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December 06, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 50) • Page Image 1

…40 Aff AbA LU VOL. III.-No. 50. VOL. 11.-N. 5o. UNIVERSITY OF M-ICIIIGsN , TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6i, 1892. PicTE CTS PRICE, THl-b E CENTS. FOR WINTER SPORT, appoint a temporary pacemiaker at ROMAN ANTIQITIES. - . any period of the chase. Two Popular Games That Might be Ts, pack mast keep wsithin ha il- Instructive and Novel Feature of Adopted at te U. of 1M.OuWokILan TheWaiTeyGo distance of tise master and ords- Subjects.--TeheWyhyGo I I____ ...…

December 06, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 50) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OFM. DAILY. Cof 'Mir. xaitu - Pub lished tDaily (Sundas exrcepited) during the College teartiy THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Sutsriptio ric -ee $2.5per year, inartabPiy iresaleanten Single copires3 enis. Subscip- ttons may be left at the ofie of the DAtLt' at Stoftee, with aspyaof the editors or nothorizedoicibtttr. Cotmmuniations sholtsd react the ottier Pp 7 o'lock Psm. if ttheyaerto appear the next day. Atddressenilmatter int...…

December 06, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 50) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. mi-im QTT-This is what you want. You have been wait- flG]T G ing for it. NOWV COMiE ANDiT AKEADA NiTAGE iO ALL OVERCOATS AT OFF'.I ALL SUITS AT OFF. ALL SINGLE P'ANTS AT £ OFF. See these bargains before buying. WADHAMS. KENNEDY RE ULE. OUR HFckT SF LE -Beginning Weduiesday , December 7, fot ONIE WEEK, chtoice of all our Stiffh' ats arid the popular shape Fedora Soft Bats (You- Otai'iS, Knox andi Sil verons excepjteti) th...…

December 06, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 50) • Page Image 4

…THE UT. OF M. DAILYr THAT GIL you left G0OiJ SThING behind you -- Stringedv- nruiit TD4E C4O1EST1%ECI(WEAR Itroiii Cutter &(etO5s5Ott(etrCicagoe. ini the New Cliangeashle Silks, arid Soeciat Noveities iin Four-ini-hands,.'Tecks alnd Potts CAL KINS" FINE CH-OCO- -AT- LATES W I LSEY'S ..', Atd theo T"toe 34 S tt tet Whteir yO o tonic for Chrisetos. areLow. S Sat Sret MOORE & WETMORE, BOOK STORE, NDO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET __ _____________ t~...…

October 06, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…of LU. merit ~Voj.. IIl.-No. P. UiNI~lilTYOF.iMIC-LIIGA-N, THUR~SDAY, OCTOlElitG, I1892f. PiicpE T its: CENTS. We Are the First to Enroll Re- presentatives of the Celes- tial Empire. In Melican Tongue They Are the Misses Kohn and Stone.-The Daughters of a Native Methodist Clergyman.--Pioneers in Chinese Dress Reform. -Will Enter the Medical Department:j 'lichigais, so far as is kiiowi, is the first to eiroll among her students representa...…

October 06, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 5) • Page Image 2

…:THE U. OF M. DAILY. 'Z.of W1. Tait Publihed Daily (Sundays excepted) during I no College year, by THE U OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subcriptiosprice 5 per year, invariably ai dvane gingle copica i cents. Subcrip tions may be left at the office of the DAoL, at S Hait's, with sy of te editor or athorizedl solicitors. Comunication hould reach te office by 7 ocloch P . ,i they are to appear the net day. Address ll matter intended for publica- ...…

October 06, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 5) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. TO THE, STUDENTS. TITE - TWO - SAMS. GENTLEMEN:- We wish to call Your particular attention to the fact that ourWEAE GNT FO Stock, as usual, includes a general and complete line of high class cloting. Young Men's YouqIpaIs, Hats, S--7=S-,IT= Jow( ats, made up with all the detail, care and skill which chiaracterizes the Sit erqpaq)5 Hats1 best merchant tailoring work. AND H1ODGEMAN'S MACKINTOSHES. Wadhams, Kennedy & Reule. An...…

October 06, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 5) • Page Image 4

…T HE U. O F M. D AILY PASTE THIS IN YOUR HAT! 1 THAT SHABBY HAT! iwjrp(,ciptionwknille doolkvelbyowrill sia10o l innota Oo W1L SC5RCLY D I \N RBR t(,l It gitiatesofl IheU. of Mil ol. 1 lo i-,imoy, fmgrt;yrei W I L S FR LY D IN A - fRB R ~a~kin' Phcirrcxcy, 4 SouthState tree. 1 Yuar glad tn return. anid we ,ire certainly pileasedtioIn see1_01a, bu l no ipearmieres got a lung ways. WTjSI-ROW K7OTT rTIZE FAZLJLAS DTh7EES1 No. 34 South State St...…

