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March 07, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 110) • Page Image 1

…i ESTBLIHED 16x} i~e .-i rt ujan 4ai1 I MEMBER SASSOCIATED, PRESS PRICE FIVE CENTS VOL. XL. NO. 110 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1930 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS -- - BIG TEN TRACKMEN TO COMPETE TODAY1 FOR INDOOR TITLE Conference Athletes Gather at Minneapolis for Annual Championships.F IOWA SLIGHT FAVORITE Chicago, Wisconsin, and Ohio State Given Best Chance to Outscore Hawks. By Sheldon C. Fullerton. Track and field ...…

March 07, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 110) • Page Image 2

… S THE- MICHIGAN DA I V - 7 ,.,,A..4. U , *VL4,A EAL ESTA-TE MEN NVENE HERE FOR. FTH CONFERENCE thven Welcomes Delegates; lay Talks on Condemnation for Public Purposes. ) MEET TWICE TODAY nference Held in Conjunction With School of Business Administration. 'resident Alexander G. Ruthven coined the dele ates to the h anlual conference of the :higan Real Estate Association, en in conjunction with the ool of business administration, a luncheo...…

March 07, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 110) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN D Al L Y, .HF :.T ,.N DA LY .._ ~ .. Q BRITISH A8MIRALTYISOsET 6H.TIS 90 IP,[Tl' EASANTS'.HELP ANONE S SLASH IN NAVALPROGRAMl Alexander States Reduction Due to Lower Needs Because of Kellogg Pact. CUT THREE YEAR PLANS Estimates for 1930 Four Million s Pounds Less Than 1929 Program. (By Associated Press) LONDON, March 6-British naval estimates for 1930, made public to- day, show a net total of 51,739,000 pounds against 55,$65,00...…

March 07, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 110) • Page Image 4

…P'AGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY Published every morning except Monday daring the Tlniversity year by the Board in Cotrol of Student Publications Member of Western Conferenc Edit-al Association, ~The Associated Prsis eclsivly entitled to the use for repunhli otn o falln es dis- patches creditedtoio not the, v t' redited t this paper and the. loal n,-' .i ~ ied herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter Sp...…

March 07, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 110) • Page Image 5

… MARCH 7, 1930, THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FI'V-.C MARC T7 193 TH MIHIGA DALY PGE 'c, RON ..... . HO9NORS -TOTEM AT FINAL__BANOUIETI Cabaret Style Mars Annual Basketball Banquet Last Night. NAME ALL-STAR SEXTET W.A.A. Points, Numerals, and Pins Are Given to Women Qualifying on Teams. With the close of the basketball season, both interclass and intra- mural teams gathered at the Field house last night for the annual basketball banquet. The ...…

March 07, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 110) • Page Image 6

…I THSMICUHIG'A DAIL Y FRIDAY, MARCH 7,3 S RECEIVE 6 SW $RDS . , N BIG TEN MEET fMTEE > LARGE GRID SOUAO INDIAA.FLYING CINDERS... O_ . By Edward L. Warner. Illinois is another possibility. Eastern and Western Divisional Editor's Note: The changes of Pole Vault Coach Kipke Predicts Strenuous BOTHEARiGRA P'tRSLNotye:lTr e cane llifiisaoter taVpiauTaiigtero K£ Champions to Fight the entries to score in the remain- Northwestern's vaulting st...…

March 07, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 110) • Page Image 7

…MICHI.GAN-DAILY-~- x A'XX f.. re - d . ...' a. . . . u-n^. MAIZE AND BLUEI FENCES CHICAGO WS IN TITLE MATCH Michigan's undefeated fencing with aspirations of annexing thej ,,. i Former Mihigan Invitational Interscholastic Affairs Establish Records. DETROITERS HOLD TITLE Mid-west interscholastic swim- ming records, in the past synono- mous with the performance of the high class tank competition in the niversity of Michigan Invitation- a...…

March 07, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 110) • Page Image 8

…I ----- THE MICHIGAN DAILY FID?~AY. MARCH 7: 1930 I / THEMICHGAN AIL .r ~ra , y. ricai vi r iaa v I ....,.. .,.., _ .... ..._ - _ ._. - - - - - - - - - ___-=._ - -- .. - - i DAI LY OFF I CIA L1B U L L E TIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members :. the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday) VOL. XL. FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1930 No. 110 I KOSLOWSKI TO S...…

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