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November 06, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 29) • Page Image 1

…7C J: r .-. ' l r'; s c ^s 74 " '.' ^ -" -, .. 0 .. '= J: ~ .... cr: _ 'J. _ ! - f f. . / /'-' yam; -. ;f ,- " s. f "' " r J 1 r ... r 77- - r r' _ .. i- . V. "" ,,. ~. i'; r, I ^.; r i, r .. ~. _ : _ r= r , _ ', ' ~: .-. - r'; (. ,' r r. r~ 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ O~7 to r ' = '" r ' 1 . "lam N _ r h T u ~ -+ - -. ,-y _._. _. -.._ , .. .. r J _ r: : 'J. .: / y ... r '"' ' : - _ -- . _ _ _ '!. . r . . '/. . _ :.. ;. J r i. '/. 1 .: f _ s' r0~!...…

October 06, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…HieMichigan Daily hN Xlilitti-i iMICH'lIA N, ~11. iftIA 1', 15hTOBIfif b, 5151). No. 2. Vol'. X X. Veterans Wat nes Strong Rese sTthdee t'ns ties'up' halfseetndtrit eamtdgiingtheistspo up a anll ifigh ill coidd al n troasy itest aiful terfs e, citlrse showed and thtnsfale It prsmett paitg.only sr las or tochededw aswecre snte third tendtt hew t aftervinthe kik-p na ltirigr m sitirraie appitted a(Itle reser irtyeard 's Ten Ai lnth g lsasl be...…

June 06, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 180) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dal y -. T. __.___... __._ _ VOL. XIX. ANN ARBOR, 1MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, tTUNE 6, tgoo. No. a8o. f BALL OSSER W IN walked, and the bases were cholced. On W N a ground ball to bathers, Hamilton scored, Enzenroth failing to touch hitn THE R L ST ATTLE on the throw in, Maloney catme its on Foutntain's error, but the next two mnt - were out antI the sidle was retired. After Michigan Team Played Fast Ball that Notre Danme never cat...…

May 06, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 153) • Page Image 1

…The MIichiganDal .\NN AI ti, 51IM ICIAN, '1IIIRSDA , MAY 6, 1909. 'VOL. XIX. ' c>. 153. FARMERS DOWNED IN EASY FASHION Visitors Blow Up in Third Inning and Varsity Cinches Contest- Class Baseball Starts Today. NI ih st-tint I~di t is i straight from Mi. A. C sc satoningisathe A- gns na aher op-iddgaime . W~ith the exetilin oflith tirdti t iing, ti-ias pae, ad eii naetin g that single wing much har lirthan \V-IaSacttually hese. idd V lfamer...…

April 06, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 136) • Page Image 1

…Bit The Nlichigan Dal y Vor.. XIX. ANTN AR IOR. N 'IIIG(A N, Ti CISiI1API IlF6,i>cx). VARSITY READY TO INVADE DIXIELAND Michigan Opens Season With Kentucky-Mac Develops Trio of Heady Base Runners 'llreesmre. las o p 1 cic oniii ied 61 p ill ihe i it' hases-llteam ii i ii f r e s t aceifi sa sn ile teamii i-i s ionIiiis idrrs for 4 Lexigton nd Niilllmet itheKent llS (lis ri ii i isint ,to chr s ti r tha the eam . a 1,oo a, i ili i eitr- iis...…

March 06, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 110) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily T Ot. lA A\\ ARBORl.'ifIClIlIf .\N, S,,TLI)1-M, MA R II 6, 11)09. BUCKEYE WARRIORS SHLASI P)I~al TO lYIEET VARSITY fan(hlilt iofiSof iiit theI\iriftzii, ' ' " if i iti i tltedan onettwichtiets~k' . \o. x w AREN'T THESE, MEN THE MEAN THINGS? Now They Don't Want Real Cho- rus Girls in the Union Opera-- Horrid Old Sticks, So There! C') _(p ra oes area 11not for ils Last Basketball Game of Season" Played This Afternoon; Tea...…

February 06, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 88) • Page Image 1

…The ia al VOL. XIX. 1\N o LyAC fXIX.\ S'-R)ANo.'I-)R 88. :Y0 o. . JUNIOR FUNCTION A SOCIAL SUCCESS Both Gymnasiums Were Blazes of Beauty During the Hop- Lights and Solos Featured. With all ihe sharminof ii sitilal gonis. lights, n-is 1and1 li sts c hre Tiunior nio theclssof100 X ra elehratedi ini thr -itinsill i 1s I ridazlitis lit. There wers-morce stnstehundslr~iedcoileis oiltl t ouiisr ini Wa termanssigymu-when.ithte 1 adsirhb~i-theli-...…

January 06, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

…. .... . ..... y 1 ""'- G , .i' r 'J. r~ ,_, 'r G r r, "!, rr. '-- f. r' - r~" v % r , _. . ,.y. ."-, " ,-+ (a v " ' ~ v .f, r. r;. "' y r ^.. u "' _ (' r ~. r% ^' .-. , ~ 'rf", .-. f ,.... ! : u J. CID 77, Jv 'J ._. v .-" -' Yom.". ' :r i^ " . r- = _ "'.. 'f. iJ gyn., l^. ..I '/ . " r-! , i " f'!.' '_., f.5 JQ r f . .. J r z MM- 77: is .,7 .+ i '! '- J; . _." Z. j __ 77z 7 'IS U1 J . PER J 7 K? 7t J: ' a " raoq w+ K " 1 L: ' !~: J y "...…

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