June 07, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 175) • Page Image 1
…The Michig _____ .NN ARBOR,'0MICHIGAN , E DM E1901)AJit .00. VOL. XX. NORMAN HILL IS ELECTED CAPTAIN, Varsity First Baseman will Lead Next Year's Baseball ' Aggregation THIRTEEN LETTERS AWARDED N ormano lill wilt leadtho Narsttt tall tadiig te sprin00g of 1g9t. Thte vteratnt lIttt 1aea wasti 00 eectetd to Thle tootunc of ntt 'seaon' Saggregatont met at litsctO Itt orto the annuoal pc- Ott'x w tr 1Fai too thiteen of tlhe f meltt wot haI plae...…