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May 07, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daly Vol. LXXXVII, No. 4-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, May 7, 1977 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Carter faces summit today Daily Photo by CHRISTINA SCHNEIDER summer at Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. her excavated artifacts are on exhibit this ANCIENT SELEUCIAN pottery along with of reasUres with ancient roots LONDON 1) -- After being cheered, patted and befriended by thousands in a campaign-style swing through England's north country...…

May 07, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 4) • Page Image 2

…age Two T HE MICHIGAN DAILY Soturdovy Moy 7, 1977 Bell to testify on voter registration WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen- elections. ate opponents of President Car- ter's voter registration plan THE JUSTICE Department's urged yesterday that Atty. Gen. warning came in the form of a Griffin Bell be called for ques- telegram sent to all U.S. attor- tioning after the disclosure of neys by Thomas Henderson, a second Justice Department chief of the public ...…

May 07, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 4) • Page Image 3

…Saturday, May 7, 1977 N.H. Guard contends no pregnant women held CNCOtl, N.H. (Ai - Health officials and the National Guard issued conflicting statements yesterday on reports that 50 pregnant women were among hundreds of jailed anti-nuclear power demonstrators in danger of exposure to German measles. Police arrested 1,414 demon- strators on trespass charges af- ter a 24-hour sit-in at the Sea- brook nuclear plant site last weekend. Some protes...…

May 07, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 4) • Page Image 4

…Page Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, May 7, 1977 Maied students cope By 1)AVID GOODN1AN There is a peci it group of students for whoml changin" diapers between chapters in a psychology text is :n everyday experience. They get used to truing down invitations to join friends for lunch at Burger King because the sitter has to be paid this week. BUT DESPITE the extra du- ties atd added worries, thou- sands of students choose to start families a...…

May 07, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 4) • Page Image 5

…Saiu rday. May 7, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page F ive I S. Africa warns Andrew Young I JOHANNESBURG, S o u t h Africa (W) - A proposed visit by U. N. Ambassador Andrew Young stirred a diplomatic storm yesterday in South Africa, but the U. S. State Department said he would go ahead with it anyway. Foreign Minister R. F. Botha said Young should clarify the purpose of a proposed trip and use appropriate channels to ar- range it. le said South...…

May 07, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 4) • Page Image 6

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturdoy, May 7, 1977 Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday. J f . Mv 97 - COME. BE THRIB . ..." REPELLED... HOPELESSLY SEDUCED. By ANN E RICE The critics called it "Spellbinding"... Unrelentingly erotic"... "Compulsively readable." Surrender to the Vampire! $1.95 wherever paperbacks are sold BALLANTINE Rev. Moon arrested in N.Y. RED HOOK, N.Y. (MP - The Rev. Sun Myung Moon was on- ly enjoying the scenery...…

May 07, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 4) • Page Image 7

…Saturday, May 7/, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven SaudaMa ,197TH.ICIA.DIY ae ee WABX's birthday bash Coo11oo e(800) .325-4867 By TIM YAGLE of any of the three bands. The As if lead vocalist AnnaWil- * " (8e 3e2-486v7' HENWAX tros airh-spotlight was on the exuberant son (sister of guitarist Nancy) Tg chA1 im|Iff HENWAXthrygsalthe Ray Davies all night. knew the crowd wanted to rock day party, they go all the Ra. 'n roll, after the last ba...…

May 07, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 4) • Page Image 8

…Page Eight THfE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturdoy, May 7, 1977 , N SAVNGS THEY'RE ALL IN FOR SALE YARD SALE 909 Pckrd Sturdy 9-8. Furniture, etc. 841507 ?71 PONTIAC T-37 359 -8. AXC 2379 11f1er 6 p 1m1 41511 PACE 145 CB, 22 Ine. xcllnt c0ond1t1on. Cll Mke at '19-7824 after 12 ocockn oon. dB TRUSTY BIKE f19sae 15.017Call eveni1ng9995-892 pe . ,stty 71191 RUG 1FOR SALE-7 x 1'dark g99e9 ple, used two9mon19s.0Exc11lent cond19io011$077 Cll Pggy 0r Cris a...…

May 07, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 4) • Page Image 9

…Saturday, May 7,'1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine ear bombing ugitive arrested MADISON, Wis. (AP) - The bombing whic h killed no greater than that of David ceeding. There were no court- arrest, but for Donald Arn- third man sought in a seven- er Robert Fassnacht, 34, on the Fine, 26, formerly of Wilming- room incidents. The handcuffed stroag -caner-stricken, parti- vear-old antiwar bombing that University of Wisconsin cam- tsn, D...…

May 07, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 4) • Page Image 10

…Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, May 7, 1977 Brown sees modest arms pact WASHINGTON (Al)-Defense Secretary Harold- Brown indi- cated yesterday he thinks the best the United States can hope far hy October is a stopgap strategic arms limitation agree- meat with Russia "The probabilities of a com- prehensive agreement by Oct 3 are not high,' Brown told a news conference. BUT IHE ADDED: "There is a pretty good chance there will be some so...…

May 07, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 4) • Page Image 11

…Cturday. May 7, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Eleven Yalu cIo.r , 7 IT'S DERBY DAY Seattle Slew ready to roar LOUISVILLE (A) - Seattle Slew faces the biggest challenge of his short but spectacular ca- reer Saturday when the 103rd Kentucky Derby is run amid fanfare and frenzy at Churchill Downs. It is the frenzy that worries trainer Billy Turner. "MY ONLY concern is how lie acts in the paddock, some- thing you always hear about. And, of co...…

May 07, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 4) • Page Image 12

…Page Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, May 7, 1977 Recruits bolster cage attack By DON MacLACHLAN The 1977-78 Michigan basketball schedule is a tough one-including encounters with such perennial powers as UCLA, Alabama and Louisville. Coach Johnny Orr and Assistant ('oach Bill Frieder used the rugged schedule as a recruiting pitch this year. Wouldn't most high school cagers love to play in Madison Square Garden and Pauley Pavillion as fresh...…

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