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January 07, 1917 (vol. 27, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

…I LY CLOUT COLDER oeollir t 4 4 1w mAn ait UNITED PR I DAY A-ND NIGHT WIRE SERVICE .., VOL. XXVII. No. 71. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 7, 1917. 'k . PRICE FIVE CEr ------ 1 CONGRESS PROBE TO STARTMONDAY Tumulty, ,Secretary Lansing and T. W. Lawson to Be Called PROOF OF LEAK IN PEACE NOTE SHOWN IN COMMITTEE MEETING Hearing Expected to Be One of Big- gest Affairs in History of Congress By J. P. YODER (United Press Sta...…

January 07, 1917 (vol. 27, iss. 71) • Page Image 2

…1'1' (!r frt u4igttn SNEW YEAR a complete new outfit and it should be up to the standard of ty and well being that is sure to hold sway in 1917. clothes measure up to it in Style, Quality and Service. G. H. Wild Company Merchant TailorsI State Street Ji DON'T THROW AWAY your Dull Razor Blades We will sharpen them better than new H..L. SWITZER CO. )WARE 301 State St. SPORTING GOODS Now SX&pply of Laundry Catses he Slater Book Shop iew...…

January 07, 1917 (vol. 27, iss. 71) • Page Image 3

…lull'' V JILL HAS 2 OPEN DATES Last Saturday In October November See No tests as Yet and First in Con. NEBRASKA IS A POSSIBILITY Following the official announcement that Michigan will not play Princeton next year, football followers here at the Wolverine college are wondering who will appear on the 1917 schedule. Michigan still has the last Saturday in October and the first one in Novem- ber open. These are two of the most attractive date...…

January 07, 1917 (vol. 27, iss. 71) • Page Image 4

… a ' Dixie Dance AT ARMORY Friday, Jan. 12, 1917 Fischers First String of Musicians This dance is strictly for students Hear the Tickets $1.00 per couple at BUSY BEE Faculty Chaperonage Latest I I I r H 17 V THEATRE o r 4 Days COMMENCI^ SUNDAY E'IGHT TWICE DAILY, 2:15 AND 8:15 P. M. WILLIAM FOX PRESENTS A Daughter of the Gods "ThePicture Beautiful" E we Trua xntSour* 7Essanay KELLERMAN SCENE FROM PICTURE AT THE MAJESTIC T...…

January 07, 1917 (vol. 27, iss. 71) • Page Image 5

… I Suits and Overcoats ALL Calkins Drug Co. SOCIETY BRAND 1-4 Off Suits and Overcoats Wish you a Happy New Year 1-4 Off Blues and Blacks Bath Robes. Odd Trousers 20% off . 20% off 20% off I 1 AT 1916 REPORT UN SUMMER MILITAIRY CAMPS ISSUED SUNDAY SERYICES IN ANN ARBOR CHURCH Trinity English Lutheran Churc Morning sermon at 10:30 o'clo subject, "The Biblical View of Deat EI J. F. WUERTH Co. New Day Light Store next to Orpheum ...…

January 07, 1917 (vol. 27, iss. 71) • Page Image 6

…I VERCOAT SALE All ready to wear garments in our shop at 25 per cent unt. It will pay you to invest in an Overcoat now. In- d in this sale are many spring weight coats, just what you need in sixty days from now, and at that time you will pay egular price. All our garments are new, many have only been in the GO TO ANN ARBOR'S LEADING COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHER for Amateur Finishing, Copying, Enlarging Lantern Slides etc. A complete and fresh sto...…

January 07, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 69) • Page Image 1


January 07, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 69) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY f _ R c:R:a:a r x !Y ' ' . a1 :t 0 ...x l .; 1114 l - THE BEST DRESSED MEN have their clothes made-to-measure. It is not a fallacy to say that clothes reveal their origin even to the casual: observer. And there s anair of dis- tinction to our clothes that can come only from years of experience in tai- loring garments. We have satisfied your friends, why not you? G. I. WILD COMPANY Leading Merchant Tailors State St. TIi M...…