May 06, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 152) • Page Image 1

…e . a A, 1 VoL. I1I.-N o. 12. UNIVER THE MOCK CONGRESS. I ct/dill(011 Messag-e Delivered by President I tnk------ Me Laughlin. AI iii ----- SITY OF MICHIGAN, 1FR1IDAY),ALAY 6,18 92. U(ttt lit--11the Lta01 SI 5 tIn rnp stoityouri equcsteforinstu tli to /the ita t i fciaeate. n/i o-itco- coney- tIti touin te it nite Su " I :"L I is appartnt fotu iret t h t i nce M Isstl ---- ------------ t'his table we, compiled by present eontroller of cur...…

May 06, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 152) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. C. i ! ~ ~ r11 nificance. It is one of many indica- "' ":" "' 'I~is that the active interest of the '"co-ecds'' in university affairs is iioss i'ailistied Daily (Sundays excepted) during ihriilire ncsveta the College year, by frwdradnOeicuieta THEU. F M IDEPNDET SSOIATONit has ever bees before. Thrci THEU. F M INEPEDEN ASOCITIO Ievery reasoni wvhy the 't co slihoultd Subseription price $2.50h pee year, invariably conisider...…

May 06, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 152) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. BIARGAINS! BARGAINS ! _ TWO SPECIAL ONES., YACHT CAPS, MI\ade from Bedford Cords-tile new goods-all colors- worth $1.00O, for E50 C0In rws =&i~scm NECK WEAR, Four in liand-Tecks and Windsors-.all the new shades, worthf50c, onr Iprice 275 C0NWS_ SEE OUR WINDOWS. Spring Suitings. Latest Styles of Hats. I YRGE LINE OF TRUNKS AND) VALISES. No bl Y 11N1' 01 NECKWlEAll, 011 , 115T(. ,01 THE J. T. JACOBS COMPANY, ANN ARBOR....…

May 06, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 152) • Page Image 4

…THE UT OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY. TNCW XX rer)om III ( ic If 01ai iii 1(1LibertyV Stretst. I Nvill'Oriel the11Ball" byplacingga fine stack of G uitar s, 11110 110etc PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU- 1'ind '97.i. zm's Rafonoc Scomoz, 2:> Sot our thAvenue, Ciy Another Invoice YOUR GIRL \Volld 1appreia ~te a 0ox of'l 1(1 Fine Chocolc'IeS AlbayLaw 8clhoo! requiiredl. Teriiioleiegn i eltenilher, Jiltiiri il ((CI Mai0...…

April 06, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 136) • Page Image 1

…Ije . ofAl. alip . Votf. Il-No. 1">G). New Constitutionl Adopted 2, 1889. UNIVERSITY OF' MICLILGAIN, WEL)NESDAY, APRIL f, 1892. April( to concerts which may lbe 1lin commnencemeat week. (,ii cdfiy'elaet 3,t'. A1.1(101 s-- asil P. T ,'IC iIf' vi. \mendmnents. -this c ct, to I .. shaill taike eftect is soon is a ttioll I Eliection of IOfthcers. -by the C t iverity Muias Il iestall tie electedi by Ill It (call le amsendledi on lot .,. t e ann...…

April 06, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 136) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. (. of 1L' . '$pct~ abhised tiaily (Otatays exceitteti) daring the CI IlTW 3 atry THE U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION '.nsrpipiet''$2.50 perte tar, isactably Shdu'satoi ft'e ea's stanal;ai'1 Welcno.Snbsctiptioa-mttay be lefit at tt(oiecofthe li tx, Opjeta tiouse bockt, at communcatios sh l rach i th ht'fce by o 'clock I,..tiUt tey'are it to ppeartthe nx va. Addriesst atil mattert'tetadedt tat' tttita- ttmuitcatiatts tshaal...…

April 06, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 136) • Page Image 3

…THE IT. OF M. DAILY, THE WESTERN MICHIGAN COLL-EGE N WGO D! E GOS (Char'tteedamnd Incorporatedt.)W O s N W G DS GKEEATtt-Ttt RA,'FIDS. ITAOCIFS tifi c hoaol 'ithecta ry't i . it rpt''artaat ato'r xait a tionan tit hi BARBER SHOP R FINE. PHOTOGRAPHS. iitt J. R. IROJANOw',KI, MILLINERY AND ART GOODS ! \NABI. 'he J. T. Jacobs Company, 27 and 21) MAIN STRtEE T. 3o . WashinttotttSt., Anat Athotitt higat att. " a stiHuriniStre'ti T T TOTGEORGE L...…

April 06, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 136) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAIL. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY. New Wsr ot oe s, IS (4,f fai i n andLiberty Strceets. I will "Open the Blall" by placing a ine stock of Guitars, Banijos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU.1 Find TIL252S~'"25 tiO S TOR25,1 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. YOUR GIRL AX oll c ppireeite a box of thlos Fine ehocolateS 1Albanv' Law Schooli ESTAISREt) 18.51. CO URSE, one year. Three fuill termis reiquiredl. Ternisliegi...…

