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December 06, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

…PNHEL, HONOR CODE PRAISED See gage 4 Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom 43ai -ti -v CLOUDY, WARMER VOL. LXVII..N...5 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1957 FIVE CENTS EIGHT PAGES I N i Y IY" Y r 1 1 Democrats Give Opinions On Fiscal, Defense Plans LABOR LEGISLATION: Mitchell Sets Forth i WASHINGTON (M)-The Eisen- hower administration got some as- sorted advice on fiscal and defense planning from Democratic leaders y...…

December 06, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 65) • Page Image 2

…I'THE N1CIGAti!IDAILY FRIDAY, I)NEMUEE1 , 19t" "MESSIAH"-Adele Addison, left, and Eunice Albert will be featured in the annual Choral Union presentation of Handel's famous Christmas oratorio to be given at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow and 2:30 p.m. Sunday in Hill Auditorium. 'U' Chorus To Give Handel's Messiah Expert Hits Low Income In Banking Too many bankers are afraid of making money, Howard P. Par- shall, president of the Bank of Commonwealth of D...…

December 06, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 65) • Page Image 3

… !S. r 1957 THE M CMGAN' DAILY PAGE TARES R~ ThNY THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGK TRUKI Journalism Counselors Hold Meeting Advisers of high school publica- tions in southeastern Michigan will meet today and tomorrow at Haven Hill near Pontiac under the auspices of the University Depart- ment of Journalism and the Michi- gan Interscholastic Press Associa- tion. Forty journalism teachers and advisers of school newspapers and yearbooks have registere...…

December 06, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 65) • Page Image 4

…1, 1 Sixty-Eighth Year -____1hF; EDITED AND MANAGED BY ;STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Nhen Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail") STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. The Down-To-Earth Missile Race ,$ -- - *...…

December 06, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 65) • Page Image 5

… e, DECEMBERO, 197r TlHE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE PT Job Conference To Offer Coeds Advice, Coffee The annual Career Conference for the benefit of all University women will be held from 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday on the second floor of the League. The conference is sponsored by Scroll, Mortarboard, and Senior Society, three honoraries for senior women, in cooperation with the University's Bureau of Ap- pointments and Occupational In- formation. Guidance...…

December 06, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 65) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILI FAIDAV- lr)r(IMMr.U A- IM" _________________________________ - ** 1, 4CSA7T&MA~AU 41. ,&7Yf1 M'Icers Open Home Season Tonight Many National Champions To Compete in Swim Gala Michigan Less Experienced Than Strong McGill Squad (Continued from Page 1) come from Paul Reinke, who placed second to Hopkins in the NCAA championships, Pete Fow- ler, Canadian Collegiate champion, and Tony Tashnick, former Detroit city champ. I...…

December 06, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 65) • Page Image 7

…FRIDAY, DECEMBER a, 1957 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE MV Team's Support DAILY CLASSIFIED ADS Lauded by Pace By The Associated Press Michigan halfback Jimmy Pace credits his teammates for helping him achieve a lifelong goal. The speedster,- who was the Wolverines' sole running threat this past 'season, said emphatical- ly: "They made me an All-Ameri- can. A halfback is only as good as his line. I was lucky to have played behind such fine guys...…

December 06, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 65) • Page Image 8

…-i THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRID!fAY- TF.r(1r V'R. #: 14 _ _ _ 1 P 1W.lL[i :C L'G4; GYlflliL" [G S " .- _._ fig 1y;7 Japanese Scholars To View 'roblems Met in America Twenty-nine Fulbright scholars rm Japan will convene at 8 p.m. might at the Union in a unique ttempt to "bridge the many dif- erences in institutions and, ways thought" met by Japanese schol- rs in America. The theme of the regional con- erence is "Communicating Ideas etween Jap...…

November 06, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 43) • Page Image 1