January 07, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 69) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY I illllt~i iji fI V ti * *1 a. F r Tr=: F=rr7 L4 I# ln ".-t ry l h. 1 x MAKE PLANS FOR INTERS CHOLASTIC Purely an Invitation Affair; Expect This Year's Meet to Be the Largest Ever Held ASST.-ANAGER TRYOUTS TODAY Active Work will be started in the near future by Manager. Ray Mills and his corps of assistants in preparation for next spring's Interscholastic meet. It is planned to make this year's meet the l...…

January 07, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 69) • Page Image 4

…A THJ _ent- neritu s Angell C elebratew Eighty4. Seventh Birthd ay~ RuJERILL SSELL ?tichigan Nearly DOCTOR ANSELL T~GHT ~Y1Mi C.A. BUREAU +1~IIS Deadly 'Saw - fly 'IJISCIJSSES DIPLOMATIC DE~ PROBLEMS 'WHICH FACE Di C CENflINT. DF Iliad lien 's Dorm s JOHN HAY FRENCH AN~ BlEAT NUMBER rnmaraek l'e4 Lound Seieral Days ""TED '~r'Trn. fl~V~ 1)octor liigell Recalls Attempt 'to n ISLAND SETTLE M i~ ~ I C ULLLIJL ____ Start Dormitories as 1'rivate Vei...…

January 07, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 69) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ..... y. I. ! Wl-l-; NR4il"1 r ef6: 6 ' I "Sister's New Beau knows what's what. 'Cause every time he comes he leaves behind a box of Ramer's. 'Tell you right now he's solid with me!" RAMER'S CHOCOLATES smooth the ups and downs of courtship-keep Her swe t tempered and happy. Take Her Ramer's today and watch Her smile! Have you tried Ramer's Vera Sweet Chocolates? Ramer's Joy Eats? There are many kinds-all delicious. Be...…

January 07, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 69) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 0 =:=WALK-OVER=: 0 Ilie Wisor" are e st day.s of ode's C olle e D a s lelife, and Pictures tell the story like nothinig else can. You can take them yourself with an Eastmanu Kodak and eve Ithelp you to get good ones- or I'll take theta for you. ° cic Groups or Flaslhlighis (good ones) for only 25~C each. Always onIfr J 1~rjiaIPicture Man Whitlnay Theatre SATUDAY NIGHT, JAN, 8th HE INTERNATIONAL COMEDIENNE WHITNEY :...…

January 07, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 72) • Page Image 1

…1 Michigan Daily Sul NOW $2.00 -j 72. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1915. PRICE FIVE CEN' i TEAM START .-_ - _ _ i Sets February 14 as r Opening of r Practice OP AND PROBLEM F ER RA Hurlers With All-Fresh Promise Strong ching Staff -en, Varsity baseball, Ann Arbor yesterday announce that indoor ce would start Febru- tely after the semester TODAY Women's Vocational conference, Sarah Caswell Angell hall, 4:05 o'cloc...…

January 07, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 72) • Page Image 2

…THE KiCIHIGAN DAILY Anywhere and Everywhere the well dressed man is conspicuous. Good clothes add wonders to general appearances. Then, too, think of the satisfaction he derives from the know- ledge he is clothed in good taste. Any man may enjoy the same feeling if he'll let us make him a suit which will fit per- fectly, look and wear well. .i7 ~ - ~ Q _ _ ___ G. H. WILD Co. Leading -Merchant Tailors. THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper...…

January 07, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 72) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN bAILY I Is' Down! Down! Down! GO THE PRICES I Whirlwind Finish for I JANUARY Removal Sale Now On Mens' Suits and Overcoats Divided in Two lots Calkin's Pharmacy 324 S. State Street I 2 off --/3 off BLUE & BLACKS 1-4 OFF ODD PANTS 207 OFF We are compelled to give you this great opportunity of all Suits and Overcoats 1-3 off, Furnishings 20°o; Bags and Suit Cases 20°1. o ° ___ WADHAMS & CO. 'FI ___iiy1It:&ti...…

