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December 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 46) • Page Image 1

…WE1 "Utt Weather ronight: Chance of snow, ow around 270. armw: Chance of snow, ugh around 340. One hundred sixyears ofeditorialfreedom Friday December 6,1996 ,. ,:, Winters Faces cs in today By Katie Wang Daily Staff Reporter Michigan football player Charles Winters plans to turn himself into the Detroit police today to face felonious charges of assault with intent to do great bodily harm and malicious destruction of property, said his a...…

December 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 46) • Page Image 2

…2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, December 6, 1996 -NATION/WORLD Rockefeller Center hit by explosion in Christm ru NEW YORK (AP) - An explosion at Time Warner's headquarters building in Rockefeller Center yesterday rattled windows and startled pedestrians crowding the area to view the famous Christmas tree. Three people were injured in the blast, which appeared to have originat- ed in a restaurant on the building's sec- ond floor. They were ...…

December 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 46) • Page Image 3

… LOCAL/STATE The Michigan Daily - Friday, December 6, 1996n- 3 Youth allegedly .attacked at *co-oP A 15-year-old boy said he was phys- ically attacked by several unknown per- sons at Arrowwood Co-op on .Wednesday. The boy said he was struck with fists and unknown objects. He has injuries to the left side of his face, according to DPS reports. He also sustained a bloody nose. A social worker attempted to contact the boy's mother after the .in...…

December 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 46) • Page Image 4

…4- The Michigan Daily - Friday, December 6, 1996 $IE £kih lug 420 Maynard Street BAnn Arbor, MI 48109 edited and managed by : students at the U niversity of Michigan RONNIE GLASSBERG Editor in Chief ADRIENNE JANNEY ZACHARY M. RAIMI Editorial Page Editors NOTABLE QUOTABLE 'I'd like to say the word sorry. The word "sorry" Is a very powerful word. It has a lot of meaning, and It Is meant.' -- Jonathan Schmitz, discussing his emotions in the k...…

December 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 46) • Page Image 6

…6 - The Michigan Daily - Friday,_December 6, 1996 95 ROCK SHOX Judy XC - $200. 1118" 7hreadless steerer tube. Neal 662-8703. CABLE DESCRAMBLER KIT $14.95 vew7allremium & pay-per-view channels. CANNONDALE racing mtn. bike w/front suspension. New cond. 21 speed. Call Brian at 32-0797. SOWlY VIDEOCAMERA, CCD-TR 580E, PAL System; battery and charger also included, converter for PAL to NTSC. 313/ 43 -2990. '84 AUDI 500SS WAGON, gold, automatic, ...…

December 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 46) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily - Friday, December 6, 1996 - 7 LOCAL/STATE HOLIDAY JOBS TODDLER CARE NEEDED in January. Working for the environment Part-time weekdays. Our home or yours. Call with groups like SIERRA CLUB Brian @ 761-5554. Call Jaimie at 662-6597. HOSTESS Part time, flexible hours, days & tickets & travel nights. Apply in person Grizzly Peak Brew- Bing Company, 120 W. Washington. WHHOUSE DIRECTOR needed immed. for University of Michigan...…

December 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 46) • Page Image 8

…8 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, December 6, 1996 NATION/WORLD r Fatal car crashes. with teen drivers drop nationwide AP PHOTO Shots in memory A kaibile, special forces soldier shoots into the air in remembrance of the fallen soldiers during 36 years of war at the last special forces graduation ceremony yesterday in Poptun, El Peten, Guatemala. The Guatemalan army is discontinuing the training of these special counter-insurgency units due...…

December 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 46) • Page Image 9

…Catholic church still under seige in Northern Ireland NATION/WORLD The Michigan Daily - Friday, December 6, 1996 - 9 BALLYMENA, Northern Ireland (AP) -Taunts, jeers and rocks at Mass every weekend, and now an arson attack on a church school at night: Our Lady the Mother of Christ is a congregation under siege. The Rev. Eamonn Cowan, like the other three priests who live in the parish house beside the Roman Catholic church, sleeps somewhere ...…

