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July 06, 1911 (vol. 2, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

…f THE-. WvOLVERINE No. 3. Vol IL. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 6, Tgii ZADU 'TES COMPIL.E MI!h'~VOW [N DUSTRiAL STATISTICS. lUAU VDElGREES ILL STUDENTS ARE TO S UMMERJOYTUDNOS WIILGS DAVIS CHRONICLES MEET IN~RU CTORS The reading room, tennis courts, and f4IHIAN SGR WT gan Union are in usC daily. It is ex- pected that variosus concerts and enter- Faculty Reception at Barbour Itasinnents gives sast year can ie re- First Lecture of ...…

July 06, 1911 (vol. 2, iss. 3) • Page Image 2

…TOP, WOLVERINF Northwestern Mutual LIFE INS. CO. MILWAUKEE Let Us Have a Talk WithYOU FRED'K M. STEINBAUER District Agent, Hammond Building Detroit WM. S. McCORMICK Local Agent 1210 Waslsienaw Ave. I Call 373-J BANCKOFT dc C~~irieam 722 Morxr-~oe St. PHOTOGRAPHZR Official Photographer to Michigan Athletics for i14 years. Studio: 319 E. Huron St. Phone 961-L Student's Supply StoreI F lor your Note Books, F ountan Pen, Stationery, ENGINEER'S SU...…

July 06, 1911 (vol. 2, iss. 3) • Page Image 3

…THE WO LV ER IN E Tuttle (ft Co. LUNCHES toe adCoas 338 S. State Street JOHN Hi. LAM~BERT The Yost of the shoe IRepairing ousioess., He wil l do yoor work i0 a harry-op style. Laces, Polishes, Etc. The Uiversity Shoe Shop 013 Eost William Street Yooswill always fid aolarge lineotf SUMMER SCHOOL SUPPLIES Thie East University Pharmacy 121 . Usiseesity Ave. Owur-Prices are .Right U. of M. and HURON RIVER BOAT LIVERY Canoes d Boatts etd P. G. TES...…

July 06, 1911 (vol. 2, iss. 3) • Page Image 4

…THE WO LV ER IN E Whitc Swn Laundr ht JUNCTION OF DETROIT and CATHERINE Sts. and FOURTH Ave. _MEMBER OF DAILY STAFF JOINS BEN GREET TROUPE. John R. Townltys lit '13, has rieconlic closed atdeaitswith the iBen Greet Coin- passy of \\ coctinoitptayeroswherebhshe will tiecoime a1bona1fide acoe io the troupe. Thieengs'aemet of Tow nie airose froml)the ire(1111vi1011 0f the coil- pany of itlaseis to Anniiib.110 WNhit1e11n the unrnsi OtyTownltes...…

July 06, 1912 (vol. 3, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…At Your Door Three Fifteen Hundred Sum- Evenings a Week, 75c j mer Session Student VOL. IIL ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 6. No. 5 FORMER NUMBERS ARE SURPASSED Present Summer Enrollment, 1269, Bests 1910 Record of 1235. NET TOTAL OF 1300 EXPECTED. Official count last night gave the present number of students in the Summer Session as 1269, or 135 more than the entire net enrollment of the 1911 session and 34 more than attend- ed in 1910 ...…

July 06, 1912 (vol. 3, iss. 5) • Page Image 2

…THE WOLVERINE THE WOLVERINE CONGRESS' ADJOURNMENT HOLDS TEACHERS' TESTIMONIALS. UP FORESTRY STUDENTS' JOBS. Have them neatly copied on the >5 Published Tuesday, Thursday and typewriter promptly and at moderate Saturday afternoons by the studentstyertrro tyanatmdat of the University of Michigan summer The failure of Congress to make rates at the Osohniappropriations for the next fiscal year School of Shorthand, Communications will be printed o...…

