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February 07, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

…Tuesday, February 7, 2006 Opinion 4 Sam Singer won't vote for Hillary Arts 8 Huffman soars in Transamerica Sports 10 Matt Singer: Get ready for Turin ~7~'Tf _ 7IT rI: f- ~j-V~<- - r. i a ~Jt,: -,P'>T ,! GE rlrk Oane-hundredsifteen years of editorial freedom - - - ------------------ -- - - - --------------------------- 019981990MORMIM lRelpe. www. mckandaily. com Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXVI, No. 70 62006 The Michigan Daily Tangled...…

February 07, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 70) • Page Image 2

…2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, February 7, 2006 NATION/WORLD Ar r~OO An artist rendering shows Zacarias Moussaoul gesturing in court. Terror trial begins Moussaoui tossed out of his own sentencing trial after disruption ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) - Pro- claiming "I am al-Qaida,"terrorist con- spirator Zacarias Moussaoui disrupted the opening of his sentencing trial yes- terday and was tossed out of court as selection began for the jurors who wi...…

February 07, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 70) • Page Image 3

… NEWS The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, February 7, 2006 - 3 ON CAMPUS Workshop to teach students about event planning The Trotter Multicultural Center is sponsoring a workshop to help students learn about the importance of evaluat- ing the campus events and activities they plan. Students will learn how to deter- mine their own strengths and weakness- es when it comes to event planning. It will take place today at 6:30 p.m. at the William Monroe...…

February 07, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 70) • Page Image 4

…4 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, February 7, 2006 OPINION abe Sibigan7&3tilg DoNN M. FRESARD Editor in Chief EMILY BEAM CHRISTOPHER ZBROZEK Editorial Page Editors ASHLEY DINGES Managing Editor EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SINCE 1890 420 MAYNARD STREET ANN ARBOR, MI 48109 NOTABLE QUOTABLE This week is a week we can tell our children and grandchildren about." -Detroit Mayor Kw...…

February 07, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 70) • Page Image 5

…Tuesday . February 7, 2006 SCIENCE 5 LEOPOLD BROTHERS BREWERY Two brothers brew up an idea, and end up distilling the essence of sustainability * Leopold Brothers Brewery is more effective and more earth friendly than traditional breweries By A.J. Hogg Daily Science Writer Your drinking habit could be ruining the environ- ment. Todd and Scott Leopold aim to help. They designed and operate Leopold Brothers, a ...…

February 07, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 70) • Page Image 6

…6 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday. February 7. 2006 the michigan daily !!!CORNER HOUSE APARTMENTS!!! 2 2 BDRM. APARTMENTS available. 939 AVAILABLE FALL & 3 bdnn. apts. for Spring & Fall 2006. High Dewey 1 and 2 bdrm. units available, leasing Large one bedroom unfurnished apartment. ceilings, spectacular views & garage parking. now and next year, heat and water included, Hardwood floors, high ceilings, bay window, 741-9300. www.annarborapartme...…

February 07, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 70) • Page Image 7

… NEWS The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, February 7, 2006 - 7 s AID Continued from page 1. the previous application process and to contribute to their child's education is a completely new policy for the Univer- sity. "We never asked for anything from a non-custodial parent (in the initial application)," Fowler said. Failure to fill out the profile will preclude the University from awarding non-federal funds to the student. "If a parent refuses t...…

February 07, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 70) • Page Image 8

…Tuesday February 7, 2006 arts. michigandaily. com RSeidiigan tilg The birth of a network TV COLUMN MIDS-EASON REPLACEMENT Courtesy of the Weinstein Company Most awkward take-your-son-to-work day ever. LOST I 'AN ATION HUFFMAN'S ELECTRIC PERFORMANCE LIFTS 'TRANSAMERICA' So long, UPN. Goodbye, WB. In the past, viewers have been graced with some of the most original and innovative programming (as well as some of th...…

February 07, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 70) • Page Image 9

… ARTS The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, February 7, 2006 - 9 Singer Splays withisoul legends By Lloyd Cargo Daily Music Editor With the recent passing of Wilson Pickett, the world is minus one more legitimate soul legendwith seem- Cat Power ingly no others The Greatest in development. T atest What happened Matador to this once-glori- ous genre? Where is my Sam Cooke, my Al Green, my Otis Redding? Who the fuck decided horn sections weren't cool a...…

February 07, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 70) • Page Image 10

…Tuesday February 7, 2006 sports@michigandaily. com POeRlitSigan tily 10 al Olympics full of 'cool' sports High-speed sports. Low-speed sports. No-speed sports. Violent crashes. Guns. Spandex body suits. Women in sequined outfits. Men in sequined outfits. Naked emotion. Precious metals. Internation- bulky sled, then hopping in and praying that their driver can navigate down a chute of ice. In 2002, the Jamaican ...…

February 07, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 70) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, February 7, 2006 - 11 0 WRESTUNG Young wrestler has promising future By Robert Kaitz Daily Sports Writer To characterize Michigan freshman Michael Watts's season as a learning experience would be a gross under- statement. Like all freshmen, Watts came into a new environment in Ann Arbor looking to find a niche - both academically and socially. Watts hails from Riverton, Utah - a suburb of Salt Lake City - so he...…

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