December 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 46) • Page Image 10

…10 -The Michigan Daily - Friday, December 6, 1996 R Friday's EventsI., ThuansDRAWING? ge Tousndsof $DOLLARS in PRIZESgie 4 W RM 1 . 4* away. Drawing will be held at 9 p.m. by Santa at S. University & Church St. Tickets avail- able until 8:30 p.m. through all participating businesses. Must be present to win. Grand Prize: $500.00 Gift Certificate from Suwanee Springs Leather on S.U. '' FREE PARKING? VALIDATED FREE PARKING all day Frid...…

December 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 46) • Page Image 11

…_______________________________________________The Michigan Daily - Friday, December 6 1996 11 b, a ill i L Anfii h f e e l e rse lo u rs: 9- 7 10-6 12-6 :ellular 600 S Main- -7 rite4 I Lupoli r a :ath4' wiar Sat. S. I Seri[cesI outh Street I 8079 - mj 1I '.4 I, .: I t 1a1 I 9 '1 F k 'O l.< i!1 'A rt .. 0 U U i I I WD 0 S I p LMJ )U i * 0I ::e :. $.... 4. - oW: 11 S1lid !I ots Glojves :rs Boots. ni...…

December 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 46) • Page Image 12

… Uft ift~mi Dat Midnight Madness! Ann Arbor breaks into a shopping frenzy today as the downtown retail district offers bargains galore. Enjoy late night shopping and a general ly festive atmosphere as this Ann Arbor tradition offers great bargains for all your holiday shopping needs. For more information on the day's happenings, call 668-7652. Friday December 6, 1996 12 Mars ttacks! 0 Burton sci-fi thriller takes no prisoners By Krist...…

December 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 46) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily - Friday, December 6, 1996 - 13 Check out all the weekend's sports action in SPORTSMoNDAY Only in The Michigan Daily. Man or Astroman? That is the question. Band makes Earth appearance Man or Astroman? lands in Pontiac for Saturday show By Ted Watts Daily Arts Writer Wacky theatrical bands have an odd tendency to veil their real selves behind their stage personas. From the Residents to Gwar, you tend to not see the a...…

December 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 46) • Page Image 14

…14 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, December 6, 1996 Explosive New York artists The Last Poets release hot new book UMS Choral Union to perform 'Messiah' By Stephanie Jo Klein Daily Arts Writer - By any means necessary, The Last Poets have always had their say. Since they first performed their lyri- cal style of spoken-word poetry and rap on May 19, 1968, at a celebration of Malcolm X's birthday in Harlem, New York, members of The Last Poets ...…

December 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 46) • Page Image 15

…The Michigan Daily - Friday, December 6, 1996 - 15 RECORDS onued from Page 14 lack 9 Black 9 ix It Up / Scotti Bros. 0 STARS 8 from da' boot Street Life / Scotti Bros. Black 9 is supposed to be a rapper; the four members of Nais are supposed to be singers. They're both on Scotti Bros. Records, and all of their debut albums should be trashed before they cause any more auditory damage. TI~e scout who sinned them should be fired (out of a cannon...…

December 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 46) • Page Image 16

… Scoreboard WOMEN'S COLLEGE BASKETBALL MEN'S COLLEGE BASKETBALL PURDUE 73, No. 7 Notre Dame 58 No. 10 DUKE 72, Florida St. 66 No. 10 TEX. TECH 74, Oral Roberts 51 ALABAMA 70, No. 16 Minn. 67 No. 14 W. KEN. 81, Murray State 57 No. 9 IOWA ST. 57, Tenn.-Martin 36 MICHIGAN ST. 90, Il.-Chicago 60 NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE WOFFORD 84, Montreat Anderson 59 INDIANAPOLIS 37, Philadelphia 10 No. 23 Xavier at LOYOLA-MMT,, inc. Home games in CAPS 9 * Fri...…

December 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 46) • Page Image 17

