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December 07, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 60) • Page Image 1

…Abo pop, t r l7Iaittj DAY AND W1 F _, _ ) f r 1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1919. PRI'TH~ IREES.t &V a AAZV==# % Iw FRESHMAN WOMEN .GUESTS AT SPREAI -. 6.--Athletic direcors ersities today adopt- football schedule for / ota' at Northwestern, go. ana at Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa g.t at Ohio State. s at Michigan, Iowa; Japanese decorations and favor changed the gymnasium and societ rooms of Barbour gymnasium in...…

December 07, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 60) • Page Image 2

…feel - 4 j r* Univer- sentimnts ex- Managing Editor - t rdy Heth something were done to make them feel it.. Most of the best business men are loyal supporters of AMichigan and her publications. Are they getting 'the full support from students which they deserve? Other firms are' trying to take everything without giving anything in return. Are you dealing with these parasites? CLASSRQOM COURTESY Courtesy. is one of the products of culture...…

December 07, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 60) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN.DAILY .. , MMERS CLASSES. 6 CAMPUS TO BE LEAGJES ORGANIZED MITCHELL PRESENTS NEW FRATERNITY SPORT PLAN lillUHLL Ill L i HL4 Surprise widdle in When He 40 GS LOWER 80 YARD AY MARK BY 24 SECONDS n swimmers showed up in in the final informal swim- t, held in the city Y. IVY. C. ay afternoon. In this meet, >reparatory for the D. A. C. t Friday night, the first year 'e consistent and better baf- .ad, due probably to their l...…

December 07, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 60) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY * | I |||| 4 - x 1 Our .Stylish Veather Shoe . g reasons why you will like this model. and handsomely decorated brogues are Second, it is an every-kind-of-weather GRADE $16-00 Alumni Association Secretary Lxpfains Work of Organization For the benefit of the new students to keep them in tough with their Alma of the University and all others who Mater and aids particularly in their are unacquainted with the work anct class ...…

December 07, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 60) • Page Image 5

…THE CHIGAN DAILY Y from ight S. State SCHLANDERER & SEYFRIED Minnesota "Y" IncreasesEnrollment The Y. M. C. A4 membership cam- JEWELERS ' paign at the University of Minnesota r- of- secured more than 700 members. In 18E Qualityband' Service the first five days pledges amounted to An Ar13 E. Liberty St. Ann Arbor,. Mich. $'0 "17 PROESRTRACES METEOR MOVEMENT L " A 1'1 - lye-.- T FIRS! E DAYS INC T 0 I w ++r - w r w w w - 1 w w w...…

December 07, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 60) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Cross Peace Program Extensive Aid To Needy ,, II wiomen .f - I ..._ pay all the expenses of these men, who will begin work the second semester. Pennsylvania-A drive is going on at present at the University of Penn- sylvania to raise $5,000 for a co-ed club house. ross work has not vanished e war. The American Red as a.L"peace program." Head- of the Washtenaw county of both the home service and public health nursing...…

December 07, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 60) • Page Image 7

…...35c . 40c . 40c ....35c the Huron~ VallIey Bldg. & Savings 'Ass'n. by 150 years, the latter will double your pennies and dollars in ten years, or should you need it before ten years you are assured 5 per cent from date of investment. No taxes. ~Under State supervision. Incoporated 1891. No safer place to invest your money. H. H. .Herbst, Secy. and Atty. 'Savings Bank Bldg.-Adv. If you aren't satisfied, we can't be. We make "Portraits that ...…

December 07, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 60) • Page Image 8

… _ ; for Christmas OR CHRISTMAS gifts what can be more appropriate than asic which expresses the spirit the season? WHAT'S GOING ON SUJNDAY 10:30-Cabinet club holds short meet. ing at Union to complete arrange- ments.tfor trip home Christmas. 2:30-Kansas students meet in room 306 Union building. 4:30 - Christian Endeavor society meets in Presbyterian church. 6:30-Plymouth guild meets in Con- gregational church., Miss Ting speaks on Shantun...…