…CAMPUS CHEST NOT NEEDED See page 4 Y 1MwF Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom CLUDY VARIER No. 43 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1957 E mocrats New YoIr Win Positions 'k, New Jersey y The Associated Press crats continued their win- ays in off-year elections ty as Democratic Gov. B. Meyner of New Jersey election against his Eisen- upported challenger, Mal- Forbes. er, who thus boosted his for consideration for a n h...…

November 06, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 43) • Page Image 2

… THE MICHIGAN'DAILY J WEEK: i Dancers Present Show Dancers of as la-) otf * Hill Audi- s of India. on will be I including Tresses and ilment by premiere by London Fonteyn of seen alone wn as Mo- a feminine .lrty years f indecent original. 'Old Lace' To Headline New Season Joseph Kesselring's farce com- edy "Arsenic and Old Lace" will open the 1957-58 speech depart- ment playbill at 8 p.m. Thursday through Saturday at the Lydia Mendelsso...…

November 06, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 43) • Page Image 3

…SDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1957 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TA' Scouts-Tell Wolverines About Saturday's Foe By PAUL BORMAN A persistent stray dog, brisk weather and a defensive scrim- mage were featured in yesterday's football practice at Ferry Field. Practice started out with drills to protect against Illini aerials. The visitors' formations and plays are accumulated for the team by two of its coaches, Matt Patanelli and Don Dufek whose job includes s...…

November 06, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 43) • Page Image 4

…Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN hen Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. bT 1 0' '- AY, NOVEMBER 6.1957 NIGHT EDITOR: RICHARD TAUB...…

November 06, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 43) • Page Image 5

… 11 I 40 11 IfA '/A /C 4 - and re- the the 't 8 over the world .s fair, a high-~ goods and wood-block prints will be on display. A palm reader, native music and dancing 'will be featured in the India Students Association display. Turkish coffee and pastries will be served in the Turkish Students Club room, where native,goods and photos will be on exhibit. Pakistani students, in native dress, will display arts, crafts and food of the...…

November 06, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 43) • Page Image 6

…I WMICHIGAN DAILY Aalist Hits Tight Credit ty professor yesterday ,raining effects of tight nflationary pressures prices has generally ery great." ren L. Smith of the lepartmpent told dele- fifth annual Confer- momic Outlook, "The hat the initial high the banking system onomic units has per- ge increase in expend- finianced by the ds- existing balances. xpenditures which been financed ,with bed money if credit had been easier have. :ed inste...…

October 06, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 17) • Page Image 1

…to ... 21 N. Ca.'olina . . .. *l17 Navy..... v.13 .,.7 Army .27j Notre Dame. 26 Illinois Colgate ... 0 |1Purdue * S * S S * S * S S 40 Wisconsin . 0 W. Virginia, Penn State . . 13 1 Indiana .... 0.0' ..13 1 TO PLEDGE OR NOT TO PLEDGE Y 5kb a tty' PARTLY CLOUDYC< See page 4 Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom ANN ARBOR,MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6,1957 [I, No. 17 illlr . cret Code ing Sent SEarth tellite Hard To Spot, ...…

October 06, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 17) • Page Image 2

… i Make 1957 Home Football Opening Perfect Spectacle High Court Convenes; Re Segregation Are Key Issi . t (Pontinued from Page 1) bigger crowd. to the opening of Michigan's football season, but the Jewish holidays and Asian flu apparently combined to lessen the crowd somewhat. The Michigan Union was no mdre crowded than usual, and no more ' than the requisite number of old grads trudged up the stairs of their old fraternity houses. A Sea o...…

October 06, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 17) • Page Image 3

… Tinn MlCMGAN DAIT -Food Output Increases With Fewer Workers, J I Apo Tuesday (4) . Frances Greer of the School isic will present a public at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in Mendelssohn Theater. s Greer will' open the pro- with "Balmy Sweetness Ever ig" by Boyce, "The Maid's ition" by Leveridge; "Al de- y Mozart and a group of "Chansons de Belitis" by sy. program will be concluded 'I Am Like a Remnant of A of Autumn," by Carpenter, wade" by Nord...…