…_. .. .. The Michigan Daily - Friday. December 6. 1996 -17 - n . v .i V sr vrn j r " lR vvv ni wv yr + v Michigan women to be tested by Central Chippewas to serve as By Richard Shin Daily Sports Writer If the Big Ten is the big test for the lichigan women's basketball team this season, then Sunday's 2 p.m. game at Central Michigan will be a cram ses- sion. With only three games left on the non-conference schedule before Michigan's first co...…

December 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 46) • Page Image 18

…18 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, December 6, 1996 Outsiders crash family reunion Conlan-'s little F. . a. By DanIelle Rumore Daily Sports Editor The Michigan-Detroit men's bas- ketball rivalry is one of the oldest in Wolverines' history, dating back to 1919. The rivalry continues today, with the talk of ties between the two pro- grams, a sort-of broken family syn- drome. It continued last night at Crisler -Arena. Detroit coach Perry Watso...…

December 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 46) • Page Image 19

…The Michigan Daily - Friday, December 6, 1996 - 19 COTSON I KA Continued from Page 16 uition. Michigan coaches have no such special privleges. Maybe Mattison is doing this for old times' sake. He coached under Bob Davie at Texas A&M from 1989- 91. He was a defensive line coach, and Davie was the defensive coordi- nator. Mattison probably learned a lot from Davie. He probably liked him. K ut didn't Davie teach him about loy- 4 ty as well as de...…

December 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 46) • Page Image 20

…20 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, December 6, 1996 /Q$ ., a r, > _, Jodi 4 ° Dally black cube spins perpetually outside the Fleming Administration Building. The cube continues turning on the same axis day after day, but leadership inside the administration building is not as constant. Leaders in high- er education - mirror- ing society in general - don't stay in the same job for long anymore. The era when University presidents like Jame...…

December 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 46) • Page Image 21

…208 The Michigan Daily Weekei Magazine - Thursday, December 5, 1996 BAbout Town 5 k jIt . By Jenny Rubinfeld For theaily Sweet Lorraine's Cafe and Bar has an eclectic spin on traditional dining. This three-year-old Kerrytown restaurant combines a collection of various artwork and decor details to create a vibrant yet romantic ambiance. Its artsy and interesting atmosphere car- ries over into the heaping portions of new-American, gourmet cuis...…

December 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 46) • Page Image 22

… 2B -Se Michigan Daily Weekcl'Magane- Thursdaecembe 5,12996 0 0 The Michigan Daily Weeke&d The Michigan Daily Weekeifd sunday Voted mAnn Arbors Best Mexican Food, 93 '94f The Michigan Daily Readership Poll 'Tex-mex without guilt.., a cheerful bustling atnwsphmre..healthier versions of Tex-Mex classics.h -Laura McReynolds, The Ann Arbor News "A definite cut above... The Burrot menu is aimed directly at the cash-conscious and health-minde...…

December 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 46) • Page Image 23

…18B- The Michigan Daily WeekertA Magazine - Thursday, December 5, 1996 A weekly list of who's where, what's happening and E 1T' why ou need to be there ... 9 The Michigan Daily Weekenl MA LIGHTS FOR * CHARITY thursday CAMPUS CINEMA Microcosmos (1996) This documentary made by biologists will make you think twice about killing the spider in your bathroom. Mich 7 and 8:45 p.m. MUSIC Baked Potato Local band plays both originals and covers. ...…

December 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 46) • Page Image 24

…4B - The Michigan Daily Weeken Magazine -Thursday, December 5, 1996 w -f 7r The Michigan Daily Weekeni SCommunity Feature r Nat Sd Museum offers Jurassic PakatteU By Juno Wenzel For the Daily Time travel is at our fingertips. Neither Mr. Wizard nor a galactic phone booth are required, however. Indiana Jones attire is optional, though durable walking shoes and perhaps a crunchy peanut butter and jelly sandwich may complement this expedi...…

December 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 46) • Page Image 25