December 07, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

…THE WEATHER PROBABLY SNOW TODAY lo it att ASSOCIATEE PRESS SERVICE VOL. XXIX. No. 58. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1918. PRICE THREE C ',NAVAL UNIT MEN" I TO BE RELEASED WITHIN 2 WEEKE RECEIVE PAY AND PAPERS FORE VACATION STARTS BE-1 MEN NOT GIVEN DRILL DURING INACTIVE DUTY All But 15 of 600 Ask for Release; Subject to Call Within Four Years University of Michigan naval unit will be entirely disbanded by Dec. 21, according...…

December 07, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 58) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 8 D - - -., -....- .. _... _. __ _ A ... ._. . . FFICIAL NEWSPAPER AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ilished ' every morning except Monday I the universiy year by the Board in -o1 of Student Publications. [BER qF.THE ASSOCIATED PRESS W A soeted Press is exclusively entitled to use for, republication of all news dis- es credted to it or not otherwise credited 1s. aper and also the local news pub- Ierin. tered at the postoffic...…

December 07, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 58) • Page Image 3

…1918. THE MICHIGAN EWLY THE MCHIGA DAIL BSKTBLL! NDERL' PW1AYITL UNIERSITY - ---.-- - - - CONFERENCE MEETING WILL DE.- CIDE UPON ELIGIBILITY OF MEN Basketball at the University of Michigan now rests upon the decision that will be reached by the meting of conference representatives in Chi- cago this afternoon. Questions of el- igibility and schedules will be thrash- ed out at this meeting. The initial step toward the sport being taken up at...…

December 07, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 58) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SALTVADAY, - a WA'S A011E1EENS .RAT IN WORLD WAR MON GOVERNMENT BACKS BRITAIN'S FORCES TO FINISH ada's achievement in the years war as stated by the director blie information in Our Neigh- n the North: ada entered the war with a reg- imy: of only 3,000 men. At the Ring of October this year she ent overseas not less than 390,- olders, and on the same date were in this country over 60,- en being trained for service in e...…

December 07, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 58) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY School of InslcPeople Go to Chelsea part: Mrs. Hannah Porter, Miss Nora A number of peop lefrom the School Crane Hunt, Mr. Burton Grimm, Mr. of Music are leaving today to give a Robert McCandliss, Miss Dorothy Hay- concert at the Methodist church in maker, Miss Nell Stockwell, and Miss Chelsea. The following will take Dorothy Wines. j ., ---I i PR ESIDENT'S TRIP NOT FOR LIBERTY SENIORS ILLE6ALI" SAYS CRANEl Y O U N ...…

December 07, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 58) • Page Image 6

…rHEI MIC141GAN VAILU SATURDAY, f ...._. 's There?" It! Who goes there?' 'The sen- tered into the shadows of the rmaster's depot on State street > response came in answer to allenge. "Who goes there, cor- of the guard, post number 10," n an imitation bravado voice. er or I'll fire." as the daring sentry fixed his at and charged the skulking ws, thetcorporal of the guard ded "itha squad. With a Ie "sew" the "enemy" ran be- the sentry's le...…

December 07, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

…) IOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MEE'llN _Fl [BER 7, 1917. lock Of Gothas Fri !?uring Hours Of Spirit Yew'' Dec. 6.-After several weeks of of this morning experienced an CAPTAIlt The first warnings were received Gothas crossed the coast of Kent.,2 nake for London, but after droppin dle off seaward again. Some 25 pl opted raid. The material damage sons were killed and 21 injured. ear men turned out pep" meeting last for the freshmen as large a...…

December 07, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 58) • Page Image 2

… I )I for Sap- still and sopho- some fall want theffi. e wondering if there. ge in the University ays and we'll all be on way. rate the kaiser is putting the Germans into the service, n capture prisoners just out Manaer Manager LEAGUE HOUSE HEADS PLAN Manager TO GIVE FACULTY TEA JAN. 9 Roeser Plans for a faculty tea to be given ampbe R. Atlas by the league houses Jan. 9, at Bar- bour gymnasium, were made at a sup- per party of the hou...…

December 07, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 58) • Page Image 3

…Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 6.-Reports that the University of Nebraska football team will play post-season games are 1-IJer L ed the hoodo num- I1 F~n ul - + 1. Former Michigan Coach, Now with St. 1 this tail- tne season some out the "13" on the arks. Yost merely e signals were giv alled attention to t ' the plays, one of was numbered "13. led. idn't get a chance se of his bad knee. on a trick play, Nortliwestern muda 1 gain. Then Yost For signa...…

December 07, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 58) • Page Image 4

…FOR BEL CHI'LEN vic 19 IUL Lloyd J. Curby, '17L. Kenneth A. Eastlick, '17. VES Rudolplf F. Wuensch, ex-'18. R Harold Birch. George M. Spartalis. Charles H. Griesinger. Clyde N. Kammerer, ex-'20. eiyed Paul Wilcox, ex-'18. im a William E. Votruba. went Willard L. Huss, ex-'18. etion Warren J. Huss, ex-'19L. e. Charles N. Ponton. Harry N. Deyo, '17L. 17. Henry J. Ranft, ex-'20. Linton B. Dirnond, '16. James A. Jones, '17. men Roy R. Lindsay. ...…

December 07, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 58) • Page Image 5

…ILO w!A f TUo TO IIIn ftfUI T GERNMENT DIi Ltd. ARGE VARIETY OF PREVAIL AS TO WAIT'S EST CRIME 01' 1N ~S GREAT. COLOSSAL RESULTS FROM NEW SYSTEM INSURANCE EXPECTED OF WAR For your Xmas Candies, Cigars, Kodaks, Stalionery and Toilet Goods Two Stores 324 S. State St. 1123 S. University Ave. I Co. MAIN 4 STREET yrT RICAL Large tie SHOP of Quality" ive make it right NE 27 - ton 117 Pbarl Ypsilanti ES d Sodas isian and Commit- P...…

December 07, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 58) • Page Image 6

…I TOTAL OF I 'EN MONT] ES BIG IN- R 1916 -American e .in in Octob 170 Lt1LId 1 htI LI1ULU, IU rEm MEDICAL STUDENTS ALREADY WE SUPPLY EVI ENLISTED IN RESERVE CORPS Sheehy irst year medical and dental stu- Ann Arbor ts may apply for enlistment in the isted reserve corps of the medical artment of the army after Dec. 15, ording to the new ruling issued the war department. To date 170 ical students, out of 206 who were ;ible for this corps, hav...…

December 07, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 57) • Page Image 1


December 07, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 57) • Page Image 2

…'Ii Treat Yourself To A Nelv Suit or overcoat for Xmas. Come in to- (lay and select the cloth from our as- 'or tiunt of elegant and exclusive fabrics from the very best mills. The' cost will not be unreasonable. And our reputation is a guarantee that the style and tailoring will be irreproach- able. G. L. Wild Company Leading .Merchant Tailor State S T Y --i L- -' R ' k i I ALL Phone 169 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111 1t...…

December 07, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 57) • Page Image 3

…D~ ~ui F i 11 EADR Of 171 VARHSITY ELEVEN BIG FULLBACK IS CHOSEN BY FELLOW 1916 "M" MEN PLAYED ON 1914 AlL-FRESH Dependable Ground Gainer and De- fense Man Has Won Two Football "M's" Cedric C. Smith, better known as Pat Smith, was elected to the 1917 Varsity football captaincy yesterday. The election was held when the mem- bers of the 1916 team gathered to have their picture taken, so that the camera caught ex-Captain Maulbetsch and Captain-e...…

December 07, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 57) • Page Image 4

…TODAY -Vaudeville. rpheum -Blanche "The Storm." Also toons. Sweet i Bray Cax S * * * * * S* in * * * reade-Theda ,Bara and Juliet." In "Rome * * * * R * * * * I AT THE WHITNEY. e Washington Square Players any of New York will come to Whitney theater Friday, Dec. 15. ey_ are renowned for the artistic uction of plays by Maeterlink and kov Goodman, and plays of this will be included in their reper- in the 'performance given here. he Only...…

December 07, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 57) • Page Image 5

