May 07, 1910

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May 07, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 150) • Page Image 1

….'NN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 7\i'ON , IgY .190 Vol.. XX. FARMERS ARE HERE FOR CRUCIAL GAME! Michigan Aggies Mfeet Varsity Today With Best College Team in State ttile j111111tmedics,ttand the sophs 'ii eir tttofle samte idepatrtmtent twill "['ie' 11)11enin~ieers will conttest ti 'tietwiitthte sophonmores. 'sttiS SING TO CROWDI \ X sitSTNCR iOF THIE BAND. It St ay ot ihandotticoncert last ecent- Nit.crow d gatheredl aroutit h le wd i w;ted olfor li...…

May 07, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 150) • Page Image 2

…M iiI I xlI (-,AN DtAlILY '1-IXTACIGAN DAILY. SPrini and 'I 1 9 1 0 _,,i 1 lx....... ..II i ii 1t~cicN dlo .. .. illxrxx /,. 11m i ill . r l x I . . 'willim Our Spring Specials Msi I xx~x xt l xx< t I V 1lotxt I I' cxx i t 5 a n ~lcs . Ij i c>x. Iiz DESIGNS-Original and Exciustse COLORINGS-The Newest FABRICS-Dependable RESULTS-Pleasing and Hamonous - IN- Suitings, Vesmings Trowserings Nose Ready for Your Eamnaion G. Hi. Wild Colmpally TAILO...…

May 07, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 150) • Page Image 3

…ftI If", M (1 C11 1 (, N l' e FOR Sam 1B urchfcl Ann Arbor'as L.tta TAILUR 106 IE. Huron St. 0Si,,%Court, Ho)u J. L. CHAPM~AN, Jvoie ALARM CLOCKS $ <r ALARM CLOCKS S1. ,l ALARM CLOCKS $1.5) ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 Wa at pc (tari a'a. a iHE fAQtiliS 45)AND [CIIA. SSl~t MAIN AND HURiON i Ciapitat $50,000 Surpus anal Prn i ttti on 'L'meandDna., eananstsna - posi t lana"- tona anaaat V1.00antin tatIi ar'1 . e.If. . I'x ra tnn . 1 ty i. A. W ILA '...…

May 07, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 150) • Page Image 4

…What it means to represent S T E I - N-BLOOB Smart Clothes are carried by the i(,m t clothing dealer in every city in America. To roes(,n h STEIN-BLOCH people one must be the leading aind mosu - liable dealer in his particular town or city. This isSTF1 N- BLOCH policy. And we choose the STEIN-BLOCH lines becamse shut 2lv universal satisfaction. They give the full dollr ot) STEIN-BLOCH Smart Clothes are the ines utig fo many looms made up by ST...…

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