…0 168 -The Michigan Daily Weeketi Magazine - Thursday, December 5, 1996 The Michigan Daily Weekei M Prog rock, cult heroes, country stars round out boxed set crop DOMINO'S Continued from Page 3B Advised by a local family friend to check out the attractions on the north side of town, Dr. Marc Baker, a tourist. from Sydney, Australia, recently brought his family to the Farms. "It's just awesome, really fantastic. My daughter who's 3 years o...…

December 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 46) • Page Image 26

…9 0 0 0 6B -- The Michigan Daily Weekecd Magazine - Thursday, December 5, 1996 The Michigan Daily Weekeni 2 Entertainment News 2Sound and Fury A GRINCH RECOVERS BY DEAN BAKOPOULOS iify Tim six feet under tulips; Coppola to direct Grisham flick I admit it, in recent years, this time of year has left me as cold and as quiver- ing as a bowl of figgy pudding. It was- n't exams and final papers that had my spirits low, either, but rather a...…

December 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 46) • Page Image 27

…14B The Michigan Daily Weekerfd Magazine - Thursday, December 5, 1996" Two centuries of fresh breath add to Altoids' strong appeal The Michigan Daily Weekend Ma It's elementary: U-Prod's 'Sherlock Holmes' presents a modern, fallible detective Los Angetes Times Historical hearsay has it that when George III was told the Colonies were lost, he kicked his spaniel, felt a fit of fine madness coming on, yawned ... and popped an Altoid. Mariel Hem...…

December 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 46) • Page Image 28

… 8B - Tt Michigan Daily WeekelMgze - Decemberp996" Ie Community Feature Kerryt own represents bourgeois, historical side of A2 0 The Michigan y Weekedfd iN Retro remakes flood airwaves, make money on old recordings By HaeiAn Kim Daily Arts Writer With Thanksgiving just passed and Christmas quickly approaching, many Ann Arbor residents head over to the Kerrytown Shops, located in Ann Arbor's Historic Market District, to tend to their holid...…

December 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 46) • Page Image 29

…12B -The Michigan Daily Weekend Magazine - Thursday, December 5, 1996 0 0 0 The Michigan Daily Weeked Mag ® State of the Arts The "Beavis and Butt-Head" tour bus was in Ann Arbor on Tuesday morning. Or was it the "Choose or Lose" bus? I can't keep them straight. A wise old friend of mine suggested that the bus was probably the same exact one that visited the University two months ago to promote the presidential elec- tion. Of course,...…

December 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 46) • Page Image 30

…C7 Co IF -4? CL C) CD c.) A I ri N Q wt 5_ L :' ,n. ,, ., ., , o ' RNs r ', = ' : V ' +: e -. ' L- Y r C i aN r. ' r .-. ,., , , r 3 r h Y P l^- f' , s .. k'i . s 77 Z O H O r G Z 4 r^ j V CD) CPS -I r- H Z~ -h m7 T --4 CD c0i 0) …

November 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 26) • Page Image 1

…Bollinger named 12th 'U' By Jodi S. Cohen Daily Staff Reporter Lee Bollinger, Dartmouth College provost and former University Law School dean, was unani- mously selected yesterday as the 12th president to lead the maize and blue. Bollinger, an outspoken advocate for higher edu- on and the more contentious issues of affirma- e action and gay rights, has often been character- ized as strong-minded, intelligent and charismatic. As the only fina...…

November 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 26) • Page Image 2

…2A - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 6, 1996 NATION/WORLD Surgeons: Full recovery for Yeltsin MOSCOW (AP) - Boris Yeltsin's heart bypass surgery was pronounced a success yesterday and surgeons predict- ed a full recovery, easing anxiety that has hobbled Russia for months. Yeltsin could take back his powers and the nuclear button in two days, but may not go back to his office until the new year. The operation lasted seven hours and...…

November 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 26) • Page Image 3

… LOCAL/STATE The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 6,1 Expert: Defendant capable of premeditation 996 -- 3.1 Four arrested at ndate-rape drug' use case olice arrested four Clemson uversity students in Clemson, S.C., last week and charged them with pos- sessing Rohypnol, more commonly known as the- "date-rape drug," The Chronicle of Higher Education reported. The arrests are among the first in the country involving the controversial drug....…