July 06, 1912 (vol. 3, iss. 5) • Page Image 3

…THE WOLVERINE -- _ 1 WHITE ST AR LIFE WH"^TF FOT OF"'** STREET, DETROITO For a Delightful all Day Outing on the beautiful St. Clair River takerthe steame "Tasino"anymornIng8:,Sundaysoo. Fare rturninsaesclay: Port OHuront $s.oo; Slats or TashmoooPark, 50 cents; or Toledo and return, steamer "Owana" leaves Detroit . everyweek day 5a..,reery Sunday 8:30 am., returns to De- i oit7A15dp.Ao.;farotS staysocwrswsPaysk$r.oo. For an Afternoon Ride t...…

July 06, 1912 (vol. 3, iss. 5) • Page Image 4

…THE WOLVERINE CALENDAR. THE WEATHER FRIDAY FLAYS July -8, 5 p. m.-The Influence of the Generally fair tonight and UNEQUAL TAXES Development of Electrical Engineer- unday. ing upon Modern Life. Professor B. - unicipal Corporations Declared to F. Bailey. TEACHERS-BE IN I e Favored at Expense of Rail- July 9, 5 p. m.-Luther Burhank ( By learning to operate the typewriter roads, Banks, and Residences. lustrated). Dr. I. V A Boa correctly and rapi...…

July 06, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…AT YOUR DOOR THREE THE ONY OFFICIA. TIMES A WEEK, 75 SUMMER NEWSPAPER Vol. VI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 6, 1915. No. 0 BHON DIVER GETS 'D II ; n ONE MODEVICTIM 'cl TODAY 4:15 o'clock-"Ha : May a Community Bo m Mncio nl dI If R alxr SAY, HE'S SOME PLAYER! Irving M. Fenell, Literary Student Drowned at Bend of Stream About 3:00 O'clock Saturday NEITHER OF TWO STUDENTS IN CANOE EXPERIENCED ON WATER Body Found 15 Minutes After Acci...…

July 06, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 6) • Page Image 2

…THE WOLVERINE ____________________ -T H E W 0L V E R I N E good will, as well as to place thleir Orpheum Theatre goods before hlis eyes. They have The liouse ofCamoscPlaysram usanadone it oot of a desire to oee tudent. Playersn.Thle official todent newspaperfo fractivities successful. Tllcy lhave benl the U'niversity oi Michigans sommer loya~l to lI 555i01, lublshol iy te sodeitsO~l "Tunl aboot is fair Iplay." July ,9-, Ms.-To us'.-"Th o 57 m...…

July 06, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 6) • Page Image 3

…r ' i J -\ t 1 THE WOLVERINE We cag o Amateur Photographers' Headquarters for Kodaks, Films and FinishingPRN S O Inothing for tevel- i n rbri t RN S O oping roll films if p1D (\ S 71 NrtAT4 veueVELOX you can find a Y T r E ,79NrhUnversty A eu thI etpaeIae [ single defect (Two doors from Hill Auditorium) I tebs ae ae Established 1905, aid growing bigger every day________________U 'v I i ON ANDI)S A IZ PRPiARE113 omupile ta table of r1legrades ...…

July 06, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 6) • Page Image 4

…THE WOLVERINE SUMMER SCHIOOL D)IRECTORIY 'TWO LOCAL DOCORS WILL MEM,0BERS OF HOSPITAL STAFF PROBABLY OUT BEFORE FRIIDAY ADDIRESS PROBATE JUIl)G.ES TO GIVE SERIES OF LEcTUlRES Approximately 1,700 ANames AreetBeing Arratnged anda Listed for Printers Registration cards fronm the colleges of literaturc, law, enginecring, need- cine, lpharmtacy and the graduate school are in the hands of the editors of the summner schtool directory, asd indicatio...…

July 06, 1916 (vol. 7, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

…'F AT, YOUR D OOR THE ONLY OFFICIAL 3 TIMES A WEEK, 75c SUMMER NEWSPAPER VOL..VII No. 4 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1916 PRICE FIVE CENTS [D AT| | || Prof.J. *ursley I AL HI To Give Talk EWHE T Nelure oil Industrial Organia- lion at :00 'clock, land Speech Postponed Four 1eels of Travel Pictures to Be t Shaown ill the Science Shoni theSe l'ro. Joseph A. Bursley, of the me- chanical enginering department, will lecture at 5: 0 o'clo...…