January 07, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 72) • Page Image 4

…THE M1 TH MAN DAILY -, A YIYll i WA Imm inuary Clearin b SALE Double amount of Free Piano' Certificates with each purchase. g IMPORTANT NOTICE! '"SincetHre'i'd tae Sno Harvard Game next Fall - FREE, One Round Trip and Two One Way tickets to Philadelphia in 1915. To the Student holding cash reg- ister receipts totalling the largest amount on the Saturday preceding the Pennsy Game next Fall, I will give free transportation to Philadelph...…

January 07, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

…11 .4 I, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1914. PRICE FIV: PRIE..I - - President-Emeritus Jams B. Angell DR. JAMES B. ANGELL PASSES HIS EIGHTY-FIFTH YEAR I 1 . -fti 111 Iverlln'nt 1n .thcm, was iishcredl Lder of democracy ~eU was born in tary 7, 1829. pent in the atmos- . His preparatory, iined at Smnithville Uni 'ersity Gram- .d .c . He gradu- niverAty at the age e Phi Beta Kappj iegree with highes. O college wa; A...…

January 07, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 71) • Page Image 2

…lLiii lOGAN DAILY I 1 LADING t TAILORS I II1 STATIONERY e offer to you the idlored suit possible most suitable price. manship the best. suit built to fit. tock of woolens of ghest quality. The t assortment in the )select from. In WID CO. 1Ii S. State St. We have arranged' with the origin at or at the new process of die stamping to offer a 2 quire box of pa- per and envelopes, paper embossed in gold. This offer is without doubt the grea...…

January 07, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 71) • Page Image 3

…11 I, could make you mfort--could make you style--could make you values of Stein-Bloch GET IN ON THIS realize the know the I X3.00 FLANNEL SHIRTS it Smart Clothes, you would rying to this store to get selection from our big Stein- Bloch Overcoats. If you are outdoors a great deal, ask us to show you the Stein-Bloch "-lardweather.11 be hur- an early stock' of $2.50 $1.5V tt $1.85 $ 185 .95 Whyt? Because the line broken, just a f...…

January 07, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 71) • Page Image 4

… Shoes II LYN- Kodaks and Photo I DON Supplies AMATUER FINISHING Latest English Lasts Pr Indian Moccasins More Comfortable than Slippers & CO. 108 S. MAIN STRELT ANN ARBOR FF ON ALL MILLINERY Beavers Excepted, at- erty East DANA RICHARDSON 0,At The BEST TABLES In ANN ARBOR our Frozen Delioacles have a permanent placeJ CAiPtlltS Y BRIE1,F., --Fresh laws will hold their inaigu- rance at 9:00 o'clock Friday night atGrangers. ---Frank...…

January 07, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

…1 ,-ga ally I ANN.ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JANUARY .-, 1912., Emeritus Celebrates 83rd Erthday VALUABLE BOOKS GIVEN TO THE ENGINEERING LIBRARY. John D. Hubbard, '87 E, has pre- sented the Engineering Library with three books on "Warming and Ventila- tion." One volume was written in 1836 by Thomas Tredgold, and the other two were written by Walter Berman, in 1845. Both men were English en- gineers. "The interesting point these fine old bo...…

January 07, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 71) • Page Image 2

…HEi Pll MAEAD. ri1lywM- w + +w- - - L -i X "IA. lusive Styles users. Late Street RS 6 Official Newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning except Mon- .day throughout the school year. .. ntered at the Post Office at Ann Ar- bor, Michigan, under Act of Con- gress of March 3, 1879. Walter K. Towers. BUSINESS MANAGER Albert 'I. "illey Editors. News Editor ....... .Harry L. Fol7 Assistant..........Frank Pennell Athletic Edi...…