February 06, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

…Of AT'. l Vor. ll.-No. ,)1. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SA.'TUIL II, FEBI3-tUA IIY It, 1892. PICIE, TRHER ( ENTrS. INCALLS' LECTURE. I Tbt lecture was half ended before( Communication. I Jr Int l egntodi mS heEis elofsni An Interesting and Pleasing Talk ial ea o(irs h by the Brilliant Eu-senator. '"prioilemis"'hchare to lie soilved tIn eet su,017 R i~irg a iil a~I~reiisticeing sothe les;t century, and ic iih, li rentssciiisekoa was ssemledin ...…

February 06, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 91) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY.__ C.Of'M r k ' i taswelabandon the sparring,' +FOR of] e e 1I TE SECOND SMETE -~ f ~( wresigandwllfeticiag contests, the Q He Eli.U ~L WUNJW2LIU~L base-haltl enlte(rtaainmsenttwthichaiaas Greek, Latin, French, German, ans] Mathlnnttjnei the tihe I ai rrunaex epe, duing to base been given intt Iniversity + oks\e«' andi Secondiflaiat 131 nM rh3 n aclte T"THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION II] tl iac ,adcne conitrac ts iith ...…

February 06, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 91) • Page Image 3

…THE U~. OF M. DAILY. NOB WAR WITH CHILI! C _ Bt ro l00the pricerof ClothingHasCapsi, Undierwre-, floves, ittens, Ilosiery, tIRUNKS. VAL ISESe, Fine Shirts, Collars, Cuff;;, Overalls and Jackets. I We are going to let the public loose aonog thirty-eight thouanid dollars ($38,00000) _____________ ~wrth of onr echodiA for twenty days, wvhi will lbe till Fidbniiry 9, at (oe-quarnter (;lt '-- T off marked priue. We boon not pickeonot a fceo goods ...…

February 06, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 91) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY. N\cI' Ware C 'XXXX or( XXXXXr'of AnI I 11.iicX'i V NiStccits. I Xwil " peIarXiXe 13,111"' by1plicIig .1I'Me stXck fGiXtar1s, IijX ,'etc. PRICES THAT WLL .,_ASTONISH YOU. IIi ' . F'S20i7MCSTX~ 25 0South "Fourth Avecoe, Ciy. HJATS ONLY $1.79 See thec ( X Crkscrew -PanItalooXX'IX W~W indow i)IXV. One-Half PXiXe. ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. Pr C UI~SEoner.ThrcIIfXX l terI s Fresh cusoeyr ...…

January 06, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 64) • Page Image 1

…O f11 0 JuVoi.. 11.-No 4. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY fB,182, Pitio, THORUS CENT'S. Philadelphia Alumni. Secetary Bayard. "The Scholar I Death of Ex-Regent M'iIntyreI OF YOUR - - is politics" swas the toast to which SOCEIY BIDGF Aout ffty nieimbler sof the alaninisihe esondedl Wton imbrster lx-17eentlDonaldlclits eidU i tJUL ~ ofith ttcCnisversity of Michigass gath-I siciss 'a li ae saathIis honie ii this city oii Iecent- fcii F...…

January 06, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 64) • Page Image 2

…THE U.-OF.-M., DAILY. ~JC. of 1R1U. 'cxit . Published Daiy iSundas sexcepted) during the College ea0rby THE U, Of M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Sutbsription price f.50 per yea, ivariably it adgnce Sigetuiossenets. O salet dtglenan's ad ost ofilee ews stand at 12 o'clock,noon. Subsripios may be let at the ofice of te DILY, opeao ouse Sot, at Stceebu's, at SlulSet's, or witih a~y of the editoe. (Nmunt oeionsoud11reachlshloffliut y 2 t'elus'b. 51...…

January 06, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 64) • Page Image 3

…WEDNESDAY MORNING, THE U. OF M. DAILY " GREAT CLEARING SALE -AT THE TWO SAMS.: Of Overcoats and Ulster. All Our Fine Overoate, ,\ll Onr Fine Snits, All1 Our (Gloves, A ll Our Hats (Except C(outr We' havecniade a treimendons cut in prices all along the line of Men's and Boys' Overcoats and IJ Isters, which will enable u1s to 1-4 clone them out 800on. When LA (IlRIPP prlent 1 )no ainshould go) out liii ess QO F F" he'leasian iOvercoat...…

January 06, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 64) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. __ "WE ARE THE PEOPLE.. _ <1 ANN ARBOR~ ORGAN COMPANY, Forymerly Altmendinger Piano and Organ Company.1 ,, oTel A'iwi Wmwrnoms t1VJ ICGI V/ .! - vrc c.aruw .i. vv. v f .... .,. .... : . 'kVC(V +rut tivVrtt? I twill 'Open the Ball" ly placitig it tliletock thof Guaittr, anjot s, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. N B E NsLL3t )51'N( Find ZZ y ' M sa PIS NIMAKING NS ,::\ )}IA 1 2a South Foarth Avenue, City. SMOilCA1 TrjN...…

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