July 06, 1916 (vol. 7, iss. 4) • Page Image 2

…TEE WOLVERINE LRGADEI Shows at 3:oo, 6:30. 8:00, 9:30 ars. 6 --Mabel Taliaferro in " Her reat Price,"(Ret.)and Drew Comedy. . 7-Viola Dana in "Flower of No Tan's Land"and Drew Comedy. t.5-Virgina sPearson ina'The Vital uestion," "Trip Around the World," nd Charlie Chaplin in "The Floor- alker" (Ret.) i5c. Children's matinee :30; "Jess of the Monatain Country," Irpheum Theatre e House of Famous lays by Famous Players urs. Fri. 6-7-Valentine Gr...…

July 06, 1916 (vol. 7, iss. 4) • Page Image 3

…THE WOLVERINE . ou Pr pared? Do yoaz believe in preparedness for issummer weather? Why nao drop in and l'et uzs make y i s;,tr*hat will give the fxzll- i :t co.ort for these sweltering d haya? A ligho, airy fabric, neatly tailored to eraphasiz yosur beast lines and create dress s aefactloa. to LY ND N',719N. University Av FOR Eastman Kodaks Eastman Film Guaranteed Amateur Finishing Enlargements from your Negatibes a Specialty I have led whil...…

July 06, 1916 (vol. 7, iss. 4) • Page Image 4

…THE WOLVERINE r F ..Develops films and plates (he devel- oped his first film twenty-three years ago. 2. Makes prints-any kind you want. 3. Makes enlargements-all sixes. " 4. Takes pictures to order, indoors or 71 3 -out, anywhere, any time, any size. 5. Has for sale the most artistic views E t us in and around Ann Arbor ever made. Eas T-v" Drop in andlook them over. Suffffer coo Bok And Supplies SHEEHAN" S Students' Bookstore NEW MANAGEMENT...…

July 06, 1918 (vol. 9, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…IES A WEEK L THE ONLY OFFICIAL U ~ k d u ' r i z wSUMMER NEWSPAPER ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 6, 1918 PRICE THREE CENTS i LYIN FAIL OBE EMEN Al CAPS us Dealt With in Letter Received Pres. Harry B ILHutchins from War Department [ERATES QUALITIES NEEDED y men fail to get commissions re candidates at officers' train- amps, is the subject of the fol- letter received from the office adjutant general of the War tment by President Har...…

July 06, 1918 (vol. 9, iss. 5) • Page Image 2

…THE WOLVERINE riillilistfiill 1111t11ilillttlith l I WuerthTheater Afteroon-a:3a and 4:00 Evening-:oo, 8:00 and 10:o Phoe-aho-J PROGRAM FO JULY Sat-f--Lla Hall io "A Mother's Secret."Also News and Comedy' ' "H Por Yearsain Germany," in 10 Parts. Taous XWed-q-ss--Am Penigon i ushine an." Also "Eagle ye ," Sun-Mon -14-15-William S. Hart in 'Te iger Ma.' AloSonnet Coedy, "'itchen Lady" Tues-Wed-16-7-Henry B. Walthall in "His Robe of Honor" in 7 ...…

July 06, 1918 (vol. 9, iss. 5) • Page Image 3

…W[AN[BUILDING IN MICHICAN BAHNDS ly Serg. C. Philip Emery.) r Fishleigh, Captain Stoner, nant Turner, and Sergeant ,-all Michigan men,-are 10- at the office of the Surgeon I, Washington. This office di- Al motor ambulance work, de- procurement, production, in- n, testing and delivery. It is d of responsibility only when ished product, the motor ambu- is delivered to the ambulance ny, either in this country or as. American Supply Depot is ined ...…

July 06, 1918 (vol. 9, iss. 5) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE WOLVERINE THE DETACHMENT NEW S INKO GLEE CLUB SIGNS FIFTEEN WARBLERS JENI DYFATIJEII BIJHKE Fifteen membersrof the detachment ______tried out for the first practice of the Committee Will Open Plaem Officially detachment glee club, which is being About the Middle of . organized and conducted by Mr. Krieg- Next Week er, Company C. The men displayed a__great enthusiasm, despite the fact that the first try-out had to be conducted Lo...…

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