January 07, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 71) • Page Image 3

…? - aefive e on UNIVER-S1rY - CA'LENDAR- Jan. 4-1.-Tryouts, for Deutscher Ver- ein play 4 to 5 p. mn., room~ 203 U. U. Jan. 7.-"The, Debts You Remo. mber,". Newberry Hall, 3:00 p.,in, Jan. 8.--Senior Law dh-uier at the Un- ion. Jan. 9.--Senior Engineer din~ner at the Union. Jan, 9.-"Ceramics" .Dean Orton of 0. S. U. West Physics Lecture 'Roomi at 8 o'clock. Rt w Over- coats Jan. 10.-Vocal recital by Nora WVA..N E ). Wiate d-Second growth ...…

January 07, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 71) • Page Image 4

…New MUSIC elegram Received States That Glee and Mandolin Clubs Enjov Stopover AY DELAY HOP PREPARATIONS. (Special to The Michigan Daily) DODGE CITY, KAN., Jan. 6.-The niversity of Michigan Musical clubs *e now snow bound just west of here y a blizzard which has put a stop to I traffic. According to the latest re- wts, however, the trains will be in >eration by tonight. At present the ubs are over two days behind their gular schedule and the ...…

January 07, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 69) • Page Image 1

…at. Vol. XXI. PENN DESIRESNW PL BIIT R LSLooks to Reestablishment, of Eastern Big Four, with Michigan Cut Off REVIVES CONFERENCE ISSUEj ANN ARBOR, MICHIGANSIII)77371 ;, 7 77 57)77:1, 17\1'71\711 STUDENT ORATORS '07K~.1I( [>ah r <\ ulaiul cil e111e he A1Y FOR DAOIES .'li cas1woatird 7ll 71adlieF Lyceum Club is Ready to Supply )tatialden 77tatonof1.7.7 o ey Lecures frA yandAl 1 n~cl lal ha 1wn dvisd fr lPurposes \tstc ~ n 1ro~icstt h te eatu...…

January 07, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 69) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 31 AO.S FP STEET Fall aid Witer' Sye s FULLI 1'3 SSUITS 1 ,i t 1 I i N I' ii . t t THE MICHIGAN DAILY. PASSES MILESTONE TODAY, INN I1)19519I;199 N l Managing Bdditor-LuI A WHITE. Dr. Angell Celebrates Eighty-second r'otuues ron Pge I.I Business Manager-NORMAN H. H'ILL. Birthday I iI t \'li~i EDITORS.SOr. JamesC4".Anells ill cei~leIe ruumfthe .. lIket ohIlc.Until d11 News Editor.......... Harold Titus the righill it I...…

January 07, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 69) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY fix'^ : yy, 'w . , - i ' v.l : Y ". icy, .F_ r J' t^. l.t ,y -xt-. , : ,. ... ,., ,,.:,. : Announcement! --OPENED AT-- 220 South State street A NEW MODERN FRENCH DRY CLEANINC SANITARY PRESSING AND DYE WORKS Machinery of the latest modern type, all work done under the most sanitary conditions Prices Right For Instance: 15 pairs of pants or 5 suits spong- ed, pressed and repaired - - : - - - Our unlimited contracts for the b...…

January 07, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 69) • Page Image 4

…TIHI MICHIGAN DAILY H4O C KEY STICKS A Fail Assortment of the Best Line We Can boy 25 Cents to $1.00 Each. Sweater 'Vests arnd A xtomnobile Sweaters Complete Stock of the Spalding Mlake at WTVAH K' S I University Book Store -5' COMING EVENTS Satiirulay, January 7-Junior Lit loverly Party. i'arbouir Gymnasitum. Sundasy, January 8-"The Passion Play," P'rofessor Trueblood, Newbery Hall at 6 :30 P. 11. Tuesdlay, Jan. io-Cerclc lFranU is, Lectur...…