…Just received another lot of those .vZ } ' V \ 1 Feather Weight Soft Hats It is by no means presumpt- uous on our part to say that at Ai 1F * - 5amart i be are the best clothes because we are :ince / belief that human mi hands cannot desi tailor better clothes your needs. - 1" s made; re in our nds and gn and to meet $3.50 Tinker & Company Clothes, Furnishings and Hats for Particular Men. " Cor. S. State and Willam Sts. /I , COYIH...…

December 07, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 57) • Page Image 6

…aShoes for the Y N D 0 N 719 N. Univerafly I THE ONE PHOTOGRAPHER I FRESH "'Liv Wire" man C 'b I aend loo k ; o r b t e til come look Who delivers the Goods and has been delivering them for 12 years right here among Michigan Students Kodaks arid Guaranteed Amateur Wlviiilpay you ~ GYM SUPPLIES SHIRTS PANTS SHOES Si a BONAR LAW MAY HEAD NEW CABINET 115 S. hainSt. I Wal k -Over R.J. Hoffstetter er Prop, Boot Shop _ + SENIO...…

December 07, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 55) • Page Image 1


December 07, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 55) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY QjX~IIG f TO CRTICISE in the suiit we mnake for you. Neiter =i' eh aterial~,the' style or the t~ taloring will found the lfeast excuse for,AVtI'fftflig.- 'We sollo-t, n rder for one of our new model suits, know- -ing as we dothat it~ will give such all ~,round satisfaction that we will be.... 'your regular tailors thereafter. 11 MLDffiA -' ~,,, a 1 . 6, 4 i '44 0 0 0)6 '9 I -' S ,- eirma it It Will Crow 11 - r...…

December 07, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 55) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILT PAGE THREE nh iif *.fl~f,1.4 J . . .,_._.. n,. .., ... . ,..... ........... . ... ,. _. . A1 T FT b L .--. S. 4 i r-, I =.:---- i" .t e.. ".lr r ......,. .k...e... I 4 1 d __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _____ ___ INDOOR 9ASEALL A ES COMMENCE Each Team Must SPlay Two Games by Next Wednesday; Schedule Announced PLAYERS MUST BE EXAMINED A schedule for the indoor baseb...…

December 07, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 55) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILIX a ,.. , . WILSON MAY AID IN BUSRAH CAMPAIGN I- (LED AUSTIAN BICK TO ENTER UNIVERSITY R. Zenisek, ex-'15E, Returns to Ann Arbor After Refusal to Serve in Tenton Army A man without a country-such is >hn R. Zenisek, ex-'15E, exiled Aus- ian, who has just returned to Ann rbor to enter the university at the eginning of the second semester. Zenisek, a native Austrian, has been i the United States for two years, ...…

December 07, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 55) • Page Image 5

…f'l -E~v.' 1 C1110A N'' [PA.j L Y. - - _ _ _n , .. _ b if m iell 3ou r e ut ooin~j for jour 11 inter O ~ert, :just )pY thi S ttkrWUL Ii<,it. We don't : y (1i favor 1r,1 ))Ml1c do insist tI~ t youll f regret s1ightiig us. r. sholving of Oi ercoats thall ours in '[ow', alt Wadhamns& Co's Corner. O y MAIN STREET - A- -I Xmas ft6ii NotrtA MVusic $75 for. ThisGrfonolavvjil play all, he latest Victor anc Columbia Record s Come in and bear...…

December 07, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 55) • Page Image 6

…tL~ IyA tilE MICHIGAN DAILI, I t I Sl/T Consider a Kodak for Christmas I am showing all the latest models at from $5.00 to $100.00 Nothing can please so permanently. Brownies for the Kiddies $i .oo up. -11 Have thefliPCli1 JACK V W. UlaveC.%.OUAMN Dom 1 B A . Y r LYNDON 719 N. University Eastman Kodaks exclusively 3, 7:304& 9 P.M. THE TALK OF THE TOWN, "For the sin which ye do by two and two, Ye must answer for one by one." The aw...…

December 07, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 60) • Page Image 1