October 06, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 17) • Page Image 4

…The Arkansas Traveler Er1 it Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN one Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Ll Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. "ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. CTOEM 6, 19#7 NIGHT EDITOR: DAVID TARR Pro-Con: To P l...…

October 06, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 17) • Page Image 5

… AFi mld Events Around Campus . - Petitioning opens JGP. Interviews will be held to- c for assistant dance morrow. stgemaagrasis-* * * stage manager, assist- DAMES CLUB - First general manager and campus meeting of the Michigan Dames chairman, says Penny will be held at 8 p.m. Tuesday in general chairman for the League Ballroom. CallingBack TheGods... Swimming Club Members To Me 11 Old and new Michifish members will have a meeting at 7:15...…

October 06, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 17) • Page Image 6

…LY erine AerialAttack Smothers Georgia, IL )ta s 21-17, - Purdue ?OLis (A') - Quarter- Larson, obscured the ars by the attention Bobby Cox, rallied a dinnesota team in the for a 21-17. ig Ten odds-bucking Purdue. elieved Cox who was Purdue's charging de- ace 72 yards for one on a punt run-back,' another that sent Min- the lead for good in quarter, and sped over ards out for the clinch- nal quarter. eading 10-7 after the .ooked ready to ...…

October 06, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 17) • Page Image 7

… DAILY vy Jpset By N. Carolina;'! 'enn State Bows to Army Flu-Ridden Oklahoma Defeats Iowa State; Texas A&M Rolls Over Missouri, 28-0 CLASSIFIED ADVEISU 1. e' MANTLE s homer ks 'ake By The Associated Press CHAPEL HILL, N. C. - North Carolina turned a recovered fun- ble and an intercepted pass into touchdowns yesterday to 'upset sixth-ranked Navy, 13-7, Navy's. vaunted offense, which had crushed Boston College and William and Mary, ...…

October 06, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 17) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY VER SEE IT: Exact Satellite Location in Space Could Be Hard Job TO0N L. BLAKESLEE A Press Science Reporter )RK (A)-Russia's baby never be seen by human Soviet. " art 'of a seeming gamble k to win the proud prize sting space, opening, a human destiny. ct her m9on, Russia is %inly on a §omewhat odd radio signals from it. nals could fade or be making it hard to pin- exact location of the Sputnik -- Russian for Mlite. Learn Pa...…

August 06, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 30) • Page Image 1

… CULTURES' SSFUL THEME irr Sixty-Six. Years of Editorial Freedom :43ait MILDCONTINUED COOL. See page 2 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1957 FOUR' P vis Fied INTEREST BOOSTED: 50, Given Governmenl SMonths FHA Paym Math Instructor WASHINGTON (A)-In twin moves to s s 'Stiff' Sentence lower and middle income families, the gov almost in half the minimum down paymentf VERNON NAHRGANQ and boosted the interest rate on FHA loans Dail...…

August 06, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 30) • Page Image 2

…£cdy*rwn &zBt Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 n Opinions Are Free uth Will Prevail" ditorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staf f writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. AUGUST 6, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: VERNON NAHRGANG ...…

August 06, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 30) • Page Image 3

…N ibe Stops i Busts Yankee, Jinx; ors Gain on Leaders Yanks; Bums in Associated Press K-Mike Garcia beat Yankees for the first two years yesterday lbroke the league-n ht-game winning cut the Yanks' mar- Chicago to six games. m, whonnever has Indians in his major , was the victim of ght-hit attack which hree-run homer by ng in the ninth. k)g. 3, 1955 had Gar- the Yanks. He al- hits, pitching out of he seventh when he ickey Mantle and re- ...…

August 06, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 30) • Page Image 4

