October 07, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 8) • Page Image 1
…* he Michi~a a*y Vor,. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MIC., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1903 No. 8 TO DEVELOP A KICK[R. AHLEiTIC [[[CTION. ZOOLOGICAL COURS[S. GOOD GOV[RNMEIIN CLUB. IS NOW YOST'S xz z mf bg bg bg b Baseball and Track Managers to be C. C. Adams O-es Cures in Field, Will Continue as Stdent Organiza- Is now Yost's First Aim-Much m Elected Satrday at One 0'Clck Ecology and Elementary Eto- tion-Papular Pliticians will Ad- provement Shown in this Work- ...…