November 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 26) • Page Image 4

…4A - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 6, 1996 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by W students at the Oniversity of Michigan [i t i ttn tti( RONNIE GLASSBERG Editor in Chief ADRIENNE JANNEY ZACHARY M. RAIMI Editorial Page Editors NOTABLE QUOTABLE, 'Based on this system we have at the University, (women) will get lower raises, and this concerns me of course.' - Prof Katherine Freese, commenting on possible gen...…

November 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 26) • Page Image 5

… CAMPAIGN '96 The Michigan Daily -- Wednesday, November 6, 1996- 5A Michigan ballot proposals present mixed results 9PROPOSAL A A ballot proposal to ban the use of bingo to raise political money for can- didates went to the voters yesterday. With 46 percent of the vote in, 55 per- cent of the voters were opposed to ban- ning the use of bingo for political fund- raising. About 45 percent were voting for the Republican-backed ban. ew times ha...…

November 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 26) • Page Image 6

…6- The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 6, 1996 2 APTS. & HSES. Effs.-whole hses. Apts. of all sizes and rooms. May or September leases. Not student slums! For rental info: Grace 662-3458 or Dan 810/406-8131. AVAIL. NOV. 15 quiet n-smkr. grad student! Studio apt. near Kerrytown, ktch., bath, idry. No pets. $475 mcl. util. 663-0488. AVAILABLE MAY. 7 Bdrm. house 200 yards from law school/Union. Furnished with 3 bathrooms, Idry., deck, prkg...…

November 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 26) • Page Image 7

… CAMPAIGN '96 The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 6, 1996 - 7A JENNIFER BRADLEY-SWIFT/Daty State Rep. Mary Schroer greets the press at a victory party last night at Ann Arbor Brewing Company. Schroer declared an unofficial victory over Republican challenger David Felbeck early this morning. n ndstrict race Brater holds House seat By Prachlsh Chakravorty and Brain Elias Daily Staff Reporters In the race for Ann Arbor's 53rd State House ...…

November 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 26) • Page Image 8

…8A - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 6, 1996 PAMPAIGN v96 Partiesl vie for House control The Associated Press Democrats made modest inroads yesterday in Speaker Newt Gingrich's Republican majority in the House, but the GOP partly offset its losses by capturing Southern seats vacated by veteran Democrats. Republicans were poised to capture their first back-to-back majorities in 66 years. "It looks like we will almost certainly keep c...…

November 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 26) • Page Image 9

… CAMPAIGN '96 The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 6, 1996 -- 9AI 'Students cast votes, support U.S. House race too close to call inton B heather Millr as Staff Reporter With President Clinton winning his bid for re-election, many students said they had taken the opportunity to vote and were happy with the election resu,1ts. "We're voting for our future. It's not like our vote doesn't count," said ntneering junior Celia Aaron. "My vote...…

November 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 26) • Page Image 10

…10A - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 6, 1996 CAMPAIGN '96 Re r ge: The Numbers Game 54 8 Alaska: (Dole) 3 10 34 12 11 18 ? ~23 5 84 21 22 53 5 .3 11 8 140 ~' , 1 CLINTON Continued from Page IA Clinton appeared outside the Old Statehouse in Little Rock around mid- night to claim his victory and thank his supporters, joined by Vice President Gore and their families and cheered by thousands of jubilant supporters. The president ...…

November 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 26) • Page Image 11

… Author comes to Hillel Writer Rodger Kamenetz will speak tonight as part of Hillel's Celebration of Jewish Arts. Kamenetz is the author of the best-selling "The Jew in the Lotus," the story of a fascinating spiritual discussion between a group of religious Jews and the Dalai Lama. The presenta- tion begins at 7:30 p.m. at Hillel, 1429 Hill St. Student tickets, avail- able at Hillel, are a mere $4. Wednesday -November 6, 1996 11A I - 1, Il...…

November 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 26) • Page Image 12