…/ THE MICHIGAN DAILY rtet Violinist Will Give Final Performance Here LNEST ZAPLITNY s Stanley Quartet con- ekham Lecture Hall will . Emil Raab's last ap- kith the group. artet's second violinist ed to join the University, a as professor of music. e first violinist of the residence there. y happy to have been with the Quartet," he he eve of his farewell ce. "I've watched it its formative years to gnition in the musical only in the state but ...…

July 06, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

…CLEAN BOMBS AND WEAPONS SECRETS See Page 2 Ci r Sir 3AU A6&F 471 44bF at t A F AIM WARM Sixty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXVII. No. 98 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 6, 1957 FOUR PAGES n r rnr nnn rr*nrni iwu n mnn r rrinnr USSR Army Slams Four On Treason Zhukov Supports Khrushchev's Action MOSCOW (P) - The Red army, backing the ejection of four "anti- party" leaders from top Kremlin posts, accused them yesterday of...…

July 06, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 9) • Page Image 2

…"Happy New Geofiscal Year" Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "When opinions A" Pr* Trutb ww DPrevalV Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, JULY 6, 1957 NIGHT E...…

July 06, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 9) • Page Image 3

…AY, JVLY 6, 1957 T MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TARES IY, SlYLY 6, 1957 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREX m CCards Redlegs Fall T Second; Braves Lose By The Associated Press ST. LOUIS - An eleventh-inn- ing one-out double by Joe Cun- ningham sent Ken Boyer home with the winning run last night and gave the St. Louis Cardinals a 4-3 triumph over Cincinnati and first place in the hot National ?. League pennant race. Boyer singled and advanced on a sacrif...…

July 06, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 9) • Page Image 4

…FOUR TH +CWGAN DAILY c lTRTH 1LTWIA, DIL DEVOTED SCIENTIST: Kahn Retires After 29 Years at'U' By FRED KATZ r In the sensational novels that dot the best-seller market in the past few years, one often runs into a hero who has dedicated his en- tire life to science and discarded all outside interests not connected with his field. It isn't difficult to imagine Prof. Reuben L. Kahn as being an auth- or's perfect model for this role. For Pro...…

March 06, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 112) • Page Image 1

…Generation of Advancement What Role for the 'U'? See Page 4 j [1: 4 C Latest Deadline in the State :43 ti1y PARTLY CLOUDY VOL. LXVII, No. 112 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 1957 Ben-Gurion Seeks Support for Withdrawa SIX PAGES l Iove Hecklers Drown Pleas in Session Speech Touches off Huge Uproar; Asks Parliament Vote of Confidence JERUSALEM (P) - Under taunts and badgering at an uproarious session last night, Prime Minister Da...…

March 06, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 112) • Page Image 2

…*1 PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY vvv.nwr.QnAv %raimton & -iaxw TH{I H fA A L V''TA?~*E VAYVL~J. ~ ~~k.. ~1~~.R ,I~ vvrUNm-)"AY, maKuki U. 1957 7 Jordan Land Of No Past, Poor Future By The Associated Press The Hashemite Kingdom of Jor- dan is an unlikely land with virtu- ally no past, only a precarious present and possibly no future. The British carved the 30,000- odd square mile Arab kingdom out of their Palestine mandate chiefly to provi...…

March 06, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 112) • Page Image 3

…,WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 1951 ILME MICHIGAN DAILY 11Af"-w ftmurv WEDNSDAY MARH 81957T~lEMICIGANDA~l a r T$TH~xz REEm 1Maxwell's Overtime Goal Decides Vital Ice Contest Michigan Assured of NCAA Bid; Icers Rally Twice in Third Period I-M PLAYOFF RESULTS: Gomberg, Sigma Chi Cagers Upset (Continued from Page 1) Both teams made serious bids for victory in the last six and one- half minutes of regulation play, but both goalies withstood the rus...…

March 06, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 112) • Page Image 4

…'1 I I Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: CAROL ...…

March 06, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 112) • Page Image 5

