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January 06, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 68) • Page Image 1

…Vol XI.ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, IRIDAY, JANI. \RY 6, 1)11 Vol. XXI. INTEREST CENTERS ABOUT BASKETBALL lnterclass Practice Scheduled to Commence on 16th of January ELEVEN TEAMS ENTER FIELD Mthogh tecclas batset bll em peitipit ti61 ot actal}lc lictinj Watrma gg ii asiii unt-icil te g ranged fior rcice tistarit Janiuaryci6. Beining 1 ths tinc the tis \01 ii prctic ciOn Ittitla ii s\ tlt d Frda igtst froImtlt;7till o"cld. ) M1oday ndThu lirday iii"...…

April 06, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 133) • Page Image 1

…M tqgnVol ,XXI . ',ANN AR OR, MIC HIGA N I si lSD ', \P I Li.6, 1955. N oi i GIVEN A WORKOUTI ON FERRY FIELD Entrants in Philadelphia Meet< Get Light Practice On 4 Cinders tit CLASS , RE LAY IS +PSTPONED W ith butthiiree and one half eks g lid sn efoe the lihigan tnck -ocn ns cai fr Psiletlpianto cos- j- is ein the lg I'snsyvanias. et. trrit lrafn~en gve a few of his athletes a taste of otdoor taiing y es- iedcaternoon. Kolle iaudl-Smit s...…

May 06, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 150) • Page Image 1

…The- Michigan all ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SAXTRD)AY, NiX XV6, J9ii.k Vol. XXI. CASE KNOCKED, OUT C:A.=AIN LST"J I :N Nx (N FIVE MORE CAS8ES,. BY HARD CLOUJTING The case against "J. W. Johnson," the ARE QIJABANTIIND student charged with trying to break in- 'Varsity Hands Real Article of' Baseball to Unlucky Clevelanders 0. S. U. GAME COMES TODAY Lontg ditniici cuitiig drovethoc lot l'iallloot !, ltitiatoi, Mc- gan t totiiciii tI . lciveliitder...…

June 06, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 176) • Page Image 1

…TheNMichia_ Vol. XXL. No. 176. FERRY FIELD WILL HAVE CLUB HOUSEI $30,000 Structure To Be Put Up in Time for Opening of School in Fall NEARLY 900 LOCKERS PLANNED After years of waiing, Ferry field is to 1)e' prvded with a clts hosse that wiltl beso00 aipar ivilih those of other i- versis of equal rank tiroglout the eomityrv. Groundhtis ownbing hroen and( the contract alis for the esonlfletinl of the isuilding byth ie fist f Ocoer. rihe esti...…

October 06, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

…Tie ichigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1911. make the affair one worthy and dis- tinctive of the occasion. No date has yet been set for the function, but it has been suggested that commence- ment week or probably next fall would be appropriate times. Following is the resolution which was adopted: Whereas-The year 1912 is the 75th anniversary of the founding of the. University of Michigan, therefore be ROBBERY SUSPECT...…

December 06, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 55) • Page Image 1

…ivucnigan vauy ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1911. CALL NEW PLAY CHOSEN MOEHLMAN RESIGNS ear W iill be'__ . -...__. _..,.. . r the Varsity BY COMEDY CLUB HIS MANAGERSHIP a. meeting of this evening On e, termancho'mistres," by Sir ecent Illness Compels him to Athletic as- Arthur Pinero will be Give up Interscholastic words to theia n r f AND THEN THE HAT CAME BACK. Tom's Helmet, Missing for Three Weeks, Now in Proper Pae ...…

December 06, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 55) • Page Image 1

…ligan Daily 3IGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1911. OF CIXRS', "THE PIPER" PROVES Pu11 BY . At caidy raffles are held to as ever by Prosecuting At- ge Burke. A cigar store vas given his choice yes- ing of appearing in court the raffle. ie gave it up. air to the regular candy ermit these raffles to be ed the prosecutor. "It notj >wn the legitimate candy ; forces people who don't . raffles to engage in the order to hold their trade.j as ove...…

July 06, 1911 (vol. 2, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

…f THE-. WvOLVERINE No. 3. Vol IL. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 6, Tgii ZADU 'TES COMPIL.E MI!h'~VOW [N DUSTRiAL STATISTICS. lUAU VDElGREES ILL STUDENTS ARE TO S UMMERJOYTUDNOS WIILGS DAVIS CHRONICLES MEET IN~RU CTORS The reading room, tennis courts, and f4IHIAN SGR WT gan Union are in usC daily. It is ex- pected that variosus concerts and enter- Faculty Reception at Barbour Itasinnents gives sast year can ie re- First Lecture of ...…

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