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November 07, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

…The Michiga aily' A\ lttfi \RII ILO G-N, SATURDIAYNOVEI hER 1No.- Vol'..XIX. So. 36, VARSITY HOPES FOR RECORD SCORE Kentucky State Makes Northern Debut in Michigan's Final Pre- liminary Battle of Year. the appear m ,iofie l\Oi~ti ke Stte on imorI.u evnt infotall ini-to- tn ttteIC;iun - o ll th O lll r ntta Stioo athleic 1eatione with northern dope 1111 tasty sti ~ have itte elifoi- c~ilt il oa ingfrom the o toes -hiii dl'pc ootbal is oe li...…

October 07, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…The MichigXan Daily ANN 'ARBOR, MICIIIG AN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1 908. NQ. 8. V oz. XIX. CAS Y C MPE TES gr idirons because of afteroon classes. CA E1v~~~.i1ES With Casey in uniform this aftrooon, aitlsf Costh Yost's 908 itoterial wil WOLERNESQAD hiesits osand.. tsays that Ca-y will le is the gmne A1.. A. C.. Satur- WOLVERINE nd asrestlt it is predicted that -- th farer; illae trouble i carry- Crowd at Today's Varsity-Scrub sgstu...…

May 07, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 159) • Page Image 1

…The- Michigan Daily A1- ARBOR, \MTCIG\N, TIILRSDAY, MAY 7, 108 N'o. srfi, VTOL. XVIII. i CCC NOVICE RACE OCCURS NEXT WEEK Many New Pen Will Enter- Frosh fedics Win all Gam ---0alrd ack. \ICIITGAN VS. \<OOSTER 5.55ff f~iLLEDA'' 4 :05'. "a. Thie ainual osice race givensute the auspices of the Cross Country clii will e rit Friday, May 5. The re is opeii Only to meiwhio Ihave not 550 their three "C's" ass is to le ishtilet a novice race. All...…

April 07, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAtN, TUEFSDAkY, PRI4 7, 198 No. I42. VOL. XVIII. CROSS COIINTRY MEN BEGIN EASY WORK Coe Coaches Squad-Records flay Be Broken in Girls' Track feet Tonight. Yesterday afternoon the cross country men tonic their first jaunt of the year. Led by the reoubtatle "Spicer" Co, and fanned by a warm spring breeze tat made the blood jump in their veins, h af a hundred anbitioss ones cantered in the sunshine. The tac...…

March 07, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

…The. Mi.chigan Daily ATNN ARI3Ok, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY., MARCH 7, 1908. No. 1 16. VOL. XVIII. MEET TONIGHT WILL BE CLOSE New Entries Raise Soph Chances -May Be Best Contest of the Season. At te eleethtthour a nmter of athletes whao arc to take part ia totigt's fresh-soph meet wallowedl throgit the slush to the gytttasit attacltd their ames to the etry lists, witthtie restlt that some of the evets will be more interesting thasi was antiitatet....…

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