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April 07, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

…TheU of Dr9 Ptt) VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 1900. No. 145. Y qCA.Banquet. Spri~g M C H UA WI S.The annual banquet of the Univer- Announcement ing a their head quarters onSte THE WOLVERINES GET A UNANIMOUS DECISION AND street. The first thing on the program was G.H. WILD & CO. WIN IN A WALK FROM THE STRONG GOPHER TEAM a business meeting at whih the of- fices fr the earing year were elect ed, they are aa follows: President. C. ...…

April 07, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

…AVJ r D iali VOL. X1. ANN ARtBOR, .MIH.. SUNDAY, APRIL 7, 11901 N. 145 ....Our Special Line of.... F. HOPKINSON SMITH Foreign and Domestic The Next Number on the S. L. A. Coursa Will Be a Reading by This FABRICS Famous Author Tomorrow FOR SPRING Tomorroitii inlit F. Hokinson Smuith till tplt ti oitthe S. L. A. ciorse. Luttea ti s Olois first itp5earitrle at has arrived andi is at - Antn Arbor and idehrnade the bitt of the ranged for i...…

April 07, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…5 b-ri Ma No. 141l WHOLLY UNWARRANTED T'he Attack of Preident Jordan U~on 'Gregory and Coach Yost was Aholutely Without Foundation 'rle tttftittlilttack 10011Gll _ Jordan of Leland tli tatford''withli' Iirtifssiotl of te ' higati reprocia lre" lis jtlyto'a roed tighoest indignation of diwestideit btdy. i'tesi 'ent Joratn said: "I have thet' )1'tlllseiotl iof te' liti Can represnttative tit tils meeting to sicis word. As oawtlIafter NWaier -Cba...…

April 07, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 137) • Page Image 1

…TheMihignDaily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THUIRSDAY, APRI1L 7, 1904. No. 137 STRONG SQUAD. S. L. A. POLITICS. GIRLS' BASKET BALL. I TRACK WORK. _____ lach titoainess was arousedt in the STe canddaesiiftr le four mile ri- Candidates for Various Positions on S. I~. A. ciclethis mrintitg on learn- ases in Present Series have all boos lay ear, seven in rnulber, last night Basbal Tam-racic Gaes ig otheiii stes 'soce0o' le noch-1 Tied-No Forecast o...…

April 07, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 137) • Page Image 1

…AN Y RBOR. ICI3:AN STUDAAPRIL , io-S. vOL. XVI. Noa. 137 FACULTY WILL ATTEND I GIRLS' INDOOR MEET BIG COMBINATION MEET WILL OCCUR TODAY Invitation Meet Tonight to be Cor- Many Contests to Decide Intercass bination Track and Gymnastic Con Championship-List of En- test-Coe in the Stellar Role. tries and Officials. For the past six seeks tie students Tie girls sf tiestniersity sll] holds have teenfocki-sg etch Saudynih shit tampiosship ittter...…

April 07, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol- ~XVII. ANN.\Rk():, Ii. I I I lG\, 8VNI)A Y, \I'IZII ,,51907- SECOND MINSTRELS ARE BETTER THAN FIRST Michigan Union Show Draws (reat Audience and Proves Laughable or Entertaining Throughout. 'lii. mss'i iis ii' 'siiisics of liv\Ii l- ign i c vii \Iit"ii''l' vsiilatnih iii lnlcc''iiv hal, aR W cosnducted etchvii uccsfl i t nv foisiss isv TyIII ni- c ce Tle le hal, ;l l g eetd c I lii ilmn. ihoe is.Ioia dsolists wer In...…

April 07, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAtN, TUEFSDAkY, PRI4 7, 198 No. I42. VOL. XVIII. CROSS COIINTRY MEN BEGIN EASY WORK Coe Coaches Squad-Records flay Be Broken in Girls' Track feet Tonight. Yesterday afternoon the cross country men tonic their first jaunt of the year. Led by the reoubtatle "Spicer" Co, and fanned by a warm spring breeze tat made the blood jump in their veins, h af a hundred anbitioss ones cantered in the sunshine. The tac...…

April 07, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 137) • Page Image 1

…The Mi1chisnDiM VOL. XIX. ANN ARBOR, i. li CIItfii1N, \\VONl,SI l V, ii.7,l[()x). COACHKIMIALISTER PICKS INFIELDERS Pitchers will be Selected Thurs- day--Track Team Preparing to Meet Ohio State in May. ' lw h e i l l heii takenlxxi onite trip ato iihe -ixoti h h ie ihaschlil tetam- o xCiact lfc llir, asistanxt Di rctor Rfitchie. andui S xiiagrFrtxiciuigc w xii ith has d hiity dticijilixi<xti 111111wilt mxalke tihe-tril, for evry posx-xitio...…

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