January 07, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 69) • Page Image 5

…THlE MICHIGAN DAIL Y ~. _ ._.. ABlue Serge r Collie"; 0 17 1 gb 1111a41y for 1all occai onal chlanlge y of atire. Excellent value to onor ® w TeSpalding Kac i't Ill Qlm 10 1'(T 'frlltl) i I erll05,11 /Tcll1.1 1l11'o$100 1C(lo 1111 11,1%11 1. 1 1 1 tt400 ,010 4041 10 , he 4*A a>1 a 'What' ewinDor 254 Wood1v rd Av. D.1 fitMill Ca,-, Mead d LbesaviSt,,0,1t ("'4 011114, MICI:I.s W1. 1. Booth., '10 1711011f WV. (C1A1110SON, (11 CLASSIFIED ADVERT...…

January 07, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 69) • Page Image 6

…s.. r. W L E TUNIVEIRSITY i) I IY r iA IhallIT all, 1c' IIt N , cbaltcml 'ar imdyJanary 16 - HLNRYi. HARRIS rTS 11L3 r A v NEW YORK ' -7 A COLLEGE MAN cvMnAlways Welcome "a erms for College Teams I iation. Near Theatres, ;Shops asnd Central Park rModern, Absolutely Fireproof rI ates, $250, with Bath, and up. Oat:':cde Rooms. Send tor Booklet. is I1 N 1 Iior. a c Ii ' I Th Nic t111111 rfI t A E 7: (5- 111 th a L1 11 , 1i' It Chadie r N...…

January 07, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 68) • Page Image 1

…TheMichi _D VANARBOR, MICHIGAN, it l :ll X \ '.1ItY 7~. Vol- XX. No. 6i8. TIME NEARING FOR THlE BIG DEBATE sTeams Are Hard at Work in Preparation for Annual Con- test This Month. For seval eeks10 the taO teams which will represent Mihigan in the anaual initercolleiateli dii tes wti Cli- cago andi Northwterns i have heeii at work undler the giancte at Professor Hdollister. Althoiugt nne of the in i selected tate eve paittrtiatedt in iter- c...…

January 07, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 68) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ _w_ ._ THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. aemle sv , rlt misLUm- ,t. iManaging IEditor o ici ts5 i i MERCHANT TAILORS CLARilisrE.s cxctaii "iCEEtttc This Gazcite eioilTlt~ sGC\ Business itfuuager y il i ii sI5s i i i tWe have complete linesCtsF.0AD. sriib'isc f fine W oolens o le sfor Suit- ;7 ()Vx ci l 11t1i1,'l '?o1fC igOvercoats and Tro- i liss: IJCMtrst su t stcYPress Bldg., inr 1 102tel~i adits srFancy Yestin s for iiidSte.iltti g ...…

January 07, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 68) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY }This Space Reserved FOR Sam Burclifiekl :: &Co. :: nnArbor's Leading 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler ALARM CLOCKS 78c ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 Fully Guaranteed Watch Repa ilImj a Specalty THE F'ARMERS AND MECHtANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Captal $50,000 Surplus and Profits $100,O0 1 GnrlBanking Business. 3 percnt paid posit Boxes to rent at $2.t0 and upwards R. ...…

January 07, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 68) • Page Image 4

…Full satin lined with heavy cord s silk facing at C-C-C $35.00 C-C-C For the holiday. ? Cut by experts and made by men who spend all their tim-n on dress work. NOT one or two a Season. We give a try-on with each order. I. KARL MLCOLM , 118 E, Liberty THE MICHIGAN DIAILY4 UNIVERSITY NOTICES ]lbot comit forSopil, ircp 1~~~~~~~ 444 4 1i 4 1 'iii S. ., k r ! tre "" I GRAN R'SSCHOL OF DANCINGJ P T < ., ci(x n i°ric , t :fa~i dl im da v1ins4t ...…

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