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December 07, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 64) • Page Image 1

…THE WEATHER RAID' OR SNOW TOD)AY f~It Inan IIk Section One VOL. XXXV. No. 64 SIXTEEN PAGES ANN ARLOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAixY, DE~'CEIER 7, 1924 SIXTEEN RAGES PRICE, FIVE CENT$ IIDNTws DOfC ThelADay lRRr l Heifetz Stresses Importance IHG HNFrom Washington I OFI UI ISI COWI PI IUTSJII iVIOfVaie 1 Of Presenting VrPdIroagramn Teagricultural appropriation bill, P TM A If~ AG IN FA ES sxI carying $124,69i7715, was reported to COMMUNISTS P ...…

December 07, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 64) • Page Image 2

…l THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1924 rvH i i Minn 110 111Retain Positions of the University Extension div E '11T9T1will address the technical men an subject of "Science andl the Chant Order." IAIIII ATHFR HIRP' mit uwnn nlitrfl am i nr sian. n the B eaumarchais Was Hlero Of Colonies, Asserts Va~n Tymw ; , , .',1 1 ?e Queen, Marie Antoinette. HeI soon Moscow, Dec. 6.-The supreme cc- V'won their confidence and was sent to a no...…

December 07, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 64) • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY r' nI r Cueinfoe 1 dwounds. Thre ost notablep s qiudintecutyvn ni IAIIIrI.IFor Ma aria phsialinerstvhiwbildngison, t } ettebL LflUIU II tocaseof its use was madie in the fnaine pPd fjtf 3 ' a911I'i'llrn of tye inuestis uildinghiscoune,1 ,P~~ 64.1U H Apparent Succes. , E ffrt to save the life of :'resident 1 '11®®®i 114d U 9J accrin o members of the depart- 1LiIII1 !L IJ FOR CO YN BelieveS Edinunds tr...…

December 07, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 64) • Page Image 4

… PAGE Frt R THE MIC -IAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1924 Published every morning exept Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Pulications. Members of Western Coference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titlod to the use for republication of all news ihl tches creditd to it or not otherwise chied in tnis paper and the local news pub- lished therein. intored at the postoffice at An...…

December 07, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 64) • Page Image 5

…"SUNDAY, DEC EMBER 7, 1924 iHE MICHIGAN DAILY ( .Y"A iiw n ILTATA .. ................. =AvA ow z - S __.,_ I i f 3 i Social Notes I' II II w Y w Y ~ al~~w ~ sn l Yew~i~~te YY~l ma ............ I .... . ... D CLORS PROMNENT New Englander Tells Of France, a T FRESHM PRU. S. Friendship C ------ _ Spontaneous conviviality character. ized the annual Freshman Spread giv- en by sophomore women from 8:30 to 10:30 o'clock last night in Bar...…

December 07, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 64) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1924 . I rv mwmw +fA i I i The Schedules SECRET PRACTICE FOOTBALL Oct. 3.-M. A. C. at Ann Arhor I Oct. 10.-Indiana at Ann Arbor. Oct. 17.-Wisconsin at Madison. Oct. 24.-Illinois at Champaign. i Oct. 81.-Navy atAnn Arbor. ; Coachl Maiier to Reduce S4uad to 15 Nov. 7.-Northwestern at Chicago. i Finl lit,; Many Men Expected Nov. 14.-Ohio State at Ann Arbor. !n 1ebtehry Nov. 21.-Minnesota at Ann ...…

December 07, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 64) • Page Image 7

…SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN w.. .. ....... __ _ ,_ ._ ._ - ....w ._ TINS loth, OCLUMN CLOSES CLLSFS AT 3 P.M. ADVERTISINGUAT 3 P.M. FOR SALE WANTED TEN ROOM house, that will give you COLILEGE Girl wants to work for. an, income of $100.00 per monthboard and room. Can furnish ref- from the second floor, $9,000.00- erences. Answer Box No. 43 Daily.- $1,000.00 down. Call 2438 or 661-W. - WANTED Student to take ...…

December 07, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 64) • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT THlE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNADAY, DECEMBER 7, 1924I HOUSE FLOOR LEADERS SpoaskI'Play 'Tryoutls: 'rThe tryouts fur the Sociedad Hiss an cais Anuaml Play will be held this Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons at 3) o'clock in room 201 South Wing,,. All students interested in trying out. wil l plwe report. This year's iay wf'l be "Juan De Las Vinas'' by Juan Engenio I lartzcnbush!. I aJa >1:.TJly. I i i r i i i I i ReseareltClub: The...…