… Scoreboard Detroit 83, PHILADELPHIA 81 NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE L.A. Lakers 98. NEW YORK 92 CHICAGO 96. Vancouver 73 TORONTO 6, St. Louis 3 L.A. Clippers 82, DENVER 78 NATIONAL BASKETBALL Minnesota 98, PHOENIX 95 ANATION BASAtlanta 117, SEATTLE 95 TORNTO 100 Dallas 96 Portland 111, GOLDEN STATE 93 San Antonio 74, CLEVELAND 68Houston 102, SACRAMENTO 80 c Wednesday November 6, 1996 12A Blue icers return to Yost to raise championship banner ...…

November 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 26) • Page Image 13

…THE NEXT .: . a' a ' ? ' , .. t. ... _5&. PRESI .SPECI.A,,. S E 0- N ali ip4w~ Wednesday November 6, 1996 11 P 1111,11fillil ill RJR@I Pw Qu om i: i i 1 N 1 i i ;: i RM Op I !; - l ,,l---i " ision Bollinger picked for leadership, passion By Jeff Eldridge Daily Staff Reporter Nine public forums, one unanticipated lawsuit and three hours of open deliberation all came down to one name: Lee Bollinger. The Dartmouth College provost was app...…

November 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 26) • Page Image 14

…2B - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 6, 1996 THE I2TH PRESIDENT Bollinger is a familiar face for 'U' officials. it1 disagree with him very deeply on a number of ... issues." - Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor) By Jodi S. Cohen Daily Staff Reporter Lee Bollinger's old friends in the University administration are excited for him to come home. After two years away from the University, they look forward to work- ing with the former L...…

November 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 26) • Page Image 15

…THE 12TH PRESIDENT The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 6, 1996 - 38 Faculty excited about Bollin er's return to 'U' By David Rossman Daily Staff Reporter Under the University's 12th president, faculty members are hoping to gain a louder voice and more muscle in adminstrative decisions. And many have said" Lee Bollinger - the regents' ire - will lend a more sympathetic ear to fac- y concerns. A former dean of the University's Law Scho...…

November 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 26) • Page Image 16

…4B The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 6, 1996 DHEu, uTH PRESIDENT Dartmouth students, ac lsad t see provostg- By Katie Wang Daily StaffReporter While the University will welcome back a familiar face to campus in President-select Lee Bollinger, students and faculty at Dartmouth College say they are losing one of their most prized professors and administrators. "The University of Michigan is to be congratulated on an absolutely wonder- fu...…

September 06, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 123) • Page Image 1

…rAb tit! Weather ronight: Mostly cloudy. A .40 ercent chance of showers. romorrow: Mostly cloudy with 3 50% chance of showers. i One hundredfive years of editorilfreedom Friday September 6, 1996 ,., . u . , : 4. : , ,, . . .,; 0 urncane ran atters Carolinas MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. (AP) - Closing in with I 15 mph winds, Hurricane Fran began battering the Carolinas yesterday, bending trees and blowing rain sideways as thou- sands of people scr...…

September 06, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 123) • Page Image 2

…2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 6, 1996 NATION/WORLD Dole advisers quit after control dispute WASHINGTON (AP) -- Bob Dole's struggling presidential cam- paign suffered another setback yes- terday when his two top media advis- ers quit after a dispute with cam- paign manager Scott Reed over who should control Dole's television advertising. Don Sipple and Mike Murphy, who have sparred for some time with top campaign officials over...…

September 06, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 123) • Page Image 3

…Bike thefts commnon as students return With the return of students to the niversity campus, the bicycle popula- tion rises each year. And concurrently, so does the num- ber of bicycle thefts. Department of Public Safety reports indicate that from Sunday to Tuesday this week there were at least seven reported bike thefts on campus - from tires to entire frames. Tuesday, the first day of fall classes, three bikes were reported stolen, each q=ed ...…

September 06, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 123) • Page Image 4

…4- The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 6, 1996 (Tbe £rittn Pal ig 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan RONNIE GLASSBERG Editor in Chief ADRIENNE JANNEY ZACHARY M. RAIMI Editorial Page Editors 'Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial hoard. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the ...…

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