ~ l~r t To toa. Vr ' G reIt(a Olovar J.Furl OPe. Jr. It 'rottt C. a...…

December 07, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 59) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAIL~Y 1 .16 Ira SafiRrhlisFire Tailorillg Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAM DURCHFIELD'& CO. 106 EAST HVRON STREET I I LL MrACK'S TEA ROOM Is w~itltotit cjieio'thfitttc cest oft its kind in Mfichigan --tire rcount itsctfis cac cliicct\ccct t lulxur ions Comfort. THE CUISINE& Is oi the vcciid'-bestiing iv1 d1Ito titst cciss cooks.'t he iriw< 5 M,(,lr tist i ii. c ice Mack( tCo. ANew Assortment of Razor Strops Jlust received ...…

December 07, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 59) • Page Image 4

…rnmi mrrrr aryrrfr. 'irr fr~ir~rrMlc ttttjAP.I PA LV 110 AllVJ1 flh P taIls + (''t i it t t I< Sitt J t.'( ii ce o ~ i £ t P Er-ANU VTSROASTED t> to~,- ,c dirt it fri ii 'i' n t air TI 1roa-tili One Pound Packages, 10 cents. Btlanchied Salted Peanuts, 15c per lb.; 2 lbs for 25c. Hickory Nuts 10c per Quart. 3 Quarts for 25c. DEFAN tom, CO.. Ltd., 214 S. Mairi St 11 'I lic~i art XII Ifiqttt and Only ft I tacIt at IIOAG'S lii I ii ,ii V I l...…

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