December 07, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 64) • Page Image 9

… Feature Section LLI Sir A ~~Iait Feature Section i VOL. XXXV. No. G4 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1924 EIGHT PAGES "TILD TO DEATH" AWAITS CURTAIN The culmination of eight months of: continual work in preparation for thW ork 1925 Union Opera comes tomorrow night with the premiere performance of "Tickled to Death" at the Whitney m rethods. Instead of basing 1115 hum- Ends On Nineteenth Annual Mimes Production As First...…

December 07, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 64) • Page Image 10

…h An f 9~rnT 1 A",ENTHE MICHIGAN DAILY aSu MmsLatest Opera Departmentally Sea rNDAY,- DECEMBER 7, 1924 (ing / N$ h _ a' T 'C ost~ m s. the whole gives a rose effect. Aided 'by a picture hat and an immense par- (Continued from Page Nine) By )Lrlon Barlow asol, one of these costumes should go the dlramnatic songs among -which the, The outstanding fact concerning the far to make a dainty maiden of a ls mosLnotworty ae a"Hym tothecostumes.of ...…

December 07, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 64) • Page Image 11

…SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY itr- a g ^ Atusic and Drama rxr t 4p t 4t le IA' r l ,K -_. 2 M ore About The Opera I The Background Union, an honorary dramatic society i taken .America was in the war and I y ~IntneI~~ whose duyit was todirect tefuture Ann Arbor became turned into a miii- YI ho e uy t wa t 'di et hef tu e An A b r e am t r edi to a ii-1By Valentine Davies ;productions came into being. The first tary ca...…

December 07, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 64) • Page Image 12

…I'_1 TWELVE THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1924 hfooks and Writers www ____________________ I _______ _ - - ------- -------country at the end of the eighteenth Cnenn alHnr be dispensed from a conventional century. There is an especially in- brickebuiding.Mr Honore' ow t ~teresting picture of Dartmouth Col- Paul Honore, the mural painter of homse near Detroit is an art gallery in S tepen Burroughs rfhe Notorious t l ege i...…

December 07, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 64) • Page Image 13

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY rAGE THIRTEEN t + w , ,. +4 *1'."rr i Sports -f- A-~ BROWN SEETS ALL - EASTERN TEAM Writer Excludes Southern Schools This Year By Norman E. BrownI The selection of an All-eastern' eleven this year presents a greater problem than ever before for several1 'reasons. I..".. - "' uSome of them are:j The inability to compare logic- rJ .ally and concretely the strength of f4he several outstanding teams of that section. Lafay...…

December 07, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 64) • Page Image 14

…PAOE F(YUUTEEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7. 1924 +*+ women .+ WomenAnd Their Interest In Campus Work By Marguerite Diitton deal of difference in the signing of "Greater interest is being shown by 1slips. From the 13>0 tryouts 15 ac- the women this year in campus or- tive and 15 associate members were ganizations and activities than in any 'chosen. previous year," is the universal comn- Miss Norah H-unt, director of ...…

December 07, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 64) • Page Image 15

…TI- E MICHIGAN DAILY PACT: FIFTEEN DAILY PAGE F'IFTEEN -~be in charge of the women, and a all students and young people of the in' die forenoonwllb conducted in special address wil be given by Mrs. city.. Perry Hlayden, '25, wil leadi German. At53 'cokteItdn Joseph I). Bunting, of- Detroit. In the' the discussion meeting. The topic £; 1.1L~~ evening at 7:30 o'clock Reverend J. will be "Internationally, WhTat Place Club will meet at the p...…

December 07, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 64) • Page Image 16

…PACE SIXTEEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DFCl.:\1I3LR lq2 ! PAG1~ SIXT~EEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1 24 i I " '1 ry t.')lburn ," 1,; once'of1Ole eci mcture. the' story phone e ie'( fa miliari to many through tr1oubles of a young mn I * ~~~~~~their appnearanice ini thle Cosmopolitanateth i(S otr (:xt~~e A "neNight in Rome'' an- bro bhe-s walks in on ti I othler st age Vehicle with is original p~ossessjin of their I itti. I _...…

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