…rrw WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6,1957 THE MICHIGAN DAILY !! X !! !w !ATl1 THE MICIGAN DALY .Za PAGE IVEqy Cagers Cap Improved Year; Tra ckmen Tumble Michigan Proves First Win Over Spartans No Accident Canham's Predictions Prove True As Cindermen Fail to Capture Title By JOHN HILLYER If Michigan State depends on beating Michigan in its quest for a first undisputed basketball cham- pionship, the Spartans may be waiting 'til the cows come ...…

March 06, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 112) • Page Image 6

…PAGE =E THE MCHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6,19" PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY. MAIww 4 I~Y .. +.". . +..... .. Ti. aiKVi16 V t Au17 " CONTINUE RESEARCH: Scientists Experiment on Sal By GERALD LUNDY 'Work did not stop on the Salk Polio vaccine when the success of its test trials was announced at the University in the fall of 1955. Medical scientists in all parts of the world have been experi- menting to find ways to increase its ...…

January 06, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 80) • Page Image 1

… R ejection of Filibuster Proposal Not Discouraging See Page 4 p Latest Deadline in the State 4laitl CLOUDY, WARMER VOL. LXVII, No. 80 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 6, 1957 - -I SIX PAGES conomic Group Visits Hungary UN Mission Formed In Geneva; Secretly Studying Relief Needs BUDAPEST ()-A United Nations economic mission formed in secret at Geneva this week to study Hungary's relief needs is operat- ing under similar secrecy with...…

January 06, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 80) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JANUARY C 1957 THE MIcHIGAN DAILY STJNI~AY, JANUAILY 6,1957 oubling and Defeating Profitable i Duplicate and Rubber Bridge SAB Ready To Be Used Next Month I I I .+ i. By EDGAR SIMON S Daily Bridge Columnist N 486 Y AK732 f*86 ..J863 W E A A42 4 9753 1 Q108654 V 9 f KQ * J10975 454 K97 S 4 KQJ10 f A432 4 AQ102 The bidding: S W N E 1 Dbl all pass Both sides vulnerable I ORPH EUM' ENDING TODAY 1 In duplicate ...…

January 06, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 80) • Page Image 3

… Lz'm.AI.AY .L PAt.&,. 5 £Y.lAl5 £ £Aii~r:Z i Michigan M aten Bow; Hoosiers Down Gagers 3 the 9'eqie... WITH DAVE GREY Traditional Slow Start SLOW STARTS for the Michigan hockey team seem to be as muchE of a tradition as the sport itself in-Ann Arbor. This year is no exception, especially for Michigan seniors, who for the last four hockey seasons have watched Vic Heyliger's squads struggle to win their early-season games. History...…

January 06, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 80) • Page Image 4

…Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3242 Say, What If She Doesn't W ant Her Honor Protected:" Wben Opinions Are Free Trutb Wtil Preval" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. x ...…

January 06, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 80) • Page Image 5

… SUNDAY, JANUARY 6,1957 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PArF. rIVr.I SUNDAY, JANUARY 6,1957 THE MICHIGAN DAILI USA t±W &XriY.A I WI v .y4 i SPEAKING.. OFF THE CUFF FOR WHOSE BENEFIT? By Virginia Robertson Women's Editor MAYBE IT'S because I only have a few more weeks of school left-- I'm not sure... 4 But it certainly seems that rules and regulations are too all-im- portant around here. Each person fits himself to the inflexibilities of this institut...…

January 06, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 80) • Page Image 6

…',su THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JANUARY 6, 1951 SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JANUARY 6, 1951 'ANYBODY IN TROUBLE?' Church Stages Campaign To Help Sell Christianity- DETROIT (IP)-An advertising campaign to "sell" Christianity ine much the same way industries peddle cosmetics or automobiles is being prepared by the Episcopal Diocese of Michigan. Through Newspaper advertise- ments prepared by professional advertising men, the Church hope...…

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