…1 1L nigan 10 r r ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, DECEM BER 7, 1913. PRICE FI 'I, ENRY HURWITZ TO ADDRESS MENORA R MEETING TONIGHT. Makes The Michigan Menorah society will hold an important public meeting this evening at 8:00 o'clock in Newberry hall. Henry Hurwitz, of Harvard University, president of the Intercol- legiate Menorah Association,will speak on "The Nature and Purpose of the Menorah Movement in American Col- leges and...…

December 07, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 60) • Page Image 2

…HI( DAILY 1Vw U.f. LEADING kNT TAILORS .m Is We offer to you the tailored suit possible ie most suitable price. rkmanship the best. y suit built to fit, stock of woolens of quality. The t assortment in the select from. In WILDCO. 11 S. State St. Just a few szg . gestiOflLa- Harrison Fisher's Beauties, Harrison Fisher's "A Girl's Life" A Little Girl's Book Michigan Pillow Cov= ers. College Jewelry Pins-Lockets-Rings Watch Fobs Hat Pins...…

December 07, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 60) • Page Image 3

…ca r C "WITHIN THE LAW" TO RETURN SOON Bayard Veiller's Absorbing Play Will Appear at Whitney Theatre December 17. SPLENDID CAST IS PROMISED. One of the genuine treats of the lo- cal theatrical season is foreshadowed in the announcement that "Within the Law," Bayard Veiller's absorbing new play of modern American life which scored so heavily on its first visit, will play a return engagement with the same cast as before at the Whitney Theat...…

December 07, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 60) • Page Image 4

…er and Levi Are Before Language ociation. to ssors Warren W. Florer, of the department, and Moritz Levi, French department, will attend ete nth annual meeting of the division of the Modern Lan- , ssociation of America. Pro- Florer will read a treatment "Notes on Gustav Frenssen," 11 also lead in the discussion rho Character of Intermediate Professor Levi will present a n "Some Characteristic Traits Early Dramas of Maurice inck." The meetinMg...…

December 07, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 60) • Page Image 5

…CIFT-SUCCESTIONS I Reule, Conlin & Fie I 1 iras could make you the comfort-=could make you ize the style--could make you w the values of Stein-Bloch irt Clothes, you would be hur.. I for Father, Brother or Friend Bath Robes Neck wear Hosiery Pajamas Gloves Mackinaws Canes Umbrellas Shirts Dress Vests Dress Neckwear Dress Scarfs Dress Gloves Dress Links & Studs Opera & Silk 'Hats Dress Shirts Silk & Linen Steamer & Auto Rugs to this s...…

December 07, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 60) • Page Image 6

…II Kodak LYNDON " At the Sign of The Kodak " Finishing Flashlights and Groups Films .gal sjnoes( Latest English Lasts FRES 11 Telephone 458-L 719 North University Avenue Press Your Clothes I * * * * * * * * * * Indian Moccasins More Comfortable than Slippers * I afford to miss. * * OF INTEREST TO WOMEN. (Edited by Stylus.) * * * * * * * * * C * * ER & CO. 1"8 S. MAIN STREET ANN ARBOR OFF ON ALL MILLINERY Beavers Excepted, ...…

December 07, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

…Local $2.00_ Mail $2.5+0I The Micl~gn Daily Local $2.00 flail $2.50 Vol. XXIII, No. 58. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER7 1912. PRICEFIVE CEN : I1 CONTROL PLANS IN CONFERENCE DIFFER WIDELY Investigations at Five Schools That Athletic Boards in "Big Nine" Are Not Uniform. Show FOUR HAVE STUDENTS ON ATHLETIC CONTROL BOARDS THE WEATHER MAN Forecast for Ann Arbor-Saturday, fair withv temperature decreasing to about 20; snow flu...…

December 07, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 58) • Page Image 2

…THI M-ICHIGAN DAILY your Fall or Winter Suit from the ,st line in the city. Dress Suits a specialty H Wild Co. Tailors and Importerst 311 South State Street H o I i d ay CGo otd s have the finest line of Christmas Cards iti the city. MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS At the lowest club rates PRIVATE CHRISTMAS CARDS With your initials and Address ve your orders now at S'Student's Sheehans Bookstore TH E FICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the ...…

December 07, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 58) • Page Image 3

