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December 07, 1992 (vol. 103, iss. 48) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Collegiate Coalition is an important lobbying group, but the Michigan Student Assembly shouldn't be the only group to fund it. Other schools must share this cost burden. The U-M Gilbert and Sullivan Society showed off its talent this weekend in its production of "Ruddigore." Read a review of this show. The Cameron Indoor Stadium fans chanted "Overrated" at Michigan's Fab Five, and the Wolverines did nothing to prove them wrong, ...…

December 07, 1992 (vol. 103, iss. 48) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-The Michigan Daily- Monday, December 7, 1992 FILM Conitued from page 1 closed down when the parties could not reach a compromise. Many students said that, although they enjoyed the documentary, they found the section on pornography disturbing. "The piece about pornography was hideous. It showed clips from porno films for no apparent reason and they were simply disgusting," said John Schnef, an Engineering senior. Margo St. James - a pr...…

December 07, 1992 (vol. 103, iss. 48) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Monday, December 7, 1992 - Page 3 GEO rallies to support contract negotiations by Kenneth Dancyger Daily Staff Reporter Teaching assistants (TAs) and graduate students whistled, shouted, and sang "I've got the U-M GEO Blues" on the Diag Friday to raise support for contract negotiations with the university administration. "We're trying to get what we de- serve," said Graduate Employees '(The negotiations) will start off...…

December 07, 1992 (vol. 103, iss. 48) • Page Image 4

…01 Page 4 -The Michigan Daily- Monday, December 7, 1992 be Swctgan 1aijl 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 764-0552 Editor in Chief MATrHEW D. RENNIE Opinion Editors YAEL CITRO GEOFFREY EARLE AMITAVA MAZUMDAR Edited and Managed by Students at the University of Michigan Unsigned editorials represent a maujority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the op...…

December 07, 1992 (vol. 103, iss. 48) • Page Image 5

… __ _ _brRTS The Michigan Daily Monday, December 7,1992 Page 5 Keitel: troubled saint or tortured sinner? by Megan Abbott In "Reservoir Dogs," Harvey Keitel, playing the consummate profes- sional thief, says to a cohort, "You shoot me in a dream, you better wake up and apologize." It is a sign of Keitel's strength as an actor that when he ut- ters that line, it comes across as no idle threat. You know he means it. As one of America's for...…

December 07, 1992 (vol. 103, iss. 48) • Page Image 6

…*1 Page 6-The Michigan Daily- Monday, December 7, 1992 i ey f f 4 4 ~a x5 j ~ ; --- .. 5 DISC BOOKSHELF system w/ remote. Casio Graphing Calculator. 665-5536. MOUNTAIN BIKE BIANCH I. Top of line, parts, XCPro. Great shape. $450. 662-3191. NEED CASH?? Sell me your rollerblades! I fit size 10-11. Call Tim 769-1606. FORRNT... COATS RENTAL PROPERTY FOR SALE. Six bedroom house near Packard and State. $160,000. 996-8123. STEROID ALTERNATIVES-...…

December 07, 1992 (vol. 103, iss. 48) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily - Monday, December 7, 1992- Page 7 SurveyVsays grads face bleak, but improving, job market LANSING, Mich. (AP) - College graduates will find 2.1 per- cent fewer jobs than last year wait- ing for them when they step off the stage with their degrees into the job market this year, a survey released today said. But the author of Michigan State University's annual survey of em- ployers, Patrick Scheetz, said the de- cline is the...…

December 07, 1992 (vol. 103, iss. 48) • Page Image 8

…Page 8- The Michigan Daily - Monday, December 7, 1992 Trapped in the 'Wells' 'U' playes transcend a problematic Victorian play 0 Buck R.E.M. loses more than religion by Nima Hodaei "Automatic for the People" is weak, and proves that R.E.M. (much to the dismay of many a college ra- dio fanatic) are mortal. Michael Stipe, Peter Buck and the rest of his Athens, GA buddies have run out of ideas, and this time, there's no "Losing My Religion" o...…

December 07, 1992 (vol. 103, iss. 48) • Page Image 9

… Sports Monday Trivia In the four major profesional sports leagues, six pairs of teams share a nickname. Name them. (For answer, see page 2) Iid POrS:,Monday 'M' Sports Calendar 2 AP Top 25 2 Bowl Griddes 2 Athlete of the Week 2 Blame it on Niyo 3 Q&A 3 Men's Basketball 4 Ice Hockey 5 Women's Basketball 6 Swimming 7 Wrestling 8 The Michigan Daily- Sports Monday December 7, 1992 Page 1 'No sympathy from the Devils Blue falls to Duke *FU...…

December 07, 1992 (vol. 103, iss. 48) • Page Image 10

…Page 2-The Michigan Daily - Sports Monday - December 7, 1992 'M' Sports Calendar Monday, December 7 Men's Basketball vs. Detroit Mercy, 7:30 p.m., Crisler Arena. Wednesday, December 9 - Men's Basketball vs. Bowling Green, 7:30 p.m., Crisler Arena. Friday, December 11 Men's and Women's Gymnastics at Coed Mixed Pairs Intrasquad, 5 p.m., Keen Arena. Ice Hockey vs Kent State, 7 p.m., Yost Ice Arena. Saturday, December 12 Ice Hockey vs Kent State,...…

December 07, 1992 (vol. 103, iss. 48) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily - Sports Monday - December 7, - Page 3 r' Ifew / o /46 f e/- Dejfeexaf J / ort'" Norton Former Wolverine discusses the Olympics, Michigan and New York John Niyo Seasons Greetings from Barry Bonds We're talking some serious Christmas shopping money here: Barry Bonds is about to sign a six-year, $43-million contract with the San Francisco Giants. And he hasn't even figured out yet how to ensure World Peace. Hell, he hasn't...…

December 07, 1992 (vol. 103, iss. 48) • Page Image 12

…Page 4 - The Michigan Daily - Sports Monday - December 7, 1992 BASKETBALL NOTEBOO K Duke enters war of words with Michigan by Andy De Korte Daily Basketball Writer DURHAM, N.C. - Although so-called trash talking is a long- standing basketball tradition, Michigan's brash Fab Five, Chris Web- ber, Jalen Rose, Juwan Howard, Jimmy King and Ray Jackson brought the issue to the forefront last season. Since then, the NCAA passed a new rule giving o...…

December 07, 1992 (vol. 103, iss. 48) • Page Image 13

… The Michigan Daily - Sports Monday - December 7, 1992 - Page 5 Shields shines in split 'M' goalie turns away 50 shots on weekend by Tim Rardin Daily Hockey Writer In a series that was immensely significant for Michigan hockey, both in the standings and in terns of the rivalry, Wolverine goaltender Steve Shields cane up with arguably his strongest performance of the season against Michigan State. Consistency has been a problem for Shields in ...…

December 07, 1992 (vol. 103, iss. 48) • Page Image 14

…Page 6-The Michigan Daily -Sports Monday - December 7,1992 *FULL COURT- PRESS Michigan's recruiting should start at home by Jaeson Rosenfeld Daily Basketball Writer TERRE HAUTE, Ind. - There are two ways that people refer to Terre Haute. Some people call it a "hick town." Those with a little more tact refer to it as "a place with a lot of character." In the center of Terre Haute is the Hulman Center, home of the Indiana State Sycamores. H...…

December 07, 1992 (vol. 103, iss. 48) • Page Image 15

…The Michigan Daily-Sports Monday- December 7, 1992-Page 7 Women tankers Steve Duttenhoffer and the Michigan swimming and diving team cruised in this weekend's Speedo Collegiate Cup at Canham Auditorium. The Wolverines amassed 1,065 points overall, nearly 400 more than second-place Iowa, while setting three Canham pool records in the process. Men sweep past field in record-setting weekend by Brett Johnson Daily Sports Writer Just right of th...…

December 07, 1992 (vol. 103, iss. 48) • Page Image 16

…Page 8-The Michigan Daily- Sports Monday- December 7, 1992 KING Continued from page 1 placed King in the heavyweight spot, a place where he is much more comfortable. Trost has been a significant help in King's development. In his seventh season as an assistant, he has pounded on King for the duration of practice and has taught him more than a thing or two. The former heavyweight champion has paid close attention to King. "It has really been h...…

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