…THES MICHIGAN DAILY :, .,.. .,,.. . t W._. BOYS we want you to see o New Flat English Custom Lasts th very latest with the new flat 7-8 inc heels, in black and tan;,light or heav weight, $5 to $7 per pair. "Purf eld ' tr e y I COSTS FIVE CENTS PER IMALE FOR YPSI WOMEN TO "FUSS" I SOCCER TEAM TO PLAY SATURDAY I 119 S. MAIN STREET We have the largest stock of best fitting pumps you ever put on $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 per pair. Padac...…

December 07, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 58) • Page Image 4

…THEG MICHIGAN DAILY Y - n praise of Malcolm's fall suits nd overcoats,those club checks re all right, others will show hem in the spring. Chinchella Overcoats lead all thers this season, why not B first year man? Malcolm Vu hows a very large range of I voolens, has a good suit at $20 nd $25 buys a suit you will B roud of. Speaking of style, and ndividuality reminds you at Anc Cof MALUCOLM Cao MMUNICATIONS MISSION WORKERS MEET AT LANSING...…

December 07, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

…ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 't' I\ I :)\I S I) ' )1;C(1 \IFI;If 7,I1910. I LLIN OLS R EGRETS IR? I.F1 LOSING 13IG AMES \ l ita otse i lcfeha 1 l trle alm lfre'shmitan sped a "H-ave Never Had a Fairer Foe" Says '"[he [Daily Illini'' 11S l lt~l()l. Itt tet i lhe ; th' i l ini Editorial ,tt~ai1 lii nnStIni f te eeninttg -II o 1(ig- tte titiacu tm, the vicen r i - - dents of the t tto unde rclasses le,-.1 ili' itetidmach. thin 'e irthe Itonni' falls RIV...…

December 07, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 54) • Page Image 2

…iTHE I MICH&ICAN DAILY .G. ..- LI) WLDCO. 31sSTATE STREET Opening Display of Fll4 and Wenter Styles FULDRESS SUITS A sP ECIALTY 110.STATE STEET rs. THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Nooc I tito (i t Nttist .... ..... .... tarry 0,1Fl0 I 11 C .10 1 . Nrthoc J. .Abbott. GS asr taut _,idv N. J. Nloitgcinli. IHarcdt Mct ee to ary IG. lyser. MuieTlle John ,1t. CXNi .FlSawJ- Ill . 1itK c. O cr ciicl BSUSINiESS STAFF 11}'cc Ruiitii. c.nt O b : t;. ', licinstcl ....…

December 07, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 54) • Page Image 3

…________________O~11~MICfll0A14DAlE __________ yhis Space IReserved FOR SmBurchfied Ann~ Arbor's Leading 104: F Hot soil Ste Opp. Court House A a o no $1.000 At ''o uClo pwa$1.7 Wxtaolo A A N. \-IceS -oPiaSt ll. A A.C 10 N Asst.~l I~~, I GS BANK ~ 0. '0 i, 111 I tt too 0ll .I o~i : n)f. Vo ""0 Pres. K F; 'L BANK 1,i Itt 10 N ) SOU ' t s it t Irp!(. t ' o ht .~;)(l ' l t 01 l , AI ii 1010 11 e ISeiot 'I'l( Tr a ftl d,,ntl 11tbra Itet o lefcio...…

December 07, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 54) • Page Image 4

…TIlE MICHIGAN b~ r Our best setter in S.R $5.00 'IDEAL LAST WAGNER & CO. State Street I [k 4..i Ui 1VNOTICES 11 :i k }? i i t' 1 ;t)3a1 l 111l 2 1 1 1 1 1 l ' ILA 111111 \111 1111y ,. ?11 f7 I c 1a\ F ll I I FI, t ill e 11 ) tlc 1Msica 1cl 11s F _:-!1 1- !i F III1 dres . 1 ?1reWa~oosats ~t.Recr j'- C. P-esrst NEMattE" x o ShiP.s, Neckweavx- Gloves. Hosiery r ide rwear, PajamCas, etc. By Mar.y R sbe -te Ririe~ha.-5 o.a £: _. N